Who on Raw can take the place of HHH, HBK, and Batista when they retire?

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
I have been reading 100 threads about how MVP, Swagger, Kofi, and the Miz can be in the main event, and have a long title reign, and bla bla bla. Everybody is saying that the WWE doesn't have to worry because people like Morrison, Ziggler, Miz, and Swagger could just step up once people retire. However, honestly, can somebody really take the place of HBK? or HHH? Batista didn't have as big an impact, but HBK is arguably the greatest of all time, and HHH is one of, if not the face of the company. Can anybody really say that John Morrisson can take HBK's place? or that MVP can be the next 13-time world champ? I want to know, who can honestly fill the role of these wrestlers once they are gone. Personally, I don't think they can be filled. Nobody will ever take the role that HBK held, because he is the one and only Heartbreak Kid, and nobody else can ever be the Game. Right now, there are two people that I can see carrying the company in a few years, and thats Cena and Orton. They will be the only two mega-stars, as opposed to now where there are Cena, Orton, HHH, HBK, Batista, Taker. Unless the WWE does some serious recruiting and character building, its all downhill from here.
Its a shame I dont see Triple H out of the picture for at least another 10 years, because he just turned 40 what two or three weeks ago? I didnt used to mind him as much, but he takes up entirely too much on air time to push his promos, DX, and his nose into our living rooms. Maybe if he turned heel he would be enjoyable again, but I really doubt it.

HBK will be gone with in 3 years, and if Undertaker goes out around the same time, the only person who is skilled enough to take on a Shawn Micheals Type role, is Chris Jericho and possibly Edge because they have both done it all. I saw the same for HBK as I say for Triple H, I cannot stand him when their DX, its annoying and the potty humor isnt funny anymore.

Batista could retire right now, and I don't think it would hurt the business nor would anyone give a shit, because he's a pile of it. The quicker he leaves the better.

I think the three current major players outside of HBK, Taker, Jericho, Triple H, and Edge(although hes on the shelf) are Orton, Cena, and Jeff Hardy. I have no complants with Orton, in fact you could leave the WWE Title on him for another 5 years and I would be happy. I enjou Cena a lot more now than I ever have in the past, he's improved a great deal over the past 3 years, and I used to hate this man. Hardy has finally made it to the top, but if he's unwilling to stay with the company, than its best he goes sooner than later, that way he doesnt hurt the business or keep someone from getting the much needed push they need to get over the top and into the Main Event.

I think releasing Umaga was a major mistake on the WWE's part, as well as not bringing back Tomko. They needed these mosterous guys on the program who the fans already know. These two could of been thrown into practically any feud as heels and would of got a reaction. I will also use this time to Bash Christian, because he sucks and I dont think he'll be a replacement for anyone, because he isnt any good.

The future is looking grim. I hoping the Miz, Morrison, CM Punk, Bourne, Swagger, MVP, Ziggler, and Ryder get their collective shit together and step it up in a major way, or else the WWE will be garbage sooner than later.
The 100 threads saying those guys can be in the main event are all wrong. EVENTUALLY they could be, but right now I wouldn't pay to see any of those guys main event a match.

Anyway... nobody will be able to fill their shoes right away. That's a given. It takes years to build the type of legacy that HBK and HHH have built. Nobody is going to be such a force and such a superstar that they can just pick up where HHH and HBK leave off. HBK and HHH are two aging faces and two all time greats. But who will take their spots? Easy. Two other future all time greats. Cena and Orton. The two young faces of the company take the place of the two older faces of the company.

As for Batista's spot? Nobody really needs to. Sure he does have a great presence in the ring and is way over with the fans, but his contribution to the business is hardly anywhere near that of HBK or HHH. To me, Batista would be the most forgotten multi-time world champion of all time. I don't hate the guy, but he just never really paved any kind of way for anybody. Like... he left his mark, but it was always following somebody elses mark. If Cena and Batista both hung it up tomorrow, Cena will be remembered waaaaaaaaay more than Batista. Nothing against him, but he is kinda forgettable. There's really not another young big powerhouse guy to take the spot. The closest guy in my mind would be Swagger. However, Swagger is more of a totally jacked freak of nature great all around athlete. He's like... a more agile version of Cena I guess you could say. Swagger is a more powerful version of Kurt Angle, but not quite in Angle's league of skill even though Swagger had quite the college career setting the record for most pins in a season and such. The WWE seems to be gearing away from these giant built powerhouse guys. I made a thread like that awhile ago about "the big man being thrown to the wayside." or something of that nature. And that's totally true. Batista is a big guy, but he's no Big Show, Kane, Taker, etc... You have those guys on their ways out, with smaller more agile guys like Morrison, Swagger, Punk, Ziggler, etc... on their way up.

