Who Won't Be World Champion Again?


Championship Contender
With the titles uniting together at TLC last year the list of credible champions has dwindled to nothing. At least in my eyes, quite a list of guys will never be champ again. For example:

Jack Swagger: I like him but I think we all agree that he won't ever be the number one guy

Dolph Ziggler: It's not an insult to him, but the belt is more prestigious now and he's injury prone so...I don't see it

The Miz: I'm a Mizfit but I don't see him ever winning the belt again

Sheamus: This one is debatable but he doesn't seem very over anymore and he's the US champ at this point, he might be main event fodder but not world champ

Big Show/Mark Henry/Christian/Kane: Basically any guy who's being used as enhancement talent now

So who else will never be world champ again?
The Miz is a fairly obvious one and I expect to see his name pop up a bunch here.

He isn't a main event guy. People don't take him serious as possibly being the face of the company.

He got what a lot of us to be his "thank you" run for all the media stuff and whatever else he's done for the company but he's gone as far as he's going to go.

I would be very surprised to see him as champ again.
Hate to say it but I don't think Daniel Bryan will be a world champion again especially with just one title belt now.
Hate to say it but I don't think Daniel Bryan will be a world champion again especially with just one title belt now.

Well this was a shocking answer to be honest! Interesting though, no doubt. He is like 33? And he's a 4 time world champ now. That injury came at a horrible time. I would be surprised if he doesn't win the world title again, but I could see why.
I agree on The Miz, though it pains me to see him in his current spot. He could've been similar to Edge in the main event, weaseling his way to world title wins.
Daniel Bryan will be champion again, I don't doubt that at all.
Sheamus won't be, either will Swagger.
I think Dolph can do it once more, as long as he keeps getting those pops, selling merch and having a guy like Seth Rollins in the title picture.
Wouldn't be so sure about Big Show or Mark Henry, Vince loves going back to a heel monster champion for a short run at times and both those guys still fit the bill. Daniel Bryan will get another title run, might be a short run but there is money in him coming back from injury and claiming the belt again.

Ziggler will never, ever get near the world title again. He isn't seen as a trustworthy face of the company and rightly so. The guy couldn't keep his mouth shut last year when he was getting a push and ran down Cen and Orton to get himself over with a comiccon crowd. Why would you ever put that guy at the head of your company?

I think Sheamus still has a strong heel run in his locker too and I wouldn't be surprised to see him capture the belt again. Swagger, Miz, Christian and Kane won't win it again though. Tempted to say Triple H won't ever win the belt again but he might book himself to win it and retire at Mania for all I know. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Now there is only one World Title in WWE (as there should be) I think fewer wrestlers are going to get the opportunity to have a run as Champion, it's going to be reserved for the elite, again as it should. In the past, especially towards the end of its time, the World Heavyweight Title was used as a secondary championship- which is what the Intercontinental Belt was traditionally used for. Now it's been retired, wrestlers who previously won the WHC will be competing for the Intercontinental and United States Titles again (such as Sheamus, Miz and Dolph Ziggler).

I think it's very unlikely that former World Heavyweight Champions like Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger will ever win the top belt again, unless they dramatically reinvent themselves, as they've peaked with the company in their current gimmicks and if they haven't broken through to the top of the card yet, it's highly unlikely they will do so in the future. Not improssible, but unlikely.

Again, with just the 1 belt I don't think we'll see veterans like Kane, Christian, Big Show or Mark Henry having more runs with the WWE World Title. They've had great careers, but are used more as upper mid-card enhancement talents now, wrestlers for the likes of Rusev, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to beat as they progress to the main event, which is fine for where they are in their careers now. There is still the US, IC and Tag Team titles for these veterans to compete for.

I think we've also seen the last of The Miz as WWE Champion (THANK GOD!) While he is doing well in his current role, he just isnt main event, World Champion material. He's had his run, and is likely to stay in his mid card heel role for the rest of his career, which isn't a bad spot at all!

Rey Mysterio is pretty much done I think, I'm guessing it's unlikely we'll see him win ANY more titles in WWE, let alone another run with the big one. His career is almost over, and I doubt we'll see many more, if any more matches from Rey Rey. The Hall of Fame awaits Mysterio, but that's all.

Finally, as he is barely mobile these days, and with the WWE purely becuse the Indian fans like him, The Great Khali is NEVER going to be winning the WWE Title again. his first run was terrible, his mobility is getting worse every time I see him, and he's still as awful as he ever was, probably even worse. he'll never get a sniff of the World Title again.
After his current run with the belt ends I don't see Brock regaining the WWE title again. I believe his contract is up early next year and there is a good chance he might retire from wrestling. Even if he does resign it is highly unlikely he would work a full time schedule. If he's not going to be on TV for months at a time then he has no business carrying the title.
With the titles being unified the list of contenders has dropped drastically. I think it's easier to comment on who could win the title than who wouldn't.

