Who Should TNA Release?

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Everybody Has A Price!
It has been reported that there are probably more releases coming in TNA. We have already seen the release of TNA write Dutch Mantel and road agent Savio Vega and it’s been reported that anyone associated with or is an ally of Jeff Jarrett is on the bubble. It’s been reported that Dixie is planning on buying out Jeff Jarrett or if she doesn’t do that his power in the company is going to be tremendously reduced once he returns, if he returns. So with all of that in mind who do you think TNA should release? It can be anyone from a wrestler to someone who works behind the scenes.

I think that someone TNA needs to get rid off is Cody Deaner. I don’t see what is good about him that makes them want to keep him. He annoys the hell out of me and I honestly just don’t think they need him on their roster. I haven’t seen anything good or remotely good from him and in my opinion they don’t need him. If they want to keep him then I think they should completely change his character or give him a character overhaul. But if they are going to keep him as Cody Deaner then I honestly don’t see a reason to keep him because he doesn’t add anything to the show. His spot could be given to someone that will actually help and contribute the company.

So, who do you think TNA would you like to see TNA release? Like I said, it could be someone who is a wrestler or someone who works behind the scenes. It could be because you just don’t like them or you feel they aren’t good at all. Who do you think TNA should release?
Release. I would love to just hand Kevin Nash,Scott Steiner and Booker T the pink slip.They add really nothing at the moment. But they could be good backstage,and Nash would be a great commentator.

The person I would release would be Kiyoshi.A wannabe muta.The ring attire,face paint.He's just a waste of space,to be honest.I have no interest in him whatsoever.I would rather watch Sheik Abdul Bashir over him,and that's saying something.At least Bashir speaks English.I can understand him.

Why do I not like him,well...

1:He doesn't speak English,which means mic skills and promos are literally non-existent from him.Bashir did,and still does,all the talking for him.All he does is walk around,stand around,bend his knees,hold his throats and stick out his tongue like he's trying to lick an ice cream.And it even isn't original.he copied a great (excuse the pun) gimmick and made it suck.he needs the mist.

2:While I have no problem with Japanese wrestlers not speaking English,I want them to at least entertain me in the ring.Naruki Doi doesn't speak it,(I assume),but I love him.Why?Because he is sensational in the ring and entertains me every damn time.Same with KENTA,kenta Kobashi and CIMA.Hell Amazing Red never talks and I love him.But Kiyoshi is just outright boring in the ring.From bell to bell,it's constant chops and punches,with occasional kicks and lariats.You can say "It's not all about high flying".Well,it is the X division,and when high flying is his only real way of getting over because he can't do anything else,he's doomed to fail.Red got over by his high-flying skills.Kiyoshi is just being pushed as the jobber in his stable now.

3:The tape on his fingers looks stupid.Unless he has some sort of injury or anything wrong,than okay.But if he uses it so his chops are stronger,well that's just moronic.Who wears tape over their fingers,and what difference does it make.Like tape is suddenly going to make chops Kobashi-esque.And why does he hold his throat like he's going to spit mist,when he doesn't at all.Idiot.

He's taking valuable time away from the guns,Lethal consequences and Amazing red.They could sign PAC to replace him,or wrestlers like Doi,CIMA,Milano Collection AT and tiger mask IV to keep the japanese theme alive.They would be much better.
Cody Deaner along with Jesse Neal comes to mind. I'm not sure what they are doing with any of these two but need to go back to the drawing board or send these guys back to the minor leagues. I don't know why they have Jenna Moresco if that's how you spell her name. They should definitely get rid of her.That match at Victory Road was worst then the electrified cage. I feel the same way about all "celebrities" or reality tv stars that are in wrestling. Give the axe to all of them, there is no reason why anyone who isn't a trained wrestler to be in the ring. I'm not a huge Team 3D fan but they still get reactions and put on good matches with Beer Money and the British Invasion. I could do without Suicide because the gimmick is pretty ridiculous. TNA mainly just needs to clean up the creative clusterfuck backstage once and for all. The shows have been doing fine week by week in my opinion though.
Hmm....I have two names that TNA should ax now. They would be Somoa Joe & Kurt Angle. Joe had so much potential, but either because of bad booking, or people realizing he really isn't interesting he's gone down the dump.

