Who Would You Future Endeavor From The Roster?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
We all here that TNA have financial problems from time to time but I want you to put that to one side, log on TNA's website, check the roster and make a few cuts. Give reasons if you have them too. It's another new dawn (7th by my count) in TNA with Russo gone, so how would you shake up the roster?

My picks:

Abyss - I don't dislike him like some seem to, but he's done all he can in TNA and it's time to move on
The Pope - Pretty sure he stopped caring over a year ago, he won't be leaving the mid-card any time soon and maybe a repackage up in the WWE would be in his best interest too
Taz - Get Don West back on, TNA needs someone that puts the talent over more than Taz is able to
RVD - Stopped caring form about a year before he left WWE, he should just retire
Hogan & Flair - I didn't agree with a lot of what Heyman said TNA needed, but I agreed with him that there should only be one guy pushing a pension on the roster.Sting offers more and is more motivated about the producer than either Hogan or Flair so he stays and Hogan & Flair leave
Alright I'll take a crack at this, seeing as how it appears to be legitimately coming down the pike in TNA as is.

The Pope-Really hasn't done much of anything during his tenure, and can't see any real avenue in which he will.

Doug Williams-Great competitor, but TNA seems to have settled on Magnus as the British face of the company.

Gunner- The only thing this guy has going for him is Ric Flair, and even that hasn't really done anything to get him over.

Anthony Neese- I can't remember ever seeing him on Impact..probably a good sign I won't be any time soon either.

Hernandez-The Super Mex experiment has failed 3 times in TNA, time to cut the loses and let both sides move on.

Anarquia-What is his purpose if Hernandez isn't getting a push?

Garrett Bischoff-Do I really need even say why?

Rob Terry-He's basically been little more than a bodyguard in some fashion or another for the majority of his tenure in TNA. He doesn't add anything to Robbie E's gimmick, Robbie sells the character as best he can all on his own.

RVD-He's never been invested in his time in TNA, why should they be invested in him?

Ken Anderson-Haven't missed him at all during his absence. With guys like Bully Ray, Austin Aries, James Storm and Bobby Roode getting big pushes, as well as the return of Jeff Hardy...Anderson no longer fills like a main event level filler talent...worse, he seems unneeded.
I agree with Pope. He fell hard. He was one of the few guys I thought WWE made a big mistake in letting go and that TNA was getting a steal. Now he is basically a non issue.

Garret Bischoff.....it requires no explanation

Gunnar- He has a look but not much else. Even with Flair they can't get much going for him

Mr. Anderson is either always hurt or they never have anything for him to do so he would be a good choice

I also wouldn't renew RVDs contract. Its up sometime this month. He fell off shortly after his debut and hasn't been on TV to my knowledge for a few weeks. I'd like to see him get one last WWE run
Hernandez- All the attempts to make him something have failed, and now at 39 its time to give up.

Anarquia- Hes a 38 year old whos never amounted to anything more then an indy upper midcarder in OVW, and anyone who has spent that much time in OVW without getting noticed by WWE clearly doesnt have it

Mike Tenay- For my money the worst play by play man on TV, thers a number of indy guys (Dave Prazak, Lenny Leonard, etc..) or Jeremy Borash who could do a far better job for far less money.

Doug Williams- Hes great at what he does, but hes 39 years old and one dimensional, and is clearly not goign anywhere

Rob Terry- he doesnt have "it", theres countless other guys who could do exactly what he does, and who have better looks and in ring skills.

Scott Steiner- Whats the point? Hes limited at what he can do and just doesnt the same thing over and over, plus his name doesnt have a hole lot value left.

Jeff Hardy- probably the best performer they have on the roster, but its only a matter of time before he does something stupid again. Just a guy who i would never have on my roster.
The Pope- Hasn't been seen lately, hasn't been interesting in a long time, seemed like TNA just decided they were done with him. Pointless for him to be around now.

Shannon Moore- I know he said he's taking time off, but I don't think he's been offically released yet. After Ink Inc. was done, he was done.

Ric Flair- What is his purpose right now other than bullying Garrett Bischoff? If he's not going to be leading a stable a la Fourtune or Immortal, he's not very useful IMO.

Anarquia- Ok while they were pushing Mexican America, now...... no thanks

RVD- Always been a fan, if they're not going to re-sign and use him, I'd love to see him back in WWE one last time.

