Who the hell is Matt Striker???


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've been watching this past season of WWE NXT to my surprise. And I still haven't figured out why is Matt Striker the host of this show? And who the hell is Matt Striker suppose to be??

As my memory serves me right, Matt Striker came into the WWE at a good time to get his break. In his first TV shows against the main eventer in Kurt Angle for Angle's gold medals. And brought into the WWE's version of ECW on SyFy. Appeared at only one Wrestlemania (WM 23 in Detroit where he got pinned by Rob Van Dam in a 8-man tag match). And that's about it! Matt seems like a real good wrestler, but he talks and act like he just know everything about the wrestling industry.

So my question is what does Matt Striker has the bring to these rookies on NXT? And who idea was it to make him the damn host of the show? Because I'm lost!
I've been watching this past season of WWE NXT to my surprise. And I still haven't figured out why is Matt Striker the host of this show? And who the hell is Matt Striker suppose to be??

A charismatic guy with a relavent gimmick (a teacher), who's going to be there anyway (no extra fares to pay). Who better to host a show about people learning how to become the next breakout star than a teacher.

As my memory serves me right, Matt Striker came into the WWE at a good time to get his break. In his first TV shows against the main eventer in Kurt Angle for Angle's gold medals. And brought into the WWE's version of ECW on SyFy. Appeared at only one Wrestlemania (WM 23 in Detroit where he got pinned by Rob Van Dam in a 8-man tag match). And that's about it! Matt seems like a real good wrestler, but he talks and act like he just know everything about the wrestling industry.

Yes, that's pretty much true. Though Matt was a good wrestler, just not the sort that was ever going to be huge. And while he may not be the most experienced guy on the roster, he has experienced it from all angles. He's been an active wrestler in WWE, A MEer on the Indies (winning 10 titles in his debut year), a manager (for Big Daddy V, who he got over as a monster), and a damn good commentator. He's a good choice, and people could easily learn stuff from him.

So my question is what does Matt Striker has the bring to these rookies on NXT?

Experience, knowledge and as another example of how to carve a nische out for yourself in WWE.

And who idea was it to make him the damn host of the show? Because I'm lost!

Who knows. Vince is apparently high on him, but I'm not so sure he's an ideas man these days, so much as he looks at idea men's plans and ammends them (or orders them to ammend them) as he deems neccesary.
I've been watching this past season of WWE NXT to my surprise. And I still haven't figured out why is Matt Striker the host of this show? And who the hell is Matt Striker suppose to be??

As my memory serves me right, Matt Striker came into the WWE at a good time to get his break. In his first TV shows against the main eventer in Kurt Angle for Angle's gold medals. And brought into the WWE's version of ECW on SyFy. Appeared at only one Wrestlemania (WM 23 in Detroit where he got pinned by Rob Van Dam in a 8-man tag match). And that's about it! Matt seems like a real good wrestler, but he talks and act like he just know everything about the wrestling industry.

So my question is what does Matt Striker has the bring to these rookies on NXT? And who idea was it to make him the damn host of the show? Because I'm lost!

Do you watch Smackdown at all? Or did you watch (WWE version) ECW? He's one of the commentators, and damn good at that. He's easily the best commentator currently, always has creative and funny things to say and an overall awesome character. I was on one of my wrestling watching breaks when Striker debuted so I haven't seem him when he was a wrestler, but it seems as if Striker has really found his place in what he's doing now.

He's awesome. I love Matt Striker. Even better -- he makes comic book references. Striker is my hero.
Matt Striker is a good commentator for using references to make for additionally entertaining matches. He's this snobby heel playing into his intellect as that of his lifelong WWE gimmick and real life cross-over -- being a teacher.

He was also a decent wrestler. I don't know why he transitioned into becoming a commentator. I've heard from various people that the WWE wanted him to, since he wasn't "good enough" to be a WWE wrestler or something to that degree. That's just unbelievable. Yeah sure, he wouldn't have been a huge breakout star or anything, but he was good enough to win a mid-card title. What has he done in the WWE besides commentating? Nothing. That's not something to be proud of when you've made it to the WWE as a wrestler (paycheques aside). Jerry Lawler still hasn't wrestled at a WrestleMania, but at least he's in the Hall of Fame and is a legend.

Anyway, Striker brings a lot as a host because he's good at it. He has the knowledge to back up what he says and who can really argue with a teacher that knows what he's talking about?
I don't nearly as big of a problem with Stryker hosting NXT as I do with him on commentary during Smackdown.