Angle is power hungy and is the "cancer" of TNA. After reading several fan posts praising Angle and saying TNA must do whatever to keep him happy, it really reminded of the Hogan/WCW stuff. Look how bad that turned out. I say axe Angle now, cut ties, and TNA can take the chance. It could fail miserably but you have to take chances.

So yeah fire Joe & Angle, see what happens after that.
Well, if we're going with guys who provide absolutely nothing to the product, why not go the obvious route and fire Kip James/The Outlaw/Billy Gunn? He's obviously past his prime, and hasn't been seen in the ring since his stretcher job to Kong. Which brings me to: They can't even put him over on a woman! If his career has sunk this low, why not just cut everyones losses? I'm sure Kip would appreciate not being reduced to traipsing around in short shorts wearing a tool belt. And firing him would make it possible to keep Kiyoshi around.
Cody Deaner needs to go. The guy annoys the shit out of me because he's not the least bit entertaining and he's basically an amalgam of every negative stereotype about southerners. I might be willing to overlook the stereotype part if the guy were actually funny, but he isn't. I would call him TNA's answer to Hornswoggle, but he's not as good as Hornswoggle. That should give an indication of just how useless Cody Deaner really is.

I wouldn't mind seeing Kyoshi get the pink slip either. Yes, the guy was trained by the Great Muta, yes he had Muta's permission to essentially rip off his character and use it here. My problem with it is that it's just a tired gimmick. He has no presence during promos and even if the guy had an interpreter with him, the whole idea overall is stale. The silent, non-English speaking, mist spraying, ninja-esque martial arts wrestler is something I have no desire to see any longer. I'm over it.
I would say that TNA has quite a few guys that could be released, Samoa Joe is a big a bore as Chavo/Hornswoggle matches, Kurt Angle, as noted in an earlier post, is indeed a cancer and on a Hogan-esque power trip. Booker T and Scott Steiner are past their prime and terrible on the mic, at least Kevin Nash doesn't take himself so seriously and can occasionally make a joke. Have Kaz get rid of the suicide mask. TNA has many young talents that will be held back as long as MEM is around, so get rid of most of them. Mike Tenay and Don West can go as well.
this is easy .. SCOTT STINER , NASH , BOOKERT , MICK FOLY . ether these guys work back stage or I never wana see them in the ring ever again , every time I see them I wana turn off my T.V . I didnt put sting there because he is retiring this year.

Now from back stage I want russo out LOL and the commentary team .

From the roster other than the guys above . I say cody,Kioushy,Kip james,rob terry(the guy cant even wrestle).

I would release EVERY SINGLE wrestler in TNA who in the last 5 years wrestled in WWE with the exception of Matt Morgan and Kurt Angle. They both have some form of talent whereas the rest are WWE rejects for a reason or are passed their prime. TNA needs their own identity and the stigma of the place WWE rejects go is not a good one.

I would honestly much rather they took developmental rejects and develop them if they believe they have some potential. Jim Cornette was booking OVW I am sure he knows his talent well.
Just taking a quick look at their roster page, hmmm...

Cody Deaner instantly springs off the page, as does Jesse Neal...Kip James...I assume they are keeping him around as a favor to BG James, but the last time Billy Gunn was over was when he was Billy Gunn. Isn't Trevor Murdoch wrestling for TNA now? Or did they release him already?

Anyways, those are my choices for talent releases.