Gunner- They've tried with him a few times, don't know if they're going to try again, but he is just allergic to getting over apparently.
1.) Anarquia-I just don't see where they can go with him.

2.) Anthony Nesse-Hasn't been used at all. Nothing wrong with him in particular but their are better guys out there for the X-Division.

3.) Doug Williams-another guy that I just don't see a use for.

4.) Hernandez-I like Hernandez and thought he should've been given a run with the Title but at this point I think he's done all he can do in TNA.

5.) Rob Van Dam-another guy that I like but I think he's run his course in TNA.

6.) Scott Steiner-I don't see the point in having him there. Don't even think he can be used at putting over new talent at this point.

7.) Shannon Moore-already out.
Mark Haskins - The poor mans John Morrison, honestly I'm shocked Jesse Sorensen was injured against Zema Ion and not this neck brace waiting to happen.

Hulk Hogan and anyone with the last name of Bischoff - Hogan and Eric are the most important terminations TNA can make. They're either stuck in trying to recreate WCW in 1996, or they have no idea what they're doing... on top of that those guys don't come cheap... and then there's Garrett. Textbook nepotism, plus his hair makes him look like a penis.

Ric Flair - What is he even doing there anymore? He should just go back to the WWE and become a manager.

Devon - You'll notice my list has lacked everyone else's favorite, The Pope. I think the right booking can salvage The Pope, Devon not so much. All of his success has been with Bubba, and the way he's going, there's no way Bubba's going back, so why hang on to Devon? As a favor to Bubba? F-that noise.

Jeff Hardy - I'm sure this will be a controversial pick, but I don't think Jeff really contributes anything... he's lost almost all his starpower he gained in WWE, never really puts anyone over, and has proven himself to be an unreliable liability. TNA couldn't afford another Victory Road incident, and while he may be doing better now, he's no stranger to falling off the wagon when he's doing good.
I wouldn't future endevour any of the TV talent....I would just ensure guys were in the right place on the card.....I would go to the front office section of the company and remove the "yes" men, rebuild the tag division(that used to be very good).

The problem with any wrestling company is not who is employed, it is where the employees are placed on the card.
I would get rid of Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Eric and Garrett Bischoff. i would then build the brand around new wrestlers, and if i was to bring any outside stars in, it would be the likes of Batista, John hennigan (morrison) and Ted Dibease jr who is likely to be out of WWE soon, given his treatment there before his two injuries. I would bring in David Hart Smith and book him as a powerhouse goodguy, then turn him in to a bad guy. But I would leave the focus on good roster members TNA has at the moment, and id get the stars like Jeff Hardy to put them over.
Jeff Hardy - I'm sure this will be a controversial pick, but I don't think Jeff really contributes anything... he's lost almost all his starpower he gained in WWE, never really puts anyone over, and has proven himself to be an unreliable liability. TNA couldn't afford another Victory Road incident, and while he may be doing better now, he's no stranger to falling off the wagon when he's doing good.

Gonna have to argue this. He's over, thats not even a debate, the cheers he gets are in the top three of the company. He's put Bobby Roode and James Storm over recently. You can argue he may fall of the wagon, on the flip side he may not you don't know.

As for who I'd release it would probably be Anarquia. The guy isn't particularly good in the ring or on the mic he's been carried by Hernandez in Mexican America. I wouldn't neccessarily release him but certainly send him to OVW to get better in the ring and a personality that isn't forced.
A few names in a short list come to mind. I'd get rid of all of the guys in my list since they are each a waste of a roster space and the only push they should receive in the future is towards the exit door.

Absolutely awful. Get rid of him, he brings nothing to the table.

Garrett Bischoff
I don't care how famous his father is. He sucks and is taking time onscreen away from talented wrestlers who need it more than he does.

What does the federation even SEE in this guy? There are others worse than him, but seriously, what has he ever done to justify his push? His most interesting moments came as being a fake security guard who suddenly started working matches. Gunner is not worth keeping. Future endeavour him, please!

Boring. I've never liked him on the mic or in the ring, they also have far better guys to push instead so he should go.

