Who should break the streak

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Stay with me here....everybody has their own feelings on if the streak should be broken. I have gone back and forth on the idea and the legacy it's going to leave on wrestling either way. I think most people would rather have it stand, and I am a huge Taker fan (I believe he's the single most valuable player the WWE has ever had to let it be known). Still, I believe a superstar could be made by ending the streak. Sure it would be great (and a $ maker) for WWE to keep the streak alive but the opportunity to make an instant star of someone by ending the streak could be much more valuable (Wwe has pretty much milked the cow on Taker, so why not use his streak to take someone to the next level?). To me the key is you have to use a young guy so they can carry the momentum to a huge $ making career for the company. The guy I have in mind is Dean Ambrose. There is plenty of time between now and WM 30 to break him away from the Shield (I don't think it should be a falling out but rather just let him start doing his own thing and he can even still be apart of the Shield but in a role like Triple H was with DX when he started to spread his wings). There is no doubt the guy has the charisma to prepale a victory like that to the next level. At some point WWE has to take a huge chance on a rookie and the perfect opportunity is beating the streak. Ambrose is my choice and I think they should go ahead and do it at WM 30 Is there any doubt that Ambrose could handle it or fail to turn such a big victory into a legendary career? I doubt it, what say ye
The only way I'd be Ok with the streak KIND OF being broken, would be a scenario that involves Kane laying him to rest for good, possibly even as a semi-remorseful action. Kinda like how HBK didn't want to retire Flair, but did it with tears in his eyes saying "I'm sorry, I love you".

Maybe have some storyline where Kane thinks Taker is too old/risking injury and tries to get him to hang it up, and Taker is offended by this so he challenges Kane to a match and tells him that if he wants him to stay down, he better try to do it. Have a buried alive match or something and Kane chokeslams Taker into the hole then buries him for his own good...then drops to one knee and salutes the grave once it's filled.

I know some people would rather a younger person benefit from it, but I would rather see Taker retire undefeated. Too many legends have tried and failed IMO to justify any rookies breaking it. If it has to be broken though, I'd like to see something like what I said.
Like I said I think if you pole'd people it be 50/50 or close to it. My point is WWE has made all the $ off Taker that they can. They teased us with Orton, Edge, & Trips as young guys who could take the streak. Just imagine though how far it could take someone by ending the streak (it needs to be a very young guy though in order to capitalize fully). Not to mention, if it did happen at say WM 30 or 31 or 32 it will go down as one of the (if not the most) memorable WM moments, and that's what WWE uses to sell every WM.
I'm considering banning someone the next time they start this same topic over and over again.

Closed. And don't PM me asking why.
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