Who would you want to join to TNA?

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Championship Contender
I would like some people that have been underused in the WWE (not rejected as WWE marks say) to join TNA with wrestling ability. Chris Beniot, Kurt Angle, RVD, Ric Flair, Matt Hardy, CM Punk and Shannon Moore would be some people I want to go to TNA. Also I would want Goldberg and Brock Lesner to join TNA in the near future cause Goldberg is not getting any younger
I'd like Golderg and Brock Lesnar but most of all edge..I know Brock Cant due to Legal issues and Goldberg is demanding lots of cash but Edge would be perfect..He has cool moves and can have gret feuds..OoO also Rey Mysterio.He will be perfect for X division...
ShaneRamlall said:
I'd like Golderg and Brock Lesnar but most of all edge..I know Brock Cant due to Legal issues and Goldberg is demanding lots of cash but Edge would be perfect..He has cool moves and can have gret feuds..OoO also Rey Mysterio.He will be perfect for X division...

Yeah Rey would be awsome for the X-Divison and so would RVD. That would be an awsome fued
Shelton Benjamin, Johnny Nitro, Carlito, and CM Punk. Those 3 are the closest thing WWE has to an X division. And I've only seen CM Punk wrestle once, but from what I hear he would probably be WAY betterof in the X division.
r u kidding me thats sooooo easy a former ecw champ and would be future x division champ justin credible could get a new gig instead of being a freakin jobber
The problem is, just because somebody is being misused by the WWE doesn’t mean he is going to be used right by TNA, considering how many people complain about how Jeff Jarrett is holding people down. Even though some may benefit from a change of scenery, the grass may not always be greener on the other side.
I want Ric Flair for sure. I'd like to see Sting v. Flair, just one more time. WOOO! Also, I would take Armando Alejandro Estrada (despite the fact that he manages the most boring wrestler ever, he himself is hilarious and can get people interested in any match...unless it involves Umaga). Other than that, I can't really say that there's anyone I would want to see on TNA at this point. I mean, of course I would like to see Kurt Angle or some great wrestler that is at his caliber, but I was trying to be a little realistic with my picks. Oh. I would also like to see Matt Hardy in TNA. He should be fighting in main event type matches (especially on WCW Thunder (cough) I mean, Smackdown).
peopleschamp said:
The problem is, just because somebody is being misused by the WWE doesn’t mean he is going to be used right by TNA, considering how many people complain about how Jeff Jarrett is holding people down. Even though some may benefit from a change of scenery, the grass may not always be greener on the other side.

I totally Agree, I could of not put it better myself.
all this talk about edge and angle and people of that nature thats fine but lets be honest it isnt going to happen any time soon!! TNA does not need new talent they need a longer show to be able to use the loads of younger talent they already have!! to be honest with you i dont think there is a wrestler out there that could do anything for TNA that a good two hour show case of their talent couldnt do! thats just my opion,you dont have to like it but you do have to live with it.
Matt Hardy to bring back the Hardy Boyz, but it seems its going to happen on WWE instead. Brock would be great to battle other big guys. Believe it or not I would like to see Gregory Helms.
For the world title id bring in edge, hes got pottential to make great feuds and things,

For X defenately Rob Van Dam And Rey mysterio, both hi flyers and excelent for the x divisoion

For tag team, Hardy boys, high flyers and crazy cool haha, there perfect
I would have to say Rey and RVD. Those two put on an amazing match at the WWE vs ECW show, and I would LOVE to see them in an X-Division match up, being able to use their entire movesets. Plus, we could see some damn good matches, including a Jerry Lynn vs RVD rematch, and my all time dream match, Styles vs Mysterio
Honestly TNA needs a taste of the 80's! Guys like Lugar, Warrior should join for a few months and have small fueds JUST for the sake of having TNA legends! Dont get me wrong having Sting there is the best thing BUT Sting-JJ feud is getting old even though I love them both! Sting should put the old makup on! after he wins the title!! Nash needs to have a bigger push, and win the x-d title and then fight guys like Rhino, Raven, Abyss
I think TNA Needs more Entertaining people. I think They Need Goldberg, but He isn't going to join....Is that a spoiler? LOL
I'd definatley like to see Bryan Danielson join the TNA roster, of course he'd make an excellent edition to the X-Division.
No old timers need to join the Tna................They need young blood and some more High classs WWE names, Boy if they could ever get there hands on Chris Jericho and guys like a RVD that place would take off. But alas not in the near future they should look at getting some more ROH wrestlers, Austin Aries is a good start and they shouldnt have changed his name imo
gamehead said:
I would like some people that have been underused in the WWE (not rejected as WWE marks say) to join TNA with wrestling ability. Chris Beniot, Kurt Angle, RVD, Ric Flair, Matt Hardy, CM Punk and Shannon Moore would be some people I want to go to TNA. Also I would want Goldberg and Brock Lesner to join TNA in the near future cause Goldberg is not getting any younger

- Kurt Angle is not being unberused, he had good run back in January - April and the only reason he's been held back is because of injury.

- I agree with Hardy, Matt could do so much in TNA maybe even gain the gold.

- Benoit, no it would be like how there using Sting. A wrestler past his time, if TNA wants WWE talent I would would head towards the superstars that have a few more years in them.

- Flair, you serious? The guy so rich and so old he could probally buy the company.

- Moore did tryout for TNA, but was turned down by management thus why he came back to WWE.

- CM Punk would be great in TNA and WWE.

- Matt Striker would be an awsome in TNA being able to use some of the "high risk" moves hes not allowed to use in WWE.
Bret Hart said:
i think they should try and get
Randy Savage

Been there done that for ONE month for ONE REAL match turning point 2004 Randy Savage, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy Vs. Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash AKA The Kings of Wrestling
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