Who REALLY Should Have Been The 1st Ever TNA Champion?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I'm sure many of you other TNA fans were pissed off beyond belief when Kurt Angle was crowned the first ever TNA Champion. It just makes TNA look pathetic and as if they don't have faith in their own product, crowning an ex-WWE guy their first ever official TNA Champion. Angle isn't even up to scratch in the ring at the moment and he simply can't decide whether he's a heel, face or tweener with this whole "I'm the best" attitude he's adopted.

So, who really should have been crowned the first ever TNA Champion? I'll allow for "what if" scenarios in this one because I'm sure a lot of people will say it should have been someone not involved in what was a ver disappointing KOTM match.

Deff AJ, he is TNA. Joe in my eyes is still ex ROH. And when joe gets the title it will be much more emotionally invested, it will be a long time coming and when it gets there finally, my god it will be good.

But yeah AJ styles is the original TNA man, in my eyes he should have been the champ to lead TNA at least until BFG or in to 2008.

I accept Angle as the champ though, like i have said before i dont see angle as an EX wwe guy, i see angle as a hell of a wrestler that hasnt really been shaped by his experience in WWE, more on his amateur background and love for technical wrestling.
I don't watch TNA, but I follow it once in a while, and in my opinion, I'd have to go with an origional TNA guy, and the only two I can think of that are really good enough to be considered origionals are Aj Styles and Jeff Jarrett. I know Jarrett was in WCW first, but meh. He's been with TNA long enough. Angle has been there less then a year. Honestly, Angle and Cage are the last to to be the first two, if that makes any sence. I think that just makes TNA look like a watered down WWE, only focusing mainly on a few guys, and they just happenede to get their names made in WWE.
with that, I'd have to say the ame thing about the Dudleys being the first TNA Tag Champs. How many people out there still call them the dudleys anyways? I'm sure most of you do. They should have givin it to an origional TNA tag team, but since I don't watch the show, and know AMW broke up, I don't know if theres any origionals left.
Jeff Jerrett has been in WWE also if u didn't know SuperDerf....but to the topic of first TNA champion....I think it shouldv'e been Chris Harris! Hear me out ppl! lol....He's been with TNA since day one! Not only did he use to be main event material when they started and now they are pushing him again, what better then with the first TNA champion? He certiantly deserves it more than angle.......
Jeff Jerrett has been in WWE also if u didn't know SuperDerf....but to the topic of first TNA champion....I think it shouldv'e been Chris Harris! Hear me out ppl! lol....He's been with TNA since day one! Not only did he use to be main event material when they started and now they are pushing him again, what better then with the first TNA champion? He certiantly deserves it more than angle.......

Although chris harris is brillaint. I dont think the crowd would have accepted him as the first TNA champ, it would have been hard to get over. But i can deff see him getting the title next year and hopefully haveing the time to run with it.

Although IMO James storm is the more talented member of AMW....Controversial
AJ Styles
It would have been great for him to win (though probably better if he was a face). He should have had a logn fued with Angle where Angle would eventually win (and I mean a months long fued). Then Angle wold fued with Joe. It would have setup great long term matches.

Also, you have to stop looking at Angle as an ex-wwe guy. When WWF and WCW competed against each other, everyone switched back and forth and no one was a "reject" or the others guy. Jericho wasnt WCWs guy. They were wrestlers who happend to work for seperate companies. It's time to start thinking like that again as guys start to move around between feds. If somone from the New York Times got promoted to Editor at the Wall Street Journal so you think they would be saying "Oh WSJ has no faith in their people."

Also, if you dislike TNA or WWE simply because it's not the other, you are an idiot. I'm sorry, that's a fact not an opinion. If you dislike something just because you are loyal to a brand for no reason you should really think about that. Not that this is relevant in this thread, I'm just saying.
Styles FTW. I still get excited when he does his finisher :) What a lost product he was to the WWE, good job there. As for Angle, the more I hear about him since his WWE departure, the more I get annoyed by him.

Jeff Jarrett doesn't deserve that belt, he prob never would have been champ if he never had a say in matters of the belts and ownership. He's an okay wrestler, nothing great.

Overall anyone could have gotten it but Angle and it be fine (Abyss, Sting, Joe, Styles, man even Daniels lol)
I don't think Angle was a terrible choice. He gives a great opportunity for young guys to play chaser. Yes, TNA has set themselves up where too many of their top tier guys made their names in WWE, but still, he has the track record and the name recognition helps TNA in the ratings.

As far as who else I would have put the belt on, I was watching the PPV at home and was quite intregued / excited each time Chris Harris got close to the win. He would have been a natural choice.

Rhino would not have been a terrible choice either. He has held the NWA title before, and also ECW for a time. Again, a former WWE guy, but in the same vein as Jarret he has seen so much success in TNA...

Finally, had TNA been smart enough to hold on to Monty "Marcus Cor Von" Brown, he would have been a great 1st TNA champ.
I don't really fault Angle, Cage, Rhino, or any of these guys for being ""WWE rejects." I don't really think it's accurate to say that, it's just the fact that they established themselves in the wrestling industry in the WWE, then moved over to TNA later.

