Who would you prefer to be in charge? Vince or Triple H?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I guess if you have any other selections, be my guest and list those too. I often wonder what WWE would be like under Shane, but I'm not aware of how much of a role he played behind-the-scenes when he was with the company.

It's an interesting topic for me because both men seem to have differing good and bad qualities. Triple H is apparently in charge of nXt, which everyone thinks is better than the main roster show. His ideas, focusing more on wrestling than spectacle, resonate more positively with fans. Vince seems out-of-touch and whereas nXT gets universally acclaim, most of the main roster PPV's have disappointed everyone.

On the other hand, Vince seems like a more reasonable businessman. He doesn't appear to hold as many grudges, even stating he'd be willing to work with CM Punk despite the latter burying the company in the now infamous podcast. It seems like he has mended more burning bridges, leading to many cool returns.

Triple H seems...kind of petty- if not outright malicious- based on interviews. Whether you believe Punk or not, he portrayed Vince as being out-of-touch, whereas he painted Trips as an egotistical asshole- with strong implications that Triple H was the one responsible for Punks firing on his wedding day. We know that Triple H has had a history of burying people and even some of his friends- like Jericho- haven't always portrayed him in a positive light. I was under the impression that he blocked Angle's attempted return to the WWE (on a part time basis).

Vince seems to have some acknowledgement of talent and popularity, even if he doesn't personally like you. Triple H seems like the kind who will screw you over if he has an issue with you. But also, Triple H's show>>>>Vince's show. So what outweighs the other?
I guess if you have any other selections, be my guest and list those too. I often wonder what WWE would be like under Shane, but I'm not aware of how much of a role he played behind-the-scenes when he was with the company.

As far as I can remember he started out as a referee, and then moved into the Media department. He did appear from time to time on TV and wrestled but it was more of a novelty to actually being serious. He's been out of the company for awhile now, and while he's a successful businessman from what I read, the wrestling business has changed too much. Stephanie would be a better pick, as she's been involved all the way through.

It's an interesting topic for me because both men seem to have differing good and bad qualities. Triple H is apparently in charge of nXt, which everyone thinks is better than the main roster show. His ideas, focusing more on wrestling than spectacle, resonate more positively with fans. Vince seems out-of-touch and whereas nXT gets universally acclaim, most of the main roster PPV's have disappointed everyone.

It's because NXT is done on a smaller scale, less TV time, and things have to get done in a hurry. You don't have the 20 minutes promo's that you see on RAW and the show for some reason runs smoother. Most weeks it is better than the flagship show, but it's because of the reasons above. When you tune in you get almost a whole show full of wrestling, compared to the small percentage we see on the 3 hour show.

Besides these guys are fighting for a place on the main roster, so they work their asses off.

On the other hand, Vince seems like a more reasonable businessman. He doesn't appear to hold as many grudges, even stating he'd be willing to work with CM Punk despite the latter burying the company in the now infamous podcast. It seems like he has mended more burning bridges, leading to many cool returns.

I don't believe for one minute that CM Punk would be welcome back. Vince had to say that in order to make himself not look as bad as Punk made him out to be. He does hold grudges, he's famous for it, but he's mellowed over the years. HHH is the one who reportedly reached out to Warrior not Vince. HHH is the one who is mending the fences.

Triple H seems...kind of petty- if not outright malicious- based on interviews. Whether you believe Punk or not, he portrayed Vince as being out-of-touch, whereas he painted Trips as an egotistical asshole- with strong implications that Triple H was the one responsible for Punks firing on his wedding day. We know that Triple H has had a history of burying people and even some of his friends- like Jericho- haven't always portrayed him in a positive light. I was under the impression that he blocked Angle's attempted return to the WWE (on a part time basis).

Vince seems to have some acknowledgement of talent and popularity, even if he doesn't personally like you. Triple H seems like the kind who will screw you over if he has an issue with you. But also, Triple H's show>>>>Vince's show. So what outweighs the other?

