Who will be Orton's Austin?


We all know that the rock, and austin had one of the greatest fued known to the history of this business, and some of the most entertaining matches, they made great chemestry together and sparked the attitude era, with austin, there would be no rock, without rock (and vince), there would be no austin so my question to you is this.

Weve got the rock (ortan) but who has the ability to fill austin's shoes?? you guys decide, because i have no clue... in all honesty..
I think by default it comes down to John Cena. In a lot of ways, Cena reminds me a lot of Good Ol' Stone Cold. Steve's and John's rise to the top is similar: they took their own ball and ran with it, turning it into a money-making machine.

I don't know if it will ever be booked the way Austin/Rock was, primarily because the "Attitude Era" is gone, so some segments, ideas, etc won't fly. But it can be blown up similarly, and most likely can and will have appeal for years to come. Orton and Cena are both young, and they have already had fulfilling careers. And they have a ways to go.
I'm going to say who it probably will be, and then everyone will flame me. And then I'm going to say who I want it to be, and then I'll get flamed again. Here it goes...

Stone Cold was the biggest star and the biggest draw during the Attitude Era's prime. He carried the show with his promos and his in ring ability. People say it was limited, maybe it was, but he made it work with his charisma. Never has a Lou Thesz press gotten such a reaction. He was the top guy because at the time he was the only person capable of connecting with the audience and crossing over into the mainstream entertainment channels such as starring in TV shows or being on Regis and at the time Kathy Lee.

The only person right now on WWE's roster that can draw as loud a reaction and be seen as a star outside of Monday nights is John Cena. Love him or hate him you have to respect his dedication. He filmed a movie and flew to an arena the same night as to not disappoint the fans. He is the man that is going to this era's Austin whether we want him to be or not. He even got his own custom belt, not as cool as a smoking skull, but you get the idea.

And I am 100% OK with this. I like the guy. Call me names if you must, but I like Raw much more with him than without.

That being said, I'd rather it be Kennedy. Kennedy is a loud mouth can get the audience behind him and still has time to be built up. You can possibly say while Cena is THE man right now, the next man could be built up right under our noses. If Kennedy stays healthy and improve his in ring game he can become the next Austin.

He's got charisma. He's got a gimmick than can last well past his prime. Austin makes an appearnce, has the same gimmick because lets face it Steve's retired and is using "Austin 3:16" as his cash cow, and is still more over than the entire roster because his gimmick doesn't get old.

Kennedy's gimmick can last just as long. It's not over the top like, say, Boogeyman. But its just far enough out of reach for the rest of us slobs.

That's just this guy's opinion. But I like the idea of this topic, I'd like to hear what everyone else has to say.
The closest thing going to Austin's charcter's in wrestling today, is James Storm in TNA. He's got the beer-swilling redneck bit down to a science, and he's good at it...But, he's not in the WWE

The closest thing I see, or see in the near future, to being an "Austin" to Orton's "Rock" would be Ken Kennedy.

He's got great mic skills, gets over with the crowd, even when he tries to play heel, and can put on a good match. Just like Austin, the crowd can't do anything but pop when his music hits, and everyone knows "Misterrrrrrrr Kennedyyy" almost as well as "And that's the bottom line..."

I don't think Kennedy is nearly over enough right now to take on an Austin role, but once he is, a feud with him and RKO could be stellar...
TBH I think you have this completely backwards. In no way does Orton remind me of the Rock, except for maybe getting a few cheers while being a heel. Orton reminds me way more of Stone Cold in the sense that he just kicks everyones ass. He's gonna use Legacy to get what he wants, and when he doesn't have it, he's gonna kick their ass too. Austin destroyed anyone who got in his way, Orton does the same.

John Cena is way more like the Rock imo, for obvious reasons. Including his overall ring work, the pops he gets, his way of doing promo's (intense and original), and, while he lacks the more humorous stuff Rock has done, he still does it every now and then. Cena's also got that "people's" attitude about him. He always talks about how he loves the fans, blahblahblah, and the Rock didn't neccessarily say that, but it was obvious based on the way he cut his promo's about being the People's Champ that he was down with the crowd.

