Who would you consider the 10 best WWE superstars right now?


Wise Guy
For me, in no real particular order I would say it's:

CM Punk
The Miz
John Cena
Randy Orton
Cody Rhodes
Ted DiBiase
Daniel Bryan

And I'm talking wrestlers, not managers, commentators, COO's etc.
Right Now. I'm ranking the top 10 active guys on the roster.

1. Cena
2. Punk
3. Orton
4. Christian
5. Albert Del Rio
6. Rey Mysterio
7. Mark Henry (Fuck the Haters)
8. Sheamus
9. The Miz
10. Daniel Bryan
Take out Daniel Bryan and Ted DiBiase. Put in Kofi Kingston and Mark Henry.

EDIT Forgot Del Rio and Rey.
1. CM Punk
2. John Cena
3. Orton
4. Christian
5. Alberto Del Rio
6. Cody Rhodes
7. Rey Mysterio
8. Mark Henry(I died a bit inside typing his name.)
9. Sheamus
10. Daniel Bryan Danielson
I love him. Can't help but love him, everytime I see him holding that briefcase and envision him cashing it in to gain the World Heavyweight Championship, a tent pitches in my waist region.
I love him. Can't help but love him, everytime I see him holding that briefcase and envision him cashing it in to gain the World Heavyweight Championship, a tent pitches in my waist region.

I'll probably mark out just as much as you will if/when he cashes in. But the dude has shown me nothing in the WWE since his NXT/Summerslam 2010 days. He doesn’t seem comfortable there.
I'll probably mark out just as much as you will if/when he cashes in. But the dude has shown me nothing in the WWE since his NXT/Summerslam 2010 days. He doesn’t seem comfortable there.

Oh no, I can see that. He's a wrestler trying to be entertaining and he is obviously better than most if not all they've placed him in the ring with, but I'll always support him. When I was losing an interest in wrestling several years ago I got my first ROH DVD, and in the main event Bryan Danielson faced Homicide in a Steel Cage. He reminded me why I love wrestling - this was back around '04.

He's kind of like my Hulk Hogan to those from the Hogan Era. Just can't help but support him, even if he doesn't fit exactly into the spot which is bestowed upon him.
Daniel Bryan - match-wise - is one of the most consistent guys in WWE. Himself and Christian, I would say.
Doh, I spaced on Del Rio, I'd have him in my top 10 too... supposed I'd drop DiBiase in favor of Del Rio.

Mysterio is fail. :p
Just because I'm kind of the FCW guy here I'll do my top 10 FCW guys.

1) Leo Kruger
2) Seth Rollins
3) Richie Steamboat
4) Damien Sandow
5) Hunico
6) Tito Colon/Epico
7) Bo Rotundo
8) Ricardo Rodriguez
9) Rick Victor
10) Percy Watson

Ambrose and Orlov are off the list because the former's yet to impress me in the ring, but I'm reserving judgement until after he's had a longer match and the latter hasn't been active since March. Also, after Hunico it becomes pretty difficult to rank the guys as they're all pretty close in terms of skill.

The top 4 are more than good enough in the ring to be called up though. Especially Kruger who I cannot say enough good things about.
Yes he is. Man's been in developmental for far too long. How much more developing does a man who's been in developmental for over 6 years possibly need?
Top two: Cena & Punk

Third: Orton

Pretenders to the top spots: ADR & Christian

Hot at the moment: Sheamus & Mark Henry

Simmering below: Misterio, Barrett & Bryan

Suffering at the moment: Ziggler, Riley (SS dark match?), Kofi, Morrison, Truth & Miz (meaningless 6 man at same?)
Overall ability or current entertainment value? I'll go with the second:

10. Alberto del Rio (kind of repetitive, but he has a great hateable heel persona and it's interesting where he will go)
09. Randy Orton (not a fan of his style, but his matches got better and better)
08. Mark Henry (works well as a brutal powerhouse, is believable and his matches and assaults were pretty good)
07. John Cena (you could say "same old Cena", but he really mixed his game up, became kind of vulnerable and I like it)
06. Rey Mysterio (good matches, shakes the show up and rarely disappoints)
05. Christian (gets spotlight, shows his strengths and is entertaining)
04. Daniel Bryan (consistently great matches, I tremble with him and hope he can succeed)
03. Sheamus (interesting character, gets edges and is shaping up to become a great personality)
02. Triple H (awesome authority figure, you can't be sure what he will do)
01. CM Punk (revolutionary)
Just because I'm kind of the FCW guy here I'll do my top 10 FCW guys.

1) Leo Kruger
2) Seth Rollins
3) Richie Steamboat
4) Damien Sandow
5) Hunico
6) Tito Colon/Epico
7) Bo Rotundo
8) Ricardo Rodriguez
9) Rick Victor
10) Percy Watson

Putting Bo Rotundo below Epico is the only problem I have with this list. I haven't seen a whole lot of Victor, can you recommend anything?

1. CM Punk
2. Kevin Nash
3. Christian
4. Kevin Nash
5. Kevin Nash
6. Kevin Nash
7. Kevin Nash
8. Kevin Nash
9. Kevin Nash
10. Kevin Nash

Pfft, and you say you hate wrestlers with no personality. :D
Putting Bo Rotundo below Epico is the only problem I have with this list. I haven't seen a whole lot of Victor, can you recommend anything?

Bo is someone who's only slowly growing on me and spends a lot of time being completely and utterly mediocre. Tito on the other hand put on one of my favorite FCW matches ever with Richie Steamboat. But yeah, I admit they could be flipped.

And as for the reccomendation: his FCW 15 match with Seth Rollins. He's a very solid motherfucker but not particularly exciting.
And as for the reccomendation: his FCW 15 match with Seth Rollins. He's a very solid motherfucker but not particularly exciting.

Very good match with Rollin especially the switch of pins at the begining.

Also can you tell what the hell exactly is Leo Kruger's finisher? He only ever seems to win via rollup.

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