Who of the WWE Talent Released Today Should TNA Pick Up?


In Waylon Mercy's Hands
With the closing of one door sometimes comes the opening of another. Gail Kim the 1st time she left WWE became an incredible talent for TNA.

I really hope TNA picks up the following talent:

Gail Kim (no brainer)
Melina (she's hot and has attitude)
David Hart Smith, the reason is because he is still young and comes with the pedigree of being a Hart, the son of the British Bulldog and has a decent build.

Kozlov and Masters I don't see much of especially Kozlov who I feel has nothing to him. Masters if he bulked up legit (no steroids) could be re-invented by TNA but they seem to have so much talent they should be doing the same thing WWE has done, which is trim the fat!
Gail Kim is pretty much a lock and I am plenty fine with that. I probably would not sign Melina unless I thought that meant I had a chance to get Morrison later. Melina brings more drama than she is worth by herself. Kozlov, no, don't see the point. Hart Smith, don't know don't care. Masters, maybe, young guy that I guess has some potential but he comes with a lot of baggage and would not be viewed as a homegrown guy anyway, I think I'd probably have to pass on Masters actually.
If anyone, Melina. TNA/IW has no use for any of the other releases.

Gail Kim was never that big of a deal folks- sorry. She had a good feud with Awesome Kong, and Awesome Kong was the primary figure in that feud. She'd command more money on the indy circuit or in Japan than she would by working for TNA/IW. While she could do both, why would TNA/IW want her? She's had a lot of television exposure; even if it didn't do much for her, she can still use that for leverage to demand more money. There's nothing Gail Kim offers TNA/IW that they can't get from another former gymnast in spandex with fake tits.

Vladimir Koslov hasn't done anything meaningful in a couple of years. He played the guy that stood still while Santino was goofy. He's not that talented of a performer, and again, doesn't bring anything to TNA/IW that they can't find in someone with a smaller price tag.

I had actually forgotten Chris Masters was still employed by the WWE, and TNA/IW already has Rob Terry. (Do they still have Rob Terry?) Both are equally worthless.

David Hart Smith could be a cheap pickup and a way for TNA/IW to say they have a member of the Hart family, which is at least promotable. He never really took off on WWE programming; yes, I know he was a former tag champion. Those belts have traveled around so much that I have to consult my scrapbook to be sure that I've never been a WWE tag champion. If he doesn't head to Mexico or Japan, he'd be a nice pickup for TNA/IW.

Melina should be snapped up. I'm wondering why she was released; she was one of the most recognizable WWE Divas, and probably wasn't on anyone's top 10 list of expected releases. She's got character recognition and could slot right in against Mickie James for a ready made "remember when?" type feud. She's got the acting chops down as well.
Gail Kim and thats it if TNA has any sense they need to sort there current roster out before they add more to it .

If not they are just going to piss off the locker room yet again

did i tell you about TNA new more

But TNA really need to not keep bring in these WWE rejects theres a reason they are released Drugs,Attitude,Talentless,Green or just not worth the money

Gail Kim dont count she quit
ok...here is my issue with this...TNA has more than twice the roster needed for 2hrs of TV so they need to thin down their roster first

Its been documented that Harry "David Hart" Smith has been training about a year for MMA
-Gail Kim: TOTALLY a lock like shattered dreams said. She is the peinier of the Knockouts division and TNA can finally capitalize on Madison, Winter, Velvet, Mickie with Gail being there possibly.

-Melina: Would be a fantastic pick up. Considering TNA has a Knockouts tag team division, her and Tara would be a great team or she could simply be a singles star but either way she would be a great add. Problem is, I heard she has a bitchy attitude which is why she was demoted to SmackDown.

You could look at it two ways: Randy Orton is also known for that attitude. Would you pass on him? Of course not. Take a chance? Sure.

-David Hart Smith: Potential to be a solid big man but I can't see him doing anything special as a singles star. Doesn't have main event potential, doesn't fit in the X-Division and will not have Tyson Kidd (assuming he doesn't get released). Not much else to do with him.

-Chris Masters:....Yes....as Eric Young's tag team partner only.

-Kozlov: Offers nothing. He had potential but WWE ruined him already. It would take a miracle to get him back to the guy who went undefeated for 1 year or so.

