Who would you go for if this match ever happened?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I am tipping, that in the next couple of years, there will be a Wrestlemania match between John Cena v Roman Reigns. It is the "past" guy v "the future" guy.

Now, if they did this, who would you go for? Both men have been hated on here for years. I would like to see the match, just to see who the crowd would side with.

I'm tipping that the crowd would back Cena. As much as Cena was hated, he doesn't get the same heat anymore because (a) he isn't on TV as often, (b) he isn't the top guy anymore, and (c) people seem to warm towards him when he was U.S. Champion two years ago, both because he had a lesser title, and also because he was fighting the new NXT guy coming up.

I remember a match he had one night on RAW with Cesaro, which I thought was one of Cena's greatest matches, and could have been a big deal for Cesaro, if WWE then ran with him. He put over Kevin Owens and had a great match with Sami Zayn, before Zayn got injured.

So, how would you feel if this was ever a match, let alone a Wrestlemania match, and who would you cheer for if it happened?
Personally, i always seen Reigns as the closest guy to be able to take Cena's spot when cena finally decide to hang it up so in a couple of years, when Reigns is firmly establish as the top guy and cena finally decide to call it a day i would totally want to see this match happenned because at some point you will have to do the passing of the torch between him and cena. Reigns is the future of the company in my opinion and he'S proven that he'S able to put on a great performance with pretty much anybody over the last year so this is a match that if booked right, could be as big as rock vs cena was.

As far as who the fans would back, i think that at some point fans will change their mind on Reigns, it's already starting slowly, you see that the hatred is slowly changing from pure hatred to let'S boo him because it'S the cool thing to do just like they did with cena near the end. Reigns is slowly getting the respect of the fans with some of his current matches and i wouldn'T be surprise if fans reaction would be 50/50 for both guys if they ever did that match at mania.
If Cena wasnt injured last year I thought it was the way to go at last year Mania. Heck, even Roman could be face against Cena and he could get some face reaction because of that. It was teased on Twitter few months ago when they engaged in confrontation. Plus they know each other very well because pretty sure I saw Reigns at old clip from 2010 in Cena's gym.

Though, I would go for different route if Reigns beats Undertaker. Get him to monster heel status in match or after (he could just snap how fans boo him even though he defeated ultimate opponent at Wrestlemania) and let him call out Cena how Cena is relic of the past and how at new era he needs to be beaten as an example of how new dawn has come. Yeah, I know, wishful thinking. They would do "its my yard now and I will threaten to retire Taker but am still face" just with Cena as Taker. :disappointed:

As for who would people back up, I think Cena has more chance in that. He gets more positive reaction out of two. Unless smarks shift when Reigns is fighting Cena. It could happen, then maybe it wouldnt be cool to boo the guy because they have to boo both.
I'd pull for Reigns.

He's younger and has a good number of years left in him. John Cena is almost 40, and despite what he tells us pretty much every week, he's never going to work a full year again. He has other obligations that make him more money.

That's really all it boils down to.
I think this will be the Main Event at next year's Mania and Reigns will defeat Cena. The WWE can see that Cena's schedule is getting less and less every year so it's time for him to officially pass the torch. The problem with Reigns is to many promos!!! Had they let him be a brooding tough guy like (Goldberg, Lesnar, Ultimate Warrior, etc..) he would've been fine. But the excessive mic work when that is clearly a weakness is what destroyed his character. It wasn't to long ago that the crowd was going nuts for him to defeat Batista at the Rumble. Best way to fix his image with the WWE Universe (Move Ambrose back to Raw and re-form THE SHIELD!!!) Think about how much HHH got over as a face when he was with HBK. It works as the proof is in the pudding.
It really depends on the circumstances and booking as well.

If we assume that the current Reigns and Cena are to be taken in account, then I will cheer John Cena. No booing towards Roman Reigns, rather silent towards him if he remains the same after Wrestlemania 33.

However if it's heel Roman Reigns and it should in my opinion, then I will again cheer John Cena and boo Roman Reigns. And the vice-versa as well. If Cena is heel and Reigns is face (not like current one) then I'll cheer him.

One can dream a lot. Like Cena turning heel. :rolleyes:
How many torches have to be passed to Roman Reigns, this is a legit question? People are saying this year the Undertaker will pass the torch to him. Rumour has it that next year's Mania will be Reigns vs Lesnar, where Reigns will defeat the beast. Another torch passed. Now Cena has to pass one as well.

I had no idea that Reigns had taken over Randy Orton's Legend Killer gimmick, kind of a shame they couldn't come up with something original for him. But sure why not have him destroy the whole roster for the next 20 years until he's admitted into the Hall of Fame. I for one won't be watching.

