Who Will Be The Second Inductee into the TNA HOF?

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
Now that it has been revealed that the Stinger will be TNA's 1st
HALL of FAME entrant who will be next?

I say unless AJ Styles suffers a carear threatning injury that the 2nd entant into the TNA hall of fame has to be Jeff Jarrett.

Anyone disagree?
I agree. IMO Double J should of been the 1st entrant into the TNA HOF & I'm no Jarrett fan. Without Jeff, there would be no TNA so I'm curious as to why they went with Sting as their 1st inductee.
Jeff Jarrett should be the first choice after it's only fitting that the founder of the company be inducted first over a part time wrestler.
I have to say that the next choice HAS to be Jeff and/or Jerry Jarrett for creating TNA in the first place. Thanks to them, I get to enjoy a wrestling company apart from WWE (which I am no fan of). I have followed TNA for the better part of 8 years and I have to honestly say that if ever TNA showed us a PPV on par with a WWE production, Slammiversary X was that show. All I can say is "Thank you"!!!
Yeah I was going to say Jarrett as well. I thought for sure he would be the first choice. Founder of TNA, and multi time champ. I figured it was a no brainer.
Jeff Jarrett should have been the 1st inductee. Sting over Jarrett/Styles/Storm even is a joke. Sting is totally a part time wrestler and has done NOTHING for TNA. I think at this point he is overrated. He wears stupid facepaint which makes him look like a clown. Sting hasn't been relavent since nWo was going strong and yet they think he's a TNA HOF. The TNA HOF should be people who helped build the company.

Jarrett literally built TNA.
Styles showcased incredible matches for TNA and never went to WWE.
Storm has built a career from in my recollection obscurity into a solid tag wrestler and now into a solid singles wrestler.
Jeff Jarrett should have been the 1st inductee. Sting over Jarrett/Styles/Storm even is a joke. Sting is totally a part time wrestler and has done NOTHING for TNA. I think at this point he is overrated. He wears stupid facepaint which makes him look like a clown. Sting hasn't been relavent since nWo was going strong and yet they think he's a TNA HOF. The TNA HOF should be people who helped build the company.

Jarrett literally built TNA.
Styles showcased incredible matches for TNA and never went to WWE.
Storm has built a career from in my recollection obscurity into a solid tag wrestler and now into a solid singles wrestler.

I agree with this, hell I would even take Christian Cage in the HoF before Sting. Christian gave TNA it's biggest boost in ratings it ever got as well as the highest sales they ever saw. His work there was the best of his career and in his short time in TNA he did more for the company than Sting has done during his entire tenure.

I knew it would happen but it still pisses me off that Sting was the first one to be inducted.
To everyone saying Jeff Jarrett I disagree whole heartedly. Does he deserve to be in the HOF at one point, yes... but not now. To everyone saying "he built TNA, he should be there", Vince McMahon built WWE yet is not yet in the WWE HOF. Jarrett does deserve to be in there, don't get me wrong, but he knows he has to give credit to those who helped build his company. McMahon knew he would have never had the success without Andre (the first member), Hogan, Bret, and many others. Same holds true for Jarrett, Jarrett founded the company but that company was built on the backs of Sting and Styles. Sting was their first marquee acquisition and stayed loyal to TNA and the Jarretts when he could have made significantly more money doing one Wrestlemania for WWE than he likely has his entire TNA career (look no further than Rock or Brock Lesnar for proof of this).

Say what you want about Jarrett but I don't think he will ever be inducted into the HOF as long as he's alive or at least prominently in the behind the scenes creative side. He knows it could be viewed as bad to thank himself before thanking those who stood by his side when few others wanted to. It's this same mentality that's why I think it will be a good 10 years if not longer before Vince himself is inducted into the WWE HOF.

With that said, if I had to pick my second HOFer, it would have to be AJ Styles. He was Mr. TNA for its first 7 years and some could rightfully argue that he has been Mr. TNA for the entire 10 years. Now I don't know if he could have made more money in WWE because I'm not entirely convinced WWE was ever really interested in him. He doesn't seem to fit their mold of a star. However he was their top guy for MANY years as well as being the first triple crown champion in company history.
People who are hating on Sting being the first inductee, shut the fuck up. He deserves every damn bit of it.

