Who Will Replace AJ Styles?


A few weeks on iMPACT! Bully Ray, with a little assistance from Ric Flair, took AJ Styles out of action with a power bomb off the stage through a table. This past week on iMPACT! saw Ric Flair with Bully Ray & Matt Hardy calling out the three remaining members of Fortune before the return of Abyss.

Now it's pretty obvious that there's going to be an 8 man tag match at Lockdown between the two factions. Of course, with Styles out, that leaves Fortune short one man. So the question is simple: who will Fortune bring in to take Styles' place? Should it be someone that's already been established in TNA? Could this/Should this be an opportunity to elevate a young star into a prominent spot in a major ppv match?


I'm more than aware that a number of you here read spoilers, and as you should know by now posting spoilers on WrestleZone is against the rules.

This thread is designed to spark debate and conversation among those who don't already have the answers, so I strongly suggest to you under the penalty of being banned—no questions asked, no second chances—that you leave this discussion to them if you happen to know the answers.


Honestly, i wouldn't replace AJ.

I know he's selling his "injuries" at the hands of Bully Ray, but what if it's a huge fakeout ala the blind Sandman.

They could have a few interviews with AJ building upto Lockdown, lamenting he's leaving Fortune one man down. At the PPV, Fortune are at an obvious disadvantage, AJ "hobbles" down to the ring to help, then just as the heels are feeling cocky and laughing at him, Fortune takes out everyone but Bully Ray, who's understandably confused. Face to face with the guy who "put him out", AJ rips off the neckbrace and smashes him over the head with his crutches. OH MY GOD, HE'S PERFECTLY HEALTHY! Styles Clash! 1,2,3! The end.
I have a theory. Really its more like a hope lol. But i would like to see Daniels return and not replace AJ just join Fortune were he belongs and be thier fourth man in Lethal LockDown. They could start thursday by having Roode get into a shouting match with Bully or Flair on the mic telling them that fortune has found its fourth partner for Lethal LockDown since AJ is unable to compete then right when roode says it Dainiels music hits and Fatt Hardy, Bully, Flair and Abyss have concerned looks on thier faces as Impact fades out to a commercial break. Or they could just play the mystery partner game and reveal Daniels at LockDown. If not that i see AJ returning at LockDown but there is no need to replace The Phenomenal AJ Styles :worship:
Clem, I like the scenerio.

Now, Jack-Hammer, I would do one of two ways. One would be a returning Christopher Daniels. Him and AJ have been best friends, and tag champs together. Mike Teney one time even said Daniels could one day hold all the titles in TNA, which right now only AJ has done. Both of these guys are two of my favorite wrestlers of all time.

Now, the other, would be Eric Young. I know he's goofie now (again...ERG!!!!!!! :mad::banghead:) but hear me out. I have always been a mark for Eric. I loved when they made him serious, and turned him heel. He won the Ledgend's/Global/TV title, and I thought that maybe they would finally give him a well deserved world title (the only one he needs to be the second TNA Grandslam). I was so pissed off when Suicide kicked him in the head, off the top rope to the floor, and made him goofie again. They need to make him serious again. I don't know... maybe have OJ finally get so fed-up with him that he blasts him in the head with a chair or something.

TNA Cross the line, yours came up after I sent mine, but ya, like the Idea of making it Fortune 5
I dont see why they would have to replace AJ there is still a couple of weeks until Lockdown, so there is plenty of time for Aj to make a return and get his revenge on Bully Ray and the rest of Immortal. Things play out like that all the time in wrestling.
I am guessing since the rumors were he was signed not to long ago, and they have history together, The Fallen Angel Christoper Daniels. If I am right I can not stand to see talent that good, and home grown go misused as much as he was last time around. Heres to hoping they make good on a good resign. (If I am right)

But TNA booking Stinks!

So he will be Curry Man or Suicide within a month.
I think AJ will come back and this is all a booking ploy to have him be the hero again and overcome the attack from Ray. I don't really think he'll be out, because Lockdown is TNA's 2nd biggest ppv and they'll want one of their top draws on the show. Besides he always pulls out some sick move off the Lethal lockdown cage every year. I see him doing one again, this time to Ray...
i would love to see desmond wolfe finally return and join fortune and get his hands on flair who said he wasn't good enough.
no need to replace AJ Styles in the match because theres still enough time for him 2 return and make it the Fortune 4 against Immortal in lethal lockdown! has their ever been a lethal lockdown match aj styles wasnt in? if so i cant rember it so i fully expect him back for the match! however i wouldnt mind seeing it turn into 5 on 5 lethal lockdown with hernadez joining immortal in there and aj making his return and matt morgan rejoining Fortune for 1 night only i think it could add to the match :shrug:

BUT IF AJ Styles isnt gonna be in Lethal Lockdown.....i see the fallen angel christopher daniels being a surprise partner for Fortune and helping them win the match! but honestly i dont think nor do i want AJ Styles to be replaced in this match! i want it 2 b announced as the Fortune 4 vs Immortal for lethal lockdown so Styles can start the match with Bully Ray!
I think that Styles should not be replaced, just come back a bit banged up...

IF TNA does really replace AJ, I think any of the following are options for the substitute...

Crimson took out Abyss with Janice, (kayfabe) and Abyss returned last week... Why not have Crimson take action and face Abyss?
Crimson currently is not in any feuds, or in a title picture... I think fortune can also help him have a bit more credibility.

Scott Steiner
Even though Crimson/Steiner have something going with them, really I could not see Beer Money loosing to them... Why not have Steiner replace AJ? I do not think it would hurt Steiner, just may not look right...

What if TNA keeps the replacement a surprise? A surprise return... A debut? A face/heel turn into Fortune....
I don't believe he will be as there is plenty of time left till Lockdown but if he were to get replaced, I could either see Christopher Daniels replacing AJ or and wait for it..........RANDY SAVAGE! I've just seen a report where his brother Lanny Poffo mentioned he will be doing something BIG! The only way to do things big nowadays is in the mainstream companies. He won't go to WWE cause him & Vince hate each other, I understand he also hates Hogan but I'm sure he could put up with him. He did back in WCW and Hogan wouldn't be the one he answers to, it would be Dixie.
I don't believe he will be as there is plenty of time left till Lockdown but if he were to get replaced, I could either see Christopher Daniels replacing AJ or and wait for it..........RANDY SAVAGE! I've just seen a report where his brother Lanny Poffo mentioned he will be doing something BIG! The only way to do things big nowadays is in the mainstream companies. He won't go to WWE cause him & Vince hate each other, I understand he also hates Hogan but I'm sure he could put up with him. He did back in WCW and Hogan wouldn't be the one he answers to, it would be Dixie.

Not gonna reply to the nonsense... Just gonna state that Randy Savage has a legends deal with the WWE. He has a trailer on youtube promoting the new WWE All Stars game.
If you think he will be missing Lockdown you are as loopy as Eric Young.

This is how it will happen, I guarantee you.

Fortune all laid out, the Victory in the hands of Immortal. AJ's music hits he runs to the cage and cleans house, gets the pin. The Savior of TNA, the Phenomenal One, AJ Styles.

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