They're probably both in their own ways petty. HHH has been around for years and has made enemies along the way. I heard too he didn't want Angle back, and offered him a full-time contract instead of the Legends contract he wanted, and as a result Angle resigned with TNA.

Vince on the other hand would never have brought Devitt, Kenta, Steen and some of the others into the WWE. That's all HHH.

The perfect person would be a combination of the two. If someone had Vince's business sense and HHH's eye for talent and bringing up them, you'd have no issues. HHH still has to show that he can run the main roster. NXT is one thing, but the superstars that comprise RAW and SD are another.
I don't believe for one minute that CM Punk would be welcome back. Vince had to say that in order to make himself not look as bad as Punk made him out to be. He does hold grudges, he's famous for it, but he's mellowed over the years. HHH is the who reportedly reached out to Warrior not Vince.

Vince might be out of touch, but he is passionate about the WWE and does I believe want to see it succeed.

Vince has gone out of his way though to bring Hart, Hogan, Warrior and others who have fallen out with him back. Hell, he even brought in Bischoff. Maybe Vince does hold grudges, but he doesn't seem to let that interfere with business. Then again, it's hard to say how much of a draw CM Punk was- and by that, I mean I don't know the numbers myself.
Very good question by the OP, as well as good points made. Vince is a businessman, and is content with the current product as long as it makes money. That being said, it's been well noted that the WWE Network hasn't made the splash they hoped it would, and the current product is horrible. On the other hand, you have HHH, whose track record (in my opinion) demonstrates a history of ass kissing, politics, and attaching himself to powerful people to better himself (starting with Chyna). He is portrayed on the WWE Network as a wrestling God (sorry, JBL), yet he was never the "man" to carry the ball; he always worked with the 'man' who carried the ball. That being said, HHH is in charge of NXT, and the shows have been quite entertaining because, unlike WWE programming, they showcase WRESTLING! If you were in the Raw chat this past Monday, I actually gave an hour by hour update of how much actual wrestling there was. All in all, there was (approximately) 35 minutes of in-ring wrestling. How would you like to buy a ticket to watch 2 1/2 hours of talk, and 35 minutes of wrestling? I'd be pissed! House shows have more wrestling (but that does include 3 different matches where Titus O'Neil loses to a different opponent). When I watch Raw or Smackdown, I want to see in-ring wrestling. And at this moment in time, HHH would offer a better opportunity to see that. However, it is obvious that HHH can't put his ego aside, and has proven time and time again that he's willing to play politics to do what's best for him, not the business, which gives me serious doubt if he has what it takes to be in charge. For me, it's like going to vote when you don't really like either candidate, and choosing the one that will do the least amount of harm. And in this case, I would choose HHH. (Hopefully, his promo time wouldn't increase...again.)

Here's the thing: HHH is a student of the game, clearly knows his wrestling history, and can have a good match with almost anyone. But he's a wrestler, not a businessman. Vince may be a bit out there at times, but he's been doing this for about thirty five years. He has the longest track record of anyone in wrestling today and turned the company into what you see: the biggest and most successful promotion in the history of professional wrestling.

HHH knows the in ring stuff, but we have no idea if he knows how to run a business. I'll take Vince's eccentricities over HHH's good show but potential lack of business sense by a mile.
Vince is good as businessman, he knows what to do to get better sponsors, what need to be done for WWE public image, what to say to other businessmen, and can forgive some stuff if it's good for business, so he should run the company.

HHH is good on wrestlers developments - from training facility, to NXT, to explaining the WWE style, the psychology, the moves, to making deals with other wrestlers (he is the guy who was able to get Sammartino, Warrior, Bret, Savage and Sting), but does he know how to talk to businessmen? I doubt it. HHH should be in charge of WWE development programs and talent relations.

