Who was a more enertaining jobber?

Who was/is the more entertaining jobber?

  • Eugene

  • Santino

  • Doink

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Haven't seen anything recent with this, so decided to make one due to the recent appearence of one, so here are your two choices:

1. Doink the Clown-To put simply a clown who wrestles, he jobbed constantly, but when a heel he had some pretty good (creepy) pranks on others.

2. Eugene-To simplify a mentally handicapped person who actually won some matches, but I think was funny due to a segment with him and the Rock.

3.Santino-The one you will be most likely to pick since he is the one that has been around for the past few years.

So who do you think was the most entertaining, as in that made you laugh, out of these three, please move if in wrong category, and please tell why you picked them. May the winner be the one that makes you... :lol:
Doink the Clown really did nothing for me as a face but he was interesting when he first came out as a dark heel like character. Doink actually had some big feuds going on with Bam Bam Bigelow and Crush at the time. Eugene on the other hand was an annoying character, but he was a decent worker. Eugene actually benefited the most out of all 3 since he was teamed up with Hogan and actually had some semi main event feuds with the likes of Kurt Angle and Triple H.

Overall I would have to go with Santino. I really enjoyed Santino's heel character when he was the IC champion. Now he is more of a comedy jobber. He was funny from time to time, but now he just comes off as more annoying then anything. Santino was more entertaining then Doink or Eugene was, but just barely.
I would say Doink the Clown personally where I have always enjoyed his work when I was growing up. Even though the Survivor Series match he was in against Jerry Lawler was rated worst match of the year back in 1994, that was probably one of my favorite matches as a kid. I loved the storyline leading up to that match.
I voted for Doink, among these three. However, if I were voting without a set poll, I'd vote for Gillberg. That was one of the few times that WWE ever parodied something correctly.
I think Santino among the 3,
Simply because he was funnier and was used more,
The whole,
Greaest Champion of all of the times along w/the honk-o-meter was Gold
I think Santino among the 3,
Simply because he was funnier and was used more,
The whole,
Greaest Champion of all of the times along w/the honk-o-meter was Gold

Well aslong as you had a reason I am okay with it, I think some of the people who voted for Santino only did so because they weren't exposed to doink or even Eugene.
I think that it is Santino, when ever he comes onto my TV screen he makes me laugh whether he is wrestling or just cutting a promo.
Santino is great as a comedy act the guy is freaking hilarious, but as a jobber I'll say Doink. Santino has already had more success than Doink ever had. I never cared for the Eugene gimmick.
I went with Santino just because he has made me laugh more then the other two. Out of the three choices Eugeen was the best wrestler. My personal favorite jobber of all time was the leader of the job squad Al Snow , he had wrestling ability with a comic edge that endeared him to the crowd
I would have to say Doink.I wouldn't necissarilly say he was a Jobber,he got a Moderate push.Nothing Like Santinos I.C.l championship run.Which help lower the prestige of the belt.Eugene was a little,well,over the top.He got a moderate push also,with regal,HHH matches,Bischoff etc etc.I think the MIZ would be a great Jobber.Because,well,in fact he is a mediocre performer at best,but thats another story
All Three are entertaining Jobbers..but i voted for Eugene..he was really funny...kinda felt sorry for him.

Doink was cool too, but Santino is kinda annoying to me..lol..just my opinon.
Doink was my favorite wrestler out of the 3, but I'd hardly call him a jobber. I would say he actually had a pretty successful career. I liked Eugene but I didn't particularly like his gimmick and I was dissapointed that he never came back as Nick Dinsmore (While on topic, I think Nick Dinsmore actually dressed up as Doink the Clown once on a ppv). And Santino is just incredibly annoying to me. I don't even watch his matches anymore. I did like his sister Santina though.
Santino is a reason to watch Monday Night Raw...or at least he was when they did the guest host thing pretty regularly...Even now, I love the guy. He is very funny in a foolish kind of way, but he seems to be enjoying himself doing it. Santino Marella is never going to be anything but comic relief, but that isn't so bad...because he is so damned good at it.

Eugene was just a dumb character. Making fun of the handicapped is simply not cool. I know that wrestling frequently pokes fun at all sorts of groups of people, but the handicapped? I never understood why they had to go there.

Doink could have been a decent enough heel character if the WWF/E had focused on the whole "a lot of people think clowns are downright creepy" angle, but they blew it. Not a fan of Doink, never was a fan of Doink, never will be a fan of Doink.
I voted for Santino simply because the guy is comedic GOLD. Santina/Santino. His verbal joust with Jericho where it went from Santino to Santana was HILARIOUS. The guy is hilarious and he makes losing ENTERTAINING.

