Who was the better Partner in Cryme Tyme?


The Corre
Who was the better Partner back when Cryme Tyme was around? I think it was JTG. The guy has amazing skill his moves around the ring are amazing he his finisher is just awesome. While shad the powerhouse would always come in just for a 1 min save. Although wwe probaly wont use him right I think JTG was the man of the team.
totally agree that JTG was the better one of out the 2. He has better in ring skills and is more entertaining to watch....shad had impressive moments at time but didnt seem to capitalize on his size.....JTG was even looked at by management as the better one cuz he was in the rumble 2 years in a row while shad wasnt....for a while shad wasnt impressing to management and there were rumors he would get fired for not progressing....jtg also has better mic skills from what i can tell...
I just started watching WWE again about two weeks after a good 8 year break. However from what I have seen so far, Shad has no entertainment value at all. JTG seems as if he can work the mic much better. I haven't seen JTG wrestle yet but I get a much better vibe from him.
JTG by far, but I hope Shad step it up a notch or two cause I would like to see him in the main event pictures in the next 2-3 years or so.
I'm glad everyone agrees because it's so obvious.Shad was just the big man,the hot tag.JTG did all the work and his hair is equal to a black greek god,i love it.He inspired me to grow mine :worship:
Shad is one of the more limited in ring guys in the WWE, and thats saying something. JTG really impresses me in ring and he's a good promo, but his height will hurt him with Vince and co.
jtg was alot better neither of them ever really did mich but jtg had the more potential.but of course wwe will go with the big guy over the guy with any skill
Hands down, JTG. He's got great ring skills and some different-looking moves. Shad was always a lumbering-type in the ring and only had a few power moves to back up his look.

It currently seems that Shad is getting a push, as he had a major character shift and lots of promo time. But honestly, the WWE knows that JTG is the better worker, and having him win at Extreme Rules was what I expected. I'm actually pretty certain that there was an article many months ago here on wrestlezone that someone in the WWE told Shad that he had to step up his game or else. So, I'm hesitant to think that Shad will be going farther than JTG. Most likely both will not amount to much, but I have faith that with the new Smackdown roster, JTG will be getting a feud to pick up the IC belt at some point.

If anything, I have to say that Shad seems better as a heel. He still hasn't shown much on the mic or in the ring, but having him be all hood and goofy I think really hurt his appearance. But I'd take JTG over him any day.
JTG was WAY better he has the ring skills and he's better on the mic SHAD well he's just another sterotypical big man and VINNIE MAC needed another one with BIG ZEKE hurt and MIKE KNOX released WWE needed another sterptypical big man
I believe they both have potential, but right now the better one is JTG. He already has the crowd behind him, he's more exciting in the ring and on the mic, and he's just more entertaining overall. Shad needs to get used to his new persona; his Cryme Tyme one was pulled off well, but with a heel turn comes a new gimmick. Everyone needs time to adjust into the new character, and when Shad hits his stride I believe he could also be something good.

Both have potential to blossom into great singles stars, but JTG right now is the one who screams "contender" to me.
I like Shad's Gimmick better, he is getting the crowd to boo him, and he is a big man, for Vincent Mcmahon himself, that is what he loves. as far as wrestling ability goes though, JTG is the more talented wrestler. I was surprised that they actually got a match at Extreme Rules, I thought they would only have a normal SD match.
anyway, back on topic I think that JTG was the more skilled partner
In the long term, lemme be the jerk and say that I don't think Shad and JTG have too much of a future as singles stars. I'm personally waiting for them to come back together like they should have stayed in the first place.

That being said, JTG is an unbelieveable talent. He got a pinfall win over Chris Jericho and that should be saying something, kayfabe or not. Shad right now has got more of the momentum cause he's getting a lot more mic time, but nonetheless, I dig JTG more than Shad.
Shad's promo skills seem to be way too forced for him to go anywhere.

I don't see JTG going anywhere with the gimmick that he has either.

I'd say that Shad will go further than JTG because Shad is actually getting a chance, but neither of them will go anywhere for the long run.
For me JTG was the better Partner. He was the crowd pleaser, has a great move-set and has a range of talents. Shad though was the Big bodyguard, he was like The Big Show was to ShowMiz, not very moveable, but packs a punch when needed.
Now though...JTG is still the one who would make it further. nothing against Shad, but his Promos arn't really what you'd call...Good. i mean constantly saying ' Its My Time' is a decent catchphrase, but people kind of get the drift, and not something people will remember like 'You Can't See me' or 'I'm Awesome'...Im just sayin...
Oh, it's definitely JTG. The man has so many ring skills, it's not even funny. Besides the size, I think JTG was superior to Shad in pretty much every way. I mean, Shad is 6'7", 285 lbs. for nothing. In tag team matches, he was using his size for all the wrong reasons, and he's horrible to watch in the ring. JTG had better mic skills too. Since they've broken up and both still remain on Smackdown, after their feud ends, I'd hope both can receive pushes, or atleast just push JTG.
wow i never thought i'd be this far in the minority but I have to say I'd side with Shad. I thought JTG was allright in the ring, but his moves weren't anything particularly interesting, they only looked good cause he was doing them at double the speed. Shad had the great power moves and the needed big man presence. There may be something I'm missing from JTG but looks like I'm respectfully disagreeing with the majority of responses.
I'm going to be one of the rare few in this and say Shad. WWE seems more focused on Shad, and he is definitely getting more mic time even if it sounds forced. He's a big guy but he has a look to him that says heavy-hitter. He might not be all-over-the-place like JTG, but in the longrun of things Shad is getting the push.

That was just for those siding with JTG going places in WWE as of now. But as a team the most watchable of the two definitely was JTG, mainly because he was jumping around and doing things at break-neck speed. Kind of like a young Mysterio. But as far as the finish goes (correct me if I'm wrong) Shad put their opponents away most of the time.

I think WWE dropped the ball a little in their tag-team division. I wouldn't have minded seeing these two keep going as a pair. They were very over as a face team but now 'E has different plans, and so far they are in favor of Shad.
I believe they both have potential, but right now the better one is JTG. He already has the crowd behind him, he's more exciting in the ring and on the mic, and he's just more entertaining overall. Shad needs to get used to his new persona; his Cryme Tyme one was pulled off well, but with a heel turn comes a new gimmick. Everyone needs time to adjust into the new character, and when Shad hits his stride I believe he could also be something good.

Both have potential to blossom into great singles stars, but JTG right now is the one who screams "contender" to me.

BillAlfonso loves that signature. Vash The Stampede, The $$60,000,000,000 Man, rocks the world.

Anyway, I liked them both and though they complimented each other well. I think they'll fued for awhile and the rest is up to them.
I am going to say Shad is better he is pretty fast for a guy his size and while he probably cant do some of the high flying stuff Jtg does. He can still do some good stuff for his size. In fact imo he is probably one of the better big men in professional wrestling today.
definitely JTG

Thats why Shad is completely different now and JTG is still rockin the cryme tyme gimmick

he did it better so they let him have it
I think JTG showed that he had the entertainment skills and charisma needed to be part of that Tag Team. The 'homey/fun' type which was almost a black version of 2cool. Shad however seemingly has the ability to be 'serious and direct' which is the most currently way of pushing heals in the WWE.

So from an entertainment value, JTG, Shad is more likely to succeed.

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