Who would you team with Taker/Kane against the Wyatts


Occasional Pre-Show
Just like the Title says. Everyone is figuring that this will be a traditional 4 on 4 survivor match.

There's two ways of thinking for me. Do you bring someone up from NXT? Or do you bring back part-timers to have a Legends/vs Youth Movement type of match with excellent story telling?

Part of me was thinking have Brock Lesnar come back to help out his old rival and being aggravated that after the beating he gave to Taker that the Wyatt's would take credit for his work and could lead to a Bray Wyatt/Brock Lesnar program, which would be new and two Big Men that can just go. Would you think another direction add the Rock as the 4th member with Brock, where it could possibly setup Brock leaving the team by brawling with the Rock, setting up a Mania match of Rock and Brock? (I'm sure Rock and HHH will go at it for Mania 32, but just a storyline option.) If not the Rock as number 4 with Brock who would you go with at number 4? Maybe Randy Orton? (If he's healthy to do so) So many angles that could be made.

Would you have the Uso's come in and partner with Taker/Kane to start a feud with a Wyatt Tag Team, since the storyline has Wyatt's taking an Uso out?

This match has me intrigued because of who could be partnered with them and bring new feuds for the Wyatts

So what would you like to see in this match?
I don't know who they have in mind, but I would love it if it were to be a 5-on-5 Elimination Tag Team match, and joining the Brothers of Destruction are Big Show, Chris Jericho, and The Rock!!

To battle the Wyatt's , Undertaker and Kane need a couple of scary dudes to team up with. Like Vampiro and The Boogeyman. Whoever it is, Undertaker is going to be the sole survivor. It's basically a PPV honoring The Undertaker, so you know he doesn't want two losses in a row. Unless they want to set up Stroman vs Taker down the road or something.
I have been trying to book the altercation that gives away the team members all morning (being in Australia).

If Sting is fit I would choose him, but a 4th team member who is dark or mysterious fails to enter my head. Maybe someone with a mask but even that is less likely considering most will give 70-100 pounds on guys like Strowman, Rowan and Harper. Boogeyman would fit character wise but no one cares about him. Most newer viewers wouldn't know Vampiro

I would love it to be someone like Brock and The Rock. The Rock and Wyatt would have a good dynamic promo wise. But if it's Rock with Taker and Kane who else could take that last spot that makes sense? I'd like the last spot to be a big return (haven't seen for years, like Angle) or a big name that isn't Cena.
I'd say Taker, Kane, Sting, JBL, & Ziggler vs. The Wyatt Family (Bray, Luke, Erik, Braun, and Baron Corbin)

I'd have it as a 5-on-5 elimination with as much time as they need. A good main-event style 35-45 minute match.

We'll see where Sting's injury recovery is or how bad it was in the first place for him just to work a minimum amount in this match. If he can't work it then maybe add in an exciting younger guy the crowd loves, Cesaro possibly. JBL because of his ties to the Ministry of Darkness, he could be the first elimination. And Ziggler just because I feel like we need a young guy in there to get the rub from Taker and take most of the bumps in the match.
On the Wyatts side I'd include NXT's Baron Corbin just because I always envisioned him as a new Wyatt family member, Bray's younger brother, or bodyguard, or something like that. Either that or be mentored by Undertaker. Still not sure if he's good enough or worth that rub yet.

The last survivor's should be Taker and Sting with Taker getting the pinfall victory. After that all the guys in the back come out and give Taker a standing ovation, then pyro. Maybe tease Taker's Wrestlemania match here a little.

If it's 4-on-4, then maybe Taker, Kane, Sting (JBL if Sting's too injured), and Baron Corbin vs. The Wyatt Family. Anyone else think Corbin could play a role here?? He's a big guy who has the look to join this whole Wyatt/Taker thing somehow.

