Who Was Better: The Road Warriors, or Demolition?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
The common belief is that Demolition was a rip off of the Road Warriors, or because Vince McMahon couldn't sign The Road Warriors, he would create his own Road Warriors, in Demolition. Again, it's never been confirmed, but then again, when you look at the two gimmicks, it becomes pretty difficult to deny that these two are similar, at best. When you have paint faced bad asses, who have a set goal in destruction and pain, you're going to get roped together, especially when you're a damn good tag team. Both of these teams, for a long time, were the standard bearer for their respective promotions, and sadly, they never got the real chance to have the epic war in which they could of. Much of that can be related to Bill Eadie's health, which I don't understand, as they did have Crush at the time, who while he wasn't great in the ring at the time, he was still intimidating enough to look the part. Still, these tag teams always get lumped together, and I think it's time we finally decided who is the better of these two. So the question's really simple, really; Who was better, The Road Warriors, or Demolition?

For me, personally, the fact that they were rip offs doesn't matter; The Demoltion are still better than The Road Warriors. And let me explain why.

1. They were better workers. Of course, when I say that, someone's going to jump down my throat. Sure, they were a brawling tag team, and they were more prone to strikes than suplexes. However, it should be noted that The Demolition are really better workers by default. The Road Warriors, for all of their theatrics, really aren't as good in the ring as people would assume. People look at The Road Warriors and get nostalgic over the look, but people forget they weren't very much in the ring. Hawk was probably the better worker, Animal to me was always a power man who never had any substance to him whatsoever, and The Road Warriors, if they ever put on good matches, were typically carried by the Midnight Express, and that's it. The matches with Doom set back tag team wrestling by a good ten years over at the NWA, and no one can convince me otherwise. Bill Eadie and Barry Darsow were just better workers than Hawk and Animal, and it would show years later when Crush was added to the mix, and people just didn't take to it as fondly as Vince would have expected. While Hawk and Animal were stumbling around the ring with Doom, The Horsemen, and the Midnite Express, The Demoltion were actually putting on watchable to good matches with The Bulldogs, Hart Foundation, Powers of Pain. Even their matches with a crippled Andre and Haku were better than most of Hawk and Animal's work.

2. They, unlike the Road Warriors, actually sold. I'll never forget watching one time, as Beautiful Bobby Eaton hit a piledriver on Hawk during a match. Mind you, the piledriver at the time was the end all move; it was the most dangerous move you could have hit someone with, and was notorious for ending careers. Hawk just rose back up, acted like nothing happened, and proceeded to go on with the match. That right there, to me, killed off some of the Express' luster to me. The fact that Eaton had just hit the mother of all moves and got nothing was absolutely baffling. I'd later learn that it wasn't Eaton's fault; that's just how the Warriors rolled. They, like Goldberg ten years later, were booked to never take that many bumps, and eventually, I really do believe that hurt them in the long run. Demolition had the ability to play both heels and faces because they could actually sell attacks worth a damn, and made it so the crowd could get into the match. Eventually, I really do feel like the schtick with the Road Warriors got tiring, at least it did for me.

3. The Demolition looked more bad ass. Look, I know, the spiked shoulder pads, the mohawks, blah blah blah. First of all, the spiked shoulder pads weren't always there at the beginning, and didn't really become a staple to the Road Warriors until about 1988. There was something about the Demolition's appeal that just made them look more dangerous. Perhaps it was the masks, which scared me shitless watching them come out to the ring with, and perhaps that their apparel looked like it had spikes all around it, but something about The Demolition made them look more larger than life compared to their Road Warrior bethren. In hindsight, they may look more fitting on the cover of S&M Monthly, but back in the day? My God did it scare me shitless. Something about The Road Warriors look didn't scare me, so much as it looked kind of bare bones. The Demoltion went the whole nine yards with their look, and it showed.

Perhaps I'm biased, but there's no way Demolition loses this one. Who was better for you; Ax and Smash, or Hawk and Animal?
The Road Warriors,without a doubt. And it doesn't have anything to do with nostalgia. I'm not saying that Demolition wasn't a great tag team,but to say they were better than Hawk and Animal? I'm sorry I'm not buying it.
The Road Warriors,without a doubt. And it doesn't have anything to do with nostalgia. I'm not saying that Demolition wasn't a great tag team,but to say they were better than Hawk and Animal? I'm sorry I'm not buying it.

