Who Should Be the Next TV Champ?

The Extract

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Devon is not a good champion! He has added no value to the title, so he needs to lose the title soon. But my question is, who should he lose it to? Anyone to me would be a better champion than Devon(other than Garrett Bischoff)! But if I had to choose the one person to take the title, it would be Chavo Guerrero. It would give him something to do, maybe give Hector Guerrero as his manager. It would be better than the crap reign of Devon.
Personally I wouldn't mind seeing Bully Ray, AJ Styles or Jeff Hardy do a TV title run in case the BFG series don't work out for them. The only problem with this is that they'll have to either lose it to a person of their caliber, which is fine, or lose it to a Robbie E. The problem with the first losing option is that then the belt gets a few holders that are borderline Main Eventers and I don't perceive the belt's function as that.

Either way, the belt needs to be given to someone who's been stepping up lately, which is nobody, or someone who doesn't NEED it but could help it and is willing to put a new dude over if such an individual ever steps foot in TNA.
Considering that Devon has actually done some good with the title since winning it, he could drop it to someone like Daniels or Magnus. Bully Ray seems the popular choice but he's already main event level so if anything if he doesn't win the BFG series he could get another crack at it. But no complaints about Devon's reign here. Better than Robbie E. or EY's reigns for sure.
Agreed while I like Devon more than most he needs to drop the goddamn belt.

I really am not picky at all as to who would have it next. I think when it comes to the TV title I want short reigns, because if the "defend it every week" stipulation comes back in after BFG Series, that way we can get a far bigger variety of midcarders on our TV screens. So I'd be happy with


I thought Crimson would end Devon's reign but it looks like he has completely fucked off lol
The person that i would love to see as the next tv champion is Magnus. He is a good wrestler and while he has been ok on the mic so far in tna. if you watch his promos that he cut during his time on the gladiators you would know that he is just as good as anybody else in tna.
i would have to say the next tv champion should be a decet long run by Mr. Anderson...Anderson! He need's something big to keep him on screen, and I think would help build the tv title to what it should be.
Although I do not personally like Devon as a champ as he is extremely bland in and out of the ring, the crowd certainly seems to love him. I expect him to keep his carrot until he either signs a new contract or confirms his exit. At this time I seriously fear a heel turn by Garret that will lead to him winning the title. I really hope this does not happen but TNA has been doing too much right lately so this is a great chance for Hogan to fuck up again.
If it was up to me I would like to see Magnus gioven a chance with a title as a singles wrester. The guy has a great look and is solid on the mic, although I did feel he was out of his depth at Hardcore justice and made a few sloppy errors proving he is not ready to face main eventers. I do however think a mid card push and series of wins with the TV title would help his confidence and prove to us that he can fulfil his potential.

I think Hernandez and Chavo will win the Tag Titles soon.
well for me, i want it to be a heel, but NOT Robbie E. or any less midcard guy. i want the next TV Champion to be a guy who can build the title up, the perfect idea for the next TV Champion is Bully Ray. have him win it, build it up with great feuds over it, then eventually lose it while chasing the world title, but i dont see that happening. my hope is Daniels eventually wins it if it cant be Bully as Daniels puts on great matches and is improving on the mic and also could build the TV title up.
I've maintained for a while now that the TV title should be used as a stepping stone championship, much like the X Division has seemingly become (on paper, with the ability to cash it in at Destination X each year).

So, the answer to "who should be champion?" is always going to yield a similar set of results — who's in the mid-card who could use a push and is deserving of a run with a championship that'd help to make TNA some money?

For me that list is relatively short right now — Pope, Magnus or even Jeff Hardy. All of them could benefit tremendously from it, especially Magnus, who has a real future with TNA.
Any up and coming talent who can use the rub. Devon is easily one of the worst parts of the TNA roster and that's saying a lot. I'd say Devon is Bottom 5 w/ Garret Bischoff, EY, Robbie E, Zema Ion.

It's amazing how good Bubba Ray has become in his Main Event singles push and how bad Devon is.

