Who will replace John Cena


Championship Contender
Right now when people think of WWE, there is one man that comes to mind. It is no longer Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair. When people think of WWE and pro wrestling in general that one man in John Cena. He has been the poster boy of the WWE for almost six years and is in the prime of his career. So my question to you is who will replace John Cena as the poster boy of the biggest wrestling company in the world? Who will he pass the torch to?
Someone who currently isn't in WWE cause obviously Cena is in his prime and won't stop being WWE's poster boy till it gets to the point where he can't wrestle properly anymore (like it hasn't already happened), and that will be within another decade.
Hi guys, first post on these forums =).

Anyways if we are talking immediate future than Wade Barrett while john is out with injury, its obvious following tonights cage match.

If we are talking long term then it is pretty hard to decide. But two names come to mind.

Mason Ryan, the next batista and maybe the next big thing aside from Cena.
Perhaps a long shot here but Dolph Ziggler, he has the look, talent, charisma and a face turn could make him the poster boy.

Pretty bad topic if you ask me, Cena will be with the wwe 10 years from now baring any freak accidents or company related issues.
Well I would have to say maybe The Miz if the torch was to be passed in the next lets say 5 years but it seems like Cena will be around for another atleast 8 maybe 10 years.

If its anybody passed that 8 to 10 years mark then the next poster boy will be someone not currently on the main roster
I think the estimates of 8 10 years of Cena on top are a little off. Given, doesn't seem anyone is there to challenge him now, the usual cycle of wrestling has guys really only staying at the top for a good 5-6 year run if their lucky. I think in another couple years your gonna see some other superstars pushed to the forefront. Say what you want about WWE, but they are always pushing new guys, may not be the guys who you think deserve it, but they do push new talent. I would have to guess that one of the heels, maybe Miz, Barrett or Shaemus who leads WWE in a couple years, always seem to me that heels generate more momentum with their gimmick and crowd response when going from heel to top face.
I give Cena around about 5 more years in WWE. I think he might pull a move like the Rock and get picked up by a Major Movie Company and do a little project and start earning big paychecks doing that realizing that his body will not be able to handle the physical abuse and that it will be safer to go that route. With who would take his place I think the WWE will find someone that currently is not in the WWE and make them a big star cause really I don't see anyone that would make his status within that amount of time most of the talents will either be gone or not have enough fan support to be at John Cenas status.
Its too soon to call. Look at the main event heels now. you have sheamus, the miz, and barrett on raw, del rio and kane on smackdown. who were they a year and a half ago. sheamus, barrett, and del rio werent even on tv, kane was jobbing to main eventers as a face, and the miz was a blimb on the radar screen. they make new m.e. all the time, so it very well could be someone we havent seen yet. but to be fair, ill answer your question with a current wrestler.

i'd say barrett

sheamus is too white, hhh is on his last leg, they wont make del rio the face, rey rey is also on his way out, taker wont be around too much longer, the miz is too small, edge will only be around for about another 3 years, jericho does best as a heel, etc.
barrett has it all. the looks, the size, the charisma, the mic and mat skills. i didnt care for him too much when he first debuted, other than being jericho's (my favorite current wrestler) rookie. yet he is doing very well in the main event scene, and can put on compelling stories. even with super cena. if its no one else, in 5 years, i can see barrett as the man.
It depends on how long Cena sticks around. I think Morrison is the next totally over face but I can't see him getting anywhere near Cena levels. I agree with Undertakers Grandmother that it could be Dolph Ziggler. The minute he rejects Vicki he'll be a face and it seems he can work with just about anyone in the ring. Other than that it will be someone not yet on the main roster.
Well, it all depends on who Vince likes. But if it were up to me, if Cena was done today....I would go with either Punk, Miz, JoMo, or Barret. Though I think Barret needs a little more work, he is improving everytime I see him. Punk, he has proven he can control the crowd in ways rarely seen. JoMo, he is just increadible to watch, and he has the look. Miz, has been to work horse for awhile now, always doing things with or for the company...and he is The Miz and he is AWESOME!
When Hulk Hogan would was at the peak of his career, no one predicted Stole Cold Steve Austin would be the next face of the WWE; he wasn't even a wrestler. And when Stone Cold and The Rock were tearing up WWE, John Cena wasn't anyone; no one expected him to be this decade's face.

The next face of WWE probably isn't even a wrestler yet. Cena is at the peak of his career and he has a number of years ahead of him before he has to 'pass the torch;' it's impossible to predict who will recieve it.
Cena could pass the torch to Orton Mystero or Miz. If Cena dies tomorrow then WWE is fucked; but that's WWE's problem for shoving Cena down our throats all those years.
If cena died today, Orton would get the immediate focus.

