Who Will Be The First Money In The Bank Winner To Lose While Cashing In??

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2 Time OTW Champion
I remember when the MITB concept started everyone was throwing out names of who would be the first few to win it. Well 6 years, and 8 successful cashes later, who do you think will be the first to cash in and lose? I personally think R-Truth winning this sunday, and losing while cashing adding to his "conspiracy" giimmick is a big possibilty. Any thoughts?
It would have to be truth or christian it only makes sense right? Truth has his conspiracy persona in full swing and Christian has the odds against him. Kinda makes you think they wouldnt win in the first place but i still think your on the money. See what i did there?
I could personally see both ADR and Sheamus losing the MITB title match on Sunday or in the near future(technically Kennedy is first to lost the Money in the Bank). Sheamus could challenge Orton straight after his match with Christian, only for Christian to distract Sheamus and Orton hitting the RKO. Would fit into the whole title picture at the moment.

As for ADR, chances are he'll cash in on Punk on Sunday but the swerve could be he loses to thanks to Punk's reinforcements.

I highly doubt both could happen, but there is potentially a huge chance someone will lose the cashing in match this Sunday.
I don't really see the scenario happening, as I feel it helps add to the mystique and importance of winning the match. However, I think one guy would qualify should it happen: Wade Barrett.

I am shocked at the number of people on these forums or columnists on various sites who have predicted he will win. I said Barrett because he has little heat, a prolonged losing streak, no direction, no hope. Barrett seems like a guy who will be floundering in the midcard for the rest of his career.

Many apologists have made countless excuses as to why he isn't near the main event. I don't want to turn this into a debate on his merits, but the fact is WWE tried really hard to make him something special and it did not work. Sorry, but there is not one single way that could be debunked with legitimate facts.

I could envision him winning to set up another of his pushes. I can also envision general apathy from crowds across America, which would make Vince realize he deserves to be the first guy to fail with a Money in the Bank contract. It would be fitting too, as that is pretty much the shorthand version of his tenure in WWE.
That is a little bit harsh on Barrett isn't it?

Ok the whole Corre thing didn't work out, but you can't deny the guy was one of if not the most over heel in the company during Nexus, especially early on.

He was also hanging for several months with Cena and Orton.

The move to SD really killed his push, but the same can be said about ADR who has virtially no heat on RAW.

However on point. I think one of the two will loose on Sunday, I am thinking the SD winner looses and Punk retains, only to get jumped by ADR who wins leading to Cena v ADR at SSlam.
However on point. I think one of the two will loose on Sunday, I am thinking the SD winner looses and Punk retains, only to get jumped by ADR who wins leading to Cena v ADR at SSlam.

I thought the point of having a briefcase for each brand was so they could only be used on their respective brands?

As for my pick of who should lose it, I'm thinking that Del Rio might actually be the one to lose it. I know that seems like a bad idea, but, it kind of fits if you think about it: Del Rio lost after winning the Royal Rumble, and if he lost after cashing in the MITB he could cut a promo the following RAW on how he believes his destiny isn't coming to him, so he's going to bring it to himself, so he changes into a more aggressive heel, like Mark Henry's recent turn, running out and attacking people like Cena and Punk or anyone else who may be involved in the title picture, solidifying him as a viable threat to the championship. Just an opinion, but I think it may be the right move to garner some serious heat on Del Rio.
I just don't see that happening this year, it kinda seems that it's pretty obvious Del Rio will win raw's since you can kinda pencil in him vs Cena at summerslam and they need to kind of let him win to keep him credible he can only say it's his destiny so many times, personally I think he's already ran his course but that's neither here nor there. On smackdown I'd say sheamus or barrett will take it and if your gonna push Barrett you can't have him be the first to lose or he'll lose all credibility and sheamus needs a credible win after his last title run that wasn't credible at all
The 1st Mitb loser will be this Sunday....and I think it will be Alex Riley.... He will Cash in on Punk after Punk wins...and he will lose... and out of Desperation Vince tells the SD Mitb winner to go Cash in now...and that will be Sheamus..... the New WWE Champion and On RAW.... But God I wanna see Punk walk out of Chicago with that title...
Why no santino in here :(

He would've been great fun in this..anyway back to topic.

I reckon it could be Riley as someone pointed out, or as Joshthelion stated, 'the conspiracy' could get built back up again.