Oh oh add Daniel Bryan to Taker's team by surprise if he's in fact not injured anymore.
Before Monday, I was thinking it could be the Wyatts and Rollins vs. Undertaker, Kane, Reigns, Ambrose, and Lesnar. Now, with Reigns and Rollins in their own match, I don't know who would I put in to round out the fifth member of the Wyatts (of course, there doesn't have to be 5 on 5, but it would be nice to stick with a traditional 5 on 5).

As of now, I would still keep Taker, Kane, Ambrose, and Lesnar. What I would do is keep Lesnar out of the picture, and then, during a beatdown of the Undertaker on the final raw before Survivor Series, have Lesnar run in for the save, and then have him round out the team and join Taker and co.
Tough call. I'd say some odd bedfellows may work best in this scenario, adding some drama to team Takers ranks. The two (yes two) added to this four on four need not have history with Undertaker or Kane, but that would be nice.

Most likely we see some combination of Ambrose, Randy Orton, Big Show, or Chris Jericho. All of them have some recent history with the Wyatts or Kane and the Undertaker. My votes would go to Ambrose and Jericho to continue what was started with Ambrose at NOC.

Those are all fairly safe bets that I predict WWE to stick to. Some unsafe risky bets might include a big debut at Survivor Series, a sort of passing of the torch. In no way do I think Baron Corbin is ready for the main roster, or to be a babyface for that matter, but you have to admit there's some logic and parallel storytelling to be had here.

I think Corbin would be booked as unwilling participant, but where's the logic? Why does a young inexperienced lone wolf from NXT decide to come help the Deadman and his brother? I don't think it would be good for Corbin to be made kayfabe son of Taker or Kane, or son of Paul Bearer (therefore brother of Kane) as I've seen others suggest in multiple threads. That might hurt him short term rather than get him over, it may be rejected by fans.

What about the Dudley Boys? They have history with the Brothers and a ready made feud with the Wyatts over Harper and Rowan using the 3D. I'd rather save that feud for later, but it could start here.

The other elephant in the room could be that no one steps up. Taker and Kane may have to take on the whole family themselves, but I doubt that sincerely. Let's not forget Sting is hurt. Boogeyman isn't coming back, JBL is retired, and Vampiro will never work in a WWE ring, on top of most of today's audience not having a clue who he is.

I'd say the top candidates are Ambrose, Jericho, and Orton. Personally, I'd rather see something insane like Samoa Joe and Corbin stepping up, but WWE will likely play their usual hand of safety.
Before Monday, I was thinking it could be the Wyatts and Rollins vs. Undertaker, Kane, Reigns, Ambrose, and Lesnar. Now, with Reigns and Rollins in their own match, I don't know who would I put in to round out the fifth member of the Wyatts (of course, there doesn't have to be 5 on 5, but it would be nice to stick with a traditional 5 on 5).

As of now, I would still keep Taker, Kane, Ambrose, and Lesnar. What I would do is keep Lesnar out of the picture, and then, during a beatdown of the Undertaker on the final raw before Survivor Series, have Lesnar run in for the save, and then have him round out the team and join Taker and co.

Brock won't be involved. Period. A) He has probably already maxed out his appearances for the year. So they wouldn't add him unless they were REALLY desperate for big name talent at the show. B)They would never have Brock be a side act to what would be a showcase of the Undertaker. Brock in that minor a role wouldn't make sense, based off of how much he gets paid and how infrequently he appears.

Ambrose isn't that bad of a choice. It makes sense seeing as he and Reigns had been feuding with the Wyatts. BUT, Taker fought Ambrose in his last match ever on Smackdown after WM29. After the match, The Shield beat up Taker BADDD. So I don't think Taker should suddenly be "cool" with Ambrose when there wasn't any resolution after that happen. Therefore I wouldn't add Ambrose. Perhaps Ziggler, Cesaro, or even Daniel Bryan instead.

Those are all fairly safe bets that I predict WWE to stick to. Some unsafe risky bets might include a big debut at Survivor Series, a sort of passing of the torch. In no way do I think Baron Corbin is ready for the main roster, or to be a babyface for that matter, but you have to admit there's some logic and parallel storytelling to be had here.