I like what the Rangers fan said about Magnus. That guy could use a belt.
Very interesting how not more than 6 months ago people were bitching about the age of the wrestlers getting the spot light and how much it sucked. Fast forward to today and this post and look at all the name people want. Hardy, Bully, Devon, Chavo.

If we are going to change the name from TV to old fuckers who need something to do title then right on and let's give it to Kurt Angle, this way the drunken loser can have something else to tweet about. Or maybe so he can wear gold again since he failed to make the Olympics.

Personally I have been saying for months on month that Devon needs to drop the strap, he had his run and he should be helping others get over not milking the last breath of his career. However if he loses the strap he has nothing left so it is a double edged sword.

I would like the strap to be given to someone who is good and has talent that needs the TV time he lacks since the world of wrestling is so racially basis. Yeah tell me I am wrong TNA has Never had a Black World champion. Maybe there has never been a black wrestler good enough to be champion. At least the wwe has done it 2 times in all their years.

So I say give it to Pope. The Pope was huge prior to hogan coming into the company and burying him. Since he can never be world champion he obviously lack talent along with anyone else who is black (My words, not my actions). Pope has had some great story lines and he is better than 3/4 the roster on the mic.
Very interesting how not more than 6 months ago people were bitching about the age of the wrestlers getting the spot light and how much it sucked. Fast forward to today and this post and look at all the name people want. Hardy, Bully, Devon, Chavo.

If we are going to change the name from TV to old fuckers who need something to do title then right on and let's give it to Kurt Angle, this way the drunken loser can have something else to tweet about. Or maybe so he can wear gold again since he failed to make the Olympics.

Personally I have been saying for months on month that Devon needs to drop the strap, he had his run and he should be helping others get over not milking the last breath of his career. However if he loses the strap he has nothing left so it is a double edged sword.

I would like the strap to be given to someone who is good and has talent that needs the TV time he lacks since the world of wrestling is so racially basis. Yeah tell me I am wrong TNA has Never had a Black World champion. Maybe there has never been a black wrestler good enough to be champion. At least the wwe has done it 2 times in all their years.

So I say give it to Pope. The Pope was huge prior to hogan coming into the company and burying him. Since he can never be world champion he obviously lack talent along with anyone else who is black (My words, not my actions). Pope has had some great story lines and he is better than 3/4 the roster on the mic.

R-Truth was World Champion back in the early days I'll have you know.

Moving on, yes Pope is actually a good suggestion for the TV title, but Pope's problem is they (TNA) build him up and then forget about him, he's gaining momentum now somewhat in the BFG series so poosibly after that is finished he can capture it.

Other suggestions would be Magnus as he's young and needs to be built up, he's got a good look and is good on the mic. Joey Ryan (when he does turn up on tv) he could incorporate it into his gimmick. Jeff Hardy, Christopher Daniels and RVD would also be good. They're all over, connect with the crowd and would be able to put on interesting matches.
R-Truth was World Champion back in the early days I'll have you know./QUOTE]

Yes R-Truth was the NWA world champion, however that is not TNA title anymore. The NWA title belongs to NWA not TNA. However as of 2007 when NWA served ties with the sinking TNA they took their title with them. Don't worry though you won't see another black champion for years mark my words.

Magnus is a young guy who could use the title and even take it to new heights maybe even making it a legit title. Devon is a joke to me so I don't see why everyone thinks his run is so special. But that is just my opinion.
Give it to kenny king please i know he in the x division but the belt would look really good on him plus give him more tv time (maybe) or if not him then jeff hardy,rvd,Pope, or suicide lol i want his character to return
Pope is a fantastic idea. I was thinking Hardy or Anderson, but both Pope and Magnus are exactly in the right positions to have a mid card belt run.

In fact, a heel Pope with a face Magnus chasing, or even vice-versa, would be fantastic. Remember when Curt Hennig had the IC belt, or Mach (rest in peace, brother. I will miss you as a personality and as a person) had the same belt and folks were saying it was more important than the world strap both times? This could happen here.

