Who will win the Rumble?


Championship Contender
I know it's kind of early. Well it's a lot early. But at this point who is your pick to win the Royal Rumble 2011. Make sure you explain why you picked them.

Mine is Chris Jericho because at this point in his career. He has achieved very many things but never a Royal Rumble win. Although I could see CM Punk or Triple H winning but my pick is Y2J
Well i don't know cause its a little early but if you were to ask me right now I would go with The Big Show.

I feel that the Big Show is a good canidate cause he is on a huge push right now and winning the rumble would guarentee him a match at Mania. He has the size and skill to win the Royal Rumble and i feel that this is his year. But it is too early to tell
At this point I really dont know. Im thinking that they will unify the belts at Wrestlemania, so if they are the Rumble wont flow into that, unless its a triple threat, winner takes all match.

I would have said The Miz due to how high they are on him right now, but he has the MITB, unless of course he wins the belt that night, that would be awesome as we've never seen the champion enter the Royal Rumble to my knowledge.
Randy Orton is the likely choice unless he's already champion by then. He's white hot right now and the Rumble is usually won by the guy with the most momentum at that time.

My question is this, if they're going to unify the titles at Wrestlemania, then what will happen to the Royal Rumble winner's Wrestlemania title shot? If the titles are to be unified at mania as is being rumored, then would the match not have to be a triple threat in order to include the Rumble winner along with both champions? Just a thought. Someone will probably steal this and post it as a thread. lol. Oh well.
Im hoping that the wwe does what they did in the past and push a superstar using the rumble into either the mainevent status or at the very least to their first wwe title. Look at some past rumble winners, such as Yokozuna (won 1st title at mania and was main eventer for next year), the Rock (2000 was the Rock's year when Austin was out with injury, solidified himself as the top guy), Batista (given the mega push into both main eventer and wwe champion).

With that being said, there are a few guys that I would like to see win. The first is CM Punk, who I hope will be separated from the SES by this point. Punk is one of the best, if not in my opinion, the best all around worker in the wwe at this point. After cashing in MITB last year, Punk was a main eventer for probably 4-5 months, but then was relagated to upper mid-card. A rumble win and main event spot at WM I think will finally solidify Punk as a main event worker, especially with the number of guys who may not be around after this mania is over, or by next years (i.e. Taker, HHH, Edge, Jericho just to name a few I believe only have 1-2 years left).

The other guy who should win the rumble is the Miz. The Miz is the hottest thing right now and a rumble win followed by a main event at Mania could work. It may also be that its too early for this, and its possible the Miz just needs a high profile singles match at mania before this can happen. However with the talk of unifying the titles, it could work that Miz wins the rumble, goes against the SD! champion, wins that match and the title, and then later on in the night cashes in MITB against the raw champion and wins the other title. Something like that would just be AAAAWWWEEESSSSOOOMMMEEE!!!!
Actually we already have a winner of the 2010 Royal Rumble Edge. Remeber Edge came back in January of this year and won the rumble. So I think what you mean is who is going to win the 2011 Royal Rumble.

Ummmm thats kinda hard hopefully Matt Hardy, Christian, Jericho or Edge again. Simply because all of them deserve a title shot in the main event of Wrestlemania. All four of them have great mic and in-ring skills and will be able to pull off a main event match.
i seriously think it will be someone thats at the top because they have to settle the wwe and wh unification match or maybe a rookie added in it and made into a triple threat main event if so i would say the miz and the champs to be cena and big show like the svr2011 cover.
My bad i'll change it to 2011. If you would book Matt Hardy to win the Rumble or want him too then you know nothing about pro wrestling.
i would like christain to win it cuz he deserves it and go on the cash his title shot in a month b4 wrestlemania like cena did and go on teh defend it at wrestlemania in the unification match wether its the wwe championship of world title idk either one
i would think the miz, but only if he still had the mitb case. then if they do unify the belts, have him win his match, then cash in and win the other match. with his major push right now, i think its possible.
Randy Orton is the likely choice unless he's already champion by then. He's white hot right now and the Rumble is usually won by the guy with the most momentum at that time.

thats not true....Edge last year had no momentum....and neither did Cena when he won....HHH will win the Rumble, setting up a 3 way Main Event at WM for the Unified Title