So who can fill their shoes right away? Nobody. But history is made to be rewritten too. Not that it will happen, but who's to say John Morrison won't have a more memorable career than Shawn Michaels? Or Jack Swagger have a bigger career than HHH? Will that likely happen? No. But you don't know that right now. Give these guys time. Taking the place of HBK or HHH is like saying "When Kobe Bryant retires, who will take his place?" Well somebody will take his place. But nobody expects that person to perform at that level right away. We don't expect it from Morrison, Punk, Swagger, etc... either. But give them 15 years and see what happens then.
Right now Orton & Cena are the future of the WWE. These two should be split, one on Raw one on Smackdown. With Edge & Jericho & eventually Batista, there would be enough fueds to go around to eventually properly elevate the Punks, Morrisons, Swaggers, Dibiase's, etc.

Vince has to move the old boyz out to pasture. HHH, HBK, they are done! DX is so ridicoulous two past 40 year old men acting like kids. It's played out. These guys need to be spotted more like Taker... Have two or three month runs around certain ppv's and they would be more effective.

The future of the WWE is Morrison and Dibiase, and keep your eyes on Evan Bourne. Jeff Hardy could have a nice run, but he is not dependable, so you have to ride him right now while he is red hott and then let him go, because he will only drop the ball on you in the future.

Send Cena to Smackdown, let him be the champ and elevate Punk & Morrison, integrated around the superior skills of Jericho.

On Raw feud Orton with Batista, then Edge, and the Undertaker. Then by that time Dibiase should be ready to take the reigns, ala, Batista with Evolution, Luger with the hourseman, etc.

That's how you build your future after Vince made the colossal mistakes of letting Lashley, Lesnar, and RVD go. You can't lose all that talent after Rock & Austin, and making the correct decision to part with Angle, whose personal life is such an emabarrassment that you worry about Angle self destructing soon!
Um I think Jericho is totally wrong in his interview. There is defently alot of guys up and coming on Raw that could easily take the load of HHH/Batista/Michaels. People are forgetting Orton is still at a young enough age to carry the WWE for a decade or 2, and I don't see Cena retiring anytime soon do you? There you have 2 faces of the company that can have plenty of feuds with the position WWE is in now and maybe alot for Cena ( seeing as he could go to be heel and face and I think would play both well, were as Orton cant).

Then you have guys that are in mid-card and can easily be lifted into the main event scene at anytime. Guys like Swagger and Miz ( who jsut had a decent feud with Cena). Swagger is a very good in-ring wrestler and can cut a decent promo when given the chance and the right person. Swagger could eaisly take the world title belt in a few years and be the main heel of the company. Same as Miz. Miz as very good in-ring talent and is wondeful on the mic. He has great chemistry with alot of people that he tags/feuds with and can almost always certainly get a good enough match. I really don't see what Jericho is saying. MVP can also fit into this catorgory when he is at 100% and is actually trying. I really like MVP and believe he could be a world champion one day.

Then you have guys like Dibase and Rhodes ( maybe rhodes) who can lift in a few years and be in the upper-midcard. Is it jsut me or has Rhodes and Dibase been nothing but pushed? Seriously what is Jericho thinking. Then you have Evan Bourne who is like Jeff Hardy expect doesn't stuff up. He also has better in-ring skills than Jeff did in 2006-2007. Kofi also might succeed but needs the right push.

Really who cant take HHH/Batista and Michaels place when they retire? Seriously Raw has a ton of talent and can use alot of people at anytime if they didn't care about ratings.
Batista would be an easy one. Just bring in any guy who looks like he's fueled by pure roid-rage, add a catchy theme song, and let him suck up the ring. I know he is a big player and i respect him in that way only. If it wasn't for Vince McMahon having his erotic fantasies about 300+ lb. guys, then Batista would have been released awhile ago. IMO he's only still around because of how over his gimmick is with the fans. As for who will replace him when he leaves, I've been watching Ezekiel Jackson a lot lately. I think he could become a great powerhouse champion in the future. He will still need a lot of work, and I don't know if I've ever heard a single promo from him, but I think in the next couple of years we could see him start to make his way to the main event if he plays his cards right.

