Who were you hoping would be the legend appearance last night?

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
So before the commercial break on Raw they showed the legends dressing room and said he hasn't been on WWE television in 15 years. For some reason I thought it was Ahmed Johnson. I got a little psyched out as I love the lesserknown "legends". So when Sid came out, I mildly popped, but I would have loved to see Ahmed and the nose bandaid. Which other Superstars that we normally never see, would you like to see appear on the 1000th Raw or before it to beat The One Man Rock Band (BTW love this guy). Right now in my head are The Headbangers, Bob Backlund, Tito Santana, Dwayne Gill, The Bushwackers and Perry Saturn. What do you guys think?

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Ahmed Johnson was the 1st name to gross my mind as well...
I was barely into WWF at the time so I wasnt too familiar so I thought of Rick Rude(who i was sad to have learned he had died in 1999 after googleing him just now) and maybe Jake the Snake...
Ahmed Johnson is the legend you were hoping for? Come on man, what about Max Moon or Battle Kat? There are plenty of better jobbers than Ahmed to get your hopes up over. As for me, I try not to speculate so that I'm not disappointed, but with that said I was pumped to see Sid. Even though he looked kinda rough.
Bob backlund is in his 60's so i dont think so unless it was a non wrestling role
The Headbangers just recently worked at match at Ring of Honor's best in the world 2012
Tito would be nice to have around
GIllberg isnt even a main eventer
Saturn from what I have have heard he has had health issues I wish he could return to the ring for one night only

JBL is a guy I can see as a returning legend considering he has thought about returning to the WWE
Scott Steiner since he was added to the WWE alumni section it makes me wonder...
but here is a problem a lot of former main eventers are above their mid 40's or havent wreslted in a long while
I doubt it will ever be Jake the Snake- too bad a reputation. We may see Jim the Anvil or Tatanka. Chyna would be cool- but she has developed an awful reputation. Of course Warrior is one of the few big names left alive and healthy- who knows if he would agree to it though, but that would be awesome.
I doubt it will ever be Jake the Snake- too bad a reputation. We may see Jim the Anvil or Tatanka. Chyna would be cool- but she has developed an awful reputation. Of course Warrior is one of the few big names left alive and healthy- who knows if he would agree to it though, but that would be awesome.

Ultimate warrior will probably never return simply because in The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior the DVD made the ultimate warrior really look like a bad person not to mention the wwe fired warrior because his dad died and he took time off

Chyna is doing porn and having her in a PG WWE would spark outrage from parents as much as i want to see her return for one night it may not happen
The one guy I would like to see kick "the One Man Rock Band"'s butt would be X-pac. that would be a fun match, and since he is smaller than Heath Slater, Slater could get extra cocky.
Although he's not really a legend per se, I would love to have Batista come back for a quick one off. Have Slater in the ring talking about how he's such an animal. Then, have Batista come out and destroy him.
I want to see the demented one, Damian Demento! Haha as much shit as that guy talks on youtube it'll be awesome to see him on Raw thus showing the power of Vince's money and how full of shit that guy was... plus he was on the first main event of raw anyways so he's got as much reason to be there anyways. I'm going to be annoyed if it's the usual suspects of Snuka, Steamboat etc. (though they have done a good job so far) Another good one would be the Honky Tonk Man though I don't know if he was only around before Raw, I think he may have appeared on raw at some point though. And Big Poppa Pump, though I think he hates Gonzo nosed HHH so that may be the least likely to happen.
Ahmed Johnson is the legend you were hoping for? Come on man, what about Max Moon or Battle Kat? There are plenty of better jobbers than Ahmed to get your hopes up over. As for me, I try not to speculate so that I'm not disappointed, but with that said I was pumped to see Sid. Even though he looked kinda rough.

Not sure if serious but Ahmed Johnson was never a jobber. He was a top tier mid-card that if he wasn't so damn injury prone, would of made it to the main event level for sure. As far as who I was looking forward to seeing, I had already known it was gonna be Sid since I had seen it reported on WZ a few hours prior but I would love to see the Ultimate Warrior, X-Pac, Nash, Hall (I know will never happen unless he is 100% clean & sober), Ahmed would be cool, Shamrock & Bret Hart. I did enjoy seeing Sycho Sid back btw.
Ahmed Johnson....Really??? I guessed it was Sid and knew it when Lillian started saying "2 time...." X-Pac would be cool, Steve Blackman, New Aged Outlaws, Val Venis, and Holly might show up. I do hope they pull out all the stops though and surprise us with people I don't think would do it.
This is an easy one for me: Road Warrior Animal. I am an LOD mark and given who his brother is I would think there is a chance
Demolition weren't even around during Raw so they wouldn't be anyone that would come out. As for a non serious pick, Brooklyn Brawler or even Barry Horowitz could be a good option. But seriously, someone like Ron Simmons, Val Venus might get a decent pop as would the Godfather and the Hoe Train (even though PG wouldn't allow for hoes), however if there was a tag team to be put out there I would love to see the New Age Outlaws. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn out there together once again, although I think they may save that for 1000 with a full DX reunion.
How about Koko B Ware earning his Hall of Fame ring by coming out and squashing Slater?

To be more specific how about all the participants (who are still with us) from the frst ever Monday Night Raw making an appearance...

Undertaker, Max Moon, Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, Steiner Bros, Bobby Heenan and of course Koko...
He was a top tier mid-card that if he wasn't so damn injury prone, would of made it to the main event level for sure.