As for the next inductee, I think it should be Jarret for sure. Unless, Jeff makes a full time in ring return to Impact Wrestling. I don't think a guy like Styles, Roode, or Storm should be anywhere near the HOF until they are retired or in the last stretch of their career, like Stinger. If you ask me, they are all in their prime state currently. Any Hall Of Famer should be inducted for what they do in their prime years, not while they are doing it.
I know I might get hated for this but if they choose a non-wrestler I would have to go w/ Vince Russo as he was w/ TNA from the start up until he got fired or Don West or Jerry Jarrett nuff said. Wrestler wise I would pick AJ Styles (as he is the only 2xGrand Slam Champ), Raven, Monty Brown (he def made an Impact during his run and deserves it), Scott Hall (he had a good early run), Traci Brooks (as 1st KO to go in). Other than them choices IDK.
Like everyone has already said, I have to go with Jeff Jarrett. I was sure he'd be the first, but I'm not complaining about Sting going in first. He deserves it, he's been there since the beginning, or close to it.
I followed TNA back when it was on fox and thought it was great stuff and have not really watched it the past couple of years (six sided ring went bye bye and it became wcw lite in my eyes) that being said along with the fact that 9/10 times I think ANYTHING Dixie Carter has to say is 99% BS (i'm a bias prick I know)

HOWEVER that 1/10th time finally came in the form of Sting becoming their first HOF guy. Because while it can be disputed that he "built the company" Sting saved the company. Or have those of you hating Sting forgotten that his name value along with Kurt Angle got TNA their first TV deal with Spike. Without his name power to help build the company without the vets they could get their home grown talent would not mean anything and they would have a small time tv deal instead of what they have now. And that's if they even survived. Just saying.
It's gotta be Jeff Jarrett. If somehow it's not Jarrett, then I'd guess maybe Kurt Angle would be another worthy option since he's getting pretty old.

Bottom line, as silly as it may seem in some ways for a 2nd-rate level company to have their own Hall-of-Fame, TNA made the right decision to have the Hall-of-Fame and it will help them in the long run (for however long their run goes).

The HOF will help TNA seem more "legit" and "epic" and give it more of an aura/feeling of history and importance. Also, it could potentially help them draw legendary/big name wrestlers to make future appearances with the company, as TNA sets up deals to induct the old-timers into their "pro wrestling" HOF. Such as Scott Steiner? maybe Scott Hall? or Kevin Nash?
I too have to go with Jeff Jarrett and the second person in. As for a future candidate...how about Ron Killings since he was the first African American NWA/TNA Heavyweight Champion? Don West should be on the first ballot also. It's WAY too soon to consider AJ Styles or any of the other full time wrestlers. Barring injury or death, I don't think anybody goes in before the age of forty.
I think the second inductee should be Jeff Jarrett; i've never been a big fan of his but i agree with everyone else about he should've been the 1st inductee. Outside of the thought that he created TNA, he has had a pretty descent wrestling career-Tag titles, secondary titles, & World Titles. He was the main event guy in TNA for the better part of the history of the company. Whether people like it a lot he was the biggest name there for a while before the casual fan really knew who everyone was. So Jeff definitely needs to be the second.
Its simple.......Jeff Jarret wasn't inducted because he is Jeff Jarret.......nobody gives a crap about him......the HOF needs credibility......he doesn't bring that......Mid-Card for life........he never was a credible main eventer.....I've met Jeff and he is unquestionably the nicest wrestler I have ever met but he doesn't put asses in seats....no matter how many guitars he breaks......
To everyone saying Jeff Jarrett I disagree whole heartedly. Does he deserve to be in the HOF at one point, yes... but not now. To everyone saying "he built TNA, he should be there", Vince McMahon built WWE yet is not yet in the WWE HOF. Jarrett does deserve to be in there, don't get me wrong, but he knows he has to give credit to those who helped build his company. McMahon knew he would have never had the success without Andre (the first member), Hogan, Bret, and many others. Same holds true for Jarrett, Jarrett founded the company but that company was built on the backs of Sting and Styles. Sting was their first marquee acquisition and stayed loyal to TNA and the Jarretts when he could have made significantly more money doing one Wrestlemania for WWE than he likely has his entire TNA career (look no further than Rock or Brock Lesnar for proof of this).

Say what you want about Jarrett but I don't think he will ever be inducted into the HOF as long as he's alive or at least prominently in the behind the scenes creative side. He knows it could be viewed as bad to thank himself before thanking those who stood by his side when few others wanted to. It's this same mentality that's why I think it will be a good 10 years if not longer before Vince himself is inducted into the WWE HOF.

Hate to burst your bubble but Vince did not create WWE. His grandfather Jess started Vince SR took it over disbanded from NWA Vince bought his father out and it was Vince SR who first brought in Andre.

People who are hating on Sting being the first inductee, shut the fuck up. He deserves every damn bit of it

No I will not shut the fuck up because he doesn't deserve it and I'm a Sting fan I was a little Stinger. Can someone please tell me the logic behind inducting Sting before AJ. AJ other than the Jarretts is the most deserving he's been with TNA since NWA TNA. I knew this HOF was going to be a slap in the face to the TNA originals who busted their asses to get TNA recognized just so the millionaire part timers could get the glory.

Who's next is the question so by Dumb Dixie's thinking I'm going to go with Angle. Hey you already let a non original Sting in why not Angle in fact the entire Main Event Mafia. That's right MEM reunion even Steiner
Jeff Jarrett.