I think Corbin would be booked as unwilling participant, but where's the logic? Why does a young inexperienced lone wolf from NXT decide to come help the Deadman and his brother? I don't think it would be good for Corbin to be made kayfabe son of Taker or Kane, or son of Paul Bearer (therefore brother of Kane) as I've seen others suggest in multiple threads. That might hurt him short term rather than get him over, it may be rejected by fans.

A kayfabe booking of Corbin as Paul Bearer's son would be silly in 2015. No one buys that these days. Fans especially don't like it when someone is being forced down their throats. Taker could simply state he found another 'badass' to join him for one night only in Corbin. Making Corbin a surprise. I think there would be enough people in the crowd who know who he is to make for a nice pop. Still not sure if he's ready yet though. But he's been in development for three years already so he should be just about ready enough soon.
Given that Ryback was carried out this past Thursday, he'll almost certainly be on the team. It looks as though they're going with guys who have history with the Family and I think it's logical.

Of Taker, Kane & Ryback, Taker is the only one that's ultimately come out ahead of a feud with Wyatt, though this was after the break up of the Family. Kane was the first guy that the Family targeted and the first guy Wyatt defeated, Wyatt had a feud with Ryback early this year, or late last year, in which he came out on top. If they're going for guys who have a history with the Family, Dean Ambrose is a logical choice, Daniel Bryan would make a great surprise addition to the group if he popped up at Survivor Series itself or was announced as the final team member on the go home Raw before Survivor Series. Although, Kane was written as the reason Bryan was injured for the second half of 2014, so pairing them together is one of those moments where it defies logic, but people are so caught up in the moment of Bryan being back that some simply won't care about that.

The Usos would be another interesting choice, they have a history with the Family and they had some classic tag team matches last year against Harper & Rowan, including some at a few ppvs that completely stole the show. Various reports suggest that the Usos are expected to be pushed as the top babyface tag team upon their return, so having them return at Survivor Series and deliver a strong showing in a strong match could be a good way to go.

Lesnar won't be part of it, doesn't make any sense for him to be part of it really. Lesnar's schtick is that he's this badass loner who cares for nothing or nobody; it's been his bread & butter since he returned and I see no reason to alter that.

At any rate, I think Taker's team needs to be a mix of veterans and younger guys rather than some fantasy booking scenario involving bringing back Attitude Era guys to take on the Wyatt Family. Personally, I don't understand why some fans wanna turn the bigger matches at the big four ppvs into this nostalgia fest when the roster is full of perfectly good, fresh, able talent just waiting to be used.
I guess if they are healthy it's going to be Sting and Daniel Bryan, but I'm afraid it could be Big Show and Ryback or something lame like that...

Instead of that, I would have liked a heel Taker to join the Wyatts and work for/with Bray. They woud be unbeatable until mania where Bray could face Lesnar. It would be another way to see the continuation of the Taker/Lesnar storyline and it would push Bray to main event status as the new face of fear, what he should be in my opinion. Have him dominate for a couple of months with Taker passing the torch.
I'm not yet convinced that Undertaker and Kane won't be on the same side as the Wyatts in some sort of convoluted new Ministry of Darkness type scenario. I could easily see it being the Brothers of Destruction and the Family together against (insert five faces here) with Bray calling the shots from outside the ring - the lantern in one hand and Paul Bearer's urn in the other.
I don't think this will go to 5 on 5, as there really isn't anyone (aside from a Bo Dallas gimmick change) who fits with the Wyatts. So, 4 on 4 it is.

We know the Wyatt side. That's done. Taker, Kane, and from what I've read, Ryback, are the first three on the babyface side. Originally, I figured it would be Reigns and Ambrose to complete the foursome, but with Roman in the title picture, I think Ambrose might be kept free to get involved there. Me thinks perhaps a returning Randy Orton could be the guy to step up. If I'm wrong, I'd put Ambrose as my second pick, but everyone else seems to have something going on.