HOWEVER if Santino hadn't been up there I would have said Eugene.
Eugene "winning" Kurt's gold medal, staring at Maria's milk covered knockers and everything was also hilarious. I don't really know how to compare the 3 even. Eugene was his own thing.
I mean Eugene won a decent amount of matches and was hilarious when he imitated other superstars of past/present. His feud with HHH was AMAZING to say the least. Costing HHH the title, HHH pretending to like Eugene. William Regal thrown into the mix was awesome. Yes Santino beat Umaga for the IC title. But lets look at Eugene..Setting off stage pyro, interrupting matches he wasn't even supposed to be in, walking into the divas locker room, blasting regal in the grapefruits with the shirt gun, getting his head shaved them becoming close with cryme tyme. Dancing at wrestlemania with Moolah and Mae instead of the the likes of Kelly Kelly Brooke Adams and Layla.

But then again Doink wasn't THAT horrible either. So i guess Ill go with Santino still.
Santino, i dont usually like comedy in my wrestling but he makes me laugh just about everytime he is on the screen and he is a decent wrestler to boot.
Santino, by far. Not only is he great in backstage segments, but he's hilarious in the ring too. His body-language is spot-on, and though he rarely hits it, his attempts at the Cobra are ridiculous in the best way possible. I never cared much for Eugene, and I'm not quite old enough to have seen much of Doink.
I voted for Eugene. I thought Eugene was an unfortunate gimmick for Nick Dinsmore, one that really doomed him to play that character for the rest of his career, but I thought he did a great job, and was very entertaining with it. I wish they played up an early aspect of the character, where he accurately copied the moves of wrestlers he saw on tv...that could have turned into something interesting, but it was quickly downplayed to keep him in the lovable loser role. Doink was an interesting at times, but he quickly got old. I will say that he got more out of the character than I thought, he really hung around for a while. Santino fumbled for a bit before finding his comfort zone...he has his moments, but he hasn't really been a wrestler in a long, long time, doing 5 minutes of comedy to maybe 20 seconds of wrestling.
I voted Eugene. I dont think its fair to say he was a jobber though. He had a good run while it lasted. Some of the stuff he did and the people he rubbed shoulders with were top stars.
I wasnt sure between him and Santino though, i probably voted Eugene because everyone else was voting Santino. Some of his stuff has been gold. The honk-o-meter, later the honk-o-perfect-mountie meter, the mini thing with Austin about the Condemned and telling Mickie James he would 'send her back to the kitchen, where she belongs'. Even his understated stuff is hilarious.
Santino is probably the WWE's most entertaining jobber character they have ever had. Doink and Eugene while mildly amusing were often very annoying most of the time during their tenures as on screen characters. Santino is always gold when he is on the screen, he is as legit hilarious as a comedy wrestler can get. I cannot say I was as entertained by the other two jobbers you listed.

Once Santino turned into the full fledge, english language butchering character, there haven't been anywhere near as funny characters that out match him in a comedic aspect. Everything he has done since late 2007 has not been matched and I am going to go out on a limb and say that Santino's run, as infamous as it is may one day earn him a Hall Of Fame spot. Something I cannot even fathom saying about Doink or Eugene.
Im going to have to say Santino. Santino was funny and entertaining as a face as well as a heel and yes the honk' o meter was GOLD!. Santino still makes me laugh when i watch Raw and he isn't that bad in the ring. Santino is my favorite jobber out of the three nominations here.

Doink and Eugene didn't do anything for me they did the same thing in the ring whenever they would compete. Santino is more entertaining hands down and way more entertaining to watch then both Eugene and Doink combined.
I voted For Eugene I actally liked him at first he was booked great but after his injury at NewyearsRe2005 they started to get stupid with his chracter and it floped big time and the crowd turned on him.
I enjoy Santino most out of the three. I prefered Doink as a heel, but I always enjoy seeing him. I don't know why, but I like Doink and I'm always happy to see him. I guess it's because he's a clown. I like Stephen King's IT and The Joker too.

The only time I liked Eugene was when DX was involved, and to this day I consider that gimmick to be an embarresment to the business.

Santino sells T-Shirts....which to be honest is something jobbers just don't do. I find the Cobra gimmick funny and it does manage to get a bit of a giggle out of me whenever he starts putting his arm up like that.
Definitely Doink the Clown. As a heel he was real good. Hitting "Crush" with his fake arm was a great highlight of the past. As a face he was annoying at times...but so isn't Santino and Eugene. The Eugene character was just unnecessary and stupid. He was basically a ******ed "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. And if anybody remembers "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan...Eugene didn't have to go very far to get the part down. Santino started out as hilarious...but the overexposure has hurt him a bit I think. His IC title reign when he was comparing himself to IC champs of the past was hilarious. "Mr. Honky Tonky" was great.

But I still say the entertaining part goes to Doink the Clown. And I hate clowns more than anything.

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