Who remembers when...........


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so this thread is gonna be for the most random moments from back in the old days you remember that seem to stick in your head for some reaon. Ive got two from back in the day.

1: The funeral parlour: where ultimate warrior was locked in the coffin and when they opened it he had supposedly passed out and the inside was all ripped.

2: This one is a bit vague: the tests jake roberts was putting warrior through and he walked into a pit full of snakes or something like that.

do you guys remember these and what random memories pop intoyour head that make you think WTF?
Unfortunetly I remember way too many Warrior moments

1. Remember in WCW when Warrior abducted(raped) Ed Leslie?

ok Non-warrior weird moments

2. Remember Ed Leslies character "The Man with No Face"

3. Remember when Mil Mascaras wrestled Cactus Jack at Clash Of Champions.....and didn't sell....AT ALL

4. Remember all of A.J Pierzynski challenged John Cena to a title for title match on ESPN's Cold Pizza? A.J Had a replica of the X-Division title and Cena said it looked like he got it out of a gumball machine?

5. Remember Brad Armstrong's character Buzzkill? He would show up randomly backstage staring at lava lamps

6. Remember Se7en....Not Kevin Thorne, but the "worked shoot" that WCW did with Dustin Rhodes.
1. Vader inviting Sting to the White Castle of fear in the rocky mountains.

2. Scotty Flamingo and Johnny B Badd had a boxing match with Flamingo winning by DDP filling his glove full of water.

3. Thunder Cage when Cactus Jack broke in with bull cutters and hit Vader with a snow shovel.

4. When Big Bossman came to WCW and was known as The Boss (although he looked exactly like The Big Bossman and Heenan kept messing up and called him Bossman throughout the debut).

Anyways those are some I remember.
i remember when dusty rhodes got stabbed in the chest i was a kid and i was shittin myself because i thought it was real,i believe it was in nwa.
I have a few ones
1) undertaker kidnapping stephanie and getting the creepy bastard paul bearer(who absolutely scared the living shit out of me when i was a kid) to marry taker and steph and the whole ministry bodyguarding the ring and the likes of big show, ken shamrock tryed to save her but failed, and then stone cold came out and cleared the house, love that moment.
2) and when vince and austin teamed up at wrestlemania 2001 was just incredible to see, unreal.
might not rank up there with the others but was certainly a surprise for me at the time was Jeff Jarrett's final return to WCW there Savage is in the ring cutting a promo and then you see this guitar smash him over the head and Double J is back. like i said, may not be a top moment but at that time the WWF and WCW rosters were somewhat stable for a while so seeing anyone switch sides was surprising.
1. Remember when Fred Ottman AKA Tugboat/Typhoon made his WCW Debut as The Shock Master and even the fans were booing because it was poorly done.

2. Remember when still in WCW Robocop came down the Isle and saved sting from the Four Horseman those are two things I honestly don't want to remember.

3. Remember when in WWF The New and Improved Rockers showed up with Marty Janetty and Leaf Cassidey AKA Al Snow

4. Remember in WWF when Macho Man Randy Savage turned on Hulk Hogan after Mach accidently knocked Hogan off the apron and on to Liz and Hogan brought Liz back to the dressing room and Savage attacks hogan and Liz starts screaming stop it Randy stop it.
A few more

Remember when DDP dressed as La Parka in a match against Savage, suddenly "La Parka" hits a Diamond Cutter and the crowd goes nuts

When Nash threw Rey Jr into a trailer like a javelin.

When Dan Severn stretch D'Lo starting the D'Lo chest Protector gimmick

Whe Owen Piledrove Severn in the "Lions Den".....for that matter the whole "Lion's Den" gimmick.

Jim Neidhart as "Who" and Barry Windham as "The Stalker"
remember when angle made austin cry and threw him in a kiddy pool

remember when rock and austin took on the entire corporate ministry

remember when undertaker came back in his biker gimmick and told vince that now he (vince) had the pleasure of paying him (taker) lots of money to kick his stank ass

remember when rock tossed shawn stasiak out of the ring twice before probably one of the shortest title matches in history

remember when too cool danced at the rumble (one of my favourite rumble moments)

i miss those days

oh yea and remember all of the rocks hilarious promos
funny thing that came to my mind was the whole val venis " choppy choppy your pee pee".

also the rock and mankind empty arena brawl
remember ryan shamrock and the undertaker segment

big vis beating up one of the godfather ho's

raw terrible guest host

and miz and swaggers 's mini feud in late 2009

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