Who was the last person in WWE to debut with a decent finisher?



Thank you.

I really can't remember the last person to debut in WWE with a finishing move that was any good. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this, but look over the past few years, and all superstars have TERRIBLE finishers.

Sheamus, Rhodes, Kofi, Miz (his original finisher, that is, even the skull crushing finale doesn't impress me), Mcintyre, MVP. They are all rubbish.

Look a bit further back, Khali, Umaga, Lashley, Kozlov.

I think the last people to debut with good finishers were Brock Lesnar (F-5) and Kurt Angle (Olympic/Angle Slam)

Any thoughts? Agree or disagree?
Jericho's Code Breaker was actually Gregory Helms' finisher until he broke his neck and then Jericho stole it and called it the Code Breaker, and what about Morrison with his Starship Pain? or Punk with his GTS? i think they are pretty decent
What about Evan Bourne's shooting star press? That has always been one of the amazing finishing moves to me. Either that or Punks go to sleep...it always looks like he is going to drive someone's nose into their brain.
Drew McIntyre's future shock has the elements of a great finisher.

1)Looks devastating.
2)Can be applied to anyone/anywhere.
3)Fits the character.

A double underhook sitdown Evenflow type DDT.

I can't agree with this post at all. Sorry Cookie, but Sheamus' cross bomb, Rhodes' CrossRhodes and even Kofi's Trouble in Paradise are good because they fit their characters, especially Kofi's. Kofi Kingston does not have the build of a power wrestler, so a Jackhammer or F5 or toss move is out of the question for him, much like Shawn Michaels. So the spinning kick to the side of the head looks devastating (especially Orton who crumples like a love note), it can be applied to anyone/anywhere and it fits his character.

Now I will definitely agree with the Playmaker, it doesn't look impressive at all. Keying on what you said about earlier finishers, Khali's double-handed chokebomb would have been more impressive if he'd followed through like Albert used to in his Baldo Bomb. Lashley didn't have much of an identity and his Dominator was weak. Kozlov's finisher didn't fit his character either, I'm still unsure what his character is actually.

If you want to talk about a terrible finisher... what about Barry Windham's finisher when he debuted in the WWF, a top rope belly to back suplex.
I can see what you are all saying, and you are all correct, in a way..... But....
Starship Pain wasn't john Morrisons finisher when he made his debut.
The GTS doesn't really impress me, but I can see why other people like it
Codebreaker, Future shock, SSP were used by other people (Gregory Helms, Mick Foley, Kidman)
Trouble in Paradise only looks good if it's sold properly, like Orton does, but I can't see it having much effect in bigger superstars
I will have to go with Brock's F5,When i got to see he debut and the way he wrestle i was like damn this dude is the shit,And as soon as i saw his Finisher i was like damn this is the best Finisher in the world.The F5 looks kaotic,And for some wrestlers i used to feel sorry for them cause who ever survive from the F5 they were just lucky and for does who didnt they were just out of luck.
I'm not sure if I include Sheamus' Cross Bomb, as he very rarely uses it in matches, or even when he attacks people, he uses the running kick. And since most people would use their most devastating move in this situation, I would say that the Boot is more of a finisher than the Cross Bomb (although they have both been used by other people, Bomb = Razors Edge, Boot = Prince Albert, Steve Blackman etc)
I personally really liked sheamus' original finisher when he used the uranagi backbreaker. It looked extremely brutal. I don't mind the razors edge or the big kick but i preferred the original finisher.
I'd have to go with CM Punk's GTS, yes CM Punk is one of my favorite wrestlers but I genuinely think the GTS is original and brutal. Also a lot people tend to like Morrison's Starship Pain. Lastly I for one do like Kofi's finisher, maybe it's not as glamorous or violent, but it pops up out of no-where and flows smoothly into combos.

Does anyone know how wrestlers are given finishers? Is it their job to make one up and have it approved by management? Or are they usually assigned one? I know it seems like some wrestler's may take up one of their main moves up from the indy's and make it into their finisher in the bigger leagues.
I agree and disagree with aspects of this post. There have been some terrible finishers, the Playmaker, and yes some are recycled but as long as the superstar doing it uses it properly there is nothing wrong with that. It is better than having a superstar do a stupid move because it was creative but looks fricking ridiculous. Trouble in Paradise is solid, GtS solid, Morrison should use the jumping kick of the ropes as Starship Pain should be as effective as a split legged moonsault, Celtic cross is a solid move and he does a mean bicycle kick. I don't mind Zack Ryder's reverse playmaker because it actually looks like it might hurt, the Playmaker sucks I reiterate. THe Future Shock is awesome as his size he can make it look so much more effective than Mick used to. They need a big man who does the powerbomb again, like Sid.
I personally liked Bobby Lashley's Dominator. The name of the move describes what it does, it dominates. Plus his spear was pretty powerful, it even looked better than (dare I say it?) edge's. I also like Ted Dibiase's Dream Crusher. It looks like a finisher that will stick with him until his career is over. Plus I don't remember many people that walked away from Umaga's Samoan Spike. I wouldn't want his thumb being driven into my throat. Plus Lesnar and Angle debuted years apart, adding them in the same rookie class is like saying Lashley and Kingston being in the same class. So in conclusion, I disagree with your statement that good finishers are hard to find. Keep your eye on Dibiase. He'll be able to surprise his opponents with the Dream Crusher. Other finishers can't really be surprises (Power bomb, unless they are on the top rope).
What about the RKO? You know, the most incredible, unpredictable finisher in wrestling history? How is that not a good finisher? Ziggler's zig-zag, Bourne's SSP,(which blows Kidman's out of the water I might add.) Kofi's trouble in paradice AND the S.O.S. This thread is pointless. You're running on a platform of LIES! :lmao:
But I like most of the finishers in the WWE now. I think Trouble in Paradise might be the second coming of SCM cause he can literally pull it out of nowhere and even hit it when someone is coming off the top rope.