Having said that, I still believe that if TNA wants to establish its own identity, it really should have picked a home grown talent to be its first TNA Heavyweight Champion. Samoa Joe, Abyss, Jef Jarrett, or AJ Styles, either of these guys would have been appropriate. If they then wanted to turn around in a few weeks or months time and give it to Angle, Cage, or one of these guys, so be it, but not to be first champion for the newly renamed belt.

Now I know, before someone corrects me, that Jarrett was once in both WWE and WCW, but he has been in TNA since day one and has been an integral part of it, both in ring amd behind the scenes. So even if someone wanted to exclude "WWE rejects," I don't think he'd apply anyway.

Much like Samoa Joe has been a force elsewhere, he has established himself in TNA and would be a great choice too.

My choice would have been Jarrett (even though I hate him), for a short title reign, to be defeated by whoever else in the near future.
aj styles, duh. he is all that tna stands for, and the title win would bring some respect back to his character, which is desperately needed after his demotion to christians lackey. plus his win would obviously set off christian, whod then turn on him. and while christian would finish his fued with abyss, aj would face off with angle, and maybe have a title switch, or not. but it could lead to a 3 way main event with joe, angle and aj, before aj would have to face christian for the title he won.
I personally feel like AJ Styles is the best talent on the roster. While I enjoy his character, I don't feel he is getting the push he deserves right now. I think AJ would have been the best choice as the first TNA champion.
With that being said, AJ was nowhere to be found in the KOTM match which was held to crown the first TNA champion. Of the competitors in that particular match, the only logically choice for a champion would have been Samoa Joe. At this time last year, Joe was being groomed for a title reign and I believe he would have gotten it by now if TNA wouldn't have signed Kurt Angle. Joe has been looked over for a while now, and it was very disappointing that he was not given the chance to be the first TNA champion.
yeah but joe should get it at bound for glory, which is what i think is happening. but it cant just be angle and joe again. since thyev done it 3 times. maybe in an hour long iron man match. im pretty sure thats when angle will be losing the title too.

i still think it shouldv went to aj.
Looking at it the only pick would have been AJ Styles. Here is a guy that came out of no where to become a star in TNA. He went from X-Division star to NWA Champion then later on NWA Tag Team Champion. His has done it all in TNA, hell if it wasnt for TNA woudl any of us know AJ Styles? Though if they did put the strap on Styles he would have lost in two weeks due to the victory road main event. Its a shamebut that I feel. I know some had said Joe, but he has been lost in the shuffle and i believe he is being grommed for the title at BFG.

Angle is not a pick though as he gives TNA name recongintion and a solid leader as champion as they seem to have gone heel now. As who ever beats Angle for the gold which i think will be Joe, it will give that person a huge boost and really help make a name for themselves.
Shark Boy!! lol

Anyways I guess I have to go with Aj Styles. He's been the biggest star that has only been in TNA and not WWE. He's a triple crown winner in TNA. He is just the best wrestler there that they've made all on their own. He has shown he can be a chmpion in the X Division, tag division, and heavyweight division and has just been their most successful star.
Ahhh, i don't think you guys see the big picture in this. For the first time in a long time, TNA has set the ground stages for a big match at Bound For Glory, you can already see the work being laid. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe, what a better way then to have this at the biggest pay per view of the year.

Kurt Angle was the only choice, besides Cage to walk away with that belt. Angle is a name talent, and has "real" credibility, like it or not. Kurt Angle can wrestle a helluva match, when he's on.

Why put the belt on Styles or Harris, other then the fact they are "TNA" guys. Come on guys, Kurt jumped from the WWE to be in TNA, give the guy a chance. There are no storylines or reasoning to put Styles or Harris as world champion right now. The momentum has swung to 3 maybe 4 guys now as world championship material, Cage, Angle, Joe, and your pick of Sting/JJ/Abyss.

This way with Angle becoming champion, it gets the Samoa Joe fans real pissed off. This sets up for Bound for Glory. Samoa Joe has been given a proper push, almost like the Sting 97 push. Not rushing to put the belt on joe has been a damn good decision. The Joe for champion stuff is at a fever pitch, and with Angle winning the belt, it adds more fuel to that fire.

TNA got this choice right. It pissed the TNA loyalist off with a WWE guy winning it, only to set up Samoa Joe, a rightful champion, to take the belt off of him at there biggest ppv of the year, Bound For Glory.
I also agree it should of been Styles i think he should've turned on Christian during the match costing him the title & turning AJ face again then Angle could blame Joe for him not winning the u would already have two good fueds. it would've also been a surprise, i think everyone & there momma knew Angle was gonna win.
The most perfect scenario would've been for AJ to turn face and betray Christian to win the match. Honestly, not only is AJ the face, heart, and product of TNA; but he is so over, even as a heel.

Joe would have been the other option.
Although I personally would have loved for AJ to turn on Christian and win the title, turning face in the process, I think you've all overlooked somebody that is an incredibly feasible TNA Champion, if pushed correctly.