Well, how can I doubt that solid logic, complete with sound reasoning and unarguable facts?

What exactly made them better, pal? Was it their plodding style in the ring, the fact that they never sold offense, the fact that their promos were borderline Warrior bad, or the fact that Hawk specifically was a dangerous worker in the ring? Seriously, the Road Warriors are just not that good in the ring, so it's not worth pretending they were. Their typical match composed of shoulder blocks, gorilla press slams, clubbing, The Doomsday Device, and that's it. It was really the most formulaic match you can ever come up with, and really, the reason The Road Warriors got over half as much was because of their look. Which, when copied by good workers who were actually safe in the ring, was infinitely better.

We on the same page, bub?
Well, how can I doubt that solid logic, complete with sound reasoning and unarguable facts?

What exactly made them better, pal? Was it their plodding style in the ring, the fact that they never sold offense, the fact that their promos were borderline Warrior bad, or the fact that Hawk specifically was a dangerous worker in the ring? Seriously, the Road Warriors are just not that good in the ring, so it's not worth pretending they were. Their typical match composed of shoulder blocks, gorilla press slams, clubbing, The Doomsday Device, and that's it. It was really the most formulaic match you can ever come up with, and really, the reason The Road Warriors got over half as much was because of their look. Which, when copied by good workers who were actually safe in the ring, was infinitely better.

We on the same page, bub?

And what facts did you provide? Oh wait those aren't facts,those are opinions that you're trying to pass off has fact.

They looked more menacing that the Road Warriors. Please,Demolition was two fat guys. One of whom went on to become such legendary characters like the Blacktop Bully and a golfer. Oh yeah,that strikes fear in the hearts of men.
And what facts did you provide? Oh wait those aren't facts,those are opinions that you're trying to pass off has fact.

All of which are damn true. Are you really going to sit here and try to tell me The Road Warriors are really worth anything in the ring? You want facts? How about the fact that Demoltion were given three title reigns in the WWE, including the longest reign in the WWE. The Road Warriors? Yeah, they had one. Because Vince couldn't fucking trust them in the ring, and they just weren't good enough to hold their own.

How's that for facts, jack?

They looked more menacing that the Road Warriors. Please,Demolition was two fat guys. One of whom went on to become such legendary characters like the Blacktop Bully and a golfer. Oh yeah,that strikes fear in the hearts of men.

Right... That's an objective look on things?

Riddle me this; if The Road Warriors were that much better, why didn't Vince trust them with the belts for very long. Don't say it's because Vince is partial, he gave The Legion od Doom every fucking chance to get over. And at the end of the day, they just weren't over, because the WWE audience had seen them before, done infinitely better.

That was Demolition.
All of which are damn true. Are you really going to sit here and try to tell me The Road Warriors are really worth anything in the ring? You want facts? How about the fact that Demoltion were given three title reigns in the WWE, including the longest reign in the WWE. The Road Warriors? Yeah, they had one. Because Vince couldn't fucking trust them in the ring, and they just weren't good enough to hold their own.

How's that for facts, jack?

Right... That's an objective look on things?

Riddle me this; if The Road Warriors were that much better, why didn't Vince trust them with the belts for very long. Don't say it's because Vince is partial, he gave The Legion od Doom every fucking chance to get over. And at the end of the day, they just weren't over, because the WWE audience had seen them before, done infinitely better.

That was Demolition.

Yeah,Vince trusted them so much,he had them riding motorscooters and coming to the ring with a wooden puppet. How are the fans gonna buy you as menacing after that? He might as well have given them the Dusty Rhodes treatment and had them were polka dots.
Yeah,Vince trusted them so much,he had them riding motorscooters and coming to the ring with a wooden puppet. How are the fans gonna buy you as menacing after that? He might as well have given them the Dusty Rhodes treatment and had them were polka dots.

Please... That didn't happen until 1992, two years after the Legion of Doom were introduced to the WWE. You want to know why Vince did that? Becuase he was running out of ways to get The Road Warriors over. Whatever he was trying just wasn't working in the WWE, mainly because people weren't impressed with their matches. They were all pretty much the same, and when they were asked to sell for a team like The Natural Disasters, no one bought it, because The Road Warriors hadn't been asked to sell in the NWA, and they really didn't know how.