Kid Kash
Never been a fan of his and I don't see any reason in keeping him around. While not as bad as anyone else on this list, I would get rid of him too because there's really nothing he brings to the table that others cannot do far better.
Scott Steiner and Devon are good choices, I'll add them to the list as well.

I also disagree with Jeff Hardy. I have no problem admitting I'm a Jeff Hardy fan, but I do acknowledge his shortcomings. It is a risk having him on the roster, as he may fall off the wagon again. No denying that. I guess I just have faith he won't do it this time, but it's easy for me to have faith when I'm not the one running the promotion. Another incident like Victory Road would be catastrophic, especially since TNA has been starting to head in the right direction lately. Hopefully, this time he has finally learned his lesson.

He is over though, I don't think you can really deny that. He gets one of the biggest pops in the company currently. Sure, it's not a WWE level pop, but this is the Impact Zone we're talking about. Actually, there's another one for my list........

Impact Zone- They have to cut the Impact Zone and get out on the road. ASAP. God that place is a black hole for heat. I know it's not feasible right now, but somewhere down the line, hopefully soon, they really need to get out of there.
Well, i have seen the roster, and trust me, there are several names that definitly need to be future endevoured, starting with Scott Steiner, that guy in my opinion was never any good on his own, he tries to relie on his "name", but he was never that big to begin with, he's a has been who refuse to cut his loses and just retire, other ovious choises are Hogan, Flair, The Bischoffs, those guys need to realize that they are a thing of the past and move on, if Flair has a "hardcore lifestyle", that's not TNA's problem, Hogan just needs something to try to keep himself relevant, but as much as i hate to admiti it, he's a thing of the past,the Bischoffs are there to tag along with Hogan, and there are several others, but these guys are at the top of my list.......
These threads surface every few weeks/months and it's always the same drivel over and over again. "Who Would You Future Endeavor From The Roster?" is frankly not an appropriate question, because it does not eliminate the potential for answers to be supplied that are not based in reality. Hulk Hogan? Eric Bischoff? Jeff Hardy? Ric Flair? Mike Tenay? These are all guys some people want to see gone, but not a one of them has a snowballs chance in hell at actually being released, so why even list them?

The more appropriate question would have been: "Who Is Likely To Be Future Endeavored From The Roster?" with an emphasis in the OP regarding the realism behind each situation.


So who would I like to see future endeavored (that of course have no realistic shot at actually being released)?

Garrett Bischoff — He's the walking, talking testament to nepotism still being a major factor in a business that is likely to never outgrow it.

Devon — While he's a savvy veteran, he doesn't seem to have the repertoire to make much out of a singles run/career that doesn't rely heavily on the antiquated storyline of him being ex-partners with Ray.

Hernandez — Because he's poor man's version of Scott Norton. At least Norton could cut half a promo. Hernandez takes a fat shit in the middle of the ring every time he picks up the stick.


Now, who could actually be released, as in who has a realistic chance?

Mark Haskins — He's dangerously green, as we all bore witness to where he nearly broke his own neck on iMPACT! weeks back and there's very little there to work with that might entice the company to look past some of his in-ring flaws. Doesn't have a unique look or personality and is a danger to himself and others.

Shannon Moore — He's already reportedly quite frustrated with his position in TNA and has already taken a leave of absence, so it stands to reason the ol' Prince of Punk could be on his way out in the coming weeks if the two sides can't come to an amicable agreement to keep him on board.
Ric Flair - What is he even doing there anymore? He should just go back to the WWE and become a manager.

You want him to go back to WWE to do what he's doing already in TNA? I think Flair is just fine in TNA, he's currently managering Gunner. As long as he doesn't step back in the ring, I'm fine with Flair being a manager. Not everyone needs to go back to WWE.

I can't really think of anyone I'd want to release, except one guy. His name is Eric Young, yep, that guy. He's annoying. He's not even "Santino" funny. His stupid gimmick of not knowing where he's at, so he locks up with the ref and acts like he's in a tag match, even though it's a singles match. Irritating. And his voice and beard are annoying too. Too bad they didn't fire him when he was doing that "should I be fired?" gimmick. :)
Like many many others i will not watch TNA until they improve their production and get out of the impact zone.

Cut the impact zone
Ric Flair.
He just sucks money out of the company. He is not needed.

Like it or not, Hulk Hogan can still help the company. So keep him.

