Who would be the first?


Dark Match Winner
Hello everyone this is my first thread since starting here so I wanna know everyones opinion on this.

I remember a number of years back in 2005 that Edge won a tournament called the Gold Rush Tournament to become the #1 contender for then world champ Batista.
At the time Edge was just coming off huge Wrestlemania win by winning the very first Money in the Bank ladder match. So anyway Edge had his match with Batista the following week for the championship and almost won making him the first person to ever hold the World Heavyweight Championship and holding the Money in the Bank Breifcase.

So my question to everyone is this....Who will be the first person to ever hold both the World Championship (either WWE or WHC or both even) and hold the Money in the Bank Breifcase? and Why?
at first, i thought that this idea would serve no purpose...why would the champion need a contract for an anytime title shot?

but then i thought about the rumors of wwe unifying the wwe and whc...this could actually be a great way for them to do it without announcing that it was being done...

the whc faces the wwe champ in a match, but then breaks out his mitb contract right before getting the pinfall...and we once again have an undisputed champ...could be a case of a swerve and shock serving a greater purpose than simply to swerve and shock!
Whoever holds both has to be a heel, because then they can lose it and win it back again with the briefcase.
If we're talking near future, then Cody Rhodes or Wade Barrett or somebody.
This would be a great way to build to a unification match at WM. I would say it would have to be a wrestler high enough up the card to be already established as either a main-eventer or someone already toying with that spot (e.g. Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, etc.)

They win first title via #1 Contender Match at SS or Royal Rumble and cash in on the other brand's champ at Wrestlemania.
at first, i thought that this idea would serve no purpose...why would the champion need a contract for an anytime title shot?

but then i thought about the rumors of wwe unifying the wwe and whc...this could actually be a great way for them to do it without announcing that it was being done...

the whc faces the wwe champ in a match, but then breaks out his mitb contract right before getting the pinfall...and we once again have an undisputed champ...could be a case of a swerve and shock serving a greater purpose than simply to swerve and shock!

If the MITB match is dropped as thought for WM then this scenario is highly unlikely. The WWe and World Champs do not take part in the MITB matches and the winners at the MITB PPV have no discretion, they have a contract to fight their own brand's champ - should they win the belt naturally the contact is still for that particular belt. The only way it could conceivably happen is if the winner of MITB gets traded then wins their belt and then uses the MITB to face the champ on his old brand, which is very convoluted when you can simply have the two champs fight it out or run a tourey ala Y2J's undisputed world champion victory.

I can't really ever see the WWe or World Champ holding the MITB briefcase simultaneously.
I'm gonna have to steal my idea from an independent wrestler named Zac James who wrestles for PWP in Iowa. He once had a contract similar to MITB, where you could challenge for any title at any time. He started off the show by interrupting the Heavyweight Champion, flaunting his contract and option of having a title match whenever he wanted, then cleverly challenged for the title right there by saying "So how bout you give me a title match?". He lost, then later that night cashed in the contract to win the Tag Team Titles with his partner. He technically asked for a title match, and the champ agreed under the assumption he was cashing in the contract and had no choice.

I could see something like this just being shocking at Wrestlemania. As much as WWE would like to make someone the likes of Undertaker or Cena the first (new) Undisputed Champion.. I say just look at what it did for Jericho. It gave him something to brag about, and he's done it for the last decade. Speaking the words, "I beat The Rock and Stone Cold in one night to become the first Undisputed World Champion" was all he had to say to legitimize himself in any situation. And I think it should be just the same in this situation, someone young or at least someone who had never been champion. Either a heel, or a face they wanna turn heel. It could all literally happen in one night.

As much as I don't care for him, I could really see Wade Barrett being the perfect guy to pull that off. Maybe even Cody Rhodes if he was built up as a potential title contender before hand. And thinking about it, even though I said it had to be someone who had never been Champ, even someone like Swagger who isn't even in the main event anymore could be a good candidate. Or a person like Punk who, yeah, is an established main eventer.. but it still always feel like he has to prove himself, kind of like Jericho had to. But for arguments sake we'll use Barrett.

Say the first match of the night, Barrett wins the MITB briefcase. Then as we get to the final matches of the night, you got the World Title Match, a head lining match, then the WWE Title Match. Wade first strikes after the face World Champion just went through a grueling match where he successfully defended his title and vanquished a long time rival. Barrett comes strolling down boasting with his briefcase, saying he can have a title match whenever he wants. He then asks the champ, "So how about you give me a title match right.. now." In the champs head, this guy is cashing in, so he doesn't decline or try to leave, he just tries to fight him off, eventually failing and losing the title. Barrett celebrates with the World Title, picks up the briefcase, and leaves. Well now the fans have already had a shock for the night, and WM isn't even over yet!? Now on to the WWE title. Face Royal Rumble winner just beat the champ and now celebrates with his new title when Barrett comes bolting down the aisle with the World Title around his waist and the briefcase in his hand. He smacks the case into the back of the WWE Champions head, and announces he's cashing in his contract. The ref would decline, Wade would quickly explain himself, to which the ref would realize he was right, then start the match. One finishing move later, and Barrett is standing tall at the end of Wrestlemania with the World Title in one hand, and the WWE Title in the other.

Though Barrett would only be Champion and MITB holder simultaneously for one night, I think that'd be better then have him carry them both around for a while, because I think everyone would eventually figure out what would happen. So not only could he brag about being Undisputed Champion, if he wanted to get detailed with his list of accomplishments, he could point out being the only man to hold the MITB and World Title at the same time, or the only man to win the MITB, World Title, and WWE Title all in one night. It all works, and is an ideal way to unify the titles.

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