Nobody will ever replace Shawn Michaels you can get over that fact right now, but what the suits behind the scenes can do is start to prepare someone who could carry on his legacy. My thoughts are with John Morrison. He is excellent in the ring and on the mike. All he needs is a 6 month+ feud with CM Punk to put both wrestlers in a solid main event picture. End their feud with an extreme rules match and you'll have two superstars ready to compete for the title on any brand.

HHH is a different story altogether. His best asset is his mike skills, and he could carry a feud by himself with no big problems. Add in his above average ring skills and his history with both DX and Evolution, and you'll have one of the most memorable superstars in Pro Wrestling. Randy Orton is already on a deadset path to take the reigns of HHH's legacy. He is the best on the mike, has great in-ring skills and psychology, and has his own history with large stables. Even if you hate Legacy, which I do, you have to admit it is helping to cement Orton's role in the future of WWE. If the stable never existed we'd be stuck with HHH's 4th title reign in 2 years and his 14th overall.

The only person I'm worried about leaving is The Undertaker. Frankly, right now, Smackdown sucks donkey dick. The Hardy, Punk feud has been stale for the last 2+ months. I was ready for a new feud after their second PPV. When taker comes back he will hopefully get in the title picture and feud with Punk himself or a Face v face feud with hardy (if he's still around.) But in the next few years he'll retire, and WWE has NOONE to follow in his footsteps. The man is genious in ring psychology, not to mention his unforgettable gimmick, even if it has gotten stale in the past, and his amazing skills in the ring. All of those can be replaced right now except his skills for ring psychology. IMO every superstar to debut in the last few years is horrible in that department. He's the only person that is in urgent need of a replacement.
In one short answer ..... No one can and no one will.

Just posted in the Attitude Era topic, and i believe this is linked. Now my point, HHH and HBK were brought up in wrestling "peak". The Monday Night Wars were glooming, the Attitude Era was in full swing, and wrestling was massive, not just to us fans or children or men or women, but to EVERYONE. News companies had wrestling over them, all media outlets had people doing all sorts of interviews etc.
Now sadly to say wrestling is virtually dead. UFC is the new up and coming sport in my belief. And untill TNA gains enough audience to challanege WWE wrestling will continue to be dead.

Back on point, HHH and HBK were in amoungst all this, fair enough HBK did take entended leave after WM14, but he was still there threw most of the NWO era in WCW and Austin Era in WWF/E. Wrestling was massive, so them 2 stars were prounced as massive, not just massive stars, but massive icons in the wrestling business and in the world.

Batista is not so that case. I personally dont think he has 1 inche of talent but i wont even go into that.

Basiclly no one will take the places of HBK or HHH mainly due to the fact wrestling is dead, except us fans no one cares. Therefor no one will care enough to make any new massive stars such as HHH or HBK.
To be quite honest,all of these guys have been hurt and not on TV before,and honestly,it wasn't that bad.Batista is always getting hurt,HBK and Taker are always taking time off,we all hate Triple H,so who could take their spots?Batista is easy,and big man with alot of power can take his spot,like Swagger or Zeke.HBK would be difficult to replace,but if anyone could do it,it would most likely be Morrison or maybe even Kofi,though I doubt the Kofi scenario.Undertaker can never be replaced by anyone.There will never be another Phenom,and that's all there is to it about him.Triple H can be replaced by Miz,well maybe not Miz,but Orton is still young at 29,and DiBiase and Rhodes are only getting better.What people should really be worried about are when Edge and Jericho retire.Edge is in his mid-30s and has a few bad injuries,like the neck and achilles injuries,and even though I don't think Jericho's ever gotten hurt,he's almost 40,so until TNA becomes competition,wrestling will probably be this way,with few being important.P.S. Curt Hawkins is still in the company.Yeah.Lol.I can't believe he hasn't gotten fired yet.
Swagger has the look and he'd be the best "big" guy to push in the next year. Morrison is soo ready I give it by years end for him. Kofi, Bourne and MVP can all be there in the next year as well. The future can go either way right now, but I'm sure as hell not getting my hopes up. SmackDown! has done well with Morrison and Ziggler along with Rey and the I.C. Title. Raw needs to push the young guns into the title mix.
I agree that the WWE will have to rely heavily on John Cena and Randy Orton in the coming years, and those two guys will be the top stars of this "era". If the WWE wants to keep that brand split bullshit going then they will probably need Cena carrying one show and Orton carrying the other. You have to remember though that there's a draft every year and they can make trades between the brands so just because no one on RAW is beign built up properly doesn't mean that RAW wont acquire new stars they could just get them from Smackdown or ECW.