So, yeah, Orton, and if not, Ambrose.
Four names I can think of.

1)Sting-He is a dark character, and would fit in well in a match with the Undertaker and Bray Wyatt. It could also be the first sign of a build of a Undertaker-Sting, program leading up to Wrestlemania 32 (some WM feuds have started as early as the previous year's Survivor Series before).

2)Dean Ambrose- He is crazy and unstable enough to join in this match, and has had issues with the Wyatts before.

3) I also like the idea of Finn Balor being in the match, as his demon persona would fit right in, and it could be the way they elevate him to the main roster.

4) Or as an absolute shock, Brock Lesnar!

Maybe have it that Brock gained respect for Taker doing their feud. Or Heyman and Lesnar brag about beating Taker at HIAC, and then the Wyatts beat down Lesnar, and carry him off as well.

If Brock joined Taker's team, suddenly the s---- has got real!
Just like the Title says. Everyone is figuring that this will be a traditional 4 on 4 survivor match.

There's two ways of thinking for me. Do you bring someone up from NXT? Or do you bring back part-timers to have a Legends/vs Youth Movement type of match with excellent story telling?

Part of me was thinking have Brock Lesnar come back to help out his old rival and being aggravated that after the beating he gave to Taker that the Wyatt's would take credit for his work and could lead to a Bray Wyatt/Brock Lesnar program, which would be new and two Big Men that can just go. Would you think another direction add the Rock as the 4th member with Brock, where it could possibly setup Brock leaving the team by brawling with the Rock, setting up a Mania match of Rock and Brock? (I'm sure Rock and HHH will go at it for Mania 32, but just a storyline option.) If not the Rock as number 4 with Brock who would you go with at number 4? Maybe Randy Orton? (If he's healthy to do so) So many angles that could be made.

Would you have the Uso's come in and partner with Taker/Kane to start a feud with a Wyatt Tag Team, since the storyline has Wyatt's taking an Uso out?

This match has me intrigued because of who could be partnered with them and bring new feuds for the Wyatts

So what would you like to see in this match?

Realistically we'll probably see Ryback and Ambrose as Undertaker and Kane's partners.

I would have loved to see The Dudley Boyz be their tag partners, especially since earlier this summer Rowan and Harper were doing the 3D and going at it on social media. Maybe this could lead up to a TLC match for the tag titles, Dudleyz, Wyatts, New Day and PTP.
Not likely at all of happening but my pick: The Ascension. This could be a great chance to help turn a promising young team that's going nowhere fast around, they could easily fit in with Taker/Kane(they're already using the same colors as Kane's as a bonus), they're great fodder to for early eliminations and it would look better and be more productive then using already established guys like Ryback/Show/Ambrose etc.

Again I know this has little to no chance of happening but just saying I would pick the two guys that when paired up with Taker/Kane would look more like a opposing stable vs the Wyatts compared to the mishmash of random names we're probably going to end up with.
Considering that all of the Wyatt's are built like brick shithouses, I would go with Taker, Kane, Big Show and Mark Henry. Strowman will have a tough time picking up Henry or Show, and in this case you have to go with size and strength.

Jericho is small and slowing down with age. Daniel Bryan would get killed in a battle with Strowman, and I can't see JBL dusting himself off and getting involved. Last time he was in the ring was the Rumble two years ago, and he was thrown over the ropes by Reigns in about 20 seconds.

Besides Taker and Kane have worked with Show and Henry for years and they all know each other well. The only I thing I wouldn't want to be is the ring that night. Jesus it's going to take a pounding with that lot in there.
While it would be fun to see a team consisting of Taker, Kane, Sting, and Lesnar there is just no way that happens. Too many big names in one match, nobody to take a fall, and high predictability are just some of the problems I can foresee in a scenario like this. While I would have gone with Sting if he were healthy, I don't think there is any chance WWE uses up a Brock Lesnar appearance for an elimination tag team match.

