Who Would You Like To See As Managers?

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The Future Rises

Thinking Of A New Name..
Title says it all, the WWE is returning the Manager for the Heel thing they used to do in their Golden Era. we already got Michael Hayes managing Tyson Kidd which can do good for his career.

here's what I would like to see :

- Michael Cole and Vickie Guerrero managing Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, and a heel tag team of Chris Masters and Tyler Reks(Cole and Swagger are already "best friends", Vickie and Dolph are "Business Associates" and this can totally be the new Heena Family.

- Matt Striker managing Husky Harris.

- Abraham Washington managing Mason Ryan.

- Ranjin Singh managing Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali(another heel tag team with a heel manager).

so, who would you like to see as managers and who would you have them manage?
i would realy enjoy seeing abe washington manage a heel but I think it needs to be someone he can relate too. maybe he could manage mark henry or someone. (not to sound racist) also cole should quit announcing and go into managing swagger full time.
Well, is Hayes managing Tyson Kidd for real? I thought it was just something they were testing the waters with at house shows. I hope I'm wrong though.

I'd like to see Michael Cole manage a few wrestlers. I'm thinking much like we had "Camp Cornette" back in the mid '90s, we could have "Camp Cole" in 2011. He would manage The Miz, Jack Swagger and Alex Riley right off the bat. They could throw in Mark Henry to be the big monster of the group. Camp Cole could appear on both brands.
I'd like to see Ted Dibiase Sr. manage Dibiase Jr. sp that he can show him what its all about. Paul Orndorff manage Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes, Slick manage Mark Henry or Ezekiel Jackson, Regal with Sheamus or McIntyre, Jimmy Hart with Zach Ryder, Sunny manage Reks.....
i forgot to mention i would like to see jbl come back and manage dibiase jr. dibiase sr. is respected by all of the fans so he wouldnt get alot of heat on his son. that might work if they were faces but i wouldnt like that. they could do an angle where dibiase jr. claims his biggest mentor in life is coming back to manage him. they could tease it for a few weeks and hype it up. dibiase is set to reveal it on raw and he introduces his mentor to come out to the ring. out comes his dad dibiase sr. and dibiase jr. laughs and says his dad isnt his mentor. he kicks his dad below the belt and is dad falls to the ground. he then says his mentor is better than his father and was actually a real wwe champion unlike his father. jbl comes out. jbl hits a clothesline from hell on dibiase sr. and jbl/dibiase jr have already gained a big heat reaction from the fans. jbl could realy help dibiase jr get some heat and help him with his mic skills that he is lacking.
Well, is Hayes managing Tyson Kidd for real? I thought it was just something they were testing the waters with at house shows. I hope I'm wrong though.

I'd like to see Michael Cole manage a few wrestlers. I'm thinking much like we had "Camp Cornette" back in the mid '90s, we could have "Camp Cole" in 2011. He would manage The Miz, Jack Swagger and Alex Riley right off the bat. They could throw in Mark Henry to be the big monster of the group. Camp Cole could appear on both brands.