However, as for who on the current RAW roster could step up and take the place of a Triple H or Shawn Michaels, i think that eventually The Miz will be able to. This guy has all the makings of a mega star and top heel in the business and he has the mic skills to carry the championship without a doubt, hes also good in the ring and his current character is working well. he has everything he needs to be a main eventer. in fact, he draws more heat than some heels in the main event. Just like Triple H and Michaels were the "hip" guys in their era (1997) i see The Miz as one of the most socially relevant wrestlers of this era.

But the WWE has to be prepared to take a risk with an up and coming star in order to realize someone's full potential. This years Royal Rumble needs to be won by somebody who has never held a world title, a fresh face in the main event scene. If the WWE takes the chance with the right guy it could pay off HUGE and a new star will be born.
Now first of all Batista has been missing for a while and really RAW already seems more enjoyable for it. So in all honesty I think it wouldn't be too hard for him to be replaced by any old roided up gym rat. Now on to what matters. In my opinion Jack Swagger does in fact have what it takes to be a top notch star. I see it like this, as long as they can keep his victories clean and untainted he will be taken seriously. People already don't like him and not too mention he has an extremely credible amateur background. I think we might have an ALL AMERICAN version of Brock Lesnar on our hands. I'm not saying break out the USA USA USA chants just yet, but after a nice heel run (which he's in right now) and the right timing and just a few small character adjustments Swagger may be able to win over the crowd in the same way Lesnar did when he won the title from the Rock. The whole crowd was behind Rocky and just this shift of power came over the audience when Lesnar proved he could hang with the big boys and I think a clean title win in a stellar match over HHH or Cena with a handshake at the end could turn him into an All American face.
Don't forget the draft every year also. So there are many opportunities for the likes of Edge, Matt Hardy, Jeff?, and a personal fav of mine CM Punk. CM Punk could very well be that key were searching for. I think with the exception of Jericho, Punk is the best in the business. No drugs, alcohol, or casual sex sounds like a great role model for kids (and his image will help the kids actually like a drug free superstar). Not to mention he doesn't have to sleep with the boss' daughter to get to where he is at. He needed no help from Vince at all. His lifestyle and toughness will keep him around for many many years to come. Also I agree much so with Ziggler, and Morrison becoming stars and the Miz is hella entertaining you know what I'm mad now I'm done this guy is just living in the past like the WWE is. They have all the talent in the world. They just don't use it right. People retire get over it.......
I don't think the proper question would be, "Who can replace them?", I would think the real question is, "Who will be able to step up, once those people are gone"? The funny thing is that the stars of today will most likely still be the stars in another 5-8 years. Randy Orton is only 29 years old and can remain in the company for well over 10 more years. John Cena loves the business so much and he said that he will not use the same path as The Rock and leave the WWE to become an actor, so should be good for about 10-15 years. Triple H, at 40 years old really shouldn't be wrestling for more than about 6-7 more years, but who knows... HHH could retire even older than Ric Flair. Who knows?

The ones you really have to worry about is the older ones. HBK is 44 now and said he wants to retire soon to spend more time with family, although he could still compete from time to time after retirement. The Undertaker can still go strong for about 3-4 more years, and if Michelle McCool can convince him, maybe even longer. Batista is only 40, but with all the injurires he's had in the past 3 years, an early retirement wouldn't be the worst thing, for health purposes.

If you look at the superstars on Raw now... no one is ready. Maybe Big Show, but I find him quite boring. Other than him no one's resume is even close to any of the other Raw stars. so, it's all WWE's job to make more stars on Raw.

The Smackdown side of things are a lot easier. You have Chris Jericho, Edge. Rey Mysterio, C.M. Punk, maybe both Hardys, can all be even bigger stars once those people retire. And then WWE could push Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, John Morrison, Kane, Christian, and Shelton Benjamin.
Time to go:

Undertaker - come on guy, let it go. You only wrestle PPVs like three times a year...WTF. Please just call it a day. Mad respect but don't become the Brett Farve of wrestling and stick around when people are tired of you

HBK - Proud to say I've watched this guy since the biginning but time to enjoy your life and your wife. Time to let other guys shine.

