Who's getting fired???

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
Feast or Fired Battle Royal
15 TNA Superstars will compete in a battle royal with four briefcases in each corner. Three of the briefcases will contain title shots for the TNA World, Tag Team and X-Division titles. The other briefcase will hold a pink slip saying "you're fired."

Someones gonna have to get that case that says there fired, who is gonna get fired??

Also i think this is a great match! its not as pointless as reverse battle royals or king of the mountain. Its about right, either way 3 big matches and a roster spot are gonna come out the match.

Fired?? I think it may be someone that is gonna go on a japanese tour soon or someone that is working without a contract. EG bring back fatu for one night and give him the boot, or take someone like Ron Killings who is rumoured to be going to AAA anyway...

Dunno...Any thoughts?

We could just hope someone is really gonna get fired like Lance hoyt or Both of VKM or Dustin Rhodes or Rellik....boo
Someones gonna have to get that case that says there fired, who is gonna get fired??

Also i think this is a great match! its not as pointless as reverse battle royals or king of the mountain. Its about right, either way 3 big matches and a roster spot are gonna come out the match.

Fired?? I think it may be someone that is gonna go on a japanese tour soon or someone that is working without a contract. EG bring back fatu for one night and give him the boot, or take someone like Ron Killings who is rumoured to be going to AAA anyway...

Dunno...Any thoughts?

We could just hope someone is really gonna get fired like Lance hoyt or Both of VKM or Dustin Rhodes or Rellik....boo

When is this match going to happen?! If its on the up-coming addition of iMPACT!, I can completely see Tomko being the one that gets fired, simply because he recently got seriously injured & will be out of action for a while I believe.

If not, then it could be between Abyss, (winning a World title shot) Black Reign, (winning an X-Division title shot?) Rhino, (winning a Tag Team title shot) & Rellik getting fired.

I think Rellik was only brought in to waste time until the return of Judas, anyways. So I could see him getting canned.. And this is a way to allow the four to interact before their p.p.v. match, except for the whole someone's getting canned thing. So yeah, I have no clue.
Im liking the idea of this match kinda reminds me of TNAs version of Money in the Bank. I hope they dont half ass it though. It all depends on who is in the match once we know then it be easier to geuss but for the moment i would person going to get fired would Rellik. If not they will fire someone who will go away for ages or start whole promo campaign to get them back in the company. I hope this is a good match!
Maybe it's going to be one of the unhappy X-Divsion songs that have been written about?? I really hope its not though. I really think it may be Ron Killings since he hasnt done anything since Team Pacman and he wants to go to AAA....what about Pacman himself maybe he'll come back for a final match(i hope not)???
Anyone forgetting Eric Young. His t-shirt says it all. It all points to him getting the 'your fired' briefcase and then trying to get his job back. (Have we seen this before?)

It doesn't really matter who gets the world title shot as they'll probably waste it like Kaz did against Angle. Also, for the X divison title shot I can see Bubba or Devon getting it to face Lethal. For the tag title shot I'll go for Cage so he can take on Styles & Tomko.

BTW, for the person who asked it is taking place at Turning point.
I dont think it will be Ron Killings as TNA are looking to put him in a tag team with Creed arent they? Eric Young i really hope not! I think it all depends on whos in the match. I hope someone good gets a title shot and actually wins like and undercard wrestler because that would be awesome but i doubt TNA will do that :(
If we look at this objectivley, below is a list of people not already booked in match for turning point/injured or rumoured to be in a match (booker and Christian) we are left with....21 people. Judas mesias/matt morgan and consequences creed are also possibliltys but at this time there is no indication of them coming back to the ring at turning point.

The People in bold in my opinion are the only ones that would be considered for a world title shot at this time. ( not who i think should get a shot, but the people TNA would probably put in that kind of match).

As far as getting fired...it i have added reasons below.

Christopher Daniels
Sonjay Dutt
Chris Harris
Lance Hoyt
B.G. James
Kip James
Ron Killings (Because his future with the company is shakey and it may be an easy way to rid of him storyline wise.
Jimmy Rave
Robert Roode
Shark Boy
Elix Skipper
Rick Steiner (Because his role in the company has pretty much come to a close, he had the dream match, now its over)
Scott Steiner
James Storm
Petey Williams
Eric Young (Because, he doesnt want to be fired...itll be funny)
Most of the wrestlers on that list have been with TNA for a while & it would be shocking to me if TNA fired almost anyone on it. Sting is my guess as to who will be fired tomorrow.
I'm going with Scott Steiner, with that little push he received on Impact I can't really see him getting the world title shot so i can assume him getting fired based on that because why push a guy in one of these matches? it makes non sense although i would prefer it be Dustin Rhodes..plus has anyone Scotty told him he's face?
I would liek to say that I can see someone like Sharboy or Petey William getting fired, but I can see this as a gimmick to repackage someone and reintroduce them. If they do fire someone for sure, then I would have to bet my money on ELix Skipper. The man is nowhere near the mass that he had when he was a talent in TNA and looks old and sickly. He's only holding back Triple X and taking up a spot and push that could go to someone else.
I would liek to say that I can see someone like Sharboy or Petey William getting fired, but I can see this as a gimmick to repackage someone and reintroduce them. If they do fire someone for sure, then I would have to bet my money on ELix Skipper. The man is nowhere near the mass that he had when he was a talent in TNA and looks old and sickly. He's only holding back Triple X and taking up a spot and push that could go to someone else.