I like the idea except the Miz's greatest attribute is the mic, and a managers main role is to speak for them. Maybe if they do this, they do something like the Jimmy Hart/Hulk Hogan deal.
I'd love to see them bring back Armando Alejandro Estrada! He could manage the Usos or Tyler Reks. I like the Camp Cole idea as well. I think a "financial adviser" may be the best manager type fit for Ted DiBiase Jr, possibly IRS? I'd also love to Vinnie Mac come on screen and actually back up Drew McIntrye as "The Chosen One". Mark Henry paired back with Tony Atlas would be nice to have as well.
Kevin Nash should/could manage Mason Ryan, because he knows what it is to be considered an enforcer type character. Bret Hart could manage Tyson Kidd to form some kind of a teacher/student thing (remember Kidd is the last student of the Hart Dungeon). Dusty Rhodes or Goldust could manage Cody Rhodes.
JBL with Dibiase Jr. would be nice in regards to the mentioned storyline; I think Heyman would be better suited for Ryan based on how he did with Brock and introduced us to Rhyno in ECW. Armando with the Uso's would be pretty sweet actually and he could manage Tamina as well.
Would love to see Dean Malenko as a manager for Daniel Bryan. Have him come out after Bryan loses a match at the top of the ramp, just shaking his head then have him in the back later saying he has all the talent in the world, but there is definitely some things he can be taught by the Man of a 1,000 holds. I'd also love to see Sunny come back and manage the re-united Hawkins and Ryder. She could say how she has so much success managing tag teams and how they all go on to become very successful and tag champs (LOD 2000, Smoking Guns, Skip and Zip). I'd have Hawkins have to adapt his gimmick more to Ryder though this time. Woo Woo Woo.. You know it.. Bro
I gotta go with either JBL or Dibiase Sr. as managers. Their characters allow them to buy and sell talent which makes turns a bit easier. There's a lot of others I'd like to see in a managerial role, including Kevin Nash, but someone with a money gimmick makes more sense.
Wishful thinking but I'd like to see Bill Alfonso come in and manage Swagger, Chris Masters, and Justin Gabriel. I'd love to see Teddy Long manage Tarver and Titus O'Neil like he did with The Soul Brothers Doom then manage Skip Sheffield like he did when he managed Mean Marc(The Undertaker).
Johnny Fairplay come on, he the perfect little pipsqueak that you just want to get his ass kicked. Give him a stable, and actually the guy that would have been great was Larry Sweeney, but he's passed.
I'd like to see Ted Dibiase Sr. manage Dibiase Jr. sp that he can show him what its all about. Paul Orndorff manage Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes, Slick manage Mark Henry or Ezekiel Jackson, Regal with Sheamus or McIntyre, Jimmy Hart with Zach Ryder, Sunny manage Reks.....

Well Orndorff is in the worst shape of his life currently diagnosed with cancer, so don't count on it. and about Jimmy Hart and Slick, the point is to bring in the new heels like Michael Cole and Abraham Washington to be managers. I also forgot to mention Daivari, hes back with the WWE, maybe that's the reason why is because they need him to be in this manager thing there trying to do.
Alright there are a couple obvious wrestlers that I could see need management. First Sin Cara. I'm willing to bet he's never going to cut any moving promos (at least in English). Give him Estrada and make him a high flying heel.

As far as R-truth goes, I've never been fond of his mic abilities and his vocal segments sound like he's struggling with learning to read. I bet if they gave him Abraham Washington or Ron Simmons and do this whole "white man is oppressing me" thing. Bottomline is the less time Kilings spends on the mic, the better.

I could also see bringing Al Snow in to manage a stable of jobbers. The Evan Bournes, Chris Masters, Yoshi Tatsus, etc... They probably could get some funny segments with Snow on the mic.
I think they should definetley give Sin Cara a manager considering he cant speak english, and it looks like maybe they might be giving him Chavo Guerrero as a manager which makes sense i guess but only because they both mexican. But it is also hard for cara to have a manager since hes a face.
I think a few posters don't understand the role of a manager. In order for a Manager to get talent over, they

1) Have to be over.

2) Have to be a great talker.

3) Have to be able either piss the fans off or get them excited about the talent they are representing.

If you look at the best managers of all time : Lou Albano, Sir Oliver Humperdink, The Grand Wizard , JJ Dillon , Paul JOnes, Gary Hart and Skandar Akbar.

These men were the mold for what a manager was. Most could take bumps and could make the weakest wrestler into a super villian.

So someone like Dean Malenko would not work. HE SUCKS ON THE MIC. He never was a talker.

If you want someone to get people over - JBL, Dusty Rhodes, Ted Dibiase Sr, Michael Hayes etc. [ Basically a legend that can talk. ]

Yeah and the only wrestling Newby Managers that are extremely talented are Truth Martini and Prince Nana . Those men in ROH are throwbacks to how a manager should act and behave. Truth martini is an amazing manager and heel.

Sorry wrestling community but Chavo wouldn't make a good manager because he can't cut promos to the level of selling someone. That goes for Byron Saxton.

A key to a great manager is that the Manager gives the talent thier endorsement and ability. Some of the people named have no name value to transfer it to a talent.
I like the idea except the Miz's greatest attribute is the mic, and a managers main role is to speak for them. Maybe if they do this, they do something like the Jimmy Hart/Hulk Hogan deal.