Slightly off topic, hopefully not to far, is anyone else tired of the people's elbow knockoff moves, I think we have way to many 5 knuckle shuffle, Boom Boom drop, MVP's Ballin thing, they take too long and they aren't particularly convincing as big moves
I can agree with Trouble in Paradise, but like I said before, I can't see it having enough effect on bigger wrestlers (Kane, Khali, Mark Henry, Big Show etc).
Randy Orton didn't use the RKO when he made his debut, and even now it is just a modified Cutter, similar do DDPs Diamond Cutter, so it's not a NEW FINISHER!!!
I personally liked Bobby Lashley's Dominator. The name of the move describes what it does, it dominates. Plus his spear was pretty powerful, it even looked better than (dare I say it?) edge's. I also like Ted Dibiase's Dream Crusher. It looks like a finisher that will stick with him until his career is over. Plus I don't remember many people that walked away from Umaga's Samoan Spike. I wouldn't want his thumb being driven into my throat. Plus Lesnar and Angle debuted years apart, adding them in the same rookie class is like saying Lashley and Kingston being in the same class. So in conclusion, I disagree with your statement that good finishers are hard to find. Keep your eye on Dibiase. He'll be able to surprise his opponents with the Dream Crusher. Other finishers can't really be surprises (Power bomb, unless they are on the top rope).

He doesn't do a move called Dream Crusher. It is called Dream Street.

Anyway. Kofi's finisher was the last one that I thought looked good and a devastating finisher. It was innovative and nobody had done it in WWE well not that I can remember anyway. It was a perfect move for his character and fits him perfectly.

Sheamus's first finisher the Irish curse was awesome and was deadly and looked like it hurt like hell which again fit his character perfectly. It again fit his character perfectly as it was a cold, hard hitting, devastating move which he is.
I read the posts here and laugh. EVERYONE'S finisher were taken from somewhere, noone's is new. Edge was hesitant to use the spear because Goldberg did. Orton's RKO is a modified diamond cutter. Rhodes crossrhoades is the roll of the dice. Nothing more. But that's not what this thread is about, lol.

To me, it has to be Evan Bourne's "AirBourne." Sure, it's been done before, but noone has done it with such accuracy, height, and landing. When given the time to set up(not the rediculously quick one he hit on Sheamus a month and a half ago), it is the best SSP I've ever seen. That's not meant to take away from other who have done it, (London, Kidman, and Shane McMahon come to mind) just to note how believable it is when Bourne hits it. I buy the 1-2-3 when he hits it. And that's what a finisher is about right? Ending the match. Gotta go with Bourne's SSP.
as far as debut finishers go...my choice (apart from the already mentioned F-5) would be Chris Benoit's Crippler Crossface or Ken Shamrock's Ankle Lock.
but recently there are very few good finishers. whenever a new superstar debuts in wwe I'm always dissapointed. but then again I guess it's difficult to come up with a new move that no-one has seen before. there are some good finishers in TNA (past/present) which would amaze wwe fans had they not seen TNA or ROH etc. take Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer for example. on a side note i think that move won TNA's move of the year 3 years running. nuff said
i think alot of people have made a mistake here or me lol but i think this is for wrestles who start with a finisher people have said ted for dream-streets but he never started with it he had the gay little leg sweep

but now to answer your question the undertaker/kane come to mind with the tombstone
What about the RKO? You know, the most incredible, unpredictable finisher in wrestling history? How is that not a good finisher? Ziggler's zig-zag, Bourne's SSP,(which blows Kidman's out of the water I might add.) Kofi's trouble in paradice AND the S.O.S. This thread is pointless. You're running on a platform of LIES! :lmao:

As much as I love Orton's character, to me the RKO is just not a great finisher. Don't get me wrong, it works for him. However, the neck breaker is perhaps to most over useed finisher along with powerbombs spears and choke slams. Austin with the Stunner. DDP with the Diamond Cutter. And they are originated from 'Ravishing" Rick Rude's "Rude Awakening"

I like how Sheamus uses the Cross Bow since we really haven't seen it since Razor although I think he should use it more than the boot.