As for creative, well...fire Russo. TNA booking is all over the map and I think they need to find someone who has a clear vision and direction that the company can follow. Russo should walk along with the others mentioned above. Trim the fat!
I Would say:

1. Kurt Angle- I agree on the poster before. He is cancer to the TNA

2. Samoa Joe- I used to like him but damn he's been boring. What the hell is creative thinking

3. Scott Steiner/Booker T - Neve liked them before, still don't like them. They are also boring and when they wrestle or get on the mic i fall asleep. i like Kevin Nash cuz he's
Kevin Nash but Steiner and Booker are past there primes and another borefest.

i really want TNA to focus on there younger guys to become bigger. I want TNA to have THERE EXCLUSIVE STARS not a bunch of rejected guys who i already saw 10 years ago.
TNA need to release cody deaner jessy niel Dr stevie and rhino. Deaner does nothing but hold down odb dr stevie holds down abyss and rhino and neil just suck
I really agree with Cody Deaner moving out the door. I really liked ODB but now with this partnership they have, she isn't as fun as she used to be. Really though, I do enjoy most of the talent being used at the moment, they all seem to have their place and it doesn't seem to me that anyone isn't getting the air time they should be.

I am a little concerned for the future after the MEM stuff ends, because there will be a whole lot of guys presumably in singles matches that could overwhelm the original talent. I liked the idea I heard of Kevin Nash on commentary. Obviously I would be in favor of him continuing to push foward in the ring, but if there was one person who could make the transition perfectly it would be him.
For me it would be Raisha Saheed, Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash.

Raisha Saheed because I have never seen her face and is doing nothing but riding the coat tails of Awesome Kong and nobody would even notice she has gone if she was released.

Steiner is completely passed it and adds nothing to the product at all and his jacked up body is not nice to look at however much he thinks it looks great.

Nash needs to go because he has recently turned 50 and he is only there to get a big fat paycheck, he doesn't care about the wrestling side anymore and he needs to cut his damn hair it is not a good look at all.
I would release Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Kyoshi, Sheik Bashir, Rhino, Jesse Neal, Team 3D, and Booker T. All these guys realy bore me and are most are too old to be in the spotlight.

With the money saved from firing these people they should rehire petey williams, roxxi, sonjay dutt, and jimmy rave
Kyoshi is a bad ripoff of the Great Muta so get rid of him. Jesse Neal does nothing so he needs to go. People are saying Saed but she is also wrestling as Alissa Flash so they could just do away with the character of Saed and let her stay as Flash, Then there is the Deeder, he needs to go and needs Scott Steiner to throw him, he is awful.
Got alot. We've got Kiyoshi, Jesse Neal, BG James, Jenna Morasca, Rhino, Taz, and Suicide. They are all worthless and a waste of money.
There some things wrong with the comparisons of Angle and Hogan....
1. There really isn't much evidence of Angle being completely power hungry and legitimately fighting for power.
2. Even at his current age, Angle has far more wrestling skill than Hogan ever had.

I wouldn't get rid of a top draw, who obviously is still great in the ring, unless there was substantial evidence that he was a problem. By most accounts I've read, Angle is widely supported by the wrestlers within TNA. It has been said that Angle watches all the matches and supports every talent, while Jarrett is off with his "boys"... What is bad about that? Something obviously needs to change in TNA and I think that removing Jarrett from creative power is the right step.

I also wouldn't release Joe, he has a lot of talent and hasn't really been tested since winning the World Title. Every title defense was against lackluster opponents and every match he's had since has been against much of the same. If he were able to get in the ring with younger talent, he would be more ample to show what he has. Not too mention, with a shift in creative Joe could be giving something better to work with.

Rhaka Khan
Sojourner Bolt
Scott Steiner
Kip James
Jenna Morasca

Possibilities of Release:
Booker T/Sharmell (make sure is on the same page as TNA, We know Booker isn't the same as he was, but I believe he could still have a great matches...)
Kevin Nash (Give Nash a backstage role, manager role, or announce
position... if these can't fit into TNA's plans, release him... He is no longer Big Sexy, Big Daddy Cool, or Diesel...)
Dr. Stevie (If you don't have anything for him to do, besides lame therapy sessions, give him the axe...)
Jethro Holliday (Adding Lance Cade to the roster may be the only thing that could save the "Outlaw"...)
Jesse Neal (This young man has shown nothing special and his horrid haircut is a definite detractor. I say cut his hair and try to add more personality, or else, "Bye, Bye, sailor"
Shark Boy (Although, I like Sharky, there is no point of paying a man who isn't on TV, albeit he may be paid per appearance and he is scheduled for a return... If you don't have anything reasonable, non-******ed for Shark Boy upon his return, cut the fishing line and release him back into the sea...)