So, Gail Kim, Melina would be who I would sign. DH Smith would be a guy I would be 50/50 on.
What happened? :wtf:

I can see Chris Masters as a Tna champion if he was re-packaged, imagine if he had the push that Crimson is getting right now.
I would like to see this but its not gonna happen merly because Melina's bf (JoMo) is still working for WWE if she goes 2 TNA then morrison's gonna ethier be released or takin down to jobber status then eventully released and she wouldent want that.

Vladimir Kozlov
I'm not so sure about this one while Kozlov is a good powerhouse he lacks charisma which you need in this sport i think if they sign him hell be treated just like he was in WWE brought in as a bodygaurd for immortal and carried as a big heel then turns face and is slowly decreased then eventully released.

Chris Masters
When i think of him i feel kinda sad because here u have a decent athlete who once was a big contender to the WWE title as a bad guy but as a good guy can barely get in a match i think if he goes to TNA then he can be pushedkinda far and if they sign him have a feud with the immortal bodygaurd Kozlov or maybe he could be the immortal bodygaurd its up to TNA

DH Smith
David is a decent wrestler who can put on a pretty good match i think if TNA signs him he could be a good wrestler and could even be heavyweight champion considering the fact that the only guys who can be champ right now Angle,Sting, and Mr.Anderson because of the BFG series.

Gail Kim
This is the one i most hope goes 2 TNA because TNA acuttly treated her right shes the 1st knockouts champion and she did a nice job holding onto the titleand you could bring her into the Velvet/Traci vs. ODB/Jackie feud and onto ethier side and maybe she could be knockouts champ again who knows.
I'm getting real sick of these kind of threads every year now that the WWE does their spring/summer cleaning of WWE talent. I know that TNA is struggling and all and still trying to compete against the WWE so to speak. But why do TNA every year try to eat off the WWE's left over's?

That's a straight up hobo move by TNA going back to the days where TNA picked up Crash Holly aka Mad Mikey (R.I.P.). TNA should focus more on developing their talent instead of trying to be like the WWE. So it's all really sad for TNA wrestling. There trying to compete against the WWE but still try to be on there level all at the sametime. I really pity TNA for doing this for so long.
Melina - The ability is there whether you like it or not. She was a very well known name and at one stage the person representing the divas division in WWE. She has a reputation of being a literal diva outside the ring and apparently has problems backstage with other divas like Mickie James. I don't see Morrison leaving just because of her so rule that out. She could help the divas division in TNA(Or maybe not since their booking isn't at all that good.) or could be beneficial as a manager.

Gail Kim - Do I need a reason? The history is there and Orlando is probably a better fit for Gail. WWE seemed to bring out the worst in her and she got a reputation for being botchy all the time. She has had excellent matches in TNA and was the first ever Knockouts champ. A proper feud with Mickie James could be good if Mickie could remain professional about it.

Chris Masters - He has increased his in-ring skill tenfold since returning to WWE. He's naturally charismatic and could very easily fit in with TNA. On Superstars he had some really good matches with the likes of Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler. There's talent there and he's only 27. Tell me you don't want to see him feud with Scott Steiner.
I would love to see Melina go there, but I highly doubt that will happen unless JoMo gets released in the future. Which let's face it, if JoMo gets released then WWE will have dropped the ball big time on him. I think Gail Kim will make the jump, as she should because she was featured more prominently. I also wouldn't mind seeing DH Smith over on TNA, he wasn't used very regularly on WWE programming either and really is a good talent in the ring. Other than that, I don't think TNA should go after anybody, they have more than enough talent as it is and really should probably look at trimming down the roster.
As for the person who said that they're sick of TNA picking up WWE scraps, if TNA can bring in some recognizable names that can possibly bring in more viewers, what is really wrong with that? Isn't that what it's all about, bringing in more viewers to your show?
They already don't use what they got, why hire more geesh. Every single time....

Vladimir is nothing but a Russian Santino and a bad one at that.

Melina/Gail Kim still have life left in them, they could be a welcome adition to the women's division

D.H Smith. Next!!! he was never anything.

Chris Masters, he always had promise and when they debuted his as the next Narcissist Lex Luger, i marked, but since then they killed him for whatever reason. Maybe because of the constant injuries.
Absolutely no one, because they're all scrubs. There isn't a person on that list I think could help TNA any by being brought in, and that includes Gail Kim who IMO is one of the most overrated female wrestlers of all-time.