Others are Anarquia and Rob Terry. They just flat out suck.
I’ve been watching Impact Wrestling off & on for a while but it’s not been until just recently I’ve committed myself to tuning in every week. I don’t give a damn what the haters are saying; I think it’s a damn good program. I just wanted to warn you so you don’t chew my ass for making naïve choices.

After carefully reviewing the adrenaline pumping Impact Wrestling roster, I can safely conclude that if given a position of power where I could make cuts I would make zero layoffs. I have perused the TNA Roster from top to bottom then from side to side, from back to front and once in a spiral type of motion and either I haven’t seen them wrestle yet or they actually entertain me.

Scott Steiner is still one-half of my least favorite match of all time, versus Triple H at Royal Rumble 2003. However, the Big Bad Booty Daddy easily shut my mouth a long time ago when I watched his tag matches teaming with Petey Williams. Rehire Petey!

If that tough bitch/beautiful siren ODB wanted me to take care of her for the rest of her days in the Northeastern backwoods, I’d grant her a release. Where I come from (where city slickers dare not tread and you have to question what species you’re BBQing), that’s a real gal. When you’re as old as me, you’ll understand why kiddos. Sorry, Eric Young.

Judgement goes to the defendant, Impact Wrestling, in the amount of one Canadian Muscle. Good luck out there, Human Resources hopefuls... Do your homework, don’t drink and drive, remember the Sabbath and until next time, best regards wrestling fans.
You want him to go back to WWE to do what he's doing already in TNA? I think Flair is just fine in TNA, he's currently managering Gunner. As long as he doesn't step back in the ring, I'm fine with Flair being a manager. Not everyone needs to go back to WWE.

It's not that I hate what Flair is doing in TNA, my pick was more for him than the company...

He's about to get inducted into the WWE HoF for the second time, he's best buddies with Triple H and he can be given a legitimate protege to groom, and not a never-will-be like Gunner. I say give him the legends deal, and pay him to get someone like Ted Dibiase or Drew McIntyre over.

As for the people who point out that Jeff Hardy is "over" I agree completely... he is over in the Impact Zone, what I was saying was he's not over like he was on Smackdown in 2009. Jeff Hardy is no longer at that John Cena level, but he's being paid like he is. It's not that Jeff is COMPLETELY useless, but for what he's getting monetarily he's too much of a risk, and isn't really worth it.
It'll never happen for the majority of them but who *I* wish TNA would future endeavor(and in many cases whom they SHOULD if they ever wanna even sniff being as big as WWE).....

AJ Styles- Yeah I said it, I said X-Division Jesus should be future endeavored. Look, this is a guy who bitches and complains nonstop anytime he's asked to change his gimmick from the Indy gimmick he's been doing for over a decade, a guy who bitches and complains everytime TNA tries to break away from the whole glorified Indy style formatting of the program. The truth is he is a soon to be 35 year old who they have tried to push as THE face of their product for a decade without success. Let he and his bad attitude go stew in ROH.

Anarquia- Mexican America is cool and all but it looks like Mexican America is no more and besides the point TNA needs to establish some new tag teams. Anarquia brings nothing to the table outside of Mexican America.

Angelina Love- She's been a wrestler for a decade+ now and still wrestles and carries herself like she's been at it for a month, it's time to move on.

Christy Hemme- Nice on the eyes for sure and not completely horrible at her job BUT multiple sources have stated she's the highest pad Knockout making 6 figures per year... To be a ring announcer. NOT worth the price tag.

Devon- See: Anarquia. Without Bully Ray he's just another guy.

Doug Williams- A 40 year old Indy hero who never has and never will draw a dime. Free up the roster spot for a hungry young guy.

Gail Kim- The Goldberg-esque shove to the top was lame and you've done nothing to reestablish her after the WWE buried her for years, instead you've made your Knockouts division look like a joke in comparison to the freakin' Divas division. Job her out, establish some dignity back into the division and cut the cord.

Hernandez- See: Anarquia.

Kazarian- The dudes still doing the same bullshit gimmick he started in with UPW waiting for someone to take him by the hand and get him over. Meanwhile many of his fellow UPW alumni have went on to have great careers and actually draw. Cut his ass loose and let him go back to working in high school gyms.

Kid Kash- See: Doug Williams.