You can't see me. The champ is here. Chain Gang. Etc., all are things I could see the rock pulling off. Orton's slithery ways, his lack of trust for anyone, and the way he decimates people; all of these things remind me of Austin.
We all know that the rock, and austin had one of the greatest fued known to the history of this business, and some of the most entertaining matches, they made great chemestry together and sparked the attitude era, with austin, there would be no rock, without rock (and vince), there would be no austin so my question to you is this.

Weve got the rock (ortan) but who has the ability to fill austin's shoes?? you guys decide, because i have no clue... in all honesty..

Not at all true. Austin was an established character before he was even remotely involved with McMahon, and way before The Rock became popular.

I also don't like these comparisons. Randy Orton has very little in common with The Rock and even less in common with Steve Austin. If what you are asking though is who Orton's counterpart is in terms of chemistry and carrying the company, the best answer would be John Cena.
Not at all true. Austin was an established character before he was even remotely involved with McMahon, and way before The Rock became popular.

I also don't like these comparisons. Randy Orton has very little in common with The Rock and even less in common with Steve Austin. If what you are asking though is who Orton's counterpart is in terms of chemistry and carrying the company, the best answer would be John Cena.

Very true, Austin was an established wrestler, and thats about it, his mic skills wernt good nor did anyone even know he had them until KotR when he won it (not sure on the year) and they just let him fly, it did make him what he became, but even still he didnt carry the company on his back until the rock was around helping him carry the company his ecw/wcw days he was just as bland as corn flakes with no sugar/milk

Ive noticed a lot of people are saying John cena, but i really dont know about that there work maybe 8 months ago, wasnt that great imo, i really lost intrest in their fued i dont recall how ratings were at the time, but i know that it was really really bland for me..ive been thinking about this a lot so im gonna throw out some names


He is very dedicated in the ring, we all know hes a working machine no one puts out like him, he has great in ring charisma but he dosent have the chemestry to go along with ortan, as stated above, i hated their fued.

Their work so far, is great, its kept me interested in raw for the past few weeks, i really enjoyed the punt to batista's face monday, it was great, but does batista have what it takes to come up with something new, or are we going to see the same old same old batista, that always puts out all the same crap, or is he eligible to make this thing intestesting??

more names like HHH Jericho (if he returns) Kurt angle...
Nobody is going to fill austins shoes plain and simple. This is a new era with new talent. Randy orton is not filling the rocks shoes he is making shoes of his own. One of my pet peeves with wrestling fans today is how they are trying to compare guys from the past to guys of today. everyone is unique. WWE should not be trying to make the next rock or the next austin or the next hogan they should be making something original. The austin/rock feud is not going to be recreated with 2 new guys who are similar to rock and austin, nor should it.
Mmmm the irony of someone with a handle of "the next vince russo" complaining that people shouldn't be comparing people to people from the past...

Anyhoo, I'd like to go with Kennedy being his "austin" but as I see Orton as austin I'd go with Cena as his "rock".

They've got a history of fighting over the title, in storyline Orton put Cena out of action with a pectoral tear, and an F-U reversed into an RKO would be amazing.

Cena's got the same mannerisms as the rock as mentioned above as well.
Mmmm the irony of someone with a handle of "the next vince russo" complaining that people shouldn't be comparing people to people from the past...

Anyhoo, I'd like to go with Kennedy being his "austin" but as I see Orton as austin I'd go with Cena as his "rock".

They've got a history of fighting over the title, in storyline Orton put Cena out of action with a pectoral tear, and an F-U reversed into an RKO would be amazing.

Cena's got the same mannerisms as the rock as mentioned above as well.