Now, who need to be replaced is their booking team, think about it, when was the last time RAW was fun to watch? I know, someone will say - Vince is clueless, writers write directly for him and he often force them to rewrite the script, but Punk said Vince is only interested in Cena, so he probably don't force the writing team to rewrite the whole script, just the stuff he doesn't want to see happen, and if he indeed force the team to rewrite as oftenas news show us, what does it say about writing team and Hayes, i mean these guys clearly knows what Vince want to see in the script, so why they can't write the stuff he wants to see and then some for the fans? Are they unable of doing it? If they are, they need to be replaced ASAP.
I would say neither of them should be in charge. IMO
Vince is killing the business. He is out of touch.
HHH is just as bad as vince. He has no business sense. He is big politician. He wont put his ego aside for business. Its been proven.
Stephanie should not ever run the family business. She knows nothing about the wrestling business.

I would prefer Shane mcmahon to run the WWE.
We know that Triple H has had a history of burying people and even some of his friends- like Jericho- haven't always portrayed him in a positive light.

That might be, yet I had the impression this kind of thing occurred more when he was a wrestler than an owner/administrator. At any rate, as the latter, I would think he's learned more about business operations and, especially not having to protect his performer's rep as he used to, he takes more of a managerial point of view now.

In other words, as wrestlers working for a company, it's dog-eat-dog....and no matter how supportive a performer might be of others on the surface, they all know they're in business for themselves and continually step over each other to further their own standing. It's not a rare thing; it happens this way in every business in which employees vie for higher positions.

As for some workers complaining about how Trips handles business now......just remember that we've all criticized our bosses for being unfair, right? Everyone can't be a #1, featured performer.....and when someone works hard but fails to attain the position he wants, he shifts the blame to the boss, no?

Personally, I think Triple H is most likely fair and equitable to the performers because he knows well what it's like on their side of the fence.....and he's probably learned ample lessons about not being able to be buddies with everyone as he was as an active wrestler.

Vince? Who knows? We debate and debate whether he's "lost" much of his edge with all the years of aggravating the hell out of himself. The frequent re-writes of the script.....even as the show is being aired.....might very well be a good indication that he's over-managing the product and often hurting it by doing so.

Since none of us have all the facts, I would prefer to let the young guns take over, especially given the qualifications of Paul Levesque. He's been on a learning curve all these years.....much of it coming from Vince himself.....and I'd love to see what happens if he and Stephanie ever take over for real.
If HHH attached those better than himself it was HBK, Hall and Nash before it was Chyna. Without HHH no one would know who Chyna was as he and HBK saw her marketability. She even said so in her book. He busted his ass getting Vince to even consider her. HHH did the smart thing getting himself in with the main eventers. He learnt off them what it would take many careers learning.

HHH knows the performing side so well that he's a natural for NXT. But with all the rewrites we hear about how do we know HHH hasnt had good ideas for the main roster that Vince has changed with his rewrites? The attempted copying of the past or flogging the dead horse of ideas shows Vince has lost touch with the audience.
It's true that we don't know for certain how Triple H would do on the business side of things. However, at the same time, he's spent the last several years learning about the business side, primarily from Vince McMahon himself, so it's not as though Trips would be a lost babe in the woods if he took over as CEO.

As far as Punk's allegations of Triple H being an egotistical asshole, it's the pot calling the kettle black. Truth is, I don't give a shit if he has a big ego or not, so long as he can put out a quality product. Pro wrestling's dog eat dog, always has been and always will be. If you wanna give Trips shit for having a big ego, then you have to do the same to just about every major player that's passed through WWE over the course of the past 50 years or so. Also, s Sally pointed out, people complain about their bosses at some point. Sometimes it's justified, sometimes it's just people venting because they're pissed off. In pro wrestling, every promoter at some point has been talked about in a negative light by former and disgruntled employees. A few, like Shane Douglas, have made a career out of it.