The number one contenders are: Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Orton and Cena. Daniel Bryan will get another title shot, considering he was stripped because of medical issues and how over he is. I would have included Wyatt, but he has fallen off the radar, and we really have no idea what's happening with him now.

Everyone else really has no shot at it, unless the whole main event guys all go out at the same time. Which considering what happened this year is a possibility, but I think they will just find another part timer to hold the belt till someone finds their way back from injury.

The rest of the card will be chomping at the heels of the top guys but not many will accept Swagger as champ over someone like Ambrose. The best they can do now is to try and elevate the mid card titles and make them something to work towards. I'm afraid though the boat has sailed on Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz, Swagger and the rest.
The Great Khali... I can't believe he was EVER a World Champion. Hell, I can't believe he's still on the roster!

You basically hit the nail on the head with your picks imo. Swagger was never over enough to hold the WWE title and by the time he won the WHC it was at it's least prestigious. He's also had been around for a few years now and just doesn't seem to be able to really connect with the audience.

As for Ziggler, I can possibly see him winning one much later in his career if he's still around OR if he can fully earn the trust back of Vince and HHH he can have a short one. I don't see him ever being a top main event player.

Miz will always be an mid-upper card talent but he's built a nice mid-card career which I think can sustain him for MANY years to come. He won't get near the title again imo.

As for Sheamus, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a big resurgence of his career whenever WWE decides to turn him heel again. There's so much left for him to do and he was SO good as a monster heel. Throw in the fact that he consistently puts on great matches every night and I think Sheamus has a few World title reigns left.

Same goes for Mark Henry. I can see WWE needing a monster heel to be a transitional champion and Henry would be perfect for this role.

Big/Show/Christian/Kane: I agree. Also throw Jericho in there.
Guess I'll go with Batista. If his last return had been a success, I think they had every intention of putting the belt around his waist once more.....and I feel strongly everyone (including Big Dave) thought the fans were clamoring for him to come back and perform once again. The sky was to be the limit.

It's a happy coincidence for Batista that his movie career "took off" exactly when it did; it made it easy to explain the virtual negating of his WWE return by saying his movie commitments had to take precedence over his pro wrestling obligations.....so, goodbye.

Maybe he'll come back for one brief run.....but I can't believe it would include a world title run.
I agree with most of the names already mentioned. I don't think it's in the cards for Ziggler, Big Show, Henry, Kane Jericho, Christian, Miz, Khali, Mysterio, RVD and Swagger.

I think another choice that's pretty obvious is The Undertaker, even if he hasn't decided to hang it up for good. With the exception of last year, he's wrestled only once a year for the previous 3 or 4 years.

I think another probable candidate to not be World Champion again is Triple H. As with Taker, he's become something of a special attraction and wrestles only on rare occasions. Besides, he has a lot of responsibilities as VP of talent relations and head of WWE's developmental system.

I think it's also unlikely that The Rock will regain the title, for obvious reasons, and I doubt Lesnar will be champion again once his current run ends, again for obvious reasons.

I'm gonna go with a bit of a bold prediction and say that Randy Orton won't be champion again. I could easily be wrong, but Orton's reached a point where not only does he "need" to be champion but being champion won't really help him. Besides, if he's going part time, that'll pretty much but the kibosh on him being champ again.
I don't think you guys talking about Great Khali really get the point of a wrestler his size. He's not someone who is supposed to be doing Hurricanrana's or arm drags and things like that. He's someone who is so large he doesn't really have to do anything other than his standard offense in order to be effective. It wouldn't make sense. Why would this guy do a 619 when he can just hit people over the head with a hand bigger than his opponent's head? Plus he is a massive draw in India and believable to have as a World Champion.

I'm not a fan of him, but he doesn't suck. He's just a different style than what a lot of us like.

That being said, The Miz is someone who I never see being World Champion again. I HATED his first run with a passion and had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't having a nightmare everytime I saw him with the title. My wife probably summed it up the best the first time she ever saw him as a pro wrestler and with a title: "That douche from the real world is their champion? What a fucking joke." Needless to say it took a little time for her to give wrestling a second chance. Thank you Miz.

Dolph Ziggler I don't see getting the title again. He is pretty well recieved by fans for reasons unknown to me, but I just never bought him as World Champion material and think he is extremely overrated. I am fine with Miz and Ziggler being midcard champions as Miz's character is actually working for him and I am not even sure what Dolph is supposed to be, but he is fine for a career midcarder.