I think the biggest problem with this hall of fame thing -- and there are a bunch -- is that a lot of the guys that seem like realistic options are still competing at a high level. AJ Styles, for instance, is arguably in his prime, yet he's probably the next most deserving guy besides Jarrett. So either you start inducting guys mid-career, which is silly, or you waste years inducting guys who haven't really had legitimate hall of fame level contributions and then water everything down.
No I will not shut the fuck up because he doesn't deserve it and I'm a Sting fan I was a little Stinger. Can someone please tell me the logic behind inducting Sting before AJ. AJ other than the Jarretts is the most deserving he's been with TNA since NWA TNA. I knew this HOF was going to be a slap in the face to the TNA originals who busted their asses to get TNA recognized just so the millionaire part timers could get the glory.

The idea that Sting does not deserve it is absurd. Sting has a HOF career period. Sting has been one of the best in TNA during his run there. As someone mentioned earlier he was a huge part of the tv deal that helped TNA start appearing in the mainstream. The logic is pretty simple, Sting is probably retiring at BFG while AJ has many years of wrestling ahead of him hopefully. How about you see more than one inductee before you start losing your mind?

Oh yeah, if they do one a year then Angle has a good chance of being the second induction and it would absolutely be the right choice. AJ and others will have their day, calm down.
I was absolutely positive the first inductee was going to be Jeff Jarrett, but Sting was an incredibly nice surprise. He definitely deserves to be there. He didn't have to join TNA. He could've took more money in WWF/E. He could've done the meet and greet / autograph circuit full time. He could've simply retired. However, I genuinely believe he loves TNA, particularly as an alternative to WWE and that's why he still competes and he is still such a strong fixture in the company.

Now for "who's on second?" I think it should be Jeff Jarrett. I've never liked him... from the first time I saw him as "Double J" in the WWF in the early 90's, to his WCW main event run, to his time in TNA. Not interesting, and very, VERY rarely entertaining for me.

However, his contributions to the company are probably too many to name and number. Even though I didn't like him, a lot of the TNA faithful who were there since day one apparently did. Regardless of how one feels about TNA as a product, he and Jerry built a company that become the #2 wrestling promotion in the world behind the juggernaut that is the WWE. That's quite a feat in itself.

There's no reason why Jeff Jarrett shouldn't be in TNA's Hall of Fame. Perhaps Angle will go in before him, but JJ should be part of the first five inductions. It only seems fitting that the guy who founded the company should be there.
Jeff Jarrett should be the next inductee. If you don't like him, that's fine. However, you must have respect for this man, because without him TNA wouldn't be around. Personally I am a huge Jarrett fan and I always appreciated his ability to tell a story in the ring. Sting and Jarrett are two great names to kick off the TNA Hall of Fame.

Other TNA stars who should be considered for the HOF are Booker T, Christian, Kurt Angle, Bobby Lashley or Jeff Hardy.
No I will not shut the fuck up because he doesn't deserve it and I'm a Sting fan I was a little Stinger. Can someone please tell me the logic behind inducting Sting before AJ. AJ other than the Jarretts is the most deserving he's been with TNA since NWA TNA. I knew this HOF was going to be a slap in the face to the TNA originals who busted their asses to get TNA recognized just so the millionaire part timers could get the glory.

Sting DOES deserve it. The logic for Sting over AJ is that Sting is closer to the end of his career than Styles. When you are inducted into any Hall Of Fame, it should be for your previous accomplishments. AJ is still accomplishing things in TNA and will be for years to come. This HOF is not a slap in the face to anybody. It just started and has one inductee who could be considered a legend in the business and has worked his ass off in TNA. AJ is a future hall of famer now.
This isn't about who fans "like" or "dislike"*(especially ones on the internet). This is about honoring the achievements of legendary figures who helped to shape and mold the company from it's inception — in that line of thinking, it's inconceivable to me that Jarrett, Tenay, etc. wouldn't be considered as next in line to be inducted, even if they're still performing at the time.

I do hope, however, that this becomes a once a year thing for them. It'd build tremendously if left that way as opposed to giving every year a "group" or "class", because TNA simply does not have the historical depth to support that type of an approach anyway.
I agree with this, hell I would even take Christian Cage in the HoF before Sting. Christian gave TNA it's biggest boost in ratings it ever got as well as the highest sales they ever saw. His work there was the best of his career and in his short time in TNA he did more for the company than Sting has done during his entire tenure.

I knew it would happen but it still pisses me off that Sting was the first one to be inducted.
Not exactly the truth.

Considering TNA didn't start having weekly TV on a cable outlet until June of 2004 on Fox Spots Net which was aired late at night in my area they didn't have much of a following because they were basically just beginning. The show on Fox Sports in my area was also often moved or interrupted by sporting events and little advertising as I found it by accident.

They moved to Spike TV and got the one hour show in a decent time slot with better exposure on October 1st of 2005 which was only about a month and a half before Christian Cage debuted on November 13th of 2005. Basically it can be pointed out that the ratings rise can also be credited to the fact they finally had a weekly show on a station that had much better coverage on cable markets with a stable time slot and better advertising. You can't really attribute that entire jump in ratings to Christiam Cage.

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