You're argument would have creedence if Vince brought in The Road Warriors that way, but he didn't. No, instead, he just let them be them, and it didn't get over a damn bit. So there goes that little argument of yours
How can there even be a debate...When you say tag team wrestling,one of the first teams that come to mind are THE ROAD WARRIORS/LEGION OF DOOM!!

Animal's son put best when interviewed before he was drafted to the Rams,
His dad was one half of arguably..the most well known tag teams in wrestling..

I don't hear people saying that about Demolition!!
How can there even be a debate...When you say tag team wrestling,one of the first teams that come to mind are THE ROAD WARRIORS/LEGION OF DOOM!!

Animal's son put best when interviewed before he was drafted to the Rams,
His dad was one half of arguably..the most well known tag teams in wrestling..

I don't hear people saying that about Demolition!!

I'm not even sure how that's remotely correct. Of course a sportscaster is going to say that about the kid, what else was he going to say. "Hey, this kid's father was part of a tag team that was mediocre, but because they were so big, people liked them, until they went to the WWE, and were horribly exposed for hacks against teams like The Hart Foundation"? Because that's more the truth, I promise you.

The fact was, The Road Warriors got over because they were big, muscular, and didn't sell. Those were the only reasons the Road Warriors were over. Their matches were usually shit, their promos were just as bad as Warriors, yet people still bought into them, because they were big and different looking. Know who else was big and different looking? The Demolition. Except there's one big difference; The Demoltion, unlike The Road Warriors, could work. Thus, Vince trusted them to carry a tag division that included some of the greatest tag teams of all time.

The 80s were a Tag Team Renaissance in the WWE. And a good portion of the reason why was because Demolition was the cornerstone of the division
"Who was better for you; Ax and Smash, or Hawk and Animal?"

i'm acutally very glad, Tenta, that you clarified this in your opening post as there were some different variations of the teams.

of course, Crush eventually joined Demolition which allowed them to challenge for and defend the titles a la "the Freebird Rule", which has always been a fun concept to me. but, as stated earlier, at this point in his career, Crush was not the worker that Ax and Smash were... still had the look, but just not quite the work.

and then in Legion of Doom, you had guys join like Darren Drozdov, aka "Puke" or just "Droz" and eventually Heidenreich with Animal after Hawk's passing. Droz actually had the look and could have pulled it off, maybe, with some better writing, and even Heidenreich did okay for me, but of course neither variation could compare to the original with these guys in Hawk and Animal.

that said, after some very deliberate thinking, i'm gonna choose Legion of Doom. i totally agree with Tenta that Demolition were better workers, more safe inside the ring (LOD, accidentally i'm sure, did in fact break the neck of Henry Godwinn) and had very memorable feuds with Hart Foundation, Powers of Pain and Colossal Connection, among others. and most of their matches were very credible and had great work in them. the same cannot be said of Legion of Doom. also, Demolition did have the longest reign with the belts in the history of the company, which is something in and of itself.

not to be too argumentative, Tenta, but LOD did hold the belts twice and not just once. but still, the number of reigns is not why i voted for them, and neither is the look or the nostalgia. quite frankly, i thought the looks of both groups were obviously comparable and believable and enjoyable, so that's never been the tie breaker for me.

for me, the main difference between the two teams was and is longevity. Legion of Doom were around for decades while Demolition were around for years. that's the primary difference. and for that alone, i'll give the final nod to Legion of Doom in an otherwise very close vote that may have gone to Demolition.
I was never a big fan of Road Warriors/LOD. Demolition for me! Axe, Smash and Crush all the way. I much preferred their work. Think they were better wrestlers.

I also preferred heel tag teams over faces. Why didnt you include LOD from a few years ago? :lmao:
I'll have to vote for the Pre-WWF Road Warriors/LOD. they had the better look, mic skills, and could sell big finishers far better then Demolition.

but once the LOD came to WWF, vince pretty much turned them into a joke (that stupid dummy, the Hawk substance abuse angle, etc etc)

whereas Demolition, were the typical VKM packaged tag team. their moves were lackluster, they NEVEr got over as heavy with the fans, and werent nearly in as good of physical shape as the LOD

my vote goes for the LOD
Both Sides were very convincing, however I will have to give my NOD to LOD as well. For the similar reason of Longevity. I mean let's look at it LOD has been in just about every promotion known to man. They have held titles in all the promotions known to man. LOD is not just a name in america but Japan and other places as well. You state the fact that they are not great workers. Well Obviously enough promotions trusted them to hold titles in their companys. I mean LOD was the flagship for tag teams for year. I still remember watching one of the matches they had with the steiner brothers. It was a classic. During that match you will see its not just shoulder blocks and the doomsday device. Trust me I liked Ax and Smash as well but LOD will always get the higher vote. And I'm pretty sure they get inducted into the wwe hall of fame first too
I'll have to vote for the Pre-WWF Road Warriors/LOD. they had the better look, mic skills, and could sell big finishers far better then Demolition.

