Who was the best?

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Big Ace

Championship Contender
From 1990-2001 we were blessed with some of the best wrestling we may never see again. State who you think were the best from the WWF, WCW, and ECW and why. Then, if you were to put those in a triple threat match, who would win and why? Here's mine for example.

WWF: Stone Cold- Because he really saved the World Wrestling Federation from going broke and losing to WCW back in '97

WCW-Sting- I never really watched WCW but the person I always heard of was Sting. Then i bought an old WCW DVD and he looked awesome.

ECW- Rob Van Dam- Even though he never won the ECW title back in their good days, he was always the cover boy and he made it huge when ECW died.

Out of these three, i think Austin would win because he was the maineventer of the World Wrestling Federation and they did win the war in the end. I think he'd pin RVD too.
Hmm, its an interesting debate on this one. Depends on what the credentials are. Best in ring abiltity, best getting people worked up, best drawin a crowd?

WWF. Best in the Ring would be a tossup between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Best on the Mic and making you watch every monday night, by far Steve Austin.

WCW. BEst in the ring would still probably be Sting or Flair. Hogan was the biggest draw as heel. He made you watch the monday night war just because you wanted Sting to ssmash his head with a ball bat. Goldberg may have been their biggest draw though.

ECW: New Jack was the best for comedic reliefe. Shane Douglas worked a mic like magic. his promos were simply amazing. RVD's natural in ring ability made him the best worker in this time period.

Again, I watched the wars from beginning till end, and there will never be anyhing that matches the intensity of that. TNA could get huge, but they would never ahve that Hulk Hogan turning heel on their side. Plus there isn't the third promotion to steal talent from anymore.
This is a good question...

WWF - Stone Cold Steve Austin...he really carried the wwf and if it wasn't for him they probably would be out of business, and you had to watch every week to see what he was gonna say and do.

WCW - Goldberg...brought a ton of intensity and was their biggest draw during their glory years.

ECW - Tazz...got to see him wrestle at the Old Bingo Hall back in the day the man just gave off a really strong vibe of the ECW image.

In a triple threat match i see Stone Cold winning this thing.
To answer ShockMaster, it's just overall. Take everything in mind and come up with one guy who had a bit of everything
if were are talking all time u cant go past Dymanite Kid in my beliefs he invented the high spots

but from 90-01 SCSA with out a doubt he was the everyday guy that made it to the top by not taking S*it from anyone

WWF-Stone Cold Because every time he got in the ring he did what he had to do giving ppl stunners 3:16

WCW-Guess his name starts with Sting.... Even though Ric Flair was like Good I liked Sting way better

Ecw-THE SUICIDAL GENICIDAL HOMICIDOL SABU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WWF - The Rock

IMO The Rock just nicks it from Stone Cold, both were awesome but The Rock just had that extra something about him, even when he was feuding with Austin for the WWF title at WrestleMania and Backlash, he has crowd support, and when he left the corporation his popularity sky rocketed. If you want to see how good The Rock was in his prime, check out either You Tube or Daily Motion and listen to his promos. It still sends shivers down my spine when he tells his opponent to 'listen as they are chanting his name' and 20,000 fans start chanting Rocky.

WCW - Goldberg

Goldberg was mega over, this is the proper Goldberg, not the WWE version. The Goldberg who gave Big Show the Jackhammer. The Goldberg who won the WCW title from Hogan in front of 40,000 fans at the Georgia Dome. The Goldberg who was undefeated for well over 100 matches. Even though I would switch over from TNT to Sky Sports at 10pm on a Friday Night, I would still flick back the channel to try and catch a glimpse of Goldberg cuz he was simply awesome.

ECW - Tazz

To be honest I did not watch too much of ECW, however as I became more and more of a wrestling fan, I would watch whatever I could. RVD was awesome but Tazz (Taz in ECW) was so intense. The FTW Heavyweight Title was great and the match where he lost it to Sabu by pulling him over him for the pin was ace. Along with Rhino, Taz was the best ECW champion for my money. The Tazmission was an awesome finisher and the man was seriously underused in the WWF.
WWF - Bret Hart. If we are going top to bottom, Hart barely edges out Michaels, Austin, Rock, Angle, and HHH, but not by a lot. Just in terms of the rise, he really paved the way for a great tag team wrestler to win the Intercontinental Title and then work his way up to World Championship status by stealing the show from the so-called "Main Eventers." Hart made wrestling matches a real struggle with his ability to sell injuries but still make you wonder if he was "playing possum." Feuds with Mr. Perfect, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels, Roddy Piper, etc were always well set up.

WCW - Vader. So many people went with Flair and Sting, I had to change it up. Big Van Vader was a WCW stalwart, creating a frightening, mammoth heel presence in the league for years. Maybe the greatest big man in wrestling history, I remember seeing him do moonsaults and top rope splashes effortlessly. Made feuds with Sting, Flair, Simmons, and Foley absolute legends of the 1990's.

ECW - The Sandman. I really wanted to go with Mike Awesome to change things up, but let's face it, Sandman was ECW for a while in the
90's. He held the title 3 times in the 1990's and had absolute blood feuds with Raven, Dreamer, and Douglas.

In the end, I'll take Big Van Vader winning the Triple Threat. Sandman is Hardcore, but Vader has withstood worse than him in his Japanese Days and his Texas Death Match with Cactus Jack. Bret couldn't handle Sandman's never say die Hardcore Style. And though Bret has a great track record against Superheavyweights (Yokozuna, Diesel) no big man had the athletic resillience of Vader, nor the focused desire to not only win, but decimate opponents.

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