Who Will Be Better?


Layeth The Smackdown!
From what I have been seeing from both parties so far involving Daniel Bryan and Kaval, I definitely have to say I am extremely impressed. These guys just really breathe wrestling and they are truly two of the best wrestlers in the business right now. Daniel Bryan has a very long career ahead of him where he is predicted to become US Champion very soon. Kaval seems to be getting a little push lately on NXT where he was jumped by Husky, but was able to fight him off and seems to be developing an on-screen relationship with Layla (not a bad way to start IMO). As good as these two 10 plus year veterans are, there is one huge difference between them. Obviously, being Danielson with the better promo skills. Other than this they are both loved by the crowd and know how the business works. But what I want to know is which one is destined to have a better career even by a slight difference in future achievements?

To answer my own question I would have to say American Dragon because from seeing this guy compete all over the world to seeing this guy main event Summer Slam you know he is a top star waiting to happen. He is loved by most of us here on the forums and he is able to get a whole crowd of 10,000 plus out of there seats and give them a pure wrestling match instead of the 5 moves of doom. Kaval can get the crowd excited too, but again what really makes me want to choose Bryan over Kaval is the mic skills. You need mic skills in order to be successful in WWE as a main eventer and Bryan has had some pretty good promos so far before he was fired of course. Kaval needs a lot of work with his promos, but he will get there. So here is what I think now I want to know what you guys think?
I would say AmDrag as well, with no doubts. I'd actually be surprised if Kaval ever actually won a singles title. I know WWE appears to have shattered the glass ceiling, but I really feel like they haven't changed much in the sense that they love the big guys.

While both AmDrag and Kaval are small, Kaval is noticeably smaller. You can't even use Rey Mysterio as an example as to how he can succeed, because he's the opposite of Rey, and I can't see him appealing to children the way Rey does.

AmDrag has a chance to get the Benoit/Jericho treatment, meaning he's small, but they'll push him as a wrestling machine who knows how to work in the ring, no matter the size of his opponent. You can even look at both of their NXT roles to see how WWE views them. From the jump AmDrag was a hot topic in NXT. Kaval...he's sorta just one of many guys on that show. In fact, just as many people seem to like the other guys as they do Kaval. With NXT 1 it was almost the general consensus that AmDrag should win.
First off, while I do believe that Daniel Bryan's mic skills are better than Kaval's, I don't feel that Daniel Bryan mic skills are exactly "gold" or at least as good as you say they are. Don't get me wrong. I love Bryan as much as the next guy, but his mic skills could be a little better.

But to answer the OP, I agree with you in the fact that Daniel Bryan will make it farther than Kaval in the WWE. But only because of the way things have been going so far. The reason is because I feel that the WWE paid more attention to Bryan than Kaval while he was in NXT. When Bryan was in NXT, the WWE kept him at first place in the poll even though he didn't win any matches or competitions. They also started some type of fued between Bryan and Micheal Cole. In other words, the WWE "emphasized"(that's the best word I can think of) his presance.

Kaval on the other hand, hasn't recieved as much attention I believe. Sure, he actually won some matches unlike Bryan, but the WWE doesn't really seem to pay too much attention on him. They seem more focused on the McGuilicuty(someone I despise completely), and Alex Riley w/ the Miz.

But that is just NXT. When we are talking about the future, things are a little different. Daniel Bryan's role in WWE has already been established. The most likely scenario to happen (in my opinion) is for him to start a fued with the Miz. Miz will eventually drop the US title to Bryan so that he can focus on MitB. Nevertheless, Daniel Bryan will be US champ.

Kaval will most likely (in my opnion) team up with Layla, in the way that she becomes his manager (or girlfriend. whatever you want to call it). Which to me, is a really great idea becuase Kaval is a little too serious and Layla is a fun-loving, outgoing person. They can easily feed off each others energy. Anyways, Kaval will be managed by Layla in whatever fued he enters.

So as of right now, I have to go with Daniel Bryan going further than Kaval, but only because of the build-up he has gotten compared to that of Kaval's. Then again, I believe it is still a little early to tell who will actually go further because....well, Kaval isn't even on the main roster right now.
There's really no arguing the fact that Bryan Danielson will become the bigger one of the two. He's probably the best in the ring, as well as his microphone skills slightly exceeds Kaval.

