Who never got that big push?


Damn it feels good to be a Taylor!!
First off let me say this. This thread is not about who should have had a world title shot. Even if they have won a world title but they were not pushed in another promotion then they are okay to list.

I have to start off with Curt Hennig in 2002. I know i have a bias because he's my favorite wrestler ever, but, he looked as if he belonged there. He could have had great feuds over the title because he was still in the same shape that he was in 1987.

My next guy is Raven. The only company that realized what an excellent heel they had with this guy was ECW. WCW had him in the upper mid card dominating but he had the perfect opportunity