But..in all honesty I don't see a loser from mitb this year, wouldn't make full sense to me..they need to start pushing some midcarders because these 2 champions I'm starting to find boring.
That is a little bit harsh on Barrett isn't it?

Ok the whole Corre thing didn't work out, but you can't deny the guy was one of if not the most over heel in the company during Nexus, especially early on.

He was also hanging for several months with Cena and Orton.

The move to SD really killed his push, but the same can be said about ADR who has virtially no heat on RAW.

However on point. I think one of the two will loose on Sunday, I am thinking the SD winner looses and Punk retains, only to get jumped by ADR who wins leading to Cena v ADR at SSlam.

I don't think it's harsh at all, as a lot of wrestlers would still be over if they had been handed that many chances. Barrett simply doesn't have that magical "it" factor for whatever reason. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that's why I feel it would be a mistake to give it to Barrett.

I think if Del Rio wins, he would certainly win the title. Sadly, I think it would just be a set-up for Cena to win it right back. Maybe even as early as Summerslam.

Sheamus bailing out Vince and Cena has some appeal, but I think we have had enough of Cena vs Sheamus for awhile. Let's leave him on Smackdown, where he is going steam as a credible challenger.

Another random thought could be Miz. Maybe he wins it, goes for an early cash-in, only to have Alex Riley cost him to continue their rivarly. Admittedly, that seems wasteful in some ways.
losing the MITB turn in would effectively bury a superstar. WWE is smarter than that. Orton or Cena don't gain that much from reversing a MITB cash in, but the superstar who just lost looks worse than the Tag team champions after losing a handicap match.

Wrestling is all about promotion and keeping people relevant, take someone like Alberto Del Rio, have him lose a cash in, and you just effectively killed a star off. He'll lose so much momentum that he'll be down for months, if not permanently, and John Cena walks away with such a small gain.

I still think 2 MITBs and it's own PPV is pretty annoying though, it's pretty much inevitable with the hot potato titles and setups like this, that someone is guaranteed to fail, I'm just waiting to see which star gets burned doing this.

The only way I see it working is if someone like Evan Bourne won and pulled an RVD and asked for a fair match shot, rather than jumping their opponent. Even losing that would elevate someone like that. There's something to say for sportsmanship storylines in today's product. Unfortunately, I don't think this match would draw as much as it does in my head.
I think Truth is the first to cash in and loose. He is gonna carry the case for a little while, saying he is gonna end the c.o.n....spiricy. Now he can win the belt when ever he wants.

One week he is gonna run out for the cash in on the champ, but Cena gets up and he changes his mind. Similar to what Swagger did with his case. This goes on for a few weeks, but then one night they actually ring the bell when Truth tries to run again and he gets beat quickly.
Personally I would like Punk to beat Cena and then 1 MITB winner comes out and he lose, then the other comes out and he lose, and then you are face with what will the WWE become. But then you ruin the excitement of your gimmick the first night.

But other then that I think it's hard to say who will be the first to lose it when we don't even have the winners yet.
Whoever is the first person..they will have to be something special OR it was a complete waist of time for them to win it in the first place. Do I think it's going to happen this year? No, but there are a few people that could come to mind that could lose it and still keep their spot.

1. The Miz - I could see him cashing in MITB and having Alex Riley cause him to lose. The loss wouldn't cost The Miz his spot so that could work.

2. Rey Mysterio - Lately he loses more matches than he wins, but there is almost no one who can make another wrestler look better than going up against Rey. I also feel it would have to be against someone established also. That would be a REALLY BIG RUB if he lost to someone fairly new.

3. Kofi Kingston - They have played around with raising him from mid-card status off and on for awhile. I could see them doing to him like they did with Christian...have him go after someone like Cena...lose...and turn heal to show another side of him. Like him or now..that heal side has helped R-Truth.