On NXT, sure, he goes out of his way to make himself look good, but then again that shouldn't surprise you if you watch Smackdown. The guy is a bit chatty as the host, but whatever. He gets the point across, so it's really not that big of a deal.

On Smackdown, he annoys me to no end. He talks about nothing. Half of the matches he calls he spends his time coming up with idiotic nicknames and talking about things no one cares about. He's trying to come across as super intelligent, still playing off of that gimmick from years ago that no one cared about then, and sure as hell do not care about now.

I just thank my lucky stars I don't have to listen to the guy call matches on NXT. Two nights per week of him on commentary would be enough to make me stop watching...ok, not really.
I don't mind him on SmackDown or NXT, I kind of like how he talks about a lot of nothing and makes up funny analogies and nicknames. He has kind of an old school heel commentator feel to him, kind of like Jesse Ventura but not as much of a jock as a genius. I will admit sometimes the other commentators put him in his place a bit when he gets going too far with it, but it's all pretty funny to me so I don't mind it.
Matt Striker right now is the only good commentator in the WWE. No, he doesn't focus on the matches. Yes, he does spend most of his time coming up with nicknames, talking about the back stories of characters and all that sort of thing. So yes, finally, a colour commentator that understands the distinction between colour and play-by-play. Not to mention the guy is genuinely humorous.

Compare him with other commentators. Taz, who loved (or, indeed, loves) charging headlong into play-by-play territory, talking about the proper application of moves and so on despite, presumably, being a colour commentator. Also, yelling "FUUUUUUCK" on live TV. Nice one, champ.

King, whose vanilla face gimmick is enough to put you into a coma. Not to mention that, these days, he knows less than the viewer. This week's classic: "I think Edge's rope came loose herp derp." No, Jerry. No. I just saw him untie himself. It took him about a minute, you blind cunt.

Cole, who's only interesting when Daniel Bryan is about.

Todd Grisham. Whenever there's someone on the news who's done something unspeakably heinous, I'll say, "Wow, that guy's a real Todd Grisham."

And "How dare he speak like he knows what he's talking about!"? My hypothesis, unorthodox as it may be, is that he actually knows what he's talking about. His holier-than-thou attitude? Textbook heel persona.
I don't understand what you are getting at here?

Are you implying that because Matt Striker is not an actual teacher, that he has no right to teach the rookies? Or are you implying that he has accomplished nothing in the WWE, yet he talks as if he is a world-beater? Either way, you are wrong!

The Undertaker talks and acts as if he is a dead man. Yet, I am sure that he has never had a paramedic pounding on his chest to try and reanimate him. The fact of the matter is that he has the gimmick of being a teacher and that makes perfect sense when you think about the concept of NXT. Apart from that, Matt Striker is a very smart guy and manages to commentate on a level with the audience. He doesn't try to be too fancy and seems like he knows what he is talking about. I don't particularly like him all that much but I know when someone is doing their job and doing it well. He may not be the best wrestler in the world but he certainly knows how to wrestle. He knows what cause and effect is in regards to wrestling manoeuvres and is someone that has done it first hand.

Whether he knows enough to be a host of NXT is irrelevant. He is a colour commentator on Smackdown and it just made sense to have him host NXT, in both a professional capacity and a teaching capacity.
Anyone else get the impression that Striker was being kind of a dick last night?

He was cutting off people left and right, and not just the rookies but the pros too. Isn't the point of this show to give exposure to the rookies (and a lesser extent the pros) as well as develop their characters? Striker undermining them like that just seems counter-intuitive.

I don't like this. It makes me upset with Striker, and I generally love Striker =/
Anyone else get the impression that Striker was being kind of a dick last night?

He was cutting off people left and right, and not just the rookies but the pros too. Isn't the point of this show to give exposure to the rookies (and a lesser extent the pros) as well as develop their characters? Striker undermining them like that just seems counter-intuitive.

I don't like this. It makes me upset with Striker, and I generally love Striker =/

I don't know why you are getting so worked up, it's not like this is the first time he has done this. He was pissed off last night that he was hurt on Monday. He was holding his ribs the entire show and he blamed the NXT Season 2 rookies. Why would he be overly polite when he blamed these people for hurting him?
yeah he was kinda dickish but dont forget the show was already past the hour mark and they still had a rookie season 2 ass whooping to fit into it and i dont think the syfy channel would be to happy with wwe cutting into a half hour of what ever movie or show they had on after nxt
I don't know why you are getting so worked up, it's not like this is the first time he has done this. He was pissed off last night that he was hurt on Monday. He was holding his ribs the entire show and he blamed the NXT Season 2 rookies. Why would he be overly polite when he blamed these people for hurting him?

