Who should be the next prisoner?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've been pretty bored as of late so I'm going to try and make a few threads to get some traffic moving threw here more regularly.

As for the topic of this thread, "who should be the next prisoner," I can't really think of anyone who would deserve to be in here (who isn't already) since most of the non-prisoner posters I see in here are cool cats.

If I had to think of someone to put in the prison, it would be the CM_Punk12 guy, but the sentence would only be like 1-2 days as long as he behaved himself. He seems like he needs to be put somewhere just too "sober" up.

I'd use to prison as a place to put people who aren't necessarily breaking the rules, but they're being annoying. First stint, 1-2 days depending on good behavior, second stint 1-2 weeks depending on good behavior, third stint would be indefinitely.

So who would you throw in here?
Just sayin. If you want to stick around on the main forums, you need to quit actin a fool or else you will end up banned or in here, and it fucking sucks! Especially if you like being able to come to the site and post/socialize.

No hate. I said it'd only be for a day or two. I wouldn't throw ya in here indefinitely or the usual sentence.
If ya wanna drink and post, prolly a good idea to do it in here then. Just gonna piss people off in the GSD. Besides, I'm lonely :blush:
Ma mates are in ma house the now man. We're headin out in an hour. It's 1 am here. I'll end up gettin arrested for drunkenly disoredr but fuk it!
I stay in America, heh. Oh, your from Scotland. You should plan on gettin' pussy, not being arrested.
Pussy in scotland? bah. Ther all wee ****s through here. The average girl breaks her virginity at 13 wae an 18 year old! Trust me man scotlands the biggest shitehole in the western world.
type in glasgow in youtube and watch the one called glasgow gangs. There the kind ae dicks a put up we every day.

strong accent though watch out.

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