In a Reigns/Cena match however, I'll be rooting for Cena and staying quiet for Reigns.
Cena vs Reigns is an inevitability. The crowd will undoubtedly back John Cena, unless there are drastic changes to Reigns character in the interceding time.

Cena's image has been altered quite a bit the last few years. He put over Bryan, he went to suplex city, he had his US open title defences where he put on a string of barn burners, then he returned this year with his whole "I'm John Cena bitch" schtick.

In that same breath though, he leaned heavily on his injury after the loss to Bryan, there was all the controversy around his schoolboy stunner, Rusev didn't fair well from the US open angle, and he won the WWE title for two weeks this year. Now he's in a total divas feud alongside Nikki Bella.

Cena has done some things to repair his image, some other stuff is same old Cena. Now that he goes away to do TV, it gives his character that bit of breathing room that 10 years of watching him overcome the odds didn't really give us.

Roman draws heat from the live crowd and Cena is becoming something of a special attraction. Whether it's nostalgia or a novelty, Cena is going to get a massive pop when he starts running down Roman Reigns.

That's if he runs down Roman Reigns in his current form. Roman could be in line for changes finally. The match with Undertaker could see to that. Reigns winning will make him the ultimate heel. The question is whether they actually start altering his character.

If they turned Roman heel, the crowd might start to actually get behind him. Cena and Roman as kissing babies good guys drew boos, while Austin and Rock were bullies and the crowd ate it up. Austin used to get cheered for assaulting women, Cena can't get a solid lets go Cena chant and he visits sick dying children on the reg.

John and Roman will eventually feud and WrestleMania feels like a good time for that. In their current forms, the crowd will pull for Cena. However, if one of them does finally go to the dark side, that wrestler will be the one cheered.

I'll be cheering for Cena, because f-Roman.
I have this current story going on in the WCWF with Cena playing heel as part of the faction, The E.N.D.. Meanwhile Reigns is the top babyface of the Rampage brand. Fans have turned on Reigns once but he earned their respect back during a brutal Hell In A Cell match with Ambrose at The Bash. Will the WCWF fans boo Reigns? Will they boo Cena? Guess you'll have to wait until Sunday to find out ;)

Anyways in WWE, they're going for Cena as I will be too. Cena is a legend and for anybody in here 25 or under, Cena was a big part of their childhood. WWE will try to play it as their cheering Cena because of his legendary status, and booing Reigns out of respect for Cena. Sort of like Rock and Hogan. Even tho they're booing because they hate Reigns.
How many torches have to be passed to Roman Reigns, this is a legit question? People are saying this year the Undertaker will pass the torch to him. Rumour has it that next year's Mania will be Reigns vs Lesnar, where Reigns will defeat the beast. Another torch passed. Now Cena has to pass one as well.

I had no idea that Reigns had taken over Randy Orton's Legend Killer gimmick, kind of a shame they couldn't come up with something original for him. But sure why not have him destroy the whole roster for the next 20 years until he's admitted into the Hall of Fame. I for one won't be watching.

In a Reigns/Cena match however, I'll be rooting for Cena and staying quiet for Reigns.
Rightfully so.

He has the rub of standing up and giving a tough fight to Brock Lesnar. Only wrestler from the new talents. Seth Rollins was squashed. Dean Ambrose was squashed. He'll get the Cena rub soon as well. Defeated Triple H as well. Ambrose couldn't do it. Seth Rollins might. Defeated Daniel Bryan of all people. The rubs keep coming to profit but never do.
As long as this match isnt for any major championship, then i'm very fine with this match happening. Reigns vs. Cena would be good, but i fear that if it happens, either the WWE or the Universial title will be on the line and the last thing this match needs is a championship because then the fans will likely not cheer any of these guys and it would turn into a Goldberg vs. Lesnar match at WM 20.

if this match happened, i'd go for Reigns only because i feel that he can be fine in the ring and on the mic if he were a heel.
I would be supporting John Cena if they did this match and so would 99% of the fans unless Reigns makes an epic heel turn this sunday against Undertaker. WWE officials may have addressed the Reigns hate with responses along the lines of "Well, isn't he already our top heel then?" but that doesn't change the fact that fans still don't want him as THE guy. I do like him in a heel monster capacity like what Batista was doing at one point. Cena VS Reigns still wouldn't reach the level that Cena VS Batista, though that is what I imagine it being similar to. I wouldn't mind seeing the match however Reigns needs some significant change between then and now if he's not going to be boo'ed out of the building yet again when/if the match takes place. It has Wrestlemania or Summerslam potential with the right build and Cena certainly could make the feud reach those heights if he is involved since we all know Reigns cannot at the moment.

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