Submissions have always been my favorite finishers. Figure Four, Sharpshooter, Ankel Lock, Walls of Jericho, and especially the STF (my all time favorite although I can't stand that Cena uses it since he is nowhere close to being a technical wrestler.)

With that said, I think Kurt Angle's ankel lock is perhaps the best new submission move we have seen. Sure it's not flashy but i think thats what makes it so great. Nobody else used that.

As for the newer class of wrestlers, my vote goes to Dibiasi. I was always a huge fan of the Million Dollar Dream and I love his updated version of it. I would like to see him hold in the sleeper for a littler longer before he finishes his foe off though. It's actually two finishers in one.

Finishers I would like to see make a comeback: Camel Cluth(haven't seen since the Steiner Recliner), The Chicken Wing(Backlund used to go nuts doing this move). The running power slam ala British Bulldog (would be a great move for a big guy like Big Show)
CM Punk didn't debut with the GTS. He used the Anaconda Vice.

I think the last guy to DEBUT with a decent finisher is Kofi. The Trouble in Paradise is a move that is believable. Whats more believable than a guy getting kicked in the face?
This might shock people, but I'm going with Gail Kim's new finisher. I know she's not used it her whole career but she's used it upon her return to the WWE.

It's a new variation of a jaw breaker. It shocked me when I saw it and I was impressed. She's found a few ways to apply it too; she's been picked up only to roll off the back and grab the girl's arm and put the boot on the jaw and fall back.

I've seen her do it out of arm locks and general submission moves. It comes out of nowhere and does look like it would hurt pretty bad. Plus I've never seen anyone do it the way she does.
He doesn't do a move called Dream Crusher. It is called Dream Street.

Anyway. Kofi's finisher was the last one that I thought looked good and a devastating finisher. It was innovative and nobody had done it in WWE well not that I can remember anyway. It was a perfect move for his character and fits him perfectly.

Ahem. Not to correct a corrector, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to burst your bubble by having to refresh your memory on your claim of Kofi's finisher. It was in fat The Cat Ernest Miller who first used it. He only used it once during his short stint as a WWE performer on an addition of Velocity. And while we may all not look fondly on Ernest Miller's in ring skills, he was the master of this move as he performed it expertly from not only in the ring, but also from the top rope. Yeah, I said from the top rope. he would run to the corner and bound up the middle and top ropes, push backward off the top turnbuckle, and then turn in midair to deliver the kick to the face known as The Feliner.

With that said, I would have answer the question at hand by saying it's a tie between two men.. Brock Lesnar and Rob Vam Dam.

When Brock Lesnar debuted, it was the end of a magnificent era where all a wrestler had to do was wrestle while having a manager be his mouthpiece. And Brock did just that. He was strong, fast, big, and athletic. And when he unleashed the F-5 on his opponents, it was the end of the line. And while it's been done by others, Brock did it the best. He used his sheer raw power to make sure that whoever he delivered it to sold it properly. They had no choice in the matter. And that was how it should be with some people.

And now, Rob Van Dam. While man of you nay sayers will point out that The Frog Splash was also done by the late great Eddie Guerrero, the fact is that RVD made it believable. And it wasn't so much that the move had the same devastation of the F-5, it was the fact that RVD sod his own move so well that it made it look like he had just hit his opponent so hard that RVD got hurt in the process. It was like art watching him fly through the air and then hit his opponent flatly and then roll around holding his own chest before pinning his opponent. Shit, he even still sold the move after the 3 count.

Now while some of you will point out other tough looking moves, but when you run down the history and look at footage, you will see at least ten times where those moves were sold badly. When you look at the WWE runs of the two men, you will see that they took matters into their own hands to make their finishers memorable. And that's all I got to say about it.
Lots of people may have different views on what they consider a "good" finisher. Me personally, I like the finishers that can come out of nowhere like the Stunner, RKO, and sweet chin music. Moves like the Batista Bomb where it takes 10 seconds to apply I am not a fan of.

So with that, I would have to say that the last decent finisher to debut would probably be the Trouble in Paradise, simply because it has that ability to connect out of nowhere. Also it doesn't look half bad either.
I'd like to start by saying that if I remember correctly, Randy Orton actually used the equivalent of the Playmaker when he debuted. I want to say they called it the Overdrive when he used it. RKO showed up in the time frame of Evolution.

Now, my answer to the question of who was the LAST person to debut that had a decent finisher, based on chronology, I'd have to agree with the Gail Kim comment. That foot to jaw...jawbreaker is really quick and looks painful. After her, I'd say Bourne with the SSP. The artistry with which he hits it always makes my jaw drop. Then Kofi with Trouble in Paradise. I know I wouldn't want to catch that spinning kick to the head. And, for the record, I really liked the Anaconda Vise when it first showed up on the scene. I wish Punk did it more often.
what about Ezikiel jackson's Finisher modifield urange slam , and Sheamus's Irish Curse ,

and one of my best Finishers i think RKO , and Dream Street

Thats a thought maybe ..

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