but once the LOD came to WWF, vince pretty much turned them into a joke (that stupid dummy, the Hawk substance abuse angle, etc etc)

whereas Demolition, were the typical VKM packaged tag team. their moves were lackluster, they NEVEr got over as heavy with the fans, and werent nearly in as good of physical shape as the LOD

my vote goes for the LOD

You it the nail on the head by saying pre-WWF Road Warriors. Pre WWF Road Warriors were bad ass. In the WWF they had them coming to the ring with the wooden dummy. They were potrayed as goofs and once you're potrayed as a goof,the fans aren't gonna take you seriously.

And while I admit that Animal and Hawk weren't the best workers in the business,they weren't as bad as certain people are making them out to be. And Demolition wasn't much better. One of them was the Blacktop Bully for cripes sake
Obviously The Road Warriors were a bigger draw and were more influential than Demolition, but I always thought Demolition was in fact the better team, but then again Demolition is my favorite team of all time so I could be biased here.

In ring wise Demolition was much better than the Road Warriors, I even liked their finisher better, it looked cool and more importantly it was safe for the wrestlers to take (a lot of wrestlers got seriously hurt by the doomsday device). They always had good promos (although the Road Warriors were better) and at their peak were extremely over with the crowd (but then again so were the road warriors).

Both gimmicks came from the Mad Max Series which makes both gimmicks so similar, but I really don't think Demolition was a complete rip-off of the road warriors as they had enough differences to make them unique on their own merits. One thing that Demolition could do is switch between heel and face seemingly at will and have the fans with them either way(they could be extremely hated or extremely popular), whenever the Road Warriors tried to go heel it never really worked, even when they stabbed Dusty in the eye with the spike the fans still cheered for them and this is another reason I went with Demolition, they had more versatility than the road warriors did, they had dimensions where the Road Warriors were very one dimensional.

All in all I have to go with Demolition, they will never be as influential or as popular as the road warriors, but that shouldn't suggest they weren't in fact better.
Saying Demolition didnt get over as heavy with fans is a bit unfair. Wrestlemania 6 - The crowd blew the roof off when they won. Second biggest Pop of the night after the Hogan v Warrior match. So to say they wernt over big time is quite unfair.

Heres my opinions

Biggest draws = Road Warriors/LOD - No doubt about it

Better workers = Demolition - When we say better, lets remember it isnt just about a move set. As Tenta explained,m Demolition were much better at selling. Animal didnt look like he ever got hurt, and When Hawk occasionally did, you look at him and you just arent convinced. He just looked like a fool.

Better talkers = Demolition - For me they just cut better promos. Both teams were as similar, but i always got a hint of Ultimate Warrior with the RW's promos

Road Warriors/LOD have only stood the test of time because of the NWA days, and nothing more. They were booked in a way to make them look much much better than they were. Similar to many wrestlers of that era. So for me, Im going to go with Demolition....Better theme music aswell =]
Demolition, 100%, yes Road Warriors were def. bad ass and I love them, but Demolition LOOKED like a Legion of Doom, and Doomsday Device was a great finisher, but the Demolition Decapitation is still the best tag finisher ever IMO, and if we're going with them in their best days, Road Warriors def had a more bare bones look, whereas when demolition walked through the curtain, well only The Undertaker and The Great Muta have ever put me in a trance like that, I actually thought they were from Hell, and to this day, longest tag title reign in wwf history, and as far as rip-offs, dx was a rip-off of the nWo, but people still loved the hell outta them (including me), so yeah def Demolition for me, but I miss the shit outta both teams (in their prime)
The Roadwarriors easily. And I will adress your points one by one.

1. Workrate is a subjective term. The Roadwarriors though actually worked more than one place for an extened period of time. Meaning Demolition only had to figure a style that worked in the WWF. Where you work as a wrestler is important to how good you look in a ring. A guy like Sabu had a working styler that was great for ECW not so great for WCW. The Roadwarriors knew how to work a crowd and to get a reaction, that's workrate not if you have 5 star matches or how good the match looks 10 years later.

