Who Will Be A First Time Champion By The End Of The Year?


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The title says it all. Who do you think may end up having gold for the first time by the end of 2010.

I think that there are some wrestlers that could be possible candidates for becoming a first time champion. I will state one possible candidate for each title that comes to my mind that could have possible first time future champions.

So here it goes.

WWE Champion: The Miz
- He is Mr Money in the Bank after all and he is also on the rise to become a future main eventer. What better way to become a main eventer than to be the champion. I predict that the Miz will cash in his MiTB contract sometime by the end of this year so he could hold the privilege of calling himself a World Champion.

TNA World Champion: Mr. Anderson
- He is currently being pushed like crazy and rightfully so. Anderson has tons of potential that could have been realized if given the right opportunities in the WWE. In TNA, he is currently a main eventer and possibly the only choice for top face since Jeff Hardy is now officially heel. I predict Anderson to feud with Hardy and then becoming champion after a few unsuccessful attempts.

Intercontinental Champion: Tyler Reks
-Yes, I know he may suck because last time we saw him, he was taken of television since he had a mediocre act and didn't catch on with the fans but this time he's heel. Being heel makes a huge difference and gives him a chance thanks to his new look and the push that he seems to be receiving. He is being made to look like a threat but to establish him as one, he needs to win some gold first.

Unified Women's/Diva's Championship: Natalya
- She is currently the only possible face challenger for the title and since all of the possible face challengers are injured or already had their chance, Natalya is the only one left. Until Beth Phoenix is able to return, the feud between between Natalya and LayCool will have to continue for at least a few months more and what better way to continue a rivalry than to not let one side have all of the important wins every time the two people meet. To continue this, Natalya would have to win at least once by pinfall and hopefully the title will be put on the line.

TNA Knockouts Championship: Mickie James
- She is obviously being pushed to win the belt sooner rather than later and with the limited fresh options for a Knockout champion, I see Mickie James becoming a Knockouts champion by the end of the year.

Those are all of the choices that I could think of right now but there are more wrestlers and belts to choose from so feel free to add more different belts or different challengers than mine. The only rule to this is that the belts and wrestlers have to be currently active.

Just remember, everyone has a different opinion so don't hate on people who don't agree with you.
WWE Champion- Wade Barrett
I've got a feeling this will come sooner rather than late (*cough* Sunday *cough*). This guy has risen to rookie, to Main Eventer in less than a year. And for once, WWE did a good job of raising a future champion quickly. He's been involved in the top storyline of the year not only in WWE but wrestling period. This guy will win his first taste of gold by December 31, 2010 without a shaddow of a doubt.
TNA Champion- Mr. Anderson
I agree with you. He probably will be champion by the end of the year. He's TNA's fastest rising star in my opinion. They are pushing him to the moon with the "They" storyline. I can see him winning the championshiop from Hardy eventually but not at Turning Point. That would make his reign a little too short. Hardy's suppose to be a major heel and a dominate heel in TNA. If he won the TNA world championship then turned around and lost it about a month later to Anderson, he'd look incredibly weak. He will win it, but it might be December or so.
Knockouts- Mickie James
I agree with you again. She wants the belt, she'll get it. Shed make a great champion in my opinion and will be the first woman to hold every major Woman's championship in history which is a huge feat.
WWE Champion: Wade Barret, like Hamler said he's gonna win it sooner or later (Sunday), he's a true main eventer now and will definately win it soon. He has Cena by his side so I can see him winning it via Cena turning heel and attacking Orton giving Barret the win.

TNA Champion: Robert Roode, I know many people will not understand why I'm saying him but hear me out; since I read someone's post on this forum saying about Roode doing everthing in the tag team division and deserving a major push I've been having a feeling that he's gonna turn on "Immortal" and take the gold from Hardy.

KO Champion: Mickie James, she's the greatest woman wrestler today (fact), she will give the title ALOT of credibility and will help the KOs division by being the top dog in it, also TNA get over excited and always give the title to a new person who's credible.