OK, the next vince russo is just a joke name......calm the fuck down.....
In the world of wrestling booking however, attempts at recreating old rivalries and gimmicks shouldn't happen. This thought process is the reason why the wrestling industry isn't progressing and is so boring right now. Instead of making cena and orton the rock and austin allow them to be cena and orton and build their own history instead of copying history. Next time try looking past my name and try reading the post. You have no understanding of wrestling, and may God have mercy on your soul.
no one ever said that ortn is the next rock, i aid he reminds me of the rock in a lotta ways...when he was becoming a somebody, the question is who will be ortans austin, as in who will be the one that makes ortan go from mattering, to, mega-star because its plausible, its just WHO will be the one that makes him do it?
Very true, Austin was an established wrestler, and thats about it, his mic skills wernt good nor did anyone even know he had them until KotR when he won it (not sure on the year) and they just let him fly, it did make him what he became, but even still he didnt carry the company on his back until the rock was around helping him carry the company his ecw/wcw days he was just as bland as corn flakes with no sugar/milk

First of all, i said character, not wrestler.

Next, the year was 1996. Before the screw job which established Vince McMahon as a heel owner character and two years before Austin and Rock began to feud. So thank you for proving my point.

Austin's feud with Bret Hart is what turned him into a star and WrestleMania XIV after a feud with DX is when the baton was handed to him to carry the company. As i said, this was before The Rock and before his feud with Vince McMahon. He'd have continued his success regardless, because he had been white hot since 1996.
no one ever said that ortn is the next rock, i aid he reminds me of the rock in a lotta ways...when he was becoming a somebody, the question is who will be ortans austin, as in who will be the one that makes ortan go from mattering, to, mega-star because its plausible, its just WHO will be the one that makes him do it?

Perhaps Edge could make Orton into a mega star. This is a rivalry no one has suggested yet but could be extremely entertaining. Both of these guys are talented, they've had some matches in the past but never a full out feud and storyline. Edge could get traded over to RAW and in a huge shocker take the world title from orton to begin the feud. Edge would be battling against Randy orton's Legacy week after week and eventually the faction would cost him his title and he would lsoe it back to orton. This leads Edge to creating his own faction to go to war with randy orton's Legacy. It could be called Rated R Revolution(or somethign like that) and be a DX/NWO style groupthat is controversial and edgy(haha). The fans would defiantely get behind this group. This rivalry could make from some great tv and i think orton and edge would have some truly phenomenal matches. The culmination would obviously happen at wrestlemania.
Well, usually there's a sort of "fallback guy" that wrestlers who make it big can frequently feud with over and over again and it (for some reason) doesn't get old. Sometimes its a weird "feud triangle" in a way as they can team up at times and feud at other times.

Austin/Rock and Rock/HHH
Hart/HBK and HBK/HHH
Big Show/Undertaker/Kane

And it appears as though there are a few new examples of this that are brewing...

Ever since Benoit's departure, we've seen countless Morrison/Punk matchups. The two of them appear to be fusing into a feud similar to the likes of Rock/HHH when they were in the upper midcard range.

Its much too early to guess where the likes of Rhodes, DiBiase, Bourne, Kingston, Miz, and the other young talent will go. And there are some guys that just never found that niche. Batista really doesn't have an "archenemy", does he? Neither does Edge, surprisingly.

This thread brings up the concept of Orton's rival. Well, there's no other choice but John Cena. These two are going to be around for a long, long time, barring some unforeseen circumstances. They've got virtually the same track record, they're pretty evenly matched when it comes to the look and their presence, but they also have that sort of "brotherly conflict" aura around them. Writers tend to make the hero (in this case, John Cena) rivals with someone that could very likely be their greatest ally if it wasn't for one major flaw. Some would think that Cena being a guy who stands up to a challenge means that he should feud with someone who backs away and runs like a coward, as that's contrast, but in actuality, the more interesting feud is with the guy who reciprocates said confidence. Orton's heel isn't like that of MVP or Kendrick or even Edge at times. He isn't the coward. He's the disrespectful and arrogant guy who can get the job done by himself. So while Cena brings "loyal but lonesome" to the table, Orton brings "selfish but surrounded". Orton can get the job done on his own but will frequently bend the rules or flat-out break them just for the pure sake of getting away with it, while Cena will stay true to the foundations and when he does win, it means that much more because he wasn't facing someone that was inadequate. A hero isn't admirable if he destroys someone half as skilled as he is. He's only cheered if he overcomes a greater threat. Two people that are evenly matched, but one willing to cheat to gain the upperhand is more of a threat than a coward who needs the equivalent of a bazooka to win a fist fight.