No I understand the kayfabe of it all, and that I have no problem with, it's just like..

You know, this is a show for rookies to expose themselves, so whats the point of the show if you rob them of it?
Anyone else get the impression that Striker was being kind of a dick last night?

He was cutting off people left and right, and not just the rookies but the pros too. Isn't the point of this show to give exposure to the rookies (and a lesser extent the pros) as well as develop their characters? Striker undermining them like that just seems counter-intuitive.

I don't like this. It makes me upset with Striker, and I generally love Striker =/

Well, as was revealed at the end of the show, we all know how Striker and the WWE pros feel about the NXT rookies at this point.

The fact of the matter is that Matt Striker was attacked on Monday night and he is going to be seething about it. Hell, he might even harbour a grudge or two against the people that he help mould on NXT every week. He has every right to be pissed off and that is the results that we are seeing now. You have to remember that, kayfabe wise, Matt Striker was the man on NXT that was closest to the superstars in a professional capacity. He acted like a mentor and his heart must have been in these rookies. For them to throw that idea back in his face on Monday at Raw must have hurt him a little bit.

It's not annoying and I found it to be a welcome change from giving them too much time. You seen the effects of giving them too much time with Titus O'Neill. Striker is just playing the scolded dog role well and being a cunt to people that could potentially hurt him. He holds a grudge... Sue him.
As I said before, I understand the kayfabe of it all and don't really have a problem with that. It's just that theres other ways to convey Strikers frustration or disdain besides cutting them off. You could have Striker get in an argument with one of them for example. Theres plenty of other ways to go about it besides cutting off their mic time.

It's not something I'm all up in arms about and raged over, but it kind of irked me a bit. I mean, I wanted to hear what Riley and McGithsicutauieoyhanjkeahl had to say =/
As I said before, I understand the kayfabe of it all and don't really have a problem with that. It's just that theres other ways to convey Strikers frustration or disdain besides cutting them off. You could have Striker get in an argument with one of them for example. Theres plenty of other ways to go about it besides cutting off their mic time.

It's not something I'm all up in arms about and raged over, but it kind of irked me a bit. I mean, I wanted to hear what Riley and McGithsicutauieoyhanjkeahl had to say =/

exactly he is been getting on my nerves latley and was cutting people off left and right in season one, and when they took the mic he would get pissed off. I agree with you man, I dont get why hes doing it either, I want to hear the rookies not matt striker. I dont know why hes hosting the show, I would much rather see king do it. He brings nothing to the table in my eyes.
He seems like a great mic worker, a good commentator, but his NXT hosting has gone a bit over the line..

I can understand being a douche, its his gimmick, I can understand acting heelish as he is a Heel Commentator, but he HAS to stop cutting off the rookies all the time.. It's fine once and a while but to do it ALL the time actually starts to take away from the show... I get that some show's (the NXT season 1 finale) were live and I can understand him cutting them off, but the other shows are taped, they can edit out large portions if need be, and the fact is it really dose detract from what the rookies are saying.. If this is a really a "reality" show your host has to give them time to actually speak without cutting them off mid-sentace.. There are a million ways to get the snobby-intellectual asshole gimmick over while hosting NXT without detracting from the rookies cutting a promo. It's not the "get over Matt Striker" show, its about getting over the talent, weather it be the rookies or the pros.

Hell the entire NXT crew treats the rookies like shit, it actually might get the NXT season 1 rookies over as babyfaces, Hell I can see why they would go out there and kick everybodys ass.. So maybe he's doing his job.. I guess we will have t o wait and see how the storyline develops..

I will say one thing for sure, after watchign NXT semi-regularly I really am starting to dislike striker, which Is his job.
Matt Striker on smackdown is acceptable...his gimmick annoys me but i could deal with it most of the time. Although such comments as "Jack Swagger's gutwrench powerbomb will explode your kidneys" are ridiculous they are somewhat funny and entertaining.

However Matt Striker on NXT is just plain unacceptable. The principle of this show is supposed to be getting over talent and his gimmick isnt needed. Sure he is supposed to be a teacher but has he ever gave any rookie any sort of advice...no, all hes worried about is how much time he has on the mic. on a show that is an hour long his host gimmick role simply takes up to much time.

If you cut him and his hack job interviews...intros of the superstars and rookies every week...and these dumb rookie promo videos they could have up to 4 or 5 matches a night and let the rockies get there own mic time and develop story lines

but no they insist on keeping striker and cut the season down to 12 weeks

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