TNA is big-time enough that they shouldn't need to have to pick up WWE's scraps every time they do some house cleaning.
Besides Gail Kim(because she seemed to fit) I hope the rest stay away from Impact wrestling.Chris Masters and David Hart Smith should go to Ring of Honor, which is making it's TV debut 9/24/11 and online worldwide. Impact Wrestling is really a joke, I tried to watch it last week and just turned the channel after 30 mins. Who is writing that stuff?
Mack_Swagger - wrestling is ALL about taking talent unwanted from the competition and building them up..

TNA does not have a full fledged farm system so they can't develop their own talent and must rely on other organizations to develop talent for them. WWE for the longest time had to do the same thing. Hulk Hogan perfected his trade in AWA before making it big, Steve Austin toiled in WCW as a mid-carder before making it big, HHH & Undertaker were basically nobodies in WCW. THe list goes on! Who is TNA supposed to develop of their own? Gunner?
Besides Gail Kim(because she seemed to fit) I hope the rest stay away from Impact wrestling.Chris Masters and David Hart Smith should go to Ring of Honor, which is making it's TV debut 9/24/11 and online worldwide. Impact Wrestling is really a joke, I tried to watch it last week and just turned the channel after 30 mins. Who is writing that stuff?

Who's running it in general.
former WCW staff, production, and heads. and who's writing?
Vince Russo. nuff said

has occasional mojments of hope but on the whole i agree it's a joke.
TNA is not making their own stars....But Crimson, Gunner, Roode, Aries are all the center of attention and being built into main eventers. Go figure.

TNA doesn't sign any talent of their own. Zima Ion, Jesse Godderz and 6 other X-Division wrestlers (not named) are already expected to debut.

Go figure.

I'm getting real sick of these kind of threads every year now that the WWE does their spring/summer cleaning of WWE talent. I know that TNA is struggling and all and still trying to compete against the WWE so to speak. But why do TNA every year try to eat off the WWE's left over's?

That's a straight up hobo move by TNA going back to the days where TNA picked up Crash Holly aka Mad Mikey (R.I.P.). TNA should focus more on developing their talent instead of trying to be like the WWE. So it's all really sad for TNA wrestling. There trying to compete against the WWE but still try to be on there level all at the sametime. I really pity TNA for doing this for so long.

It's okay for WWE to sign Awesome Kong, Austin Creed, Kaval, Gail Kim but it's a problem for TNA to do the samething?

I pity WWE for signing CM Punk (From TNA and ROH), I pity WWE for signing Rey Mysterio, Edge, Triple H, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Big Show and The Guerrero's from WCW.

I pity WWE for signing Tyler Black, Kings of Wrestling, Bryan Danielson and wanting Samoa Joe. Who work for other companies.

I pity your post.
I really hope TNA signs none of these as their current roster is already too big. They need to cut down on the amount of wrestlers not add to it with guys who WWE felt had nothing to offer. Nobody asks if WWE should sign someone that TNA releases so why ask who TNA should sign when WWE has the yearly clear out?
I hope none of them go to TNA
Building a company up more takes time and I think a stable as possible roster is the best way to go, they've flooded their fans with enough ex-WWE employees, now it's time to leave those to the indy scene and try to establish their product with what they have, otherwise it's just gonna be a case of anything accomplished through this BFG series (which I am enjoying a lot) being swept by the wayside to make room for a "shocking" debut.
None of these people were real stars in WWE, their initial impact will be minimal and they'll just detract even more from the product
TNA is not making their own stars....But Crimson, Gunner, Roode, Aries are all the center of attention and being built into main eventers. Go figure.

TNA doesn't sign any talent of their own. Zima Ion, Jesse Godderz and 6 other X-Division wrestlers (not named) are already expected to debut.

Go figure.

It's okay for WWE to sign Awesome Kong, Austin Creed, Kaval, Gail Kim but it's a problem for TNA to do the samething?

I pity WWE for signing CM Punk (From TNA and ROH), I pity WWE for signing Rey Mysterio, Edge, Triple H, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Big Show and The Guerrero's from WCW.