Maybe its just the writer in me getting out, but that's how I see it. Orton/Cena will be feuding for a long while, and it seems very clear that those two will be the ones syncing up, so really, the more interesting question is....who will be Edge's?
First of all, i said character, not wrestler.

Next, the year was 1996. Before the screw job which established Vince McMahon as a heel owner character and two years before Austin and Rock began to feud. So thank you for proving my point.

Austin's feud with Bret Hart is what turned him into a star and WrestleMania XIV after a feud with DX is when the baton was handed to him to carry the company. As i said, this was before The Rock and before his feud with Vince McMahon. He'd have continued his success regardless, because he had been white hot since 1996.

Right, i get where your coming from, austin made rock, not rock made austin, but together, they made wwe HUGE at the time, thats what im asking, who do you think ortans, austin will be.. im saying orton has the potential to be as big as the rock/orton but he needs to have some sort or austin/rock prototype to play off of, one that has huge in ring charisma, and is a hero...but, knows how to wrestle (not john cena)
Well, usually there's a sort of "fallback guy" that wrestlers who make it big can frequently feud with over and over again and it (for some reason) doesn't get old. Sometimes its a weird "feud triangle" in a way as they can team up at times and feud at other times.

Austin/Rock and Rock/HHH
Hart/HBK and HBK/HHH
Big Show/Undertaker/Kane

And it appears as though there are a few new examples of this that are brewing...

Ever since Benoit's departure, we've seen countless Morrison/Punk matchups. The two of them appear to be fusing into a feud similar to the likes of Rock/HHH when they were in the upper midcard range.

Its much too early to guess where the likes of Rhodes, DiBiase, Bourne, Kingston, Miz, and the other young talent will go. And there are some guys that just never found that niche. Batista really doesn't have an "archenemy", does he? Neither does Edge, surprisingly.

This thread brings up the concept of Orton's rival. Well, there's no other choice but John Cena. These two are going to be around for a long, long time, barring some unforeseen circumstances. They've got virtually the same track record, they're pretty evenly matched when it comes to the look and their presence, but they also have that sort of "brotherly conflict" aura around them. Writers tend to make the hero (in this case, John Cena) rivals with someone that could very likely be their greatest ally if it wasn't for one major flaw. Some would think that Cena being a guy who stands up to a challenge means that he should feud with someone who backs away and runs like a coward, as that's contrast, but in actuality, the more interesting feud is with the guy who reciprocates said confidence. Orton's heel isn't like that of MVP or Kendrick or even Edge at times. He isn't the coward. He's the disrespectful and arrogant guy who can get the job done by himself. So while Cena brings "loyal but lonesome" to the table, Orton brings "selfish but surrounded". Orton can get the job done on his own but will frequently bend the rules or flat-out break them just for the pure sake of getting away with it, while Cena will stay true to the foundations and when he does win, it means that much more because he wasn't facing someone that was inadequate. A hero isn't admirable if he destroys someone half as skilled as he is. He's only cheered if he overcomes a greater threat. Two people that are evenly matched, but one willing to cheat to gain the upperhand is more of a threat than a coward who needs the equivalent of a bazooka to win a fist fight.