2.The Roadwarriors especially Hawk sold. Watch their match with the Longriders where they sold almost the enire match. When them and Dr. Death teamed against ther Heradshrinkers and whatever the Tonga Kid was calling himself then, they always lost the three on three melee that the Headshrinkers and Tonga liked to do.Hawk no selling a piledriver was one of his spots he's not the only wrestler to have a no sell spot, Taz did it with suplexes, Masato Tanaka with chair shots, any Somoan with shots to the head. The Roadwarriors lack of selling was part of the mystique the same as Ricky Mortan face in peril and hot tag to Robert Gibson was part of their mystique. But then again I guess dan Spivy is better than the Undertaker because he sold more

3. Demolilition looked like a fat, into s&m ripoff of the Roadwarriors. When I see two guys built like Buddy Landel and Eric Embry I think bad ass.

The Roadwarriors had longevity, were so over the AWA had to change the to faces because the face teams were getting bood working against them, Crockett couldn't turn them heel going against Sting and Dusty. There's a reason when Vince brought in the Roadwarriors he soften their look with really fakey spikes and softer make up, the same reason the Steiners weren't brought in as monster shooters, the AWA Wrecking Crew was brought in as the Beverly Brothers, Public Enemy was jobbed out and told to let the APA beat the crap out of them, and the Dudleys were regressed to before the time D-von and Bubba ray feuded in ECW, if Vince brought in established tag teams and start them out at the level or near level where they were in previous promotions he thinks it weakens his brand. Asks wrestlers where they would rank these two teams guaranteed 99% percdent rank the Roadwarriors higher.

However I'm familar with your posting and you start off with an opinion and you always think you are right discount anyone elses opinions as wrong.
I believe both teams were overrated but to me Demolition was worse. Outside of the matches they had with the Hart Foundation and one or two with the Brain Busters I didn't really enjoy much of their in ring work. Ax was always overweight and the Repo Man erm... Smash wasn't anything special. On the mic they rarely cut promos but when they did they weren't very good. The bondage outfits they wore to the ring didn't do them any favors either.

Their biggest claim to fame was the extended tag title run they had, but even that was overrated. The British Bulldogs had left the WWF near the beginning of the long reign and the Hart Foundation wasn't quite yet an elite tag team, not to mention the fact that both teams were faces for the majority of the reign so a major feud between those two teams didn't start until Demolition turned heel.

Nothing about Demolition was better then the Road Warriors. They were probably on par in terms of in ring work but other then that the Road Warriors were superior on the mic, had a better look, and were the more intimidating of the two tag teams.
I agree with Tenata as far as Demolition being better workers, but being old school, I gotta ride with the Road Warriors on this one, because they pretty much set the standard 4 tag team wrestling, not 2 mention paving the way 4 powerhouse wrestlers like Nikita Koloff, who was often referred 2 as "the Russian Road Warrior". IMO, Demolition was a cheap knockoff of the LOD. the 1st time I saw them, that's exactly what came 2 mind. but despite not being better workers, they were the ONLY team 2 hold the World Tag Team titles in the BIG 3 promotions back in the day.
2 great teams but Road Warriors were far better. The origainal demolition (Ax + Smash) both had similar in ring ability (in fact Crush also was pretty similar) This was a sort of power house, hard hittting type style. Whereas i think Road Warriors/LOD had more varied styles. Animal was the Powerhouse type similar to members of Demolition, whereas Hawk was a bit different. He was unbelevably powefull but also very fast and could high fly too. I think putting both Hawk and Animal together created a great mix of team. It is a pity Hawk had his problems and left wretling and passed away early. He was an outstanding wrestler who had it all.
For me, personally, the fact that they were rip offs doesn't matter; The Demoltion are still better than The Road Warriors. And let me explain why.

I got this far into your post, stopped, and immediately looked to see how young you were. Yep, 22.

Sorry bro, but you have no idea what you are talking about. Do some research, buy some DVD's. Anything...but please don't waste people's times with ridiculous threads like this.

