Who should replace Tazz (Poll Included)?

Who do you want to see as Tazz's Replacement?

  • Ric Flair

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • JBL

  • Joey Styles

  • Other

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Dark Match Winner
Lets say for instance that Jim Ross goes back to Raw and Cole comes back to Smackdown. Who would be the perfect partner for Michael Cole now that Tazz is gone? Check out the poll please!!

In all honest I think Dusty Rhodes could do it. WWE has sort of faded away from the heel commentator so having Dusty would be perfect. However he's big behind the scenes with ECW last time I checked. So that might not happen.
I would have to go with JBL. He's already proven himself to be a good play by play announcer withe michael Cole. If Tazz Is really gone from WWE then other than Mr. Kennedy I really dont know whoelse could fill his shoes.

Dusty Rhodes is already doing Play by Play for FCW and for some strange reason I can hardly understand a world that comes out of his mouth. I just dont think it would be intresting to have him paired with anybody on the announce team at the moment.

Ric Flair is still doing Indie shows and also it would make the Y2J/Legends angle go on past its prime and Joey styles is far too involved with wwe.com to return to announcing. combine that with the fact that he doesnt want to do play by play anymore and what other choice does that leave you?

My vote is JBL since Mr. Kennedy isn't an option
JBL has proven chemestry with cole that is if JR gets sent back to raw with the draft.
JBL will most likely win at WMXXV and retire that being his big anouncement
It's Striker, hands down. Since King has been face, we've been starved for a great color commentator for a long time - until Striker came along. Striker is just such a natural fit for the commentator's booth, it's a thing of beauty. He's got great personality, he's a great foil to the face play by play analyst, and even though he's not an overt heel, he finds an identity by being a walking encyclopedia of wrestling knowledge, and congratulating the heels when he needs to.

Striker is a great color commentator, and could definitely play off any play by play analyst. If the pbp guys switch, then Striker is a great partner for Cole, but hell, if he gets together with JR on SmackDown, it's going to be a fantastic announce team.

As for the options presented, Flair probably won't do it, Dusty is probably just fine with FCW, JBL won't do it, and Styles doesn't make a very good color commentator. Play by play, yes. But Joey Styles and JR or Joey Styles and Cole makes for a very dry announce team.

So I choose Other, with my choice being the clear favorite, Matt Striker.
He did great when he was the commentator on Smackdown and he has lost a step in the ring, although I don't know if he ever had it. He is proven way more than the others, but Joey he isn't a color guy. JBL is the only one to commentate at WrestleMania, he was pretty good. Hopefully the switch JR with Cole at the draft.
I think the WWE needs a solid HEEL announcer, there have been so many great heel announcers throughout the years but in the modern era there isnt one. Lawler in the 1990's was so much more entertaining then the babyface lawler now, Bobby Heenan and Jesse Ventura were great in their respective periods as well. I think JBL could perfectly fill the role of a heel announcer and i think he did really well when he was on commentary before, he was actually extremely entertaining. JBL and JR i think would work well together (maybe its because they both both wear cowboy hats).

If JBL ends up sticking around as an active competitor for a while longer then a good temporary option would be Mr.Kennedy. Stick him on the announce team while hes recovering to give him some great exposure and to let him showcase his skills on the microphone. I think that would work very well too.
I think it would be a waste using Mr. Kennedy as commentator. Maybe somewhere in the future, but the guy has talent and he should have had a run as World Champ by now. He had the MITB, and had to lose it because of an injury which always sucks. But I do agree he'll make a good announcer. Just don't do it now.
Matt Striker. Striker is almost unquestionably the best in the booth on WWE programming right now and he deserves the promotion. Having him work with JR would eliminate any greeness from him and we'd have an excellent colour commentator for years to come.

As for ECW, I'd either give the job to a wrestler that is reaching the end of their useful career, like Tommy Dreamer once this angle plays out, or I would just let Josh Matthews do it. I think Grisham and Matthews had a good chemistry on Heat, and they could be reunited, even if it was only until someone better for the job came along.
I think it would be a waste using Mr. Kennedy as commentator. Maybe somewhere in the future, but the guy has talent and he should have had a run as World Champ by now. He had the MITB, and had to lose it because of an injury which always sucks. But I do agree he'll make a good announcer. Just don't do it now.

Ya thats why i said make him a temporary commentator until he is healed and reayd to compete. In order for him to get a shit load of exposure on the microphone before he comes back.
I think it's gonna be hard to replace Tazz...
To be honest, I think Ric Flair has the potential - BUT - he may be a bit too charasmatic and wouldn't really suit being confined to a chair, if you know what I mean. Joey Styles - ECW suit him like a glove, but I was never really a fan of his WWE stuff because it just didnt feel right... WWE telling Joey what to say? ANYONE telling Joey what to say is just... wrong. It takes away from his magic.

JBL is quite possibly the best choice on the list in my opinion... BUT I don't know if I could stand to hear his over-monotoned commentary on another WWE videogame hahaha - but that's not what matters... JBL went well with Michael Cole because JBL bullied him around - that's apparently who JBL actually is behind the curtain, hence why it worked well - and because not very many people like Michael Cole anyway... But I dont think JBL could pull off that same schtick with JR... I dont think J.R would allow himself to be pushed around like that, and I think JBL has too much respect for him anyway.

Dusty Rhodes might be a refreshing change - some can't stand his accent though... but it doesn't bother me, I'd say give it a whirl and I surely wouldnt appose it.