LOL no. He was gonna get a title match with Undertaker, do the job and be pushed down to nothing, but then he got injured and he didn't even get that. Ahmed was a prima donna, awful and reckless in the ring, along with being tough to work with. Vince was over him by 1997, regardless of his size.
There are a couple: Scott Steiner-he's still in good shape and would demolish the one-man-rock-band; the other would be King Kong Bundy-the man was the Miz's example of going from main event on Wrestlemania to opening match the next...he could redeem himself.
I'd love to see Scott Steiner back, or Batista. Either of those would go well against Heath. I'd probably mark out most for Tommy Dreamer or Lance Storm, but I suspect they're not high-profile enough for Vince or most of today's audience.
When they said it was a legend who the last time was on Raw was 15 years ago. When they said that, I knew it had to be Sid. I was excited to see Sid! And I was really excited to see Vader two weeks ago. I hope Warrior patches things up with Vince, that would be nice to see the Warrior on TV again. I would love to see The New Age Outlaws have another run! I want to see Hall (I hope he gets clean), I want to see him come back as Razor though and have Nash come back as Diesel and have them to team up or what ever. Shamrock would be awesome to see again! I love that the WWE is bringing some guys that the fans didn't see in a long time.
I would've liked to see somebody like Rikishi, who hasn't been in the spotlight, or in any light for that matter in over 5 years, (away from inducting Yokozuna at the HOF this year), and somebody like Slater deserves a Stinkface!.
Well, lets see.... When they said it had been 15 years since the wrestler had appeared on Raw, I immediately went to 97 and thought about it. The first 2 guys that came to my mind were Jake the Snake and Ultimate Warrior.
Jake is fully retired and his health is not that great. I would love to see him show up and cut a promo or two. Maybe a backstage segment. But Warrior, on the other hand I think definitely COULD make an appearance.
Not only is his health good, he is in great shape AND has hinted more than once at a return to the ring AND even hinted that WWE was a full blown possibility.
While he could never do it full time a match against a dupe like Slater would be fun to watch.
i would love to see ken shamrock as he you break health in two and i would also like to see ddp i no he was wcw and didnt really compete in wwe that much but the reaction he would get when you hear high five
sid was a fav, but he was looking pretty rough in the face. as soon as slater said ruler of the world i about marked out though. i think i would shit myself if warrior came back, but he squashed hhh, before, so heath would be no fun at all. jake roberts and scott hall r both too far gone with drugs. id love to see al snow if he werent in tna. cause we all know what we want... and what we all need....
There are a few guys I would love to see again, even just for a 2 minute squash match. The thing is, they have to be big enough names, so guys like Godfather, Rikishi, Lance Storm, Raven etc probably wouldn't get the call.

Bret Hart

We saw Bret back in the ring a couple of years ago, and he wasn't that great. However, he would get a MASSIVE pop as always, and would easily be able to nail a few rights, a russian leg sweep or piledriver, and then lock Slater in the Sharpshooter for the win. Gotta love The Hitman

Ken Shamrock

The World's Most Dangerous Man was always a favourite of mine, I would love to see him again. As he still competes occasionally in MMA he would be in shape for a short wrestling match. That Belly to Belly Slam was a great move, and I would mark the fuck out to hear that ring music again, see Kenny "SNAP" and then make Slater tap out to the Anklelock.

Diamond Dallas Page

The former WCW Champion is on good terms with WWE as he did the commentary for the recent Best of Nitro DVD. Very charismatic, Page would have the crowd eating out of his hand within a minute before nailing the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere.

Scott Steiner

A long shot, as he has publically slated Triple H and the WWE on many occasions, but man I would love to see Big Poppa Pump back in the 'E. He still looks steroided out of his mind and has been working to a decent standard in TNA until recently. He would definitely get a good pop when that siren hit and would demolish Slater very quickly.

Holla...If Ya Hear Me!
I was probably one of the few that was really excited to see Sid. I was a pretty big fan of Sid in the early-mid-90s. I loved the Sycho gimmick. I also like the idea of "lesser-known" stars coming back. Simply because we see the likes of Sgt. Slaughter, Hacksaw, Piper, Dusty, etc. all the time. Not that I don't love them, because I do. I wouldn't be disappointed to see Ahmed Johnson, but there are some other names that I would definitely rather see. Ken Shamrock and DDP were also good choices. I think it would only be fitting to have The One Man Gang come out to face The One Man, Southern Rock Band. Maybe he could come out as Akeem first then take off the African garb to reveal One Man Gang attire. I've also been wanting to see Gillberg for those of you that remember him. It would be cool to see him come out to face Slater only to have Slater beat him and start to celebrate and then have Goldberg actually come out and take them both down. How about Demolition? Lilian or Justin could come on and announce, "The following 2 on 1 handicapped match is scheduled for one fall..." and everything would point to a Ryback squash when in reality Demolition comes down. Even though I'm not a huge fan, for some reason I could see Batista coming out one week also.

I really just hope the WWE makes the most of the next couple of weeks and utilizes some legends we don't see very often.
In terms of an actual legend, I would certainly enjoy seeing Dusty Rhodes take down Heath Slater. Lord help me but I've always been entertained by The American Dream, if you will. I think it would be hilarious to see Dusty be clobbering, clobbering, clobbering Slater.

This doesn't fit under the legend category, or Heath Slater being involved. I think it would be a nice little nod to the past to have Gangrel return for a night and wrestle Christian. Christian would get the win over his one time mentor. I was always a fan of The Brood. I was a big fan of Gangrel too. It certainly wouldn't be an industry changing moment but a fun one.

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