Maybe its just the writer in me getting out, but that's how I see it. Orton/Cena will be feuding for a long while, and it seems very clear that those two will be the ones syncing up, so really, the more interesting question is....who will be Edge's?

the only problem i have with this, is that orton/cena arnt evenly matched, while cena has the it factor/look/charisma he in fact does not have the wrestling abilitiy to be "evenly" matched with orton, orton would have to carry the match himself, while cena would pick up the win off his usual, 5-move set...which would get boring, fast....just like it did back during their last fued (i thik about 9-12 months ago)
Right, i get where your coming from, austin made rock, not rock made austin, but together, they made wwe HUGE at the time, thats what im asking, who do you think ortans, austin will be.. im saying orton has the potential to be as big as the rock/orton but he needs to have some sort or austin/rock prototype to play off of, one that has huge in ring charisma, and is a hero...but, knows how to wrestle (not john cena)

Ah right, i get what you are saying. My answer would actually be that it is not going to be any one person. Actually, it isn't going to be any two people either. Cena is a much bigger star than Orton at the moment and will probably continue to be. Those two are the natural two on the long term, as they will both likely be around for the same time just abouts. But then you also have Edge, you have Jeff Hardy, you have Batista, etc etc. Fact is, WWE have more main eventers now than they have ever had. Long gone are the days that the promotion rests on the shoulders of a few men. As we've seen when Orton, Cena and HHH have all been injured, WWE can easily slot someone in their place without doing much, if any at all, backtracking.
Ah right, i get what you are saying. My answer would actually be that it is not going to be any one person. Actually, it isn't going to be any two people either. Cena is a much bigger star than Orton at the moment and will probably continue to be. Those two are the natural two on the long term, as they will both likely be around for the same time just abouts. But then you also have Edge, you have Jeff Hardy, you have Batista, etc etc. Fact is, WWE have more main eventers now than they have ever had. Long gone are the days that the promotion rests on the shoulders of a few men. As we've seen when Orton, Cena and HHH have all been injured, WWE can easily slot someone in their place without doing much, if any at all, backtracking.

Right, but sooner or later it will be time to add new ppl in the main event and where they have so many people in the ME they will flop, take CM punk they tried to help him out with MItB match gave him the title, and he flopped that may not be entirely his fualt were so used to seeing orton/cena/HHH/edge in every ME that, it bores us to see something new...=\ its time, to pass the torch around, scramble it up, what wwe has going, isnt working (ratings wise) so its about time, we see someone new.....imo
if hardy sticks around then maybe he could be edges guy, but i think edge and cena have a thing about them too as they'v been in a fued before and every now and then as we saw in the slammy show few weeks back, even though their on diff brands, they'l still match up. they did the same in the draft at the beginning of the year, was edge vs cena then too, so it'l be interesting to see i think in the next few years.
if hardy sticks around then maybe he could be edges guy, but i think edge and cena have a thing about them too as they'v been in a fued before and every now and then as we saw in the slammy show few weeks back, even though their on diff brands, they'l still match up. they did the same in the draft at the beginning of the year, was edge vs cena then too, so it'l be interesting to see i think in the next few years.

We don't have time to be arguing over the next few years. If WWE hasn't noticed everythings going under, and if they don't do something and do it now, they will too. It's time for them to start pulling "the interesting next few years" NOW. I'm tired of seeing crappy television when it comes to a great TV show. They have the potential, so show us something for god's sake. They say they're targeting the audiance of tomorrow (children) so why not target the audiance of today (us)? Theres no point to having such talent like Santino Marella, and wasting him on comediac acts (Finlay falls under this as well.) Theres no sense in having so much cruiserweight talent, making it a comediac act, and then throwing the division away. WWE, stop being douches, give us what we deserve, and fans, stop looking at "next few years" because this time two years ago we were saying "next few years" looks great. Where are we at now? Two years went by, and we STILL have CRAPPY television, on a dang good show.
I think Orton dose remind me a lot of Austin but no matter what they have in common Orton cant fill hes shoes, not in the bad way i mean is orton a beer drinking red neck? no but dose he have some of austins quatities yes. like the trust no one act ect.