It seems like the third member will be Ryback after what happened on Smackdown, and I can see the fourth being Randy Orton. Wasn't he apparently injured by The Wyatt Family or something on Raw? I guess Ambrose is a possibility but that feud seems to have run its course and I'm sure they have somebody else in mind for him at the PPV. All in all I have no problems with Kane, Orton, and Ryback being Takers partners at SS. It makes a Wyatt win that much more possible, maybe even likely.

Would have been cool to see the BOD and the Dudley Boys team up. They would have been my choices by a mile.
If it's 4-on-4, then maybe Taker, Kane, Sting (JBL if Sting's too injured), and Baron Corbin vs. The Wyatt Family. Anyone else think Corbin could play a role here?? He's a big guy who has the look to join this whole Wyatt/Taker thing somehow.

Interestingly enough, Corbin was the first person to pop into my head, I'd personally quite like that, but he's still a bit green and I can't see him being put into the main event straight away. If it's anyone from NXT it'll be Finn Balor (as the demon). Although this is also unlikely in my opinion.

I think it'll be a 4v4 match, I can't see anyone joining up with the Wyatts.

For Undertaker's team I'd say JBL because of the Ministry connection and the anger he was showing at the end of Hell in a Cell. Big Show as they held the tag titles together twice. Kane for obvious reasons.
I guess this sounds kind of improbable, but I'd like to see three NXT guys on Undertaker's team....... a youth movement team led by the crafty old veteran.

Let Finn Balor, a returning Sami Zayn and........Kevin Owens(!) help 'Taker battle the Wyatts. Yes, Owens respects no one, but when forced to fight on the side of a true legend, KO buckles under and fights his ass off (which would benefit his physique as well as 'Taker's team ;)). No, I'm not talking about a face change for KO; this is one night only, as 'Taker keeps Owens in line during the match with a few baleful stares that deliver all the message KO needs.

Undertaker, of course, doesn't stand there beaming with pride at his 'boys' .....rather, he barely acknowledges them, yet indicates his satisfaction at their all-out effort as they get the shit beat out of them but still manage to hold the fort until 'Taker can bring the victory for his group. This scenario also has the advantage of letting the young guys do the heavy work while allowing 'Taker to not get beaten up too much.

I'd enjoy seeing this more than watching some older guys like Chris Jericho (who never had a connection with 'Taker, anyway) come in for one night.

It would also provide a nice highlight for the young guys, don't you think?
Brock Lesnar: I love the idea of Brock but with good storytelling it CAN work because it's WHATS BEST FOR BUSINESS. If Brock teams with Taker, it will be believed that its out of respect. The Authority paid Brock to be a hired gun and be apart of the match and to slow down the Wyatts because they see them as a threat to take over the WWE. Later it can set up a Wyatt/Brock program and/or Authority/Wyatt program.

Randy Orton: The Viper was taken out by Wyatts and have the respect of the Undertaker, as he came very close to breaking the streak as a youngster. Orton's character and history of success at Survivor Series is a ideal match.

Dean Ambrose: Been feuding with Wyatts since his Shield days and probably makes the most sense. He was left off Hell in a Cell and any other feud will probably feel rushed. Although, i can see him feuding with Kevin Owens or Del Rio for a shot at the title as they need faces to defend the title against

Big Show: Has history with Taker/Kane, has the size to even odds and needs something to do. Plus the Wyatts still have to look strong so a guy like Big Show jobbing to Strowman during the match to make him look stronger makes sense

Ryback: Has the history with Wyatts and strong enough to balance out the size of the Wyatts. After his loss against KO, i dont see him going over to feud with Del Rio just that fast without earning it

Daniel Bryan: you dont want the return to overshadow the story of Wyatts vs Taker and the 25th anniversary. Wait til Raw after Rumble

Usos: They dont seem important enough. If Usos start a feud with Wyatts, dont that give Reigns to reason to get back involved? Its not logical to say "the WWE title has me so focused that i can even help my cousins who are getting beat up by the same guys i was just going to war with. Let them feud with New Day upon return

Sting: IF healthy, have him cut a promo after SS saying the reason he helped is because he wanted to preserve Taker til WM then have him issue a challenge

Final Prediction: 4-on-4 Wyatts vs Taker, Kane, Ambrose, and Randy Orton (if Healthy) if not then Big Show
I would have it be the traditional 5 on 5 with the Wyatt Family adding another member Kane!!! The Demon Kane coming under the influence of Wyatt would really add to the storyline.

