Whoever decided the change of entrance themes is/are idiots.


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Anyone else agree? R-Truth had a good thing going with his What's Up theme. And even on Old School Raw, they still used his What's Up theme backstage when he was walking to the ring. I mean, what's the point?? His new theme has got to be the worst one right now. And what about MVP? I'm Comin' fit his gimmick entirely ,carried over when he was heel. Heck, it even sounds like him singing it. And it's not a theme when you just repeat two words over and over again.

All and all, my basic point is this: If you are going to change an entrance, at least make it good.
You can be sure it's mostly about cranking out some new material for the yearly soundtrack album. So far you have Ted D., Cody Rhodes, R-Truth, MVP, both the Nexus songs (Wild and Young and We Walk Alone), Nexus Divas song, and Alberto del Rio for notable uses of new music since the last album came out; that only gets them about halfway to enough tracks as it is. I'm not disagreeing with you that both Truth and MVP's new themes suck, but I can see the corporate logic behind it, and I actually dig both Ted and Cody's current themes.

As it stands, you can't change music for most of the main eventers: Cena, Orton, Kane, Taker, Mysterio, Edge, Show, etc. all have songs that are too ubiquitous to change at the moment. Miz just got new music last year. It ultimately has to be random midcarders that get their music changed just so they can have enough new material in a given year.
yea i understand that about the yearly c.d but look at HBK when he was a singles wrestler he idnt need to change his music to get fans or anything like that because his in-ring abilities did that all on his own
yea i understand that about the yearly c.d but look at HBK when he was a singles wrestler he idnt need to change his music to get fans or anything like that because his in-ring abilities did that all on his own

Riiight...like the second post said, it can't be Main Eventers that change their music so it has to be random midcarders. HBK was a Main Eventer.

It's not like all the new entrance musics suck, though. Some are great.
You Guys Are Crazy, MVPs old theme was TERRIBLE. I think his new one is one of the best out right now. But Truths theme, yeah that's probably the worst.
Yeah I have to agree that R-Truth's new music stinks along with that ridiculous *dance?* thing...it looks like a bad Mad TV skit. I'm up for a change of John Cena's music & the We Walk Alone theme for Nexus is played & doesn't make any sense...a group of men walk alone? it's an oxy-moron like the Lone Rangers from Airheads. Anyhow, I digress. Anyone else miss K-Kwik? lol
Everything about R-Truth is a hot pile of shit, but thats for another thread. His new music with him and Eve dancing like epileptics is crap. His old song was slightly less ******ed, but still a long way from being remotely enjoyable. I'm biased though, every time he comes to the ring, I fast forward until he's gone. If he main evented Wrestlemania and put on the best match in the history of wrestling, I would still rather get syphilis and die than watch it.
R-Truth's new song is horrid. But his old one has been getting REALLY old. He's been using that since TNA, hasn't he? And since he always sings it, his entrance takes like 5 minutes. I like him in the ring, and his promos aren't bad, but I wish he'd stop singing! I think some of them change because they are trying to change the character a bit, but yeah, the soundtrack album has to be a good-sized influence too. I can't remember the last time a new theme really stuck with me...
First off, Nexus' theme song is "We Are One" by 12 Stones... it was used by the US Army before to symbolize unity in a group of men that are so close they act as one. Nexus is the same thing in that term. Their song actually fits, especially when you get it right.

As for R-Truth's, I honestly feel his newer one is better... then again anything can be better than that piece of shit song he had last time. Plus, Cena did the same thing when he went from Basic Thuganomics to My Time is Now... Why can't R-Truth?

Ted's theme fits him (lyrically) but could be better. Cody's is very amazing and in the future, who ever gets theirs changed, will be well worth it. Plus, the music in WWE is supposed to describe the character and their theme songs for their wrestlers do that... so I don't see the big fuss.
You Guys Are Crazy, MVPs old theme was TERRIBLE. I think his new one is one of the best out right now. But Truths theme, yeah that's probably the worst.

Glad i'm not the only one to think that. He was just so bland to. Now he has his old Atire and better theme song. If you asked me i'd think he's getting a push.
Agreed, most of them suck now. I liked MVP'S old music entrance because the song was catchy. I don't really care for lyrics. R-Truth's is a disaster. I have not really liked the Miz's themes, any of them. Cody Rhode,s sucks altogether. I haven't heard DB's theme song here. I haven't watched it lately, but does he still come out to that Star Wars crap?
Anyone else agree? R-Truth had a good thing going with his What's Up theme. And even on Old School Raw, they still used his What's Up theme backstage when he was walking to the ring. I mean, what's the point?? His new theme has got to be the worst one right now. And what about MVP? I'm Comin' fit his gimmick entirely ,carried over when he was heel. Heck, it even sounds like him singing it. And it's not a theme when you just repeat two words over and over again.

All and all, my basic point is this: If you are going to change an entrance, at least make it good.

I am brand new and this is my first post. With that being said, R Truth's "What's Up" did not work for him. Perhaps the worst lyrics I have ever seen and he can't rap. He has the worst finisher I have ever seen and talks like he is reading from a Dr. Suess book and can't pronounce any of the words. I know this really isn't in theme with this thread, but I seriously hate him, no theme ever fits him, and every time he has a match now, I just change the channel.
The top two songs have to be Miz's and Edge. Listen to both of this everyday.

But anyway yeah, Truths whats up was way better then the one he has now. Cant understand a word he says. And never heard MVPs new one to judge it.

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