Other things to make TNA better:
Improve the X-Division, make it a big part of the product again
Destroy the Legends title, maybe introduce a new title (ex: Television)
Keep the Tag Division strong
Destroy the Mafia
Give the younger talent a push
Reduce the gimmicks
Introduce a weekly commercial free match/main event
Less talky, MORE WRESTLING!!!
Basically the guys that were in the WWE before. They really are ruining TNA and it is starting to feal like WWE with the main event scene being all past wwe stars.
Listen people. If you think that TNA should release everyone established wrestler you are absolutely incorrect and don't understand business. They need to have guys that people know, the issue is that they need to build their own talent and young guys by having them go over the likes of Steiner, Nash, Booker etc... What they need to do is see what the value is of these guys. Do they need to be paying Nash $750,000? No, and if they are paying him something like that they need to decide if they do things other than being a performer that justifies it. If not, they can decide to let them go. It's great to have guys like Nash, Booker, Foley, Steiner at fan events where people can meet them. Some guys can also do backstage work as well. We don't know everything that's going on behind the scenes.

As for guys that can be released I'd go with:
-Kip James
-Rob Terry
-Jesse Neal
-Jenna Morasca (I can't think of anyone more useless in wrestling ever)
-Rhaka Kahn (if she's still there)

Those are all the people that I think really don't add anything to the product at all. There are others that I think they could get rid of to save money and/or use that money to bring in new guys. BG James, I think would be a good announcer or backstage promo person. Amazing Red is ok, but he's really a jobber. I'm fine with him in that capacity but if you NEED to make cuts he can go. So can Sharkboy if he's even under contract and not pay per appearance. He's fine as a jobber though. I think Jim Cornette can go, at least in terms of talent. Has he even been on tv in the past year? Stevie Richards is ok for a short run if he's on a manageable salary, but not for long term. And...although I'm all for well known guys, I think Team 3D should begin to be phased out. They're not what they used to be and in my opinion are very VERY stale. They should be putting over MCMG.

I also think Don West should go. He's a really really nice guy but he's not a wrestling guy. I think Raven would be perfect as a commentator.
heres my picks of people TNA should let go
1..Rhino you hardly see him anymore
2 .Jesse Neal hes hardly use any way
3 .B.G. James altho hes a agent now
4. Mike Tenay I Think He Sucks
5 the chick from MEM The one from Survivor
6 Creed hes young and all but he sucks
7.Cody Deaner I Fucker hate that dude
8 Brittish Invasion to me there a rip off of the britsh bull dogs and dave taylor
9 '' Dr '' Stevie Richards i have never been a fan of stevie richards not in WWE or ECW
10 Angelina Love i honestly think she looks like a dog iam beenin dead serious
for the love of god Abyss should be booted, he CANT wrestle. Hes only good at getting beat on and thrown in thumb tacs. Hes a Kane wanna be, his storylines are all so similar, i think hes the lost cause of tna
^ Because he got himself on hot water on his own accord. He lied to Dixie Carter which made things worse, I'm sure if he was honest and he explained his situation things would have not been so harsh on him but that's his fault.

Who should get released:

-Jethro Holiday: He has become a webmatch jobber, he has no place within the company. Another move made by Jarret that turned out sour.

-Jesse Neal: His whole storyline was an epic fail.

-Rhaka Khan: If she still is with the company, she could be gone by now for all we know.

-Shark Boy: He isn't really anything special, he gimmick is good for kids but unless they drop the stone cold gimmick and give a comedic personality like The Hurricane. He should be released.

-Rhino: He has the look and the stamina but he just doesn't fit in anymore.

-Jenna Morasca : If she doesn't have a legitimate purpose then release her...However, I would love to see more of her sexy entrance.

-Kip James: He has become useless on TV and looks like he's own his edge with Dixie and he firings. Let him go.

-BG James: Another Jarret BFF, he hasn't done anything thing to help the company IMO. He gets released.

-Mike Tenay: Yes, We all know it should happen. However, it won't since he doesn't have a good enough replacement.
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