As far as the differences in NXT and the main roster go, the differences in the amount of time is a factor, but I think it's far too easy to put all the reasons for difference in quality on that. I think that Triple H has shown good use of time management, there's virtually no filler in NXT and the booking is consistent. It's true that he has 1 hour whereas Raw has 3 but, at the same time, who's to say that he couldn't manage a 3 hour program with equal quality? Matches could be made longer, more matches could be added, maybe 1 or 2 10+ minute promo segments, maybe a couple of brief in-ring promo segments in-between matches and you're gonna fill in a lot of time with content that's not only worth watching but serves a genuine purpose other than just filling up air time.

As far as Vince goes, it's true that he's outlasted his competitors and contemporaries. At the same time, however, his competitors and contemporaries were around during an entirely different era. The last threat to Vince's dominance in the business was WCW, yet WCW stopped being a serious threat to WWE in the ratings around mid 1999 when Raw started to usually outdraw Nitro by more than a 2 to 1 margin. Here we are, roughly 15.5 years later, and things are a bit different. Wrestling fans have changed, society itself has changed for that matter, and a lot of things that Vince is into that might have gotten laughs and been entertaining for some 15 years ago just don't click with a lot of fans. Despite Monday Night Football being on hiatus, Raw is still averaging below a 3.0 in the ratings right now because some fans just aren't digging the product right now. Wrestlers in the locker room, former WWE employees, wrestling insiders and fans alike see Vince as being out of touch with fans. Some stockholders have lost faith Vince and want to either see him sell the company or step down as CEO. WWE's stock price has dwindled over the past 8 or 9 months. Until the middle of last year, WWE's stock was at roughly $32 per share and worth roughly $2.3 billion. Now, it's worth about $10.50 or so per share and about $820 million. It seems that with each passing week, more and more people are losing faith in Vince McMahon and I think pressures for him to step down could be even greater if next month's quarterly financial report doesn't show some good news.

I don't think any of us can say for certain how well or badly Triple H would do as CEO of WWE. To be fair, I think the same could be said for just about anybody because the notion of Vince McMahon no longer being in charge of WWE is such a foreign concept. As a fan, I think I'd personally be more comfortable with someone who actually knows the wrestling business being in charge of a wrestling company rather than the company being bought by some corporate conglomerate and being run by people with no clue about pro wrestling. It could ultimately turn into WCW all over again.
I've posted an idea before on something similar to this previously.

The company shouldn't leave the hands of the McMahon family. Should it ever enter the hands of another entity or individual, a huge chunk of its soul would disappear for me. With that being said, you then enter the debate over whether A) Haitch is able enough to run the corporate side of the company and B) Whether Shane is knowledgeable enough of the wrestling and entertainment industries in their current state, as well as whether he is interested in returning.

By no means whatsoever must Stephanie hold a position of power any higher than she currently does. I'm unsure as to whether she is actually a positive element within the company, both on-screen and behind the scenes.

For me, the ideal scenario is for Vince to retire and for Steph to step away from the company, with Shane becoming the Chairman/CEO of the company running the corporate side and Haitch leading the wrestling side. Naturally, both men would intertwine their roles with each other, as in Shane having a significant say in the creative process and Haitch being influential in the boardroom.

Unfortunately, I think Vince will stay at the top for as long as humanely possible, neglecting both his health and the direction of the company before Haitch and Steph become the new Vince & Linda, with Shane remaining outside of the company.
It's sad to me that it's always :Triple H, Vince, or Shane......and it's always NO WAY SHOULD Stephanie!

Why not? First off, she's got way more experience in the company than Shane. So those that prefer Shane....well....just because you'd rather have a beer with him doesn't mean he'd be better. In fact, he'd almost certainly be worse.