Not only are the Roadies better than Demolition (who were legends), but they were and always will be the best tag team in the history of the sport. No questions about it.
actually as workers demolition. road warriors were stiff and just ate up there competition. they couldnt work a good match, take in point there awa days. they couldnt keep them heel because they ate everyone up and the fans loved it. but as workers they were the shits.
bill eadie was actually a classic worker as the masked superstar, and as a story teller in the ring he could work. smash on the other hand wasnt the greatest but he could atleast sell and work.
overall, the road warriors as workers were like ultimate warrior, demolition were like sting
Demolition were the reason I started watching wrestling. They will always be my favorites. My favorite tag team match of all time is Demolition vs Hart Foundation in the 2 out of 3 falls match at Summerslam 90. Classic.

As for them being a Road Warrior knock off, I don't agree. The Powers of Pain were the knockoff Vince created when he couldn't get the Road Warriors to jump ship, NOT Demolition. Bill Eadie created the gimmick himself. And even if they had been a ripoff, I really don't care. Every character is basically a take on someone before them. From Georgeous George-Buddy Rogers-Ric Flair-Rick Rude-to Shawn Micheals, all basically the same gimmick only each guy added something new to it.

Demolition took what the Road Warriors were doing and perfected it. Adding the Jason Hockey mask and of course that classic theme music. The Demoltion theme alone sets them apart from the rest of the pack for me. It saddens me that they are rarely mentioned today and were basically tossed aside back in 1990 when the LOD arrived on the WWF scene. Almost everyone picks LOD over Demolition, but not me. I like all of Tenta's points.

Also, in my opinion, Demolition should go into the WWE Hall of Fame BEFORE The Road Warriors. Think about it, it is first and foremost a "WWE" hall of fame, not a "Wrestling" Hall of Fame. And as far as WWE success, The LOD were never able to fill Demoltions shoes during their original WWF run. Demolition had 3 classic Wrestlemania matches against Strike Force, Powers of Pain, and Colossol Connection. LOD had a 15 second match against 2 jobbers at Wrestlemania 7 and that was it. LOD might have had a better overall run when you count other organizations, but as far as their WWE stints, Demoltion were much more successful and therefore should go into a "WWE" Hall of Fame before LOD.
Demolition were the reason I started watching wrestling. They will always be my favorites. My favorite tag team match of all time is Demolition vs Hart Foundation in the 2 out of 3 falls match at Summerslam 90. Classic.

As for them being a Road Warrior knock off, I don't agree. The Powers of Pain were the knockoff Vince created when he couldn't get the Road Warriors to jump ship, NOT Demolition. Bill Eadie created the gimmick himself. And even if they had been a ripoff, I really don't care. Every character is basically a take on someone before them. From Georgeous George-Buddy Rogers-Ric Flair-Rick Rude-to Shawn Micheals, all basically the same gimmick only each guy added something new to it.

Demolition took what the Road Warriors were doing and perfected it. Adding the Jason Hockey mask and of course that classic theme music. The Demoltion theme alone sets them apart from the rest of the pack for me. It saddens me that they are rarely mentioned today and were basically tossed aside back in 1990 when the LOD arrived on the WWF scene. Almost everyone picks LOD over Demolition, but not me. I like all of Tenta's points.

Also, in my opinion, Demolition should go into the WWE Hall of Fame BEFORE The Road Warriors. Think about it, it is first and foremost a "WWE" hall of fame, not a "Wrestling" Hall of Fame. And as far as WWE success, The LOD were never able to fill Demoltions shoes during their original WWF run. Demolition had 3 classic Wrestlemania matches against Strike Force, Powers of Pain, and Colossol Connection. LOD had a 15 second match against 2 jobbers at Wrestlemania 7 and that was it. LOD might have had a better overall run when you count other organizations, but as far as their WWE stints, Demoltion were much more successful and therefore should go into a "WWE" Hall of Fame before LOD.

I agree with this... Demoliton and the Road Warriors were both taken from different characters from the Road Warrior.... The Warriors were more based off of Vernon Wells' Wez character... Demolition were more Humongous based and Master Blaster from the 3rd movie...

Demolition was a team based off of two strong workers, Darsow was very underrated from his work as Krusher Kruschev...both could have main evented again with the right gimmicks... sadly Darsow never got that... Ax had been a main eventer and worked all over the world... Andre jobbed to them...

Hawk and Animal were power workers exclusively... that neither ever really main evented without each other says a lot... Ax would get into the HOF on his own but his Demolition days seals the deal...

I never marked out for the Warriors as much as I did for the Demos...

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