This is why I come here. I had a lame "Hardy takes belt from Devon, and Ray comes in to protect the family honor." storyline in mind.

Pope is the closest thing to a burgeoning Rick Flair TNA has had since that time Christian took a face turn without dropping his heel persona. (and for those of you who will say "Flair and Pope did not get along. How can they be similar?" think on it. Would YOU get along with you? Now someone like Flair. Don't you think he would despise a genuine younger version of himself, who was just as cocky as Rick was coming up?)

Pope all the way. The only question is who does he work a program with?
Personally, I think the next TV champ is someone that can ultimately benefit from being the champion.

Devon has the title now but, let's face it, Devon isn't rising any higher up the singles ranks than he currently is. He can't compete in the X Division, he's more than 220 pounds, and he just doesn't have the mojo to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion. I could see him as someone that makes a very occassional step into the main event picture to challenge for the title in some sort of threeway or fourway format, but that's it.

I think the next champ should be someone that at least has some chance to move further up in the ranks. The Pope has been in TNA forever it seems and, for the most part, he's just been spinning his wheels. Maybe it's time for TNA to have him shit or get off the pot. He's in his mid 30s and hasn't really accomplished squat in his entire career. Making him TV champ could finally give him some much needed direction and could lay the foundation for, maybe, something bigger down the line.

Magnus is another guy that seems to have been in TNA forever. Outside of his time as part of The British Invasion, he's someone else that's mostly just kind of languished. He's a young guy, has a good look, is solid in the ring and seems to have pretty decent promo abilities. As with Pope, the TV title could give Magnus some stability and a foundation upon which to maybe build his career going forward.

I could also see guys like RVD, AJ Styles or Jeff Hardy doing some good with the title. It might seem like a demotion for them but, in some ways, it's really not when you think on it. I don't think RVD has really been a viable contender for the TNA WHC since he lost the title. He's had a few matches for the title here and there but, in the end, RVD's star power isn't really on the level in which being put into the TV title picture is beneath him. It'd give RVD something to do as well. The same goes with AJ Styles. I know a lot of fans love the guy and think he should be the face of the company, but it's just not going to happen. Styles doesn't have the charisma, personality or star power to really be THE top guy of TNA. He's had his opportunity, multiple times in fact, but it's just never come to pass. Styles is someone that can bring a level of TNA star power to the title that it doesn't have, can be built back up before dropping the title to someone else before making another pilgrimage into main event land. Jeff Hardy could also lend some star power to the TV title. While Hardy is said to have made a complete turn around in terms of his behavior and drug issues, I find it hard to believe that TNA will still trust him with the top spot again anytime soon. Hardy is another guy that doesn't really have the personality or promo skills to be THE top guy, at least not for long stretches, so he could work well here as well. Give the title some prestige with his name being on it, plus getting the benefit of having something relevant to do while he's out of the main event picture.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling that Garret Bischoff has a strong chance of being the next TV champ. It's true that he's no longer being shoved down our throats as he once was, thankfully, but that's something that can turn around at anytime. All Big Daddy Bischoff has to do is flex a little administrative muscle & make a few phone calls and the fruit of his loins will be carrying a title.
The Television Title isn't very prestigious to begin with, so it doesn't really matter who's holding the belt. This is a big problem in my eyes cause TNA needs a legitimate #2 title so the mid-carders can be relevant and have a chance to build towards the World Title picture. Right now in TNA you got the guys like Angle, Roode, Storm, Hardy, Anderson, RVD who are always main-event and everyone else are just guys wrestling cause it's their job. They definitely have the talent to make it interesting (Abyss, Crimson, Doug Williams, Hernandez, Magnus, Pope), but instead they keep giving us Robbie E vs Devon, who by the way is the most boring champion in all of wrestling.
Definitely gotta go with Magnus here, I like IDR's idea that this title should be a stepping stone championship and if that's the case then nobody deserves it more. Magnus has been very hot recently but isn't quite in that upper tier of guys, give him a solid run with the TV Title after winning it off Devon and it'll be a great building block for his career in TNA. After that have him get into some kind of feud with a guy like Jeff Hardy and then he's set if all goes well. I really like Magnus and ever since his tag title run with Joe I've been very impressed with him, I want to see him take the next step to being bigger and I think this is just the thing to do it.
People are too harsh on Devon. Yeah, the guy hasn't broken out as well as Ray, yeah he's just a cookie cutter face, but his reign as TV Champion has put the title in a bigger spotlight then anyone else in recent memory. They don't follow the weekly defences gimmick anymore really, but he's still been a strong champion defending against a lot of guys and making the title look meaningful. In the process he's gotten very over with the crowd and put on some good matches.