Mark Haskins- Horrible doesn't even begin to describe MaHa.....

Mike Tenay- He was a serviceable announcer at one point. At this point he no longer is serviceable and is down right horrible at times.

Ric Flair- I love Flair but his heart isn't in TNA. If he cannot possibly GET into it then let him go back to kissing Vinces ass for meager paychecks.

Rob Van Dam- Uninspired and unwilling to do anything if it entails making someone else look good or doing a job. Let him go.

Rosita- I'd probably just kick her down to OVW if it were up to me, actually.

Samoa Joe- Fat, lazy, undisciplined, uninspired and comes off like the morbidly obese joke that he is. Kick him over to ROH, maybe he and Kevin Steen can have hot dog eating contests against one another.

Sarita- Kinda cute gal, can wrestle but can't cut good promos and can't work a fulltime schedule.

SoCalVal- The biggest waste of money in TNA.

Sting- The crazy GM was/is pretty cool but it's time for the Stinger to retire at least to the backstage area.

Taz- Beat him if you can, survive his shit commentary if your ears will let you.

Traci Brooks- Waste of a roster space, waste of money and a waste of oxygen.

Zema Ion- Dime a dozen Indy guy, there's plenty of talent out there 100 times better and who are more ready for TV.
Unlike most others I have only have one pick, someone is who ungodly useless, doesn't stand out as anything, and is an overall waste of space on the TNA roster: Shannon Moore.

Ever since he has come back in early 2010 this guy has not impressed me in the least bit. The only match I had seen him in before his TNA stint where a handful of WWE matches and he did leave an impression on me there. However now that I have watched him in TNA for a little over 2 years now I can finally see why some people were against him accompanying Jeff Hardy back to the company. From day one he as irrelevant as can be, then they put him in an attempt to get Jesse Neal over Ink Inc. They were quickly made the throw away tag team in a rather stale division at that point. Ever since that has been over he is still useless, In a an X-division that is gradually but nonetheless progressing through the work of Austin Aries I just think he has done nothing to contribute to making the X-division better.

There is just no substance behind him other than a couple of moonsaults and DDTs. He isn't interesting nor is he worth keeping around just to fill space on the roster. I honestly can't seem him doing anything relevant or even close to it for the remainder of his TNA run. I recently heard that he is frustrated by his current position in the company. Well if his aggravation leads to them parting ways the first thing I will think of is that line that people say when someone useless is released: No big loss.
It's not that I hate what Flair is doing in TNA, my pick was more for him than the company...

He's about to get inducted into the WWE HoF for the second time, he's best buddies with Triple H and he can be given a legitimate protege to groom, and not a never-will-be like Gunner. I say give him the legends deal, and pay him to get someone like Ted Dibiase or Drew McIntyre over.

So you're complaining about Gunner but want Flair to manage people who are less relevant than him??

As for the people who point out that Jeff Hardy is "over" I agree completely... he is over in the Impact Zone, what I was saying was he's not over like he was on Smackdown in 2009. Jeff Hardy is no longer at that John Cena level, but he's being paid like he is. It's not that Jeff is COMPLETELY useless, but for what he's getting monetarily he's too much of a risk, and isn't really worth it.

John Cena wouldn't be as over in the Impact Zone, the place is a lot smaller than a WWE arena so of course pops won't be as big, there aren't as many people to give the amount of pops. He's doing a good job at the moment, I'd harken he's having a Shawn Michaels role (main event fueds but not for the title)
Anarquia: annoying and just flat out boring hes a poor man's excuse for homicide and he flat out sucks cut him and let him go back to wherever he came from

Hernadez: the only way id keep him is if homicide is gonna come back and reform LAX with him i really enjoyed that tag team but without homicide teaming with him hes useless

Devon: less then worthless without Bully Ray being his tag team partner maybe he could be used as a backstage agent but other wise fire his ass.

The Pope: hes done nothing note worthy during his time there there was promise with his fued against Abyss but that was dropped set him free.

Tony Neese: im pretty sure the only time he was on impact besides his debut was jobbing to zema ion and he never impressed me id cut him.

SoCal Val: i know shes never wrestled a match but honestly what purpose does she serve there? all she does is sit on the ropes for flair once in awhile and her voice just bugs me so much id fire her theres other people who have less annoying voices and are better looking that can do her job.
I would like to start off by talking about some guys I've seen mentioned as people who can go.