Also, somebody said OOOOH YEAH!
Yeah, I have to admit, Macho's commentary was rather funny because of his voice, but it got really annoying really fast... and let's be honest people - Vince just doesn't seem to like even a mention of Randy Savage's name... (reminds me of Voldemort or something) so yeah, that's not gonna happen either...

If this was a perfect world, I'd say "BRING BACK TAZZ!"
I don't want JBL back in that role, but it looks likely thats what gonna happen. and they need a heel commentator anyway

JBL/Cole back together as Smackdown commentary
JR/King back as Raw commentary

those 2 teams gave good ratings for both shows which is what they need atm.

Joey Styles won't come back i don't think, he's not WWE broadcast enough for Vince's liking which was the issue that took him off air in the first place. Though i think he'd be the best choice to replace anyone who stepped down.

Kennedy is due back anytime now on so it won't be him :) I wouldn't watch if he took over anyway lol

Striker i dunno, he's too calm though he is very knowledgeable and he's not really a heel/face commentator he's a tweener. That could be alot to do with having to work with Todd Grisham (SHUDDER)

ECW needs someone half decent to stay there and Striker fills that spot.
JBL said:
"I don't know what the future holds, never say never in life. But I have wrestled my last match. Months ago, I picked out this match. If Eddie Guerrero couldn't be here for it then my dear friend Rey [Mysterio] was the obvious choice, and I'm proud he was. I want to thank the WWE for a great career, for taking a chance on me and allowing me the keys to the car for a while. I will always represent the WWE wherever I go, I am proud of my 13 ½ years with the WWE. And, I am proud of the WWE for cleaning up a great sport to make it more healthy to everyone that is a part.

"However, I have no current plans on doing anything in the future on a professional level with WWE. I don't plan on doing commentary. In fact, it hasn't even been brought up to me. I don't plan on being an on air character. I plan on starting the next chapter in my life, and closing the door on this one." To read the full blog, visit WWE.com.

Credit: www.prowrestling.net

I got this story from www.prowrestling.net and was shocked. I thought it was his job to come into the booth. Maybe he is just faking it, so it will kind of be a surprise. If this is true, what do you think WWE will do with the commentary spot on Smackdown? I thought it was him now I am confused.
Although after watching Wrestlemania last night I wouldn't mind having Cole, King and JR do both shows. I doubt it will happen because of all three guys schedules however they all did a good job Sunday. It actually fit well, they weren't over talking each other. You didn't hear more of one than the other which what I thought was going to happen when you have 2 play by play guys. They actually did a really good job. At least we don't have to wait till Friday to find out. Then there's the draft so it probably will change.
Striker would be the perfect choice to replace Tazz. He's great as a color commentator and plays off Grisham well and would do so with J.R. Most likely JBL will get that position because I don't see him going to ECW.
My original choice, was Matt Striker. He's done really well, and would fit in well next to J.R. But, ECW needs him, as they really don't have anyone else to step in to his role there.

After watching tonight, and seeing that they put Matthews in T-Grish's spot, my only guess is that he's moved to Smackdown, where he'll replace Tazz. I think he was OK, but I don't know if he can live up to that role.

Here's the only option left then. T-Grish goes backstage, and replaces Matthews as an interviewer, and does what he does best. Following JBL's "quitting", he goes back to Smackdown, and sits next to J.R. this week. Hopefully the draft will re-align the stars, and Cole will go back to Smackdown with JBL while we get J.R. and Lawler back on RAW.
I think Striker should replace Tazz. I doubt we will know until after the draft though. If I could pick the announcer lineups after the draft then it would be.... Cole and Lawler on Raw, JR and Striker on Smackdown, then as for ECW it doesn't really matter to me, anyone will do ok there.
No offence, but Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes would be crap commentators. I mean, I like them as legends, but over the years of wrestling you may have noticed that their voices have cracked terribly. Not very useful when you're doing a job where you talk.
Since Chavo isn't going ANYWHERE at the moment, maybe he can do it. He's an ex-wrestler (If he does do it), he would be a great colour commentator, y'know, siding with the heels. This is just a surgestion, so don't take it too personal.
I would prefer Matt Striker, tbh. He seems like he know's what he is talking about. He has enough personality and I think he could work well with JR. And he's pleasing to the eyes, what more can you ask for?

When he does his thing on ECW it sounds legit and he makes the most out of the matches. He seems more professional then all the commentators to be frank, and I think he has already proven he could handle a promotion to smackdown.

I wouldn't mind JBL coming back with Cole, just because I always liked having a heel commentator, but he's fugly so I prefer Striker.
JBL, and Ross would be something that I would like to hear. JBL was a classic commentator, and he could carry anyone. Ross isn't even on JBL's level imo. I wouldn't mind seeing DDP hired as well, as he has stated that he always thought of calling matches once he retired from wrestling.
again, i'm really hoping they'll put Cole, JR and King all together they did such a great job at Mania. The only thing that stands in the way is their schedules and the travel problems that could cause. But ideally it doesn't look like JBL is going to be commentating so unless they bring in someone new, look for things to shuffle around on Monday Night. As long as JR is doing play by play i don't care.
Folks...JBL's not doing it. Dusty Rhodes would be ATROCIOUS! Matt Striker's a reasonable and more likely candidate. I have the wild card!

MARK MADDEN! He already blogged about it on WZ. He'd be a breath of fresh air for what is becoming a stagnant WWE. However, he's not the PG guy they'd want. He'd say something vulgar or get tired of Vince screaming "THIS IS PERSONAL!" into his headset and just walk away from the commentary table.

It's wishful thinking, but put it this way, they could get a chimp to replace Tazz and it would do better than Tenay and West from TNA! haha.

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