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Who will be the first to move from ECW to another brand?


Getting Noticed By Management
Well we obviously all know that the ECW roster has a lot of young wrestlers that is bursting with talent. But who is most likely to move first to either Smackdown or Raw? There is a good chance that it could happen. After all the WWE is paying very good attention to some of the guys that have evolved into better wrestlers both in the ring and out. I've really enjoyed some of the guys out there in ECW because their is little to none promo's and only wrestling. I've been watching this show A LOT so I have a list of candidates I personaly think is going to move to another brand in the future.

Evan Bourne:

I think Bourne is the first to move up to Raw. He's a high flyer and a crowd favorite. I'd love to see him feud or be involved with the deadbeat Mysterio to add more lucha libre on Raw. :icon_wink: But it wont happen too soon he may be involved with Swagger first to gain some momentum after returning. Or if the WWE again acts like an idiot to bring him up immediately after his injury to feed him to Knox which I TRUELY hope doesn't happen.

John Morrison and The Miz:

These guys are my second pick. They are both very talented and are realy good in the ring. They already appear on every brand and I think that it's only a matter of time before they move out of ECW. Both are good and have skills that compliment the other. John Morrison is the better wrestler of the two. He's very athletic and reminds me of a young Jericho. This guy's move selling ability is far superior to anyone in the WWE except Cena. But for some reason he lacks the ability to draw heat. He's been a heel for quite some time now and I think it would be better if Morrison was a Tweener.

His partner Miz is the better heel of the two. Every time I hear his anoying music I noticed that this guy collects some major ''boo's''. Everything about him just makes you want to hate him, and that's the skill of The Miz. He's anoying in the ring, anoying in his promo's has an anoying haircut, outfit and the guy's face just makes you want to punch him. The Miz is superior as a heel to Morrison because it fits him well. Without The Miz Morrison just wouldn't go over as a heel.

I think these two will remain as a tag team but be pushed as single's competitors. Imagine that Morrison has the US title and the Miz the IC title and together with that the WTT Title's, that would be one hell of a team. Morrison is better for Smackdown and Miz for Raw. They would be able to reunite once in a while like DX. These guys both have great skills and after Wrestlemania I fully expect (DEMAND) that they move out of ECW and pursue better things.

Jack Swagger:

This is my third pick. I think this guy has the IT factor. For some reason everything just runs smoothly with Swagger. His wrestling skills have amazed me, even though he's still green the guy is silver on the mic and above all else he can draw massive heat. I think 2009 is going to be THE year for Jack Swagger. I think his popularity is going to rise similar to John Cena's when he was a heel but in a slightly different way. The WWE NEEDS to push this young superstar. And I think they have hope in him. Because in only four months Swagger captured a major title. I expect Swagger to be on Smackdown in the end of 2009 or the beginning of 2010 ( Oh and btw I know the ECW championship is a midcard title but the WWE says otherwise :rolleyes:)

Anyway this is my list of predictions. You can name others or even disagree with me. Tell me what's wrong with my predictions or what you agree with. Or feel free to just post whatever you want. But please do cast you're opinion :)
I think that when Bourne comes back he's going to be put in a feud with Swagger for the ECW title, so that eliminates them for the time being.

That leaves Morrison or the Miz. There have been a few hints at a break up between the two and I believe that over the next month or two they will lose the tag titles to Cryme Tyme and then split up. After they split up I think they will have brief feud on ECW and then one or both will move to a new brand.

Morrison is probably the most likely to be moved, and he would be great on RAW where he could feud with Punk over the IC title and then possibly move into the main event scene.
I don't see Swagger leaving anytime soon. Hopefully he'll be the champ for a while to build himself, and ECW, up a little, and then let him leave at the end of the year, or early next year. WWE could have him move at the draft, and leave the title vacant, but that's just stupid.

I don't know when Bourne is supposed to be returning, but when he does, he'll probably be in the title picture, so he'll be there at least longer than Swagger.

That leaves Miz and Morrison. I don't see Miz being a face, and Morrison would probably go over easier with the crowd as a face. That being said, Miz should turn heel, and that would move him off of the heel heavy ECW. He'd probably end up on RAW, because they need heel mid-carders more than Smackdown does. If Morrison stays face, he'd be perfect atop ECW chasing the belt from Swagger, but chances are he'll end up on Smackdown.