4. R-Truth - dont think it will happen..with his whole crazy attitude it think it is WAY TO EASY to believe he would lose the title shot.
I agree.....I think one MITB winner challenges Punk after he beats Cena and loses only for the 2nd MITB winner to come out and beat Punk. I also agree I would love Punk to leave with the belt. If they can resign him and run with Punk as champ...let him defend in ROH, NJPW...anywhere other than TNA obviously and he can show up on Raw via satellite bragging about how hes defending all over the world against all challengers. Have Punk randomly show up at independent shows all over....daring anyone to challenge him. Imagine going to your local show and Punk walks out. Could be a HOT angle!! Then eventually Punk comes back but instead of running Nexus he comes back with a crew of top indy stars...Cabana, Castignoli, Hero (great way to debut them if they sign w/WWE). A good feud of Punk vs "McMahon (WWE)" could be as hot as Austin vs McMahon. So many ways to play it when Punk comes back to WWE rings.
Honestly, I think this topic is kind of a weird question, since it depends on who wins the thing first. For example, if say evan bourne won the money in the bank, of course he'd cash in and lose. But that's not going to happen, because he's not going to win.

Also it is worth considering that not all money in the bank winners end up with the briefcase. Kennedy won one year, only to have the briefcase stolen from him.

So I guess to answer, if anyone except Sheamus (who doesn't even need the briefcase) or Rhodes (who could use it to take the next step into the main event) on the smackdown side wins it, yeah, they will probably lose when cashing in.

If anyone on the raw side except ADR wins the briefcase, they will probably lose. Although I think it's more likely that if they throw in some surpise like mysterio or bourne just for unpredictability, that the next night on raw ADR will challenge them for the briefcase and win it that way.
R - Truth - The reason I say that is because it can help continue his whole conspiracy thing he's got going on. It only makes since.

Miz - If Miz wins he could loose on his shot. Everyone would expect him to cash it in and win and he wind up blowing it maybe with help from Riley.
I would have to say... The Winner of the RAW Money in the Banks this Sunday.

Now everybody seems to be predicting that Alberto Del Rio is going to be winning the Money in the Bank, but I can see Alex Riley pulling down that briefcase. Now, if you want a further explanation on how, please read the next Paragraph.

(Keep in mind that I am going under the assumption CM Punk has re-signed with WWE)

The obvious Main Event of Money in the Bank is going to be John Cena vs. CM Punk, so both Money in the Bank matches will have been completed by now. Punk wins and since everybody thinks CM Punk is leaving with the WWE Championship, Alex Riley comes out and announces he is cashing in right now on CM Punk. CM Punk ends up hitting the GTS on Riley and retains the WWE Championship. Alex Riley then becomes the first man to un-successfully cash in Money in the Bank. The next night it is announced that CM Punk has re-signed with the company and there for is not leaving. This gets Riley enraged because he tried to save the WWE for no reason at all, and this starts Riley's push to the Main Event. He asks for a fair chance for the WWE Championship, and he is granted it, and then the WWE can take it from there...

EDIT: If you are wondering where Cena fits in, he gets "fired" but he really leaves the company for a few weeks, and is back by Summerslam.
Am I the only one who thinks ending the successful cash in of MITB would be an awful idea? Seriously look at all the good it has done for some of the superstars careers. Sure sometimes I didn't quite work out for guys like Kennedy and Swagger for various reasons, but most of the time it worked like a charm. The bad simply outweighs the good in the case of successful cash ins that MITB has had in it's history.

It did wonders in the careers of Edge and The Miz when it came to elevating them to the next level and since than they never looked back. If the ball never got dropped with CM Punk the second time he cashed in, he would be considered to be up there with the other two stars I mentioned, but even when he cashed in it helped his career immensely. It even led to Kane having one last great hurrah in his storied career with a world title reign which led to a feud with The Undertaker last year which he dominated.

So my case in point is that a MITB cash in should never be wasted. I don't want to see someone cash in and fail or else what's the point of the push? What's the point in giving them the briefcase? They can hold up to one year, cash ins have never taken that long thus far but after they win there is a large amount of them to build them up further even with the briefcase in their possession. We don't know who WWE has planned to win the respective matches this Sunday but I can guarantee that we will find out who will be future world champions on their respective brands once the pay-per-view roles around this Sunday.
R-Truth could easily be the first to lose. This would make people think about where is career is going. Why? One, he wins the Money in the Bank. That changes careers. Two, someone like him winning the WWE Championship would be irritating, people wouldn't like it, but then vertualy gaining more interest in him. Then, when he cashes in, he loses and yet again the conspiracy strikes.