Throw Kofi into that list of never being World Champion. MAYBE I could have bought it when there were two titles but not now. Not in the slightest chance. I've been surprised before but I don't see Kofi getting that at all. Nothing wrong with being a career midcarder though.

Funny how we see who really can be a World Champion and who can't now that there is only one. Before we could be like "oh yeah he can have a run with the World Heavyweight Championship lets try it out", but now that there's only one, only probably less than a handful of guys can be credible wearing that title. Theres been 4 World Champions in about a year and those guys are John Cena, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, and Brock Lesnar and those types of guys are established main event players and we shouldn't expect to see those kinds of names change ever again.
I know he has not been champion yet, but there is no way Seth Rollins is going to beat Lesnar for the title, and if the rumour mill is true about Roman beating Brock at Mania then all I can see in Seths future is him being Sandowed.

As for a former champ who will not win it now there is only one belt.... err I will say Randy Orton. Especially now he is semi retired I can;t see him getting hot again.
There depth of upper mid card talent is huge now, really too many with the focus of the world title, some need to drop down a little and aim for the IC or US.

Having said that the MITB contract is like a title in itself, usually held almost up 12 months, it's like carrying a strap.
To be honest, I'm not sure Big Show the character is 100% out of the question. He's still a relevant player in WWE, and his dedication to the company surely helps. I think that if he doesn't get another shot, then it's because he doesn't want another shot. Because how does a 500lb 7'5" worker who can actually go not have a shot at being a world champion?

I'm also not going to throw Ziggler nor Swagger out of the window either. Both of them are very young and have a lot of television time left. Ziggler's always been a hot market so cashing in on him could always help WWE. It's just a matter of if WWE will want to cash in on him.

I have to say that pretty soon, Randy Orton and John Cena will be coming up on their last time as World champion... if Cena hasn't already gotten there that is. Cena doesn't really need to break the record, and I'm not entirely sure he wants to. And Orton just recently got house shows taken down a peg, so that's even less likely to have him as champion. I wouldn't mind seeing either one of them as champion, but that's just how I see it. They're about ready to pass on the torch and become more of the veterans who put others over rather than the next generation.
There depth of upper mid card talent is huge now, really too many with the focus of the world title, some need to drop down a little and aim for the IC or US.

Having said that the MITB contract is like a title in itself, usually held almost up 12 months, it's like carrying a strap.

Dolph Ziggler, Damien Sandow, Jack Swagger and Mr. Kennedy say hello :p
I think Cena has more title runs left especially if he eventually does turn heel which will be inevitable at some point, even if 4 years down the line from now.
With all the in-ring talent coming through at the moment, I think it's fairly inevitable that Ziggler will eventually get a run with the belt because of the matches he can put on with them.
Barring a miracle, Swagger is done. He fucked up his last major push, then carelessly injured the champion, he won't get another shot. Which is kind of a shame.
Don't write off Miz yet. When you've main evented Wrestlemania and won, someone obviously views you as having potential. The collective short-term memory of the IWC forgets that not only did he earn his shot last time, but he was actually pretty great in that role.
I'm fairly certain Sheamus will get another chance at the top. The guy has his fans in the back and really has all the tools to become a dominant heel, which is something I don't see a lot of right now.
Are people really saying Daniel Bryan won't get the belt again? Hahaha he's the biggest face since God knows when, he'll be champ again by Summerslam.

The older guy's won't get another shot now. Henry, Big Show, Kane, Jericho, I think Orton is probably done now as well and I wouldn't be surprised if you've seen the last of FaceCena as champion. The WWE is now transitioning to the next generation (I believe it was meant to begin with Bryan) and I think the plan was to spend this year establishing Reigns as the next Top Dog and Cena's replacement. It hasn't really worked out due to injuries and Reigns not looking ready, but it's going to happen eventually.
It is quite difficult to predict who exactly will actually Win the titles in the coming years, but I think going forward, based on the Current Roster, the WWE WHC will contested between the likes of:
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Daniel Bryan
John Cena
Randy Orton

whilst: Cesaro and Bray Wyatt may well join the above if they get a decent push next year, given their obvious potential.

Sheamus is another guy that could be elevated again, especially as a Heel. Rusev is also another guy that could be a possibility depending on how his gimmick is handled going forward.

Beyond that, I could possibly see a Part-Timer holding the belt as a possibility depending on the storylines and possible 'dream' matches but only as transitional champions more than anything.

Of course, there might be NXT call-ups who can be hot shotted also that could get themselves in the running.

Personally, with the initial list I put of the Current Full-Timers, I salivate at the prospect of having all those guys available at full fitness post-Wrestlemania 31.
Henry, Show, Christian, Khali and Kane are the obvious names. I would add Swagger in this category too.