Rumble Winner - Triple H
RAW Champ - Cena
Smackdown Champ - Undertaker
Randy Orton is the likely choice unless he's already champion by then. He's white hot right now and the Rumble is usually won by the guy with the most momentum at that time.

thats not true....Edge last year had no momentum....and neither did Cena when he won....HHH will win the Rumble, setting up a 3 way Main Event at WM for the Unified Title

Rumble Winner - Triple H
RAW Champ - Cena
Smackdown Champ - Undertaker

talk about an epic ME. personally i dont want the titles to be unified and i would love for punk to jump back to the ME. my vote is for punk or christian, he deff deserves a world title before his career is over. but i really hope its some1 from smackdown. raw has enough star power and no one on that show really needs the rumble win and most of the ME guys on raw have already won it.
CAPTAIN CHARISMA CHRISTIAN. Edge says hes retiring soon so I say let Christian win the Rumble then at EC have Edge win one of the titles(Preferably the World Heavyweight Title) Then have Edge vs. Christian at WM for the title(with Christian Finnally winning the big one) and have them have a long on and off fued for the year till TLC with Christian as Champ against Edge in a TABLES LADDERS AND CHAIRS CAREER vs. TITLE match with Christian winning and Edge retiring
If Matt Hardy wins Rumble i will never watch WWE ever again.....Why is he even in wrestling unlike his brother Jeff..Matt is boring...ok back on subject...i think the Miz if the rumor is true he could say im the rumble and mitb winner so he challenges both champions at Wrestlemania setting up the triple threat match.
first of all, i would absolutely be delighted if Christian won royal rumble, but he wont, well, not this year anyway. I think i'm going to be slaughtered for this one but i think Goldust or William Regal simply because;
- They can Both hold their own in a main event
- They imo are very talented wrestlers
- They both deserve a good send off

So like i said feel free to slaughter me for this but it is MY OPINION, besides i think this idea is better than one specific previous comment *COUGH*Matt Hardy*COUGH*.......
Can you ask this question again in December or something? Anything can happen between now and The Rumble. For my pick I choose Wade Barrett or Triple H. I'm not a fan of Barrett but damn if he hasn't impressed me. Also I could see HHH winning having Sheamus retain the starp until 'Mania or him losing it and regaining it. Anyways I predict Triple H vs. Sheamus M.E. Wrestlemania for the WWE championship.

* on a side not I DO NOT see the titles unifying nor should they
Why the hell are you talking about The Royal Rumble? God Damn it's way too early for predictions. But anyways since this is random I'll just pick a random name and say Christian.
The Miz IMO seems like the perfect fit. WWE already decided their going all the way, 100% for this guy. Then have him cash in the MITB, win the World Heavyweight Championship, and then use his rumble win to face John Cena at Wrestlemania for the WWE Title.

That's what might happen.....I hope Christian wins it, wins the World Heavyweight Championship before WM, and challenges Edge to a ladder match at WM to unify the titles.

Honorable mentions-HHH, CM Punk, and Y2J.
if they want to unify the titles at mania miz cashes in case at rumble becomes champ enters in at number 30 wins rumble challenge the other champ at mania end of story. this is 2 predictable
winner: CM Punk. CM Punk gets so much heat as a heel and when he was the world champion, he recieved even more. I'd love to see him win and go to WM to win another world championship. Goldust? well i love the guy personally and has paid his dues. hes in the best shape in his career and deserves something for all his hard work over the years. How bout goldy wins, goes to WM and wins his first world title? nah, that wont happen lol
everyone talks about miz cashing in after the rumble, but after that "6 pack challenge" how can he resist not to cash in? not to mention i doubt he's going to hold that US title much longer and when its gone, it won't take long for him to cash in.
If Matt Hardy wins Rumble i will never watch WWE ever again.....Why is he even in wrestling unlike his brother Jeff..Matt is boring....

It seems like whenever somebody even mentions the name Matt hardy.....people have to jump all over it with criticism, I mean come on....give the guy a break.

I personally think it's way too early to predict who will win the rumble. Sure, they're are some stars I would personally love to see win (Kane,Jericho,Hardy,Christian Etc.) But I guess I will be a little more realistic.

CM punk is probably a good candidate to win, he's already a 2-time MITB winner and former world heavyweight champion, but for some reason he's in the Upper-mid card right now, he need's something as big as the rumble to truly reserve him a Top spot in the Main-event for years to come.
Who honestly knows! It is way too early to tell but here a couple of top candidates IMO.