Bryan has the crowd behind him in a firm way, more than Kaval can brag about, and while they were both placed as the top of the competition on numerous occasions, Bryan Danielson was still the more talented one of them.

Bryan will most likely have the better career, as well as he'll have the better fan following, practically everything about Bryan will most likely be better than what Kaval can aspire to become.
I will go against the grain and say Kaval. Both are good to great wrestlers, however Kaval has a much more exciting move set and that is the key. WWE fans will get bored of Danielson as he is too technical for the young viewers, do 12 year old's really care for a good submission hold? I don't think so.
They love the 619 (which is a shocking move), they love the shooting star press (Paul London must be pissed), they hate the Master lock and SSSwager's ankle lock.
They Love the warriors way. For these reasons I go Kaval. The child friendly happy version of Low Ki.
I think that it will definitely be Bryan, he is much better on the mic although he isnt great he is certainly better than Kaval and he is marginally better in the ring although that is debatable. I think that it is obvious that the WWE are high on him, he returns (to a huge pop) to main event SSLam where he eliminates two people and is the 2nd last surivior, from there he is entered into a fued with Miz who is being heralded as the future of the company and he is looking likely to get the US title pretty soon.
i going with kaval. amazing high flyer, did an AWESOME rap on NXT, and unlike bryan, is doing very well in nxt. i wanna see kaval and alex riley get contracts, and want riley NOT TO JOIN THE NEXUS! He's way to good, and kaval could be intercontinetal champ by january/
I will agree with the majority by saying Danielson-while I think both are fantastic, he has already been given this great push alongside Team WWE and wherever that will lead to. That is higher than I feel Kaval will be (unfortunately as I think he's incredible in the ring) anytime soon. In the immediate future I'd say Daniel Bryan, but hopefully with some hard work, which we can already see has began already, Kaval can make it high up the card as well! As long as neither of them get bored and want to return to the more wrestling oriented indies or whatever, then they can both succeed and do well in the WWE.
I'll also go with AmDra. He just has the steem atm and I can see it going on for awhile. Kaval is also a small guy and unless the E decides to send him to SD I see him fadeing into the jobber house on RAW.

All I know is that Kaval needs to be heel to get going with his size...

I hope these 2 have a match at WM tho. Would be epic.
These guys just really breathe wrestling and they are truly two of the best wrestlers in the business right now. Daniel Bryan has a very long career ahead of him where he is predicted to become US Champion very soon.

He is loved by most of us here on the forums and he is able to get a whole crowd of 10,000 plus out of there seats and give them a pure wrestling match instead of the 5 moves of doom.

First off 2 of the best in the business umm NO I can start pulling names out of a hat Kurt, Jericho, Miz, HHH, AJ Styles, RVD, and Orton (I am sure I could pull a few more out). I will say they are 2 off the better Talent about the age of 30 (Daniel Bryan 29, Kaval 30).
Secondly the US Title that creative does no give a shit about. Has been defend about 6 times this year so Daniel Bryan winning it off Miz is not going be a coming out parade for Daniel Bryan. Again if the title meant something still and Miz had defend it this year in solid feuds than I might be more impressed. Yes i think Daniel Bryan will go farther and lets say he does become a face WWE Champ guess what. He will do the 5 moves of doom. Cena did way more than the 5 moves when he was upcoming see his feud with Kurt. Remember the 5 moves of doom is CREATIVE and their wonderful booking not the wrestler. So in a couple years you could be saying "I hate Daniel Bryan all he does is get beat up than hit his 5 moves of doom and wins". Just because he is great now when he gets a world title run, like i think he will, don't be surprised if it makes you go :wtf:.

P.S. For the record i hope i am wrong but WWE loves their goofy big men.
I will say this, Kaval and Danielson had wrestled a match in Florida Championship Wrestling last year and it was simply amazing. I believe that the match is on youtube right now, but not sure. These two are going to be good for WWE by all means. Yes, Danielson has the edge on mic skills, but for Kaval to have a a career in WWE he needs to stay healthy.
Daniel Bryan.