Jeff Hardy. there is absolutely NO WAY you get rid of this guy. he is one of the top main event wrestlers in TNA, and incredibly over with the fans. his return as face after his incident has been great. I really don't think a majority of fans care one bit what Hardy does outside of wrestling. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of the general viewers even really knew what happened with the incident at last years Victory Road, nor would they care even if they did know. his is a huge popular character on TV.

Scott Steiner. not what he was in the past obviously, but still a well known name and entertaining on TV. he doesn't have to be in the main event scene, or really even in the mid card scene. he can still be useful, maybe even in a tag team with someone.

Mr Anderson. he is talented and useful because he is a well known name. I think TNA misused him there for awhile. I think he was at his best shortly after he came in when he had the feud with Kurt Angle. someone who likely works better as a heel.

Ric Flair. he is wrestling GOD. still entertaining on TV. I think Flair could work really well as a heel manager to the right person. I don't think it worked with AJ Styles, and it hasn't worked that good with Gunner. I personally would LOVE to see Flair be the manager of Bobby Roode. I think Roode fits perfect for Flair's type.


people that can go. I'll go down the list of names from TNA employees wikipedia page.

Anawhatever. I can never get his name right and he's not worth looking up to get it right. completely useless.

Anthony Nese. I don't think I would even recognize this guy if I saw him.

Devon. I don't see no role for him in the future. he had some angle with Pope and his sons, but thankfully that has ended and we haven't seen Devon and his sons since. he doesn't need to be fired, but he could work backstage along with Al Snow and D'Lo Brown.

Garrett Bischoff. TNA has tried to push this guy, and people just do not care. he isn;t good in the ring and he doesn't even have a good look/gimmick/character.

Hulk Hogan. what does Hogan do? I read not long ago that even Hogan himself didn't know what he did. I don't think it would hurt TNA in any way if he was to not be there anymore. in fact you might get more people giving TNA a chance just because Hogan would no longer be there. this is however where I would like to mention Eric Bischoff. he is someone who should stay around. he is good at helping run things. wasn't it Bischoff who came up with the top 10 wrestling rankings for the title back before Immortal started?

Mark Haskins. another guy I would not even recognize if I saw him.

Rob Terry. he doesn't even wrestle much anymore only being used now as Robbie E's bro or whatever. he can go and nobody would notice.

RVD. even now as a recognizable name I don't think he benefits the TNA roster. it seems way too often that when RVD is in a match he never loses clean. I think RVD could still be used in a good way if he was willing to lose clean once and awhile. it would not only help who he wrestled against, but also himself. he could be a great addition to the X division, but it appears maybe that he thinks he is too good for that? if he's not going to work WITH TNA then he can go once his contract is up.

Brian Kendrick already gone, thankfully. useless IMO.

Shannon Moore. also already gone as he recently left on his own.


people that should not go, but need to be repackaged.

Pope, D'Angelo Dinero. talented and entertaining, but really what is his gimmick? I think he could work well as a thug type. a heel, but drop anything to do with religion and testifying and all that. he should drop the Pope name, and use D'Angelo Dinero.

Abyss. he needs to be a monster. someone who would work better with a manager so he doesn't have to talk.

Hernandez. talented and has an impressive look. but I don't think he is good on the mic, and his role as leader of Mexican America just failed. he too like Abyss I think could work better with a manager who could do the talking, or maybe a partner who could do the talking? pair him up in a tag team with Steiner. they could both wear black and be a couple bad ass heels who can beat your ass. similar to APA when they were in WWE?

Robbie E. I don't think this whole Jersey Shore bro thing has worked, but the actual wrestler has talent and a good look, well aside from looking like Pauly D.

Gunner. TNA really has been jerking this guy around. they make him look tough, but then make him look weak by trying to make Garrett Bischoff look good. this Garrett angle is what has made Gunner look bad.

I would also like to use this time to remind people of something. I've said this before and I'm sure I'll say it again in the future. TNA Impact Wrestling is a TV show first. it's basically a soap opera for guys with story lines where the actual in ring wrestling is just one small part of the complete overall package. you NEED well recognized names in the mix to appeal to the general audience.

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