The Miz is someone who I think does have the talent to be the champ but it is unlikely. There are better, younger wrestlers than him so it is unlikely the WWE will give him another chance.

Ziggler is a popular guy, sure, but his time has come and gone. A true shame because there was a point in his career where I think he could have made a fair bit of money for the WWE and been entertaining doing so. Now, he is fine in that IC title role occasionally working with the top guys (and making them look good).

The chances for The Rock, Jericho and Batista are difficult to predict. It depends on how long they would be able to come back but I'll say that none of these three will ever win the big one again.

Sheamus is curious. It could go either way but he simply will not be a World Champion as a face. It just won't happen, partly due there being such strong competition (Cena, Ambrose, Reigns, Bryan) As a heel, however, it could happen. That is a role which I feel he is better at and he could easily win the WWE WHC if he made the switch.

It is difficult to predict things in wresting. It can be unpredictable but with only one World Title and such a good bunch of young superstars; I feel the aforementioned names won't ever get the chance again.
The main ones who come to mind who likely will never get another World Heavyweight Championship run now that there's only one World Championship include Christian, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, Khali, Jack Swagger, and The Miz. Any of these guys could at some point get another World Heavyweight Championship title shot, but I highly doubt any of them will ever hold the belt again now that there is one instead of two. They've each had their chance and in some of their cases it wouldn't have happened in the first place had there not been two World Championships at the time.
...in some of their cases it wouldn't have happened in the first place had there not been two World Championships at the time.

Pretty hard to dispute that. Michael Cole wouldn't even have the opportunity to state that the likes of Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry and Jack Swagger are all former World Champions had there not been two top prizes in the company whenever they won their respective titles. Kane, Big Show and maybe even Sheamus fit in that same boat had it not been for their inaugural WWE Championship reigns. With so many wrestlers now gunning for one championship, there's an even smaller chance of some of these guys will win a World Championship.

With that, The Miz is a major stick out as someone who'll never reclaim his former glory. His rapid decline to the mid card has killed his reputation so much that it's likely he'll never be World Champion again. When both Triple H and Stephanie McMahon go out of their way to put down The Miz, it's hard to recuperate from that. I specifically remember Stephanie McMahon calling Miz a utility player that peaked way too early and more recently Triple H calling him out on his straight-to-DVD acting career. Shattering his reputation is only going to hurt him during the long run. Unless his popularity sky rockets over the next few months, Miz won't likely ever see the top again.

Another standout happens to be Dolph Ziggler. I like Ziggler enough. I'd put him in the same boat as a Shelton Benjamin or a John Morrison. He's got all the looks in the world, he's a gifted performer as far as technical abilities go. However, with all the talent looking for their shot at the company's top prize, Dolph Ziggler is rather low on the list of the wrestlers that'll receive that shot. Dolph Ziggler's gimmick has been done before. Naturally, he's a cocky showoff that is the perfect example of what a real wrestler should be. Problem is, we've seen this before. The likes of Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect and even Billy Graham all sported the same attitude as Ziggler. His character needs tweaking a bit. His face run currently is doing wonders for him but his continuous reign in the midcard makes it look as if he'll never do win the big one again. That's not really a bad thing either. Ziggler, like so few others in the past, possesses the ability to make others looks good; whether they're green or not. That role is better suited for someone in the midcard. Outside of a few possible championship matches that he won't win, he's destined for great things within the midcard division.

More names I can think of are Christian, Big Show, Kane which others have covered.
This is a good question but it would be easier to pick who will get the title again. No more chances: Dolph, Kane, Swagger, Cesaro, big show, Jehrico and probably Miz. These guys will see title shots and even title reigns in there future: Cena of course probably a time or two more, Randy a time or two more if he goes face, Seth, Sheamus if he turns heel, Dean, Roman when he returns, Daniel when he returns. I think that is it but do not be surprised if you see Bray or Ryback face or heel both can beat Lesnar,
hand the ball over to me and watch the storylines get very exciting.
The secret to having the one title is that you have a stable core of people the title can go between then a few names that can own the title during a push. You then pretty much cycle the title and bring one person up to the title every 6 months or so. If they're not ready that one time, the chances are, they won't hold the title for a long time.

My gut feeling is that a lot of people who have held the WHC will never hold the big one again. Dolph is a main one here. I think he'll stay in midcard purgatory for life now. He's good. He's just not main event.

My other big pick here is Kane. I think he's had his last run. With all of the new guys to call up, his best use now would be enhancement.

Jericho, I believe will hold the title. In his last year, he'll be given it as a thank you, so he can rubber stamp his credentials before being inducted into the hall of fame. He'll have a short run with the title, maybe even leading into a mania.

I think this is Brock Lesnar's last run also. More because I don't see him signing on for another year after this contract.This is it, I feel.

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