First off, he's getting a bigger push, quicker than Kaval. He looks poised to become the next US Champion, and I'm sure they'll build him up as a fighting champion and give him lots of title defenses, since The Miz couldn't do anything with the title as tag champ and then as MITB winner. Kaval may win NXT and win the championship match at the PPV, but no one knows what title Creative will let him challenge for, or even if they'll really give him that shot.

Second, he's far more interesting than Kaval in terms of personality. Kaval may be exciting in the ring, but he isn't very good on the mic and doesn't really have much of a personality. Bryan has a very natural, personable charisma that makes him easy to like. People may say he has no personality, but that's not true at all. It's just very subtle, channeled in everything he does.

Third, he has a different moveset than Kaval that allows him to easily and realistically take down bigger guys. Don't get me wrong, Kaval is exciting in the ring, but he does a lot of flying and stiff kicking, whereas Bryan uses submissions that seem more realistic and look like they could legitimately make ANYONE tap out. Kaval is also smaller, and more like a cruiserweight than anything, whereas Bryan is more like a Benoit or a Jericho.

Don't get me wrong; I like Kaval, but I like Bryan that much more and think he has more of the tools needed to survive on the big stage.
Not hard to answer, Daniel Bryan simply because he's better than Kaval in the ring, on the mic and has a better fan base. For the future, well Daniel Bryan looks like winning the U.S title very soon whereas Kaval is still on NXT. Kaval is good in the ring and sometimes funny on the mic but Daniel Bryan is a far better wrestler in my opinion, this guy will make a great champion if he gets a solid run. I can picture Bryan as a WWE Champion already in my mind but it's pretty hard to picture Kaval with the title.
I leaning towards kaval just because of his look and fighting ability. His fighting style appeals to me more and everytime he wrestles, I mark out. I've watched alot of their matches in the Indies on youtube, and both are almost equally talented. Danielson may have a special effect, and has more of an unpredictable touch to his matches, where as Kaval is more of a fighter, and he doesn't have as much charisma or ability to get a crowd on their feet like Danielson does. I'm huge on them both. I would even go as far as to say these two guys are my favorite thing going right now. I hope to see these two in the main event at wrestlemania in a couple years.
I'll go with Kaval for the win. To the person that said Kaval was on the same playing field as everyone else in NXT Season 2, you clearly have not been watching NXT Season 2. Kaval outpops every single one of his competitors by a country mile on a weekly basis. In fact I sometimes forget there's an audience for NXT until Kaval is announced and they come alive.

The only problem is the attention from the WWE itself. NXT Season 1 was essentially The Daniel Bryan Show starring Bryan Danielson. He always seemed to be the focus even (read: especially) after his "elimination." He was given much more screen time than Kaval as well as the biggest angle on NXT in his feud with the most hated man in WWE Michael "screw the interwebs and all who uses it" Cole.

I still think Kaval will outshine Bryan however through his amazing ring work and improving mic work. You said Bryan is easily better on the stick? When has he proved that? The guy was god-awful in NXT Season 1 whenever he wasn't shooting on Cole and Striker. I hope Kaval is given as much of a chance to shine as Bryan was and show why it's not the size of the dog in the fight, ah radda radda radda radda! Just leave the rapping alone.
Within the next year, it seems like it should be Daniel Bryan. Hes poised to become the next United States Champion at Night of Champions against The Miz, who should of never gotten the U.S Title to begin with, both his reigns have been over shadowed by a bigger angle hes been incorporated in, its a waste but that's a whole different subject.

However, if Kaval does win NXT (which I doubt, I believe it'll be Alex Riley), if he does, I think he might get a World Title run, although I doubt it, probably go more for the Intercontinental Title or U.S Title. Even so, who knows with WWE.

Overall, when all is said and done, and both men retire from WWE or leave or however they move on from the WWE, it will probably be Daniel Bryan with the biggest impact in WWE no Kaval, however who really knows, maybe they find a way to push Kaval to the moon. It remains to be seen.
First off 2 of the best in the business umm NO I can start pulling names out of a hat Kurt, Jericho, Miz, HHH, AJ Styles, RVD, and Orton (I am sure I could pull a few more out). I will say they are 2 off the better Talent about the age of 30 (Daniel Bryan 29, Kaval 30).
Secondly the US Title that creative does no give a shit about. Has been defend about 6 times this year so Daniel Bryan winning it off Miz is not going be a coming out parade for Daniel Bryan. Again if the title meant something still and Miz had defend it this year in solid feuds than I might be more impressed. Yes i think Daniel Bryan will go farther and lets say he does become a face WWE Champ guess what. He will do the 5 moves of doom. Cena did way more than the 5 moves when he was upcoming see his feud with Kurt. Remember the 5 moves of doom is CREATIVE and their wonderful booking not the wrestler. So in a couple years you could be saying "I hate Daniel Bryan all he does is get beat up than hit his 5 moves of doom and wins". Just because he is great now when he gets a world title run, like i think he will, don't be surprised if it makes you go :wtf:.