How could I forget Barrett, I even have him in my sig!

I guess it is pretty good knowing that there are two possible contenders for being a first time WWE champion.

Good job WWE for building up credible stars.

Barrett could be champion by this Sunday due to the way he is being built up as a powerful and controlling leader who can command the top face in John Cena.

Congratulations WWE once again for doing something right.
You cannot look past Wade Barrett to win the WWE title or Mr Anderson to hold the top belt in TNA.

The way these 2 have been pushed over the last few months, it seems logical that they will get a run as top dog in their respective organisations. It is just a question as to whether it will happen before the turn of the year. I can almost guarantee that both these men will have held the world title in 12 months from today, but by the end of 2010? Very tough to call
KO Champion: Mickie James, she's the greatest woman wrestler today (fact), she will give the title ALOT of credibility and will help the KOs division by being the top dog in it, also TNA get over excited and always give the title to a new person who's credible.

BULL! Mickie has no in-ring skill at all and would look like the joke she is if TNA were to put her against any of the Knockouts let alone bringing up Sara Del Rey from the indies...

Anyway on with the topic.

WWE Championship Wade Barrett... As much as I hate to admit it, the WWE is pushing this guy. I don't like Barrett... never have and never will... but the WWE is high on this guy. In my opinion, it would be better if Miz was there but unfortunately, Miz is destined to lose when he cashes in.

United States Championship Heath Slater... I know what you're thinking. There's no build to this pay per view... And you would be correct, as of right now. However, there is some gray area between now and Jan. 1 2011. I see a quick rivalry between Slater and Bryan and I also see Nexus being a key factor for Slater capturing the title.

Intercontinental Championship Alberto Del Rio... Is there any question why I say this? I mean the guy's defeated multiple former world champions and is being pushed like crazy. With Taker Main Eventing smackdown, he won't get a hard push but the IC title is in fact in Del Rio's future.

Diva's Championship Natalya... Funny how nobody here believes this to be true. I mean seriously, think about what this storyline has led up to. Not to mention, it's about time for WWE to bring back Beth Phoenix and if you're a gambling man (especially with the belts unified) you would put money on a Beth Phoenix and Natalya feud... and in all fairness, why wouldn't you?

Tag Championship The Uso's... I haven't given up on that idea for some reason.

TNA World Championship Anderson... obvious reasons

TNA TV Championship Sabu... I honestly just picked a random name and a random belt.

TNA Tag Championships Generation Me... I don't see this year ending without a heel tag team holding the belts at all.

Knockouts Championship Velvet Sky... It's an inevitable fact. Mickie may get the belt (unfortunately that means women's wrestling becomes a joke once again) but in the end, Velvet will be Women's champion.
WWE CHAMPION- The Miz (obviously) he has MITB and can fit in to ME scene pretty well with his mic skills and his improving ring skills.

WHC- Alberto del Rio- Too quick? Not for me, he has the mic skills, in ring skills, "the look/size" that Vince likes and He draws the mexican audience into WWE so it's inevitable that he'll be WHC soon and I predict soon.(well, after the Kane Taker feud is finished)

US Champ- Justin Gabriel, I want to see Nexus holding the majority of titles on wwe like Evolution did and have the WWE tag team titles rotated between it's members when Tarver, Sheffield come back and JG with the US championship, he has the potential to "make it" in wwe he just needs to be given some mic time to improve his skills.
When it comes to World Championships in the WWE, I look for Randy Orton & Kane to possibly hold onto the titles for the rest of the year. If Wade Barrett wins at Survivor Series, then John Cena will be able to leave Nexus and that particular storyline has been WWE's bread and butter against some extremely stiff competition on Mondays thus far. I look for Orton to somehow retain, maybe due to John Cena "staying true to himself" and not cheating to help Barrett win the title. As for Kane, it's kind of up in the air right now. There's a lot of speculation that Taker will be out the rest of the year if he has surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff so he'll be back early next year to kick off the push to WrestleMania. I think Kane's done well as champ and I hope he keeps it the rest of the year.