As foe who should win the title after his run, I'd go with The Pope. I don't really know why this guy has been held back so much, he's entertaining as hell. Right now he could really use the TV Title to give fans a reason to care about him again, since he has been gone a lot of the year and overshadowed by most of the guys in the BFG Series. It could be the perfect opportunity for him to get back up the card and give us a fun reign to watch. Other guys I'd like to see down in the TV Title hunt would be Magnus, Anderson and Joey Ryan (once he's an official member of the roster).
I myself would like to see Bully Ray beat devon for the strap , but i could really care less who beats him just get him off TV every week!
It's highly likely that Devon and Ray are leaving soon as Ray was unhappy with how their negotiations are going and with Trips saying he wants to "focus on tag teams" that's as clear a signal to the Dudz for a "big last payday" as they will get!

If they go, I think they could do worse than put it on Chavo, he's got good heat, name recognition and is someone that the younger guys from Gut Check can feud with early and learn at the same time.
If I have to see Devon lose the TV Championship, I would like him to lose it to someone that deserves it. Like if Robbie T leaves Robbie E and change his name to Rob Terry, I would like to see Rob Terry as champion but not Robbie T. Robbie T is a joke. Then the next person I would like to see win the TV Championship would probably Garret Bishoff.
at this point since he's not gonna win the world title any time soon, Bully Ray is as good as anyone. He's in matches on Impact almost every episode anyway

or Magnus who's really impressing me in how he's turned out that guy has everything going for him atm and he deserves a singles title much

AJ would be ok, least it would give him a reason to be there instead of the ******ed storyline he's put in with people who are worse actors then him and that's saying something cause AJ is awfully dull as it is (besides in ring)
Very interesting how not more than 6 months ago people were bitching about the age of the wrestlers getting the spot light and how much it sucked. Fast forward to today and this post and look at all the name people want. Hardy, Bully, Devon, Chavo.

The reason people want the likes of Hardy and Bully is because it will make the TV title more prestigious. Right now the TV title doesn't mean much (though it's more than it used to) so giving it to someone like Hardy or RVD will make the belt more legit. THEN they can drop it to a Pope or a Magnus somewhere down the line.
The reason people want the likes of Hardy and Bully is because it will make the TV title more prestigious. Right now the TV title doesn't mean much (though it's more than it used to) so giving it to someone like Hardy or RVD will make the belt more legit. THEN they can drop it to a Pope or a Magnus somewhere down the line.
yep, exactly my reasoning for giving the TV Title to Bully Ray or a higher up the card former champion. the tv title is on Devon and while he has a name noticed, he's not a guy who's moved up the card. Bully has and he's got future wrote all over him. giving him a title like the TV title will add prestige to it and Bully will put on fine matches and promos while holding the (right now) meaningless belt. as of now, the TV Title seems to be taking a backseat to the X-Division and Tag Team titles. even the Knockouts title seems to get more exposure than the tv title. a guy who's usually on tv like Bully will help build that title up.
Most are saying Magnus and while i dont disagree with him being tv champion eventually, i want the title to have more prestige before he holds it as it will make Magnus winning it seem more important than it would be if he beat Devon, though i'm sure Magnus could help build that title up too.

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