P.S. For the record i hope i am wrong but WWE loves their goofy big men.

You obviously don't watch independent wrestling if you think that Triple H, RVD, The Miz and Randy Orton are better than Kaval and Danielson. Danielson is the greatest technical wrestler than Benoit and Kaval brings the Japanese style to the US and it's great. Watch their match form ROH Round Robin Challenge and then say that the wrestlers that you mentioned are better than Danielson and Kaval.
I know I might get some hate for this, but I do not like Kaval.

I do in fact like Daniel Bryan though. I see Daniel having a good career. You know, he reminds me of Mr. Kennedy in some ways. With that said I hope his WWE career doesn't end up like Kennedys. :lmao:

So there we go. In my personal opinion, Daniel Bryan is better, and I think WWE will realize that as well. Kaval will more than likely end up like Evan Bourne or worse.
It's obvious that Danielson will be far more successful, but as for wishful thinking, I'd love to see Kaval face Daniel Bryan for the Championship one day. That's the kind of booking that would win me over with WWE. Sadly, I don't see it happening.

I must also agree with kingofkings01013 though, because he does have a point. Bryan and Kaval are not the top of the food chain right now, and when/if they get there you don't know what their gimmick will be. Let's just hope WWE brings more guys in like they did with CM Punk and not take away ALL of their move set. (And I'll throw Alberto Del Rio in with Punk too because he still had most of his patented moves, though it was just one match.)
Daniel Bryan will have the far superior career in WWE than Kaval will. My reasons are sound, let's take a look at when Bryan was on NXT if I'm not mistaken he was the one who always had the spot light on him. He had the most screen time over the other seven rookies. He was even in the biggest spot light of that show even after he was eliminated from the competition. He was building a feud with both The Miz and Michael Cole upon getting eliminated and than was seemingly going to be a member of The Nexus before he was released after that ridiculous incident that happened during the first Nexus attack. After he was released some WWE staff actually were stated to have said that they just gave TNA a major star. Which should probably tell you how highly they think of Bryan.

Then they didn't even wait until his ninety days to resign him, and he returned to the company at SummerSlam. Now he is building a feud with The Miz for the US title at Night Of Champions and Cole has gone back to the bashing Bryan routine. I am also positive that Bryan will take the title of The Miz come Night of Champions do miz can focus on moving up the card.

Now Kaval on the other hand may get a good reaction on NXT right now and may be first in the poll all the time but beyond that what does he bring to the table that would make him superior to Bryan in anyway? Daniel Bryan is very similar to the likes of Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle when it comes to an in ring style as he is a very technical, submission specialist. Kaval may fly around and stiff kick every one and may be somewhat exciting to watch but Bryan is the far superior worker. On the mic Bryan is far superior as well and has a very natural charisma about him as he can cut a damn good promo if he wants too. Kaval on the other hand lacks personality and mic skills which in this say and age seems like a necessity in WWE and professional wrestling in general.

Kaval may make a decent mid-card performer much like Evan Bourne, but he won't make it as far as Bryan will. I see Bryan actually becoming a main event player in the very far off future but at least me and WWE see the potential in him. That is something I do not see in Kaval's future. Therefore Daniel Bryan will have the better WWE career.
KAVAL - I don't know how anyone on this forum can even say Bryan has good mic skills. He was bland on NXT , was bland on the mic in ROH. He wasn't known for his promos but his in ring ability

When it comes to WWE fans, the kids love High Flyers which makes Kaval have an edge and could be a great replacement for Rey Misterio down the road. Kaval HAS NOT had a push so to compare the to is not fair. NXT was built around DB for the first few episodes.

