Who Would Do The Most With The Money In The Bank Briefcase?

Who Would Do The Most With The MitB Contract?

  • Orton

  • Sheamus

  • Neville

  • Reigns

  • Kofi

  • Ziggler

  • Other

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George Steele's Barber

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I don't like the MitB contract any more. It is a stupid way to win the world title. It was fun and fresh at one point but has become repetitive. It cheapens the concept of the brass ring. It is more used to protect the reigning champion than it is to display the talent and ability of the case holder.

That being said multi-man ladder matches are fun and the cash-ins from the past two years have been important. Orton cashing in on Bryan was the start of The Authority and a big part of Bryan's success. It also was not too frustrating to have Orton win a title with it since he has won the title so many times before. Rollins on the other hand is another story. Yes, he is supposed to be a "chicken shit heel" but I feel like he is talented enough to have won the title (his first) in a more traditional manner. But again, cashing in at Mania was huge and I can see why they did it.

So what about this year? Who gets it? Do they give it to a face this year? Reigns seems like the obvious one that is getting a push towards winning it. But where does that put him? Especially with Lesnar just around the corner. Does Reigns win it and just wait for Lesnar and Rollins to finish their business? Is it in Reigns' character to cash-in like a heel? I don't know, he just doesn't make sense to me. Then again, no face makes sense to me unless they are going to go the Cena route and book a fair match well ahead of time.

I'm rambling. Let me get to my answer. Kofi should win the case this year. I loved the idea of "if Kofi wins the case, we all win the case". New Day sharing the case would lighten the mood and make the case fun this year. They are the most entertaining thing on Raw right now. The crowd goes ballistic during their promos. Having three case holders makes for some terrific and fun drama. None of them even have to win the title. In fact, if there is a reason to break them up, the case can be the catalyst.

I know Kofi is probably the last person to be seen as a favorite to win the match and he is probably just booked in it to steal the show but New Day has been fun and would bring something to the case we haven't seen before.

So who do you think would do the most with the case and why? Not who do think will win and not who would surely win the title with the case but basically who would make the case the most interesting and entertaining this year?
I don't see why people are having such a hard time grasping a face winning and announcing ahead of time. You complain about the case being used in a repetitive fashion, but isn't that going against the grain? Makes perfect sense to me for Reigns to win and use his cash in to make Lesnar/Rollins at SS a triple threat. He could even do it in an even fresher fashion. *Rollins has his entrance. Lesnar has his entrance. Just before the bell rings you hear Reigns' music.*

Sure, I could think of some other crazy scenario that no one would think of, but I'm not Vince Russo.
In my opinion, Roman Reigns should win it and use it to get vengeance and afterwards, it should either be retired or preferably be used in a part time basis. Same with Elimination Chamber. Maybe use them once every few years.

But I sort of agree. Rollins used it well, but maybe a bit too well. Most of the 2014-early 2015 was built around his MitB contract and I'm now burned out on the concept. It also doesn't help that because he cashed in, Rollins doesn't feel strong enough to be champ.
I want Kofi to win. Mostly because I'm a huge Kofi mark that would do unspeakable things to see him win a World Title.

I just want to see The New Day as collective MITB holders, each guy taking turns carrying the case around. Each guy taking turns trying to cash in, only to fail. Talking about the power of positivity and how it will lead them to being the next collective World Champ. It would make for some interesting and never before seen TV.
If thats going to be all of the participants this year for the MITB match up then I really want to see Sheamus walk away with it.

I've said this before, the idea of Sheamus Vs. Brock Lesnar really intrigues me. What a freaking fight we would get to see. It's completely realistic to consider a guy the size of Sheamus beating a guy who is a bit bigger than himself.

I don't want Sheamus to do a run-in and cash in type of thing after the match is over. Heres what I think should happen:

1) Sheamus wins MITB and is not shown carrying around often.
2) Brock wins the WWEWHC at Summerslam.
3) Brock holds it till RR
4) Sheamus announces in advance that he is cashing in his MITB for a chance at BROCK LESNAR at the RR.
5) Both men beat the living shit out each other
6) Sheamus goes over.
What money!? What bank!? What is going on!?

Are we talking $125,000 in FDIC insured funds invested within the Swiss National Bank!? My point is; you don't poison a gimmick with a fleetingly hip pop culture reference.

That briefcase is clearly not money in the bank, figuratively or literally. You're not granted a title shot at any time simply for being a wise investor of your liquid assets, nor for being so willing to exploit a fucking stupid urban metaphor. "Money in the bank" is just as relevant as "Where's the Beef?"

Just call it what it fucking is if the match itself is supposed to sell a whole damn pay per view. It's the Impromptu World Title Match Contract in a Fucking Briefcase Ladder Match, and you don't park any high security money trucks near the entrance. If that doesn't put asses in seats, then just dump the whole entire thing.
Reigns easily. Although he's not competing for the title, he's still a big part of WWE programming. It wouldn't feel forced like if Neville, Kofi or Dolph won.
I think roman will win the MItB briefcase..
He will then cash it in at Summerslam main event which will be Rollins vs Lesnar for the title.. Thus he get his revenge on Rollins for what he did at WM 31..
I agree with Rainbow Yaz completely. I vote Kofi mainly because I'm really enjoying this New Day stuff. And love the many possibilities that have been suggested since the idea of all three members of New Day being the MITB winner was hinted at last night.
I'm also sick of guys like Shelton Benjamin/ Morrison/Kofi being put into dangerous matches, like ladder matches and Elimination Chamber matches and never being given the win.

I'm also on the side with WweTnadudez, I've always wanted to see Sheamus vs Lesnar. And I think Sheamus should come back into the main event scene as long as they keep him away from Orton and Cena.
I'd have Reigns win it and torture Rollins with it for the next while. Somewhat along the lines of what I would have had Ambrose do if he won. Then I would have Ambrose win the Rumble, culminating in a three way Shield match for the title at Mania.

They have to sell out 100k seats, and this would be one hell of a main event.
Screw it, I don't want to see any of these guys hold the case for a long time. If it's Reigns or Sheamus, cash that shit in before Summerslam. If it's anybody else, well it shouldn't be anybody else... Although New Day with the case could lead to some hilarious moments... I could see Kofi running down, than Xavier, than Big E. leading to the three fighting each other while the champ escapes. Still, the case shouldn't be a joke especially after the last few cash-ins, and that's what it would be on Kofi/New Day.

I'd go with Reigns, have Lesnar beat Rollins at SS, followed by a Reigns cash-in and victory to avenge his Wrestlemania loss. I don't know, it's the best I could come up with while on my damn 5 MINUTE BREAK...
The guys gimmick suits it perfectly. He's over with IWC as well as with live crowd. Talks well even though his matches seem to be monotonous, he'll do a great job with the case.
Sadly Reigns will actually win and probably cash in the same night.

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