She's been with the company for a long time in numerous roles. She seems to be a reasonably intelligent person as she holds a Communication degree from Boston University......a fantastic school and a useful degree to hold in this situation. Why is it unfathomable to many? Why can't a college(elite school too) educated person with 15+ years of experience in a company run things? I think we know why many feel that way. Sad.
Vince hands down because he knows certainly what is best for business a whole lot more than his own daughter Stephanie and his doofus son-in-law Triple H who know nothing about what's best for business
I would say HHH as he is more old school but he also did go to the Shawn Micheals school of shitting on people to get ahead. It's hard to say because until Vince dies or removes himself from running the show no one can say what was booked was HHH or Vince or both.
I would prefer HHH. I don't see the business being much of an issue because I'm assuming steph will be handling that.

Edit: I would also be fine with shane. He was way ahead of the curve. He basically thought up the network and nxt 10 year ago before vince revived "ecw".
From bussines standpoint of view Shane would be good choice. He is doing great on his own and he really proved that he can get himself on his feet without Vince. Trouble is, he wont comeback soon. Maybe in 10 years but dont see it happening soon. And even if he comes back there is lots of things he missed so he would need time and dont think he would be looked as succesor at that point.

So, that leaves only one name and that is Stephanie Mcmahon. Lover her or hate her, she is someone who was groomed to inherit bussiness after Shane left. And she is probably someone who will do that after Vince is gone. :)

As for initial question, Vince. You could say that he is out of touch as many times as you want but he crushed all his competition and is doing good. IWC maybe bitches about better product and wanting attitude era back, but the fact is that WWE is still doing great in terms of bussiness. And that is Vinces's credit among everybody else. HHH is maybe someone who helps a lot but main mind above everyone there is Vince. So I believe he is better solution for now. :)
It's sad to me that it's always :Triple H, Vince, or Shane......and it's always NO WAY SHOULD Stephanie!

Why not? First off, she's got way more experience in the company than Shane. So those that prefer Shane....well....just because you'd rather have a beer with him doesn't mean he'd be better. In fact, he'd almost certainly be worse.

She's been with the company for a long time in numerous roles. She seems to be a reasonably intelligent person as she holds a Communication degree from Boston University......a fantastic school and a useful degree to hold in this situation. Why is it unfathomable to many? Why can't a college(elite school too) educated person with 15+ years of experience in a company run things? I think we know why many feel that way. Sad.

Silly, reactionary post.

Steph's gender has no impact on my belief that she should leave the company, it is the negative impact she has had, in tandem with her Father, on the direction of the WWE.

Meanwhile, Shane was working for the company years before Steph, went away to gain further work experience, came back & was a vital figure within the company until 2010 & has proven his business acumen with YOU On Demand. If anything, Steph should now take that route by gaining a boardroom position with another company & develop her own acumen.
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I think this answers your question..............Vince is better at the Corporate side of things.
Great thread.

I acknowledge Vince's gift for negotiation and promotion: he was the underlying force that turned the WWF into a pop culture juggernaut in 1985. For the last 20 years, he's been a cancer, however. That was masked by his tremendous heel work on screen; backstage, his vision of the WWF was one were Doink and Dink ran wild. In 1996, The Kliq basically confronted Vince and let him know that his product was garbage - and it was. Vince nevertheless demoted Triple H and fined Shawn for their antics, showing how out of touch he was. The headstrong Austin rose to prominence, clashing with Vince and keeping him in check before things reached boiling point in 2002. Basically, Vince has no clue about wrestling content and needs people like Jim Ross, Jim Cornette and great, headstrong talent to prevent him from turning in absolute garbage. With none of those elements around in 2015, the main product is beyond horrific.

Triple H is said to be "the man" in NXT, and that show destroys Raw. Clearly, his knowledge of how to construct wrestling content just blows Vince's away. He's also shown that his negotiation skills actually exceeds Vince's, being able to court Sting, and convincing Sammartino and Warrior to return. While Triple H has an extremely fragile ego, I believe he can better relate to talent and is a vastly superior creative force. Vince may have more acumen for marketing and promotion, but overall, it's Trips.

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