By saying this person, you'll have to imagine an alternative timeline obviously. To be honest, I'm quite surprised they never put Homicide into the heavyweight division properly. I mean, he's got a similar style to some of the X-Division guys but really, he's such a good wrestler that he deserves to be competing for the title. He's pretty much just been a tag team wrestler. I think it would have been awesome with Homicide becoming Champion and LAX "taking over" TNA, even if Konnan can't be a part on it, Homicide can easily take over duties on the microphone. I think that maybe, in a year or two even, Homicide'll get his time on top.
It would not have made much since to me if AJ Styles turned into a Fan Favorite again just to become the first TNA World Champion. A heel is usually needed to be the World Champion going into the Bound For Glory Pay-Per-View each year, So Kurt Angle is the correct choice this year in my opinion to do that. I doubt that AJ Styles would have able to hold onto the TNA World Championship until Bound For Glory this year if he was not a heel.
Now don't throw trash at me for this, but I have to tip my hat and say Jefft Jarrett should have been the first TNA champions. he has been the heart and soul of TNA ever since it's inception. He has stepped to the side to give guys a chance to run witht he ball on many an occasion and has been one of the top faces (when he is a face) and the top heel (when he is a heel) And with everything that he has went through in his personal life and to still come back and help with the ratings and storylines physically, I say he deserved the be the first man with the strap. Even if it would have just been as a transitional champ who would have dropped the title to someone else..
First off Joe isn't getting the title at BFG and he won't get a sniff until he signs that extension. JJ is going to be in the main event against either Abyss or Angle. Secondly, I think the belt should have gone to Harris. Surprise entrant, hand picked by JJ wins title. Not to mention I believe he was the only one in the match who had been with TNA since day 1.
I think Kurt angle is a good choice by TNA to crown him the first tna champion. Hes an excellent wrestler, the fans give him heat. he got what it takes to be a proper champion. But on the other hand i can think of better workers to be the first tna champion .Much like AJ Styles, Been in the company since day one,and the fans really like him, also Jeff Jarrett, he basically made the company and i'm suprised he wasn't the first NWA-TNA champion. And i think TNA doesn't push Christopher Daniels right. hes been in the X-Division too long and he got what it takes to be the TNA champion someday
AJ Styles
It would have been great for him to win (though probably better if he was a face). He should have had a logn fued with Angle where Angle would eventually win (and I mean a months long fued). Then Angle wold fued with Joe. It would have setup great long term matches.

Also, you have to stop looking at Angle as an ex-wwe guy. When WWF and WCW competed against each other, everyone switched back and forth and no one was a "reject" or the others guy. Jericho wasnt WCWs guy. They were wrestlers who happend to work for seperate companies. It's time to start thinking like that again as guys start to move around between feds. If somone from the New York Times got promoted to Editor at the Wall Street Journal so you think they would be saying "Oh WSJ has no faith in their people."

Also, if you dislike TNA or WWE simply because it's not the other, you are an idiot. I'm sorry, that's a fact not an opinion. If you dislike something just because you are loyal to a brand for no reason you should really think about that. Not that this is relevant in this thread, I'm just saying.

How can we stop looking at Angle as an ex-WWE guy when he keeps shooting on WWE and doing those CT videos of him in the bar as if Angle can't let go of the past and can't live in the present/future? It's how Angle portrays himself entirely.

I agree that we shouldn't expect TNA to be WWE or WWE to be TNA, but it was uncalled for to call those people "idiots". This is one major reason why I have beef with TNA because they're trying to be just like the WWE instead of their own selves.
Is it me or I the only one who remembers AJ Styles was in WCW. I know Christopher Daniels was and i think that they tagged there, but I'm Pretty sure, maybe 75 percent sure AJ Styles was in WCW. Automatically that would have disqualified him as a TNA original.(which is what they will all be called when WWE buys them and makes it WWTNA just like ECW is now) I think that Angle makes a good TNA champion, but they should have had him win it in a tournament to get him more over as a heel. However Angle isn't the best heel, i would like to see a faction (a good one not just Christian and That Test rip off Tomko acting gay while Styles passes them by) and have its leader be champ, ala NWO, Evolution, most likely made up of Scott and i guess Rick Steiner,(don't wanna put him out of work since the only reason hes there is because of Scott) Abyss, with a cool new evil costume and attitude, and back to having a manager, (but not a gimmick manager like Mitchell, more like Bobby The Brain in the old days and have him manage the whole faction, a good choice would be to make Bob Backlund a heel and have him do it) AJ Styles as a heel with a new gimmick, and have the champ be the leader, I would like Nash to dye his hair back to blonde, get in shape, and start wrestling again, just no where near as much as usual since he will be the brands top heel much like HHH and wont feel he has to wrestle that much. Plus this would help him avoid injury and would give him time to train his body as to not get injured and to be in better in ring shape.
AJ was in WCW for 1 match for the cruiserweight tag champ tourny they had.... I don't think that qualifies him as a WCW guy. He was also in WWE/F as a jobber, only 1 i remember was against the hurricane, the match is on youtube. So yeah Aj is a TNA guy he's been there since the beginning and he made his rise to fame in TNA, no where else
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