John morrison is the future. He is almost at the main event level right now. He has the look, ring ability, good attitude. He just needs a catchphrase, Maybe a new finisher and more time on the mic. He has the confidence to speak infront of a large crowd. He just hasnt been given enough time. Slap a catchphrase on him and he will be the face of the company in no time.
Calling anyone that exists in the WWE right now as the person who will replace Cena is an introduction to lessons in futility. Cena is currently in his early 30's (I want to say 33 but I could be wrong). None of the current wrestlers have that it factor right now, it is also very difficult in this day and age of instant gratification for someone to come up through the ranks to take over the top spot as Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels did, as Triple H did. People have short memories generally and it is a what have you done for me lately situation with the WWE and its fans.

Cena is going to be around for at least another 5-6 years. Hopefully by then he is on the downward slide and helping push people up the card. But I could see potential for someone from FCW doing it, perhaps someone that hasn't even stepped foot inside of a ring yet. Someday it will happen.

But it is far, far too early to predict this sort of stuff.
I think its impossible to say right now because he wont be done for a couple more years. By that time the roster could change drastically. If I needed to say someone right now I dont think anyone comes to mind. Nobody in the WWE has that connection with teh crowd that Cena has. It would be interesting to see who takes over when hes gone tho. We've seen the eolution of WWE's top stars change with the eras; Hogan, Rock, Austin, and now Cena.
The Miz. His face turn is eminent, he was portrayed as a face last monday night RAW.
Miz would actually be an interesting face.
Maybe the replacement for Cena isn't even on the roster yet. Like someone already said, If Cena died today, Orton would probably get immediate focus as the face of the company, with maybe Miz replacing Orton as #2, but I don't think any of the new breed of superstars has shown they have the potential to carry a company on their back like Cena has, so I'd have to agree that its too early to tell.
I agree with most, Cena's replacement isn't on the current roster. Cena isn't close to retiring anytime soon. I would love to see a guy like Tyler Black come up from FCW and really shine, but we will see. I mean who would have thought "Stunning" Steve Austin, Rocky Miavia, "Mean" Mark Callous and The Prototype would become some of the biggest stars in the history of the business? Or Isaac Yankem D.D.S., Vinnie Vegas and the kid from Real World would all go on to become World champions? That being said who's to say somebody we all think is lame becomes a huge star in the next few years.
honestly, this is kinda a poor question, the wwe would simply need to pick a guy at random, and have him win every match, have him work his ass off, and get him over with the wwe universe, and there we go, we have a new poster boy, plain and simple, no real effort, cause lets face it, cena is a guy who works hard, and wins almost every match only losing a belt to put a guy over, only to rewin the title from that same person a few months later, or in cm punks case, to not screw a guy over.
The person to replace John Cena is probably a freshman in high school right now. Cena has years left in the ring. I think he's in his early 30s, doesn't seem likely to stop anytime soon. We are a ways away from seeing that "next face" of wwe. Now if there were some freak injury that took him out expect to Randy Orton all over everything
The way it's going just now, it looks like it may be Alex Riley. He has been given a massive push, although it has cooled down a little. What with being unable to defeat a Miz who only has one leg.

Though, as everyone says, it really doesn't look like Cena is retiring anytime soon so who knows?
As Cena is still in his prime i would say someone who isn't in WWE at the moment. Cena is in his 30's and still has a lot to give. But if for some reason something would happen to Cena, Randy Orton would definitely take his place as the face of the company.
It's either A-Ri, The Miz, or (I'll be the one to say it) Zack Ryder.

For A-Ri like SEMM said he has been given a massive push and he's only a rookie imagine in a couple of years he could be the top dog in the WWE. He has the look, skills, great music, he's over with the fans, he's good on the mic, and hes already been in an awesome MITB match.

For The Miz he is phenomenal on the mic, he's over as being the heel of the business, he's ok in the ring, and rumors are that Vince wants him to be the face of the company when Cena is gone.

And finally for Mr. WWWYKI Zack Ryder, before you rip me on this listen to my explanation, he is extremely over with the fans, he's good in the ring and has better in-ring skills than Cena (but then again who doesn't XD), he has the backing of many superstars like Cena, Ziggler, Punk, and the hall of famers like Stone Cold Steve Austin. If the WWE gives him a huge push he could become the top guy in a couple of years.
I don't think it will be Zack Ryder, well at least not until he changes his gimmick. Yes its different but it also just plain stupid, his catchphrase makes no sense to me (maybe its a USA thing I don't know), he comes across as an absoulate pillock. The in-ring skills point may well be a good one, I won't lie I have no idea what to look for when it comes to that. All I look at is, does it entertain me?

If we had to choose now I would like to say fellow Northern Englishman Wade Barrett, whether WWE would let a forigner be the face of a very American company I doubt. Cena is 'an all American hero' the next one will follow suit so I would say The Miz. The Miz, for me, a fantastic entertainer, knows how to talk on the mic, loves the company and even seems to enjoy the PG rating.

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