Randy Orton: Orton won it 2 years ago and is way too over right now. He is arguably the top guy in the company right now and I suspect that he will have the gold around his waist before the rumble so I will count him out but who knows.

The Miz: He would be my pick if he didn't already win MITB. He is getting a major push and is on one of the biggest hot streaks for any superstar in quite sometime but he already has the MITB contract and has yet to cash it in and does not need the rumble win so I'll count him out by default. But a possibility could be that he cashes in his MITB contract and fails before the rumble, which makes him that much hungrier. He is determined to get another title shot and wins the rumble to go on to win the gold at Mania. Even though being the first to fail at cashing in a MITB contract could hurt him at first, if they played it out to have him win the rumble afterwards and win the title at Mania, It would be huge in cementing him as a main eventer and a big time player in WWE. Dont see that happening but again, you never know.

Y2J: Contract status is unknown at this time and I'm not sure were his character is going, but he has been one of the most intriguing aspects on RAW as of late in my opinion. If he stays, I could see him gaining lots of momentum and his character sort of evolving from where he is now. He has sort of just been putting people over as of late and does not really need another title at this point. He was also in one of the main events at Mania this past year but a rumble win could be just what he needs at this point to get back on top and add some freshness to his character.

C.M. Punk: The SES has pretty much been dismantled and he needs to be on his own again now. He is one of the best talents the WWE has as far as in ring ability and on the mic. He has already had a few runs as champion but I felt that he was a transitional champion every time he was given the belt. He was never given justice as a champ and never given a lengthy run that he deserved. A rumble win and victory at mania could be just what he needs.

Christian: Although I don't really see him as a top candidate to win or likely to win it, he deserves it. He has been back in the WWE for close to 2 years now and hasn't accomplished much. He is very talented in the ring and is very relialbe. He is going to need some sort of a big push in the future otherwise he is going to just fall by the wayside and just stay stuck in the role he is now. People are already starting to view him as just a midcarder and nothing more. If he doesn't get a big push soon then that is all he ever will be and a solid build up and rumble win woould be wonders for him as he deserves it.

It could also be a young up and comer that no one has mentioned yet. WWE could possibly build up guys like Daniel Bryan, Morrison, Mcintyre, Kofi, Swagger, or even Bourne. I like the idea of WWE building up a younger up and comer/mid-carder and having them win the rumble. It has been a while since a younger guy won the rumble and went on to win the title for the first time but I always enjoyed seeing that. My only problem I see with this is that Im not sure if any of the younger guys are ready to be in a main event at mania or if WWE is willing to take the chance to put a younber guy in the main event at Mania. (outside of Miz right now)

With the rumors about a possible title unification at Mania, I expect it be a big name guy or at least someone pretty high up on the card, rather than a mid-card guy that is on the rise. If they are planning on unifying the titles at Mania, it would be a big risk and chance at putting a mid-carder in the main event at Mania.

Knowing the WWE, The safest bet would probably be HHH returning at the Rumble to win it, then go on to Mania to win the unification match to be the undisputed WWE Champion.

Haha But seriously, it is anyone bet as to who will win the rumble at this point.
Who'd i want to win: CM Punk, he's one of the best heels right now in the company and can work a program with just about anyone

Who'd i think will win it: Triple H, Comes back from "injury" wins rumble challeges shemus at WM...that or a triple threat between H, orton and shemus
I actually have a hard time figuring out who will win The Royal Rumble this year. The ones that pretty much need / made sense to win the Royal Rumble have already done it, and there is no need to try and give someone a 2 times victory right now.

I guess the only one that would make sense to win it would be Kane, or for that sake to have The Miz win it. But I don't see either one of them coming out victorious, because quite frankly I doubt Kane will even be in it, and Miz is just not ready to main event Wrestlemania.

But really if there's 2 people I would like to see win the Royal Rumble, one would have to be Chris Jericho. Really because he needs that final accomplishment on his resume. Or no he doesn't really, but it would be nice to have that final accomplishment, just like Edge had his final accomplishment in winning the Royal Rumble. Jericho would also be a good person to main event Wrestlemania, because he has experience with it, and is over enough to draw the Pay Per View just a little bit to say the least.

Another one would have to be Triple H. Just because I'm a mark for the guy, and because I would love to see him main event Wrestlemania just one more time, as well as win the Royal Rumble just one more time.

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