Triple H - Same as HBK. You have a family and have done everything humanly possible in wrestling. Step into the backgroudn and handle things behind the scenes. Help the new guys develop but don't force us to watch the cobra pose like we believe your still a badass.

Cena - Now I'm not saying go away, although I wish he would, but could you maybe stop trading titles and just be a part of the show for a little bit. Why does he always have to be THE show? No one cares about your new John Deere colors guy. Please stop forcing this crap down our throats.

Batista - Dude seriously? Could you take your rickity ass to TNA and stop hurting yourself on our time? Your not a good wrestler, your halfway decent on the mic and you add no value to the main event spotlight. See Don Marrocco circa late 1980's

Kane - Someone put this dog to sleep already. That or break out the Yankem gimmick. I cannot believe he is still walking aroudn a WWE ring with that stupid gimmick.

Edge - Same as Cena, not say retire, but lets get something different here. The "Rated R" gimmick saved his career, but just like Cena, its getting plaid out. Can we say E & C? What's the hold up (besides the injury now, but they should gone with this as soon as Christian hit)

Mysterio - Loved the guy since WCW...actually liekd him better then. But how long do we have to be forced to the middle rope like every one who wrestles him? Take and and begin a cruiserweight division and let him go out doing what he did best.

Big Show - Biggest pile of shit in wrestling besides Khali. Only reason I put him and not Khali is because we been watchign this "Show" for too long. Bad outfits and all. Like Mysterio - better in WCW and early year with WWE. Now just absolutely pointless.

MVP - Seriously lets changed it up. You have some talent but your ugly gear and stupid gimmick is lost. Change it up or go away.

Need more of:

Swagger - This guy has future written all over him. Good wrestler. Good mic. Getting bigger each week but doesn't help if you take him two steps forward and 1 step back each time.

Miz - I really wish this guy didn't come from MTV because it makes me look at him in the wrogn light. He has it - no question about it. Really becomming a good talent. Needs better chatch phrases but dude is straight money

Morrison - I literally look forward to watching his career as I did with Michaels. One main reason I continue to watch this sport. You know this is HBK v 2.0. And for all you bashers who say he has no presence just take your ass back to WWF and watch the mullet haired michaels jump off the top rope. He changed everyones mind when he broke that barber shop window. I anxiously await that landmark with Morrison. 10x champion at least before he is done

CM Punk - Hated this guy. Boring as sin...until he turned heel. Now he works.

Ted Dibiase - Would you bail that idiot on your side and follow after your Dad already. Show me the money...literally. You have a gift sitting in your back pocket left by your dad. Pick up where he left off and run with it.

Hart Dynasty - I want more of them...period. Kidd is straight fire in the ring. DH Smith needs work but could be what Matt Morgan could have been here. Natalia is fine as long as she doesn't get mixed up with the Divas. We nee more valet's back in wrestling.

Christian - Last but not least. I'm disapointed because Christian was sick in TNA. WWE missed out on that boat by lettign him go. Still aren't using him right. Bring him in NOW before he is done and let him loose. A Christina / Orton program would be nice.
John Cena and Randy Orton are still young guys, but they've been part of the main event scene for so long that I sometimes can't help but see them as "old timers" of a sort.

I agree that Raw does have a lot of talented young guys that can get the job done, only most of them don't really have anything meaningful to do right now. However, I do like the Miz and Kofi feud the WWE is building for the United States Championship. I can't remember the last time a WWE wrestler stood in the center of the ring and just blatantly stated that he was going after a title that wasn't a world championship. I know that it's just a little thing, but little things can make a big difference sometimes.

However, for the rest of the young guys, they're just kind of floating in limbo right now on Raw. Much of Raw's energy this year has been almost entirely on the main event scene.
John Cena and Randy Orton are still young guys, but they've been part of the main event scene for so long that I sometimes can't help but see them as "old timers" of a sort.

I agree that Raw does have a lot of talented young guys that can get the job done, only most of them don't really have anything meaningful to do right now. However, I do like the Miz and Kofi feud the WWE is building for the United States Championship. I can't remember the last time a WWE wrestler stood in the center of the ring and just blatantly stated that he was going after a title that wasn't a world championship. I know that it's just a little thing, but little things can make a big difference sometimes.

However, for the rest of the young guys, they're just kind of floating in limbo right now on Raw. Much of Raw's energy this year has been almost entirely on the main event scene.