Alex Riley could also be a potential loser (we've only been saying for 6 weeks now but none the less). What if he cashes in on The Miz. People would go crazy, only for him to fall, which proves The Miz can beat Riley and would set another feud between them but this time for the WWE Championship.
I dont see it ever happening, to be honest. Why invest the time in building a wrestler up as a future star, only to have him lose as a result? The winner has the opportunity to wrestle the champion anytime, anywhere within the year following. It would be terrible booking for the wrestler to be booked to just face the champion in a one on one match, or a 5 way match(like Hernandez did in TNA), or have him cash in on the champion after the match, only to lose.

Money in the Bank is supposed to be about elevating wrestlers. Edge's win may have been a transitional championship reign, but he went on to win ten more. RVD won his first major title and would have been the face of ECW had he not been busted with weed. CM Punk was elevated to main event material and to one of the top heels in the company. Jack Swagger, well hey, you can't win em all. Kane used the briefcase to kick off his first major title reign in ten years, and one of the most compelling storylines of 2010. And Miz' win marked the beginning of a reign that would see him win the main event of Wrestlemania.

A win of the MITB contract and a loss thereafter would be a deathblow to a wrestler's career. The MITB match itself is about making someone into a huge star. With the field up to 8, thats even moreso the case then ever before. It's a grueling, brutal match, and the winner, be they heel or face, has always earned the victory by proving they can take a pounding. For them to then cash in and lose would not only be a large blow to the wrestler's career, especially an up-and-comer, but it would be non-sensical that they beat 7 men but couldn't beat a weakened champion. Im not even going to try and speculate, because it would be incredibly dumb booking and I dont think its something WWE would ever do. Unless, of course, they want to bury someone's career.
I dont see it ever happening, to be honest. Why invest the time in building a wrestler up as a future star, only to have him lose as a result? The winner has the opportunity to wrestle the champion anytime, anywhere within the year following. It would be terrible booking for the wrestler to be booked to just face the champion in a one on one match, or a 5 way match(like Hernandez did in TNA), or have him cash in on the champion after the match, only to lose. .

Actually, I have to respectfully disagree. I think it would actually be good to have a money in the bank winner lose, just to throw some element of uncertainty in there. As it stands right now, we know the only ones who win money in the bank are ones that the WWE feels might be ready for the main event. That's why in any given MITB, there's ever really only one or two possible winners.

Second, MITB has gone on long enough that by now everyone expects the winner to become champion. It would be nice to throw some unpredictability into the mix. What better way than to set a precedent by having a MITB winner lose?

Money in the Bank is supposed to be about elevating wrestlers....A win of the MITB contract and a loss thereafter would be a deathblow to a wrestler's career....Im not even going to try and speculate, because it would be incredibly dumb booking and I dont think its something WWE would ever do. Unless, of course, they want to bury someone's career.

I think if done correctly, a MITB win followed by a loss is not necessarily the death knell of someone's career. If this happened to a face, what better way than to turn him heel than by "snapping" after what he thought would be a good easy win. If this happened to a heel, well...a heel suffering a humiliating defeat becoming mocked by a worse heel is a good way to turn someone face. Maybe dating myself here, but I remember when razor ramon (big heel) suffered a humiliating defeat by the 123 kid (virtual unknown at the time), and subsequently being challenged and ridiculed by the million dollar man (bigger heel), a feud which culminated in razor ramon basically becoming one of the biggest faces in the company at the time.

So yes, I do agree a lot with what you said but in the end, I think it's time for a MITB winner to fail.
This topic is constantly popping up.... Does someone HAVE to cash in and win? The way I see it is that whoever is the first to cash in but lose will have their career ruined because of never being able to recover from that. They would always be remembered for failing to win upon cashing in. I honestly hope they never have someone fail to win upon cashing in unless it's someone such as The Miz who shouldn't be main eventing anyhow. I had hoped Miz would fail upon cashing in last year. Most of the guys who have a chance at winning their cash in deserve to do so. Whoever is the first to lose their cash in match will have a negative moment following their legacy forever and other than Miz I wouldn't wish that upon anyone on the roster.
Late to chime in, but I'm afraid it will be Daniel Bryan. He is likable, but lacks that personality common in those chosen to be title holders in the wwe. I enjoyed the hell out of his win, but it came out of left field. Bryan wasn't exactly in the middle of a big push upon winning, so where do we go now?
i think it's gonna be del rio i like him i think he is gonna cash his in and will challenge mysterio for the belt but we all know some how cena is gonna win it back i hate to say it but everyone knows it .
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