Kaval has come the old fashion way, standing out in a pack of other wrestlers. Which I think many of you are not considering who could be bigger than both: Alex Riley. He has the look, mic skills and instant heat. It took the WWE universe alot of time to warm up to DB. Although the IWC was high on him.

But Kaval has the moveset that makes highlight reels. DB doesn't , I see him as the next Beniot, which is very refreshing because I miss a technical wrestler but I don't see a technician getting the Heavyweight Belt without better mic work. Kaval has the skills , he just needs to break out of his traditional warrior " role" . He may work better as a heel but for now the kids love him which is different for DB.

DB is loved by the older crowd and IWC. Where as the kids love Kaval. And if I were a betting man and WWE gave both an equal push. I would see Kaval selling more merchandise and having a great career. They just need to give him something similar to rey's mask or hardy's arm bands. Something of the sort.

But I see Kaval as the next Ricky Steamboat of WWE which would mean an IC title push. Which would do wonders for him on smackdown. He would have some amazing matches. Whereas, DB is RAW all the way.
Daniel Bryan, he is huge all over the indies and Japan. Also look who trained him, Shawn Michaels, which i would believe is an excellent in, plus he is already getting a push with the Miz, WWE's biggest on the rise right now.

Kaval will get his and has a chance to be big, if only he could feud with .... Rey.
I actually like Kaval a lot. In TNA, not that it matters in WWE, he was a player to a certain extent. When TNA was still really young, before they started signing guys like Nash and Sting and Christian and Angle and what not. Low Ki was putting on huge matches. So, it's not like he is super new or out of nowhere.

That being said, I think he is a great wrestler. Very entertaining, and I hope WWE pushes him after the whole NXT season is over.

But, AmDrag is just nasty! I think at this point, he is serviceable on the mic and will get better. He eats, sleeps and breathes this business, so I think he is the type of guy that will continue to improve his whole career.

Even though he is small in stature, I love the intensity he shows. His style in the ring I think is what gets me. He wrestles like, or copies no one. He does have The HBK kip up. But his style in general is his own. It has an MMA flavor to it. I think that, in it's own right is innovative.

He is quick, athletic, and is more than technically sound. Like I said, he is serviceable on the mic and will improve. I think he can be the total package. He has the tools, it just depends on "Creative" giving him his full opportunity and also AmDrag himself using it to it's full potential.

To be honest, I hope BOTH guys become major players. Because I like them both all around.

But to choose one to succeed over the other one, I believe Daniel Bryan Danielson has the chance to go much further than Kaval, and seems much more likely!
I feel that although both guys have huge potential and can certainly become massive stars to the mainstream, the fact of the matter is Bryan Danielson will become the biggest star? Why? Because Kaval, as of yet hasn't had that much attention on him and he hasnt had a great jumpstart in the WWE. He's just another competitor in NXT. He won't be the traitor of the NXT, like Danielson was at summerslam.
Kaval won't rival the most up and coming star in WWE like Danielson is at the moment with Miz. And as i've read somewhere, Danielson will get the benoit/jericho treatment because he's a monster inside the ring. Yes Kaval is very very talented but he doesn't have an outstanding aspect of his game like Danielson does with his technical wrestling skill. Kaval is more of an allround good competitor with nothing particularity special about him.
You obviously don't watch independent wrestling if you think that Triple H, RVD, The Miz and Randy Orton are better than Kaval and Danielson. Danielson is the greatest technical wrestler than Benoit and Kaval brings the Japanese style to the US and it's great. Watch their match form ROH Round Robin Challenge and then say that the wrestlers that you mentioned are better than Danielson and Kaval.

Ok lets say I agree with you about Danielson and Kaval being better wrestlers than Triple H, RVD, Miz, and Randy Orton. When has that ever really mattered in the WWE I hate to break it to you. You can look at any era in the WWE and the best in ring wrestler was not the wrestler with the most title runs. Being the best wrestler in the WWE has to do with a lot more than just in ring ability. Kaval is likely to go to Smakdown and have a run as the next Rey Mesterio who is not the greatest wrestler ever but one of the most popular superstars ever. If it was about being the best in the ring we would have never Hulk Hogan. Benoit and Heart wold have more title runs than Austin and the Rock but we don't live in that fantasy world.

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