Who Will Be Our 2011 MITB Winners?

Who Will Win The Raw & Smackdown MITB's?

  • John Morrison (Raw)

  • Dolph Ziggler (Raw)

  • Sheamus (Raw/SD)

  • Cody Rhodes (SD)

  • CM Punk (Raw)

  • Big Show (SD)

  • Kane (SD)

  • Justin Gabriel (SD)

  • Wade Barrett (SD)

  • David Otunga (Raw)

  • Husky Harris (Raw)

  • Michael McGillicutty (Raw)

  • Evan Bourne (Raw)

  • Edge (SD)

  • Other (State)

Results are only viewable after voting.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Well, we're not having a Money In The Bank Match at Wrestlemania 27, but we will be treated to not one, but two of them on July 17th, at the Money In The Bank Pay-Per-View. That means 2 Matches, 16 Men and 2 Title Shots. The winner of the Raw MITB gets a WWE Title Shot and the winner of the Smackdown MITB gets a World Title Shot. So, 16 Men, who are the true contenders? Obviously, Polls here only have a max of 15, but I'm not going to go through a load of men anyways. Hopefully, like The Miz last year, the Briefcase ends up with someone who's not held a major Title before. Hopefully, that's for both men, unlike last year. So who are our men to look out for this year?

1) - John Morrison
Possibly the biggest contender to look out for this year. Morrison had a great end to 2010 and an even better start to 2011. He participated in a U.S Title Match, a WWE Title Match and a top quality Elimination Chamber Match. Morrison has had multiple times to show off his skills and shine in the Ring, so what if he won the Money In The Bank? Well, we know that Morrison is Main Event quality, and the most likely option to win the Raw MITB. I could 100% guarantee that if Morrison won the match, cashed in his briefcase, that he would win the WWE Title. He's beaten men like Sheamus before, so with the advantage of picking when and where his Title Match takes place, he is truly a future Champ.

2) - Dolph Ziggler
Technically, has already been World HeavyWeight Champion. For less than a few hours. However, now he is a member of the Raw Roster, he has never been the WWE Champion before. He has recently been a Main Event star on Smackdown and is now possibly Main Event Material on Raw, as long as he doesn't get overshadowed too quickly. If Dolph wins the Money In The Bank, then it's much like John Morrison in this situation. I do believe that if he cashes in the Briefcase, no matter who against, that he will win the Title.

3) - Sheamus
Now, Sheamus is the Main Event who is going through a rough patch in the business. A losing streak, threatening to quit if he doesn't win the U.S Title, it's all going wrong for the current King of The Ring. However, I believe Sheamus will be on Smackdown very soon. So, what better for Sheamus than to be in the Money In The Bank match? If he wins, he has total control over the Smackdown Roster. He'd have them all watching their backs, especially the Champ, whoever that may be. Sheamus winning Money In The Bank = new World HeavyWeight Champ for sure.

4) - Cody Rhodes
Currently feuding with ex World HeavyWeight Champion and Main Event star, Rey Mysterio, Cody has been getting it pretty good as of late. With a Wrestlemania Singles Match against Mysterio planned, there should be a pretty good outcome from that, heopfully in Rhodes' favour. It would be good to see him win on the World's Biggest Stage. However, what would it be like for Cody to win MITB? I think it'd be absolute gold for him, literally. I can see him strutting his stuff around with the World HeavyWeight Title and his nose feeling better and all that. Cody being top Champs would be perfect for him. He's got the skills, the character to pull it off. Also, he's never been Main Event Champ before, so he's got all the time to build himself right up and get him some Gold.

5) - CM Punk
My final thought for Money In The Bank WINNER. Now before you call it stupid, Punk has been Money In The Bank winner twice before, so why would the WWE give it to him again? Duh, to be Champ. Punk is great whenever. Whether it be in the SES, or The New Nexus, he's always good, on mic and In-Ring. For Punk to win Money In The Bank means that it gives him a shot at the Title he hasn't won before, the WWE Title. Punk being the WWE Champion would be interesting to say the least, opening up maybe a Punk/Morrison, Punk/Miz feud or Punk/Cena, which we all know would be good. So again, maybe a MITB win would be good for Punk (Again x 2)

There are my 5 Main Contenders. Other guys who may be in the match, although I doubt they will win are;
Wade Barrett
Justin Gabriel
Big Show
Evan Bourne
Ted DiBiase
Mason Ryan
Husky Harris
David Otunga
Sin Cara(?)

So tell me, who do you think will be in/win the Two MITB Matches in 2011?
Only because of what happened last year, at the inaugural Money In The Bank PPV, with the Miz winning the Red case and Kane winning the Blue case, it could pretty much be anybody. Instead of picking who I think will win, I’ll tell you who I would like to see win. My picks are, Evan Bourne for Raw and Cody Rhodes for Smackdown. That is of course assuming they are still in their respective brands by then. I didn’t pick the others because either they have already won a World Title (John Morrison was ECW Champion, and to me, that counts), or they’re from NXT (Not eXactly There…yet). I also picked “Other”, because there are a $#!+ load of WWE Superstars who have yet to challenge a World Champion for a World Title, but at the same time, are far from “Rookies”.
John Morrison Raw- I think he would be an entertaining champion.

Alberto Del Rio smackdown- If he gets the title I don't think he'll hold on to it and winning MITB would be another reat accolade.

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