I'd say that Natalya will win the Divas Championship before year's end and the tag title situation is completely up in the air and anybody's guess at this point. I personally hope that Bryan keeps the United States Championship or is at least able to regain if it he fueds with CM Punk. Dolph Ziggler has shown to be a pretty good IC champ in my opinion and he's improved quite a bit since becoming champ.

In TNA, I've little doubt that Mr. Anderson will be TNA World Champion by the end of the year. I hate to say it but I have a feeling that Robbie E will wind up as X-Division Champion, Mickie James will almost certainly be TNA Knockout Champion. The Motor City Machine Guns could use a decently long run as champs and I won't complain at all if they keep the titles. If they do lose them to a first time team, it'll probably be Generation Me if the Dudleyz don't wind up having their 3,549th tag title reign.
It's unlikely that Wade Barrett will win the WWE title any time soon. Randy Orton needs galvanising as a face, and a decent reign will allow him to do that. Furthermore, if Orton were to lose to Barrett, it would compromise Cena. Barrett could feasibly win at Survivor Series, but I think we're more likely to see new champions elsewhere. I think the most likely is seeing a new IC Champion. Ziggler's obviously gearing up to a fallout with Vickie and the obvious way of doing that is to have him drop the title. Kofi isn't likely to win the title back soon, so I imagine we'll see someone like Kaval win the title. If the title does fall into safer hands - Kofi, then I think we'll probably see it on Tyler Reks, Cody Rhodes or Alberto Del Rio before the year is out. Either way, I think the IC title is the one that is all but certain to get a new champion, and probably a first time one, given the lack of old hands in the midcard.
Anderson is sure to win the World Title at some point soon. Of course there's never a sure thing when it comes to Anderson or TNA, but I see this happening. Probably not by the end of the year, but sometime soon, no doubt.

Miz is going to win the World Title next as well, before Barrett I'd guess. In a few months when they realize Orton is shit Miz'll get his shot and we'll see some Cena/Miz for the World Title, which won't be too bad.

As for the midcard titles, I'd say Swagger is bound to win one soon. He's really good, likely my favorite wrestler. A guy capable of putting on that many good matches and with that kind of look is a perfect midcard title candidate.

I don't really care much about the other titles. I'm sure a random pairing of singles wrestlers will be the next to win the tag titles and Mickie James should win the Knockout's Title pretty soon, not that anyone cares.
Well my picks for the first champions are

WWE Champion will be Wade Barrett just for the simple reason is that Surior series is just a round the corner and if John Cena wants to leave the Nexus so he can dis band them and fight them Wade Barrett has to become WWE Champion.

Intercontinental champion will be Alberto Del Rio okay they are building Del Rio up just look injured Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne and now got into the winning Smackdown team at Bragging right so my guess is he will become the Intercontinental champion

TNA Heavyweight Champion will be Mr Anderson well lets look at it like this a face will be heavyweight champion soon so my pick is Mr Anderson and also TNA is building Anderson up to become a champion just look he is all ready a main eventer.
I doubt Anderson will win the title by the end of the year. While he may be pushed to the moon right now, we can't forget so is Hardy. Who happens to be the World Champion curtesy of the newly formed regime, The Immortals. I highly doubt TNA would build such events and make Hardy the "clicking point" just for him to lose less than 3 months later. While Anderson may be well build, Hardy is here to stay for a while. TNA isn't one to hand short World title reigns.

As for WWE, I feel they backed themselves to a wall with Wade Barrett. I don't really like the guy, but he's well built. However as previously said above, if Orton losses, Cena is free, Orton will stay a bland face and Raw's main hook would be dead 2 months in. Miz may have a better shot by cashing MITB possibly after a TLC match for Orton.

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