Who fills the rocks shoes hmmmmmmm the rock. No one can fill the rocks shoes same as no one can fill Austins shoes but a good fued i would like to see that can build up to an austin rock fued....... Orton vs Edge vs Cena vs Hardy

you need four superstars to match up two ultrastars such as the Rock and Austin
I think one of the things that helped make Rock/Austin so special was the longevity of the feud. They started feuding when they were at the mid to upper mid card level and it carried right through to the main event. You saw those guys feud for the IC Title and the WWF/E put a lot of time into it and then you saw them feud for the World Title. Unfortunatley you just dont see stuff like that anymore.

First. I really wouldnt compare Orton to The Rock but I understand what you mean. The guy I think would have the best chance to be his Austin would be Mr. Kennedy. Cena in my opinion is what he is. A guy who gets a great reaction but its a mixed reaction and who knows what he will get if he turned heel. Kennedy is someone who I think could be big. He hasnt really defined himself as a great face or great heel yet so it would be intersting to see which way he goes and what he is better at doing.
Orton is definetly more similar to austin even though in a way hes nothing like him....ok time to explain, obviously orton has the whole destroying anybody who gets in his way , doesnt care about anybody , relentless energy that austin had but at the same time, ortons slithering mannerisms , the underhanded tactics, the outsmarting people where they would have had ol stone cold simply knock them down, hes completely different...really to bring some balance to these statements id have to say that Orton is simply the thinking mans austin...with style lol , anyway its obv cena is gonna be ortons main antagonist over the years to come , when older guys like triple H and batista (age wise not career length) are out of the picture, its gonna be Orton and Cena at the top of the mountain , exactly like Austin and The Rock. Guys like Kennedy and MVP will be holding the 3rd and 4th spots maybe like Foley and Triple H did back in the austin - rock heydey, but yeah overall the next storied feud of wrestling is definetly Orton - Cena , the footage of the rKo on the chair at saturday nights main event , Orton punting Cenas Dad, Cena hitting the FU at summerslam 07...these are gonna be just small instances of how gargantuan this feud will be over the next few years.
Firstly Triple H was involved in that era too and had rivalries with both Austin and the Rock, and had just as good a rivarly with both over the IC Title and WWF Titles and can be argued that without Triple H/DX being there the era may have been different. That being said Austin vs The Rock matches was probably the pinnacle of that era.

Onto clones
Cena is a Hogan clone loosely based on Austin's popularity if he's anyone (pussy one at that). He could be a main rivalry with anyone but i jsut hate him so much that i don't care

Orton is his own man, Only comparisons is he has the look of The Rock and the demeanor of a Heel Jake The Snake, and can strike out of nowhere like Austin.

Kennedy is trying to be the next Rock/Austin clone but it doesn't cut it. both in and out of the ring

Problem alot of the current generation want everything now, don't want to wait months on end to build a fued, and can't think for themselves so creative have to come up with everything, atleast thats the way the storylines seem to be booked. From all accounts by retiree's etc. alot of the guys now refuse to work on there matches, refuse to work together to make a good match other than when absolutely necessary and don't want to job to each other. That doesn't make for good rivalries

Back in the 80's and 90's everything was based on the fact that lots of the world only saw monthly shows so rivalries had to last months on end. and the Austin era, with all the shows together rivalries were easy cause the guys were face to face several times a week, yr after yr. Also guys seemed to gel better back then, thats not to say they were all buddies looking out for each other, but they did what was right for business firstly.

So who will be Orton's Austin, well considering i just said i don't think he's the Rock, regardless the best person woulda been Edge, they are alot alike. They both have similar attributes and abilities and were buddies and turned on each other kinda, then they dropped the storyline.

Both guys have that "it" factor cause they've been around for many yrs and have been built up. specially so with Edge.
If they both weren't so god damn boring on the mic for the most part. they'd be Austin Vs Rock material, thats the kicker.
Well Orton's big feud could also be with the McMahons after seeing that! Although it appears Randy is the heel with Vince as the face. I hope this changes.

Have Orton win the rumble (they won't give it to him to shock us probably) so the McMahons CAN'T fire him until after Mania. Or something along those lines and you have a golden feud. Only problem is I can't see Cena playing the role of the McMahon's puppet.

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