I pity WWE for signing Tyler Black, Kings of Wrestling, Bryan Danielson and wanting Samoa Joe. Who work for other companies.

I pity your post.
I didn't realize the aforementioned TNA talent are WWE main eventers now. The difference is WWE does a way better job developing talent then TNA ever will. You keep talking like Gunner, Roode, Aries and Crimson will be the future when we all know they'll be back to nothing as soon as any more WWE talent get released. TNA cannot create stars and are totally reliant on the WWE, Thanks for taking the time to list the talent Bischoff had in WCW, but let go because of the same flaw. WCW failed because they tried to get a hold of any WWE talent they could and ignored the talent on their roster to push them, which is what TNA continues to do and fails so hard at...
I don't really see why TNA would want them. It's not exactly as if these people are the cream of the WWE crop. No former mid-card staples, no former World Champion, no major success stories. Basically, these people truly are scraps.

Melina - Aside from being hot and extremely limber, she doesn't really bring anything to the table except a ton of bad attitude. She does have in-ring talent but, let's be honest, that doesn't matter anymore in the Knockouts Division. But, if she did go to TNA, she'd be running the place before long. She'd sleep her way through the roster until she started to slob Hogan & Bischoff's knobs, where she'd be set for life.

Gail Kim - When it comes to Gail Kim, I think it's a case of the IWC overrating an internet favorite. Not only that, but people are talking about what she was doing 3 years ago. She's not going to do great things in TNA as a Knockout because the Knockouts are as irrelevant in TNA as the Divas are in WWE. That's plain to see to anybody that's actually watched the Knockouts or Divas. Gail Kim left TNA for a bigger paycheck in WWE so I don't even know if TNA can afford her.

Vladimir Kozlov - One dimensional powerhouse brawler who can barely speak a word of English. The only time he was over in WWE was as a comedy tag team with Santino. It worked for a while but everyone had to know it was only temporary. If TNA signs him, don't be surprised to see them pair him up with Eric Young.

DH Smith - Decent look and solid in-ring ability, but as bland as mashed potatoes without butter or salt. No presence, no personality and no charisma to speak of for this guy. His biggest asset is the fact that his father was Davy Boy Smith and that he was trained by the Harts. Brings nothing to the table really.

Chris Masters - Generally speaking, this guy is probably the best of the bunch. He has a great look and his abilities inside the ring are much better this time around. However, the fact that he flunked two Wellness Tests pretty much shot his career in WWE. When he was hired back, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he knew that he was just gonna be collecting a paycheck. He has some promo ability and, as I said, he has a great look. He's kind of like what Rob Terry would be if Terry actually had any discernable talent apart from having a great physical look.
TNA is not making their own stars....But Crimson, Gunner, Roode, Aries are all the center of attention and being built into main eventers. Go figure.

TNA doesn't sign any talent of their own. Zima Ion, Jesse Godderz and 6 other X-Division wrestlers (not named) are already expected to debut.

Go figure.

It's okay for WWE to sign Awesome Kong, Austin Creed, Kaval, Gail Kim but it's a problem for TNA to do the samething?

I pity WWE for signing CM Punk (From TNA and ROH), I pity WWE for signing Rey Mysterio, Edge, Triple H, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Big Show and The Guerrero's from WCW.

I pity WWE for signing Tyler Black, Kings of Wrestling, Bryan Danielson and wanting Samoa Joe. Who work for other companies.

I pity your post.
I pity you for being a straight up TNA/Impact mark dawg.

Of course former TNA talent are going to leave off to a greater challege in the WWE. So out of all those wrestlers that you have said. Do you think that there stupid for leaving TNA/Impact wrestling? And WCW has been dead for a decade now, so let it go! This is a business! You can't get mad at a wrestler/player for wanting to jump to a bigger team that can do something that the other one couldn't (LeBron James signning with the Miami Heat).

Those talent know what there doing. And you can't get mad at Vince McMahon for signning those talent. Do you have a grudge against the WWE or something? Because with this post you just posted, I'm trying to figure out are you anti-WWE or just pro-TNA.
I give Gail Kim and Chris Masters a month. Why?

Well Gail has been there before, so she's a lock.

And why Chris? Well I would love to see an amazing fued of Chris and Kurt Angle.

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