Woah, i really like elix skipper. Granted he will never be more than a tag partner or a lower card guy but i think he is very strong in the ring....poor on the mic...unfortunate voice, but i hope its not him. If you could replace elix with someone in xxx who would it be? i would make an attempt to hire someone like Jack evans or Matt cross from ROH for it.
Ok so after the fall out of the PPV 4 people have cases and thursday we will find out who is fired...if anyone missed the PPV

well Scott steiner, bg james, senshi and petey williams all ended up with cases.

Now i can see two names on that list i would love to be fired (Bg, Scott) and two i really wouldnt want to be fired.

Who does everyone reckon is gonna be fired? Because 3 of them people are in tag teams so could possibly have tag shot's any one of them could be in an x division title match, IMO Senshi and scott could carry a world title match...

Dont know what to think...hmmm....
Unfortunatly I can't honestly see anyone asside from Scott being given the World Champtionship match, which means a not very good title match in upcoming weeks.

BG and Kip are quite possibly on there way out. They've been being little more than valets for a while now, and BG in particular has hardly wrestled in months. Kip at least is apparently very close to Jarret back stage, so it's quite possible the team are going to bow out and work backstage.

Conversly, Williams seems to have been on uncertain footing with the comperny for some time, with nothing being put forward for him in terms of fueds, so he could also be heading out.

Tripple X seem to have slipped off the map in recent weeks, and asside from one rather sub par promo from Danials we havn't seen much of them, so I'd be very supprised to see Senshi come out with anything but the tag title shot, which they will most likly win.
I think maybe Senshi could be given the title shot, he could easily carry the match and it would only have to be an impact match, like the Kaz vs angle match a few weeks ago. I really hope bg and kip get fired and actually just leave! they irritate the hell out of me, i can put up with scott every now and then.

The good thing about scott steiner is, he seems to know he is a little slow nowadays and is seemingly just taking a back seat to things.
Whilst I don't doubt that Senshi has the ability to produce a fine title match (more so than any of the other four at any rate), I just can't see TNA deciding to give him that kind of push.

For a start, giving Senshi anything other than the tag title shot prevents them from effectivly getting Tripple X back into the limelight, and the recent Daniels promo on Impact shows us that they have more planne dfor the faction.
Secondly, TNA have given Senshi very little air time recently, no back stage mic time and allthought he's popular with the crown, he's not magnificantly over (In comparison to say Danials, who can be kept off our screens for months, and then come back to main event level with no one raising an eye). Thats not the time a promotion is going to pick to give someone a major push, especially with the tallent congestion in TNA right now.
From a personal stand point I would want Scott Steiner or BG James to be fired, but Scott probably won't be as the only two people who would have realistically been given a World Title shot in this match were Steiner and Chris Harris. So I automatically gave Scott the World title shot and this is what I came up with

X-Division Shot: Two possibilities here with Senshi and Petey Williams. I doubt it will be Senshi to receive the X-Division shot, if it was Daniels then I could say so but its not so Petey Williams gets the X-Division title shot

Tag Team Shot: Again two possibilities here with Senshi and BG being in tag teams already. Since Triple X had the promo a few weeks ago and VKM has been valet's for Roxxi I say Triple X vs Styles and Tomko.

YOU'RE FIIIRED: This one by process of elimination goes to BG James. I can't see Senshi getting fired unless they're bringing in a new member for Triple X and the way BG got his case was would be funny if he did get fired.
I really hope it is James. I think out of the 4 he is the most expandable. I would be very upset if either Senshi or Petey is fired. Both are great talents and can still help the company grow and Steiner & James are pretty wash up. IMO I believe that Senshi or Petey will be gone just because their was lot of reports that many X-Divsion stars want out.
Well looks like Senshi is getting the pink slip case he has just quit TNA this a real shame for the TNA and us fans he was really moving up to that mainevent staus and was a fan favriot
Okies i know this is not entirely relevant to the thread but i thought i say it here as it is revelant indirectly and dont think it was worth of a new thread! But obviously coming out of that match now who do you think has what case? I mean we have Scott Steiner, Senshi, BG James and Petey Williams.
I dont know who has what case at the time but i rekon Scott Stiener will some how end up with the Title Shot because i think Rick is done. So is it time for Big Poppa Pump to come back in main event scene?
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