Then Undertaker team consists of himself, Ryback, Big Show, Ambrose, & Orton

The End comes down to Taker vs. Bray & Kane. Kane turns on Bray Wyatt and the brothers of destruction deliver the double choke slam to Bray Wyatt.
It should be Undertaker, Kane, Randy Orton and Sting vs. The Wyatt Family in a 4-on-4 Survivor Series Match. The Wyatts injured Randy Orton so it would make sense for him to return looking for payback. Sting of course fits the sort of dark mold that Undertaker, Kane and the Wyatts embody, so he's another natural fit. Plus, having Undertaker and Sting join forces against a common threat is a great way to set up a potential match between them.

Undertaker and Sting would obviously be the survivors, and after the match they would have a staredown setting the stage for WrestleMania 32. Undertaker made his WWE debut at Survivor Series 25 years ago. Last year at Survivor Series, Sting finally stepped foot in a WWE ring. Using Survivor Series as a platform to establish this match is absolutely perfect. It would be an unforgettable moment. Honestly, I think that the entire reason for having this feud between the Wyatts and the Undertaker is to lead to this moment. It's such a great set-up.
I don't think this will go to 5 on 5, as there really isn't anyone (aside from a Bo Dallas gimmick change) who fits with the Wyatts. So, 4 on 4 it is.

We know the Wyatt side. That's done. Taker, Kane, and from what I've read, Ryback, are the first three on the babyface side. Originally, I figured it would be Reigns and Ambrose to complete the foursome, but with Roman in the title picture, I think Ambrose might be kept free to get involved there. Me thinks perhaps a returning Randy Orton could be the guy to step up. If I'm wrong, I'd put Ambrose as my second pick, but everyone else seems to have something going on.

So, yeah, Orton, and if not, Ambrose.

I'm updating my thoughts because of the 11/2 episode of RAW.

Considering no Wyatt interaction took place besides the promo that referenced the Brothers of Destruction, it really will require some setup in the next couple of weeks to make Team Taker a thing. Logically, next week's RAW should provide some clues, as I can't see the Undertaker's anniversary match being thrown together on a go home show, and it won't likely be announced on Smackdown either.

The two other members are still up in the air. Ambrose looks more and more to be involved with the WWE Title match with Reigns and Rollins, so I doubt he'll be on this team. Orton also might be out for a while, as will Sting, so I don't see either of them making Survivor Series. Just about all the other faces have a program, or some sort of seeds of a program going on.

Cesaro has Stardust.
Ziggler has Breeze.
Swagger has Del Rio.
The Usos have the New Day.

This leaves the Dudleys, Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Jericho, Ryback, and Daniel Bryan, aside from an NXT call up that I don't foresee.

Lesnar would overshadow everyone else and it would be painfully obvious that the face team is going over, barring a huge Wyatt/Lesnar fallout. Jericho is a go-to filler guy, but I don't see it happening. Please dear Lord, not Big Show. Ryback is a filler guy on the everyday roster, so he could still be a solid option. And, finally, a Daniel Bryan return could be huge.

If I had to pick favorites, it would probably be either the Dudleys or some combo of Bryan/Jericho/Ryback.
i would want the other 3 to be-
Dean Ambrose
Chris Jericho
They all have history with Wyatt Family...
Chris Jericho can dump this team and get Ambrose eliminated and leave (like Big Show did last year) thus leading to Jericho-Ambrose feud....

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