Nice! I agree completely. The Miz program reminds me of old saturday mornign days where I guy worked a program for the IC belt because it was a meaningful belt. There isn't a happy medium anymore and this is a nice change.

And the comment about feeling like "old timers" is absolute money. they are put in our faces so much that people like me already want them to go away becase we have watched them so much
Well, as it stands right now, WWE has 2 relatively young studs in Orton and Cena. The 2 of them are going to be WWE's main stars for the next 6-7 years. Morrison will definitely get a big time push within a year or 2. CM Punk is not going anywhere anytime soon. So I think that those will be the 4 guys who WWE builds around for the future. Of course guys like Edge, Christian, HHH, Rey and Jericho will be around but I really feel like WWE will build their future around Cena, Orton, CM Punk and John Morrison. Also, Ted DiBiase Jr has a bright future as well.
The main event scene on Raw has been way to crowded for a long time now. I think it would be a bad idea to just instantly push someone new the second HBK or Batista retires, just to "fill their spot" because we'll have the same problem a few years down the line, when every one starts complaining that Swagger and morrison have been main eventers for too long. Just leave the main event scene as it is, keep building the newer guys slowly, and then once more veterans start to retire, and we start running dry for main eventers, push them all to the moon. Remember a few years back when Rock, Austin, Hogan and Lesnar all left within about a year of each other? WWE pushed Cena, Orton, Batista and Edge to main event scene, and they've all remained there since.
We go through this every time a generation of wrestlers gets long in the tooth. Remember in 1994-1996 when all of the old guys left WWE? They produced new stars that became prominent names for the next decade. We don't need another HHH or HBK; sports entertainment will succeed by creating new personalities and characters that fans get behind. In 2002, did you think Cena would be where he is today in 2009? NO and if you say yes you're lying. How about HHH in 1996? Edge in 1999? HBK in 1992? Someone will come along (other than Cena and Orton) and help carry the torch for the next generation of fans and in 10-15 years we can start the debate again.

People will pay to see Edge, the Hardys, Cena, Orton, Legacy, Punk, Jericho etc. The one thing that WWE will lack is an Undertaker type character, someone who has staying power without constantly having a title. Other than that, this period is no different than any other time in sports entertainment history.
Look everyone keeps asking who is going to replace who, and when..look HBK is awesome (no offense Miz) and has always been awesome but he was in WWE for multiple years as a tag team performer, then singles performer going after the IC belt and having great fueds and then was moved to the main event scene but after being in the WWE for many many years...same thing for HHH, we all remember that crappy Blueblood character he played it wasn't until after he moved on from DX after Shawn completely left the company did he start moving to the main event and capturing his 13 titles. Undertaker is in a league of his own the man was perfect for the gimmick that he got and he ran with it but at the same time he hasn't won that many titles, he's just been in the main events with big stars. Batista.....................hahahahaha............ok the man can't walk and chew gum at the same time, his in ring skills suck, his mic skills are shit he laughs everytime he begins his promos because even he knows he's a dumbshit!! The only reason and I mean the only reason he is where he is, is because Vince likes the big beastly guys and he became really good friends with HHH and the crowd went nuts for him when he went to beat HHH, that was and still is his best fued but even after the 1st match at WM it quickly turned to crap and people got bored of it. oh also I read his book and it took me 6 and 1/2 months to read it because it sucked so bad, he was explaining what each of his moves were like we didn't know wrestling....It's a FUCKING WRESTLING BOOK, WHY WOULD SOMEONE BUY IT IF THEY DIDN'T KNOW YOUR FUCKING MOVES.

Look the guys that are in the WWE need work and they need the right fued and storyline to push themselves to the top, Orton and Cena are the only 2 guys that rose to the top in a shorter time frame because they had to, Vince and creative can not stop talent and these guys have tremendous talent that they have to be in the main event if they are not then creative is stupid and needs to be fired.

OK i'm done I rambled sorry :rolleyes:
If you mean who could replace them if they died tomorrow...no one. Who has the potential is a completely different matter.

John Morrison can get it done in the ring and on the mic.

Swagger keeps getting better and better.

MVP has the makings of a long term heel.

Kofi Kingston has the potential to be a Main eventer although for some reason I see him as an upper midcarder for life. I don't know what it is but there is something about him I see keeping him from being the main event.

Miz could be a good heel with some work on his character.

I see the Harts and Legacy with a lot of potential but they have shown me nothing to indicate they can take the next step.

But no one is ready right this minute and most of those mentioned about need at least 1-3 years.

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