The wild card, for who will leave first, is Mark Henry. He's been in ECW for a while, and hasn't done much since losing the title. RAW has enough big man mid-carders (Kane, Knox), so Henry would probably go to Smackdown.
The odd thing is, The Miz & John Morrison are showing up more on Raw than in E.C.W., so the easy choice would be them. They're already the Raw tag team champions, and it's not like either of them can do much on E.C.W. with a heel Champion anyways. They have a much better chance to at least stay head above water on Raw, in a half-assed tag team division.

Meanwhile, Evan Bourne was on Raw more than E.C.W. when he got injured. Just because his injury happened on E.C.W. doesn't exactly mean when he returns, it won't be to Raw, and with Mysterio.

Swagger is being built as this year's face for the E.C.W. brand. I would find it incredibly hard for him to go anywhere other than remain on the 3rd brand, at the very top.

I'd lay money on Finlay moving back to Smackdown sometime soon though. Well, I guess I shouldn't say soon so much as "whenever he drops Hornswoggle". Because once that happens, he'll be heel and need a relatively good reason to get away from the Raw and E.C.W. brands that made him look like a little bitch.
Miz and Morrison will goto RAW, Bourne and Swagger will go to Smackdown. Past those 4, I'm not sure moving anyone else on the ECW rooster will do anything to add to RAW or SMACKDOWN.
I think Miz and Morrison will lose the Titles before wrestlemania and possibly have a fight at mania.I see both staying Heels with Miz on ECW and Morrison Returning to RAW.Id like to see Nitro and Melina back together but im pretty sure WWE trashed that character for good.
Miz and Morrison would be an obvious choice, since as it stands, they're only officially on the ECW roster, in actuality they're members of the RAW roster. They're even holding RAW titles so it would only make sense to move them.

jack Swagger is another one who will soon move from ECW to RAW or Smackdown. Vince is high on him, as can be noticed from his extremely fast rise to the top of the ECW roster. Right now I think he needs to use his time on ECW to really improve his promo skills, he's a talented wrestler, but when he gets on the mic he sounds like Daffy Duck.

As mentioned Evan Bourne was appearing a lot on RAW before he got injured, but once he comes back I really don't want him to move to RAW. He'll get buried quickly IMO. Although he's immensly over, it would only be a matter of time before he's pushed to background due to his size. I doubt he'd go any farther than the tag team division with Rey. I'd move him Smackdown, smaller guys (I.E Greg Helms, The Brian Kendrick) stand a better chance at staying afloat and not being pushed to the side on that brand. Plus for some reason I could see him as US champion but not IC champion.
Ok, the order from most likely to least:

1. John Morrison and The Miz. - Morrison for sure, i could see them breaking up though and Morrison moving to Raw and the Miz staying and going for the ECW championship.

2. Even Bourne. - Raw, team with Rey, make the tag devision exciting for a change.

3. Finlay. - Get rid of Horny, turn heel and go back to Smackdown to compete for the US Title.

I'm not gonna say Swagger coz i think he'll be holding the title for a while and then maybe dropping it to Dreamer at WM and then fueding to get it back. He needs to be at ECW for at least another 6months before moving in with the big boys.

Morrison needs to move permanatly to Raw to fight over the IC with Punk, they have good chemistry, would be awesome i think and would bring a good fued back to the mid card belts, ok getting way off topic, my bad.
I wouldn't break Miz and Morrison up for a few reasons -

Numero Uno - The Dirt Sheet, one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen, if they stopped producing these I would literally burn down the WWE's head office.

Secondly - Like Holy Hidden Dragon said, Morrison can't draw heat, the Miz can, it therefore makes sense to keep them together, literally what makes more sense than that. Morrison can't get over as a heel because of a few things, mostly his physique, which you know the girlies in the auidience love so there not going to boo him, he could walk into Jeff Hardys house and smash him over the back of the head with a shovel and not one girl in the crowd would even care. And the other reason he can't get over is because he's too damn funny, pretty much everyone on the IWC is a fan of his because either, they think his immense in the ring, or they find him funny, hows a dude meant to get over as a heel when we won't boo him. Simple psycology there my friends. Therefore keep him paired with the Miz to draw pretty cheap heat = World Class tag team.
I have a few members of the ECW roster I would move in no particular order...

Evan Bourne to Raw: Unless they bring back the Cruiserweight title I'd put him on Raw and pair him with Rey Mysterio to feud with Miz/Morrison for the tag belts and maybe have a great feud with Punk for the IC belt.

Miz/Morrison to Raw: ALthough they are practically already there anyway they hold Raw's tag belts and are predominantly used on the A-Show which is where these A-Listers belong.

Matt Stryker to Raw: Should replace Micheal Cole on Raw. Grishams just along for the ride. This guy is a star and should be on Monday Nights.

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