Who should Mason Ryan be paired with?

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
The latest wrestlezone news is that when Mason Ryan returns that he will most likely be repackaged with most likely Miz or Alberto Del Rio. So this thread is simple

Would you rather see Ryan with the Miz or Alberto Del Rio???
Explain who & why...
If neither, who would you put them with that would benifit both of them...& why.:confused:
I don't understand why WWE always looks to put random people together like this. First of all, I'm not a Mason Ryan fan, as he's shown me nothing of interest since debuting and I don't see all that much potential in him. But if they're going to push him, please just make it a generic midcard monster push instead of having him drag down Miz or Del Rio. Neither one needs a bodyguard or anything like that, they need to be main eventers and the focus needs to stay on them as opposed to big lunkheads that they're associated with.
Neither. Just because they're both good enough on their own.
Give him to Zack Ryder. The IWC love him, and he could use Ryan as a springboard.
Out of Miz and Del Rio i say neither, they dont need it and have already had a apprentice and body guard with Alex Riley for Miz and Brodus Clay for Del Rio.

I say let Mason Ryan start a singles career and work his way up the card without doing others dirty work although i didnt mind the Zack Ryder idea posted above me if the whole thing with Ryder joining or leading New Nexus happens.

Also ive always liked an idea of a heel John Morrison having a bodyguard type figure if they never decided to have Melina reunite with him on screen...it could kind of be like when HBK had Diesel(not saying JoMo is next HBK lol)
You can pair Mason Ryan with a banana for all I care. The only thing he's shown on TV is he knows how to body slam/throw people. Unless the WWE intends to do something with him relatively soon, why bother having him on camera? So I can look at him while he makes a face like he's taking a shit in his trunks?

Not Alberto Del Rio because didn't he used to have a bodyguard who was last seen at Extreme Rules getting smacked in the face with a ladder?

Then the Miz just needs to be by himself and not with a giant welsh who looks like Batista.

If they do something give him a manager and have him squash people until he builds credibility because he has done nothing the past 7 months he's been on TV other then yell
honestly, Mason Ryan doesn't need paired with anybody. He was in Nexus for half a year. He proved that he is good. But i guess if he is too be paired with anybody i think it should be Drew McIntyre. We havent seen McIntyre in over 3 months. He could be revamped aswell.
The Miz just lost Alex Riley as a manager, and ADR already has a heel apprentice in his personal ring announcer. Miz and ADR already get enough heat, and are good heels, and it will thusly be pointless for Ryan to join one of the two aforementioned superstars.

I say let him be on his own. If he wants to be truly successful, let him learn the ropes, let him garner his own reactions, and if he fails, then he's not a star. If he succeeds, he'd be in a better position than he would be if he was a sidekick heel persona or if he had a sidekick heel.
while i dont think mason ryan is good in the ring i do think a body guard gimmick could work for him id put him with the miz have alex reily start kicking miz's ass again then out of nowhere mason ryan attacks a-ry and lays him out it would be easy to do and as far as ADR goes...im surprised Brodus Clay didnt come with him to raw wouldnt tht have made sense? :shrug: now clay just rides the pine on smackdown
I would say neither. I personally would have liked to see him paired with eziekel jackson. I thought it was headed this way a few months ago. They would be one of those tag teams where 2 people were just thrown together, yes. how ever they would somehow just have made sense. fans would eat it up cause of them both defecting from there stables. than later down the road after dominating the tag division they could split and have a well hyped put dull feud before moving on to singles careers.
Mason Ryan should be paired with a pink slip and a deportation right back to Wales because he hasn't really shown any type of skill whatsoever.

On top of that he looks like Batista's slightly ******ed brother who does infact look like he is trying his damndest not to shit himself as someone before mentioned.

WWE needs to focus more on keeping the good talents around instead of wasting their time on guys like Ryan. Meanwhile they lose guys like Haas, Benjamin, Punk, Jericho, MVP, Chavo, etc. through them leaving or getting the boot.
I think putting him with Miz right now is a great idea. Miz can "hire" him to help him beat Alex Riley and with Nexus should be coming to an end it leaves room for a faction. I would love to see Miz, Ryan, Ziggler and maybe McIntyre or Swagger form a faction on Raw. I have always been a firm believer that a good faction can benefit everybody involved if booked properly.
Firstly dont pair with The Miz or Del Rio. Putting a bodyguard on a heel is a good way to help them get heat and to win dirty when the are starting off but Miz and Del Rio are too good for that now. The are established enough to win/get heat on their own. Giving either of them a bodyguard makes them look weak.
They had their bodyguards taken off them for a reason.

Now as for Ryan i guess he does need to be paired with someone as he is green as goose shit but i dont see why they want to split him from the nexus as it doesnt help either of them. The nexus looks weaker without ryan and ryan needs a group to be in to help him settle into the WWE.

If i had to put him with someone i guess i would pair him with Drew Mcintyre or Dolph Ziggler. Both are midcard heels kind of where The Miz and Del Rio were less then a year ago and a bodyguard could help them move up to the main event status if the were to be pushed like Alex Riley and Brodus clay did for Miz and Del Rio.
Ryan would definately help Mcintyre out as it would make both of them relevant at the moment and stop them being lost in Raw like Masters and Tyler Reks.
Mason Ryan and Ryder would be perfect. Ryan can't talk worth a damn on the mic so have Ryder to give him some entertaining factor.
I would rather see Mason be paired up with Del Rio. Miz does not need another bodyguard. Del Rio had Brodus Clay for a bit, but Mason Ryan would make a much better bodyguard. It would be a good way to help both guys because Del Rio would have a big guy helping him win matches and Mason would get exposure with a top heel again if Punk leaves. Miz on the other hand should not get another bodyguard. He gets a lot of heat, but Del Rio is the better option of the two. He gets heat too AND he's decent in the ring whereas Miz is terrible.

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