Both Rick Rude and Curt Hennig were members of the Hennan Family and both of them were great on the mic. Hennan didn't need to speak for either of them, but these two almost always added gold to the Hennan Family which was important and added more credibility to other guys Hennan managed.
I know it's incredibly doubtful and unlikely but I would love to see Paul Heyman manage Mason Ryan. Have him be the reason why Mason has been acting out lately, because Heyman is in his ear, just like he was for Brock.
Vickie is doing very well as Dolph Ziggler's "business associate". Michael Cole has so much heat that he can't stay a commentator. Have him manage Jack Swagger and maybe one or two more guys.

I'd like to see William Regal go back to managing, as I think he's gone as far as he's ever going to as a wrestler. He had great interplay with Tajiri and Eugene back in the day.

Sunny has said she'd like to do one more run in WWE - but who to give her to manage?
AGREED with above. I would LOVE to see Jimmy Hart back managing someone like Ted Dibiase. Show him how to run the mic a bit.

I'd also love to see James Mitchell (formerly manager of Abyss). He just has the way with it all to get ANY monster like character over. Use him for Tyler Reks...I'd LOVE it.
There are 4 people I would love to see in a manager's role. 1) Abe Washington- he's a quick thinker on the mic. He's someone adults and kids can relate to. I can see him as the brains behind one of the bigger stars such as Ezekial Jackson or Mason Ryan. 2) Armondo Estrada- this guy was golden as a manager. I don't know why the WWE got rid of him. He was great on the mic and he had the psychology of the game down pat. I can see him having a stable of sorts. My 3rd alot of people's gonna say I'm crazy but I really liked Tony Atlas as a Manager. He's what an ooooold school manager was all about. It was refreshing to hear his old school phrases and his banter with Mark and his opponents. I think Atlas deserves to be on staff in some capacity. 4) This one is a far reach; because he's kinda left wrestling alone-Muhhamad Hassan. This guy is a heat magnet. He'd be great with a stable, or with Khali & Mahal. I can't think of a good babyface manager, though.
Jericho should come back and form a heel stable of guys he is hand picking to be the future of WWE - Save Us 2.0

The type of stable that built guys like Orton and Batista w/ HHH could be done with Jericho perhaps taking a hybrid role of HHH-Flair in Evolution.
When I first read this, I thought of Dusty Rhodes with Cody Rhodes. The problem is that Cody doesn't need the mouthpiece and Dusty is too well-received overall.

However, I think that Mason Ryan using CM Punk even past the Nexus story lines makes sense. They would watch each others backs, but they could play up the bit about Mason really believing in Punk and Punk using him.

Another idea that comes to mind is perhaps Chavo Guerrero with Sin Cara. With the build up, it could be a bit harder to do. However, stories can be developed. Perhaps Chavo gets beaten on a consistent basis and then tries to lure Sin Cara in. He tells him that he believes he is the future and wants to help guide his career. Something along those lines.

If a father was going to come into the fold, it might be Ted DiBiase. Jr. could use the help and it might be the only thing that helps him along at this point.
I would just like to see a few more GOOD managers in general.

Especially some classic icons that we miss seeing on a weekly basis, like Kevin Nash. He's at the top of my list as who I want to see as a manager.

I liked the original poster's idea of Vickie and Michael Cole managing Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntrye, and a tag team of Chris Masters and Tyler Reks.. but you do understand that, that stable would implode faster than The Corre lol. Dolph, Jack, and Drew wouldn't be able to contain their egos.. they'd all want the World Title.

On a side note I really like Ricardo Rodrigeuz... he's more entertaining than Alberto Del Rio. He's sort of a manager, and should basically be left alone how he is.

Sin Cara? Should he have a manager? I'm asking you guys for some feedback on that one. I say maybe have Kevin Nash be his manager. Think about it... Sin Cara would be amazing in the ring.. and if any of the bigger guys tried to take advantage of Sin Cara, Nash would be there to help him out. However not sure how much Nash could help Sin Cara in a fight these days...

Desmond Wolfe, if he can't wrestle because of his blood condition... I'd defiantly liked to see him worked into the mix anyway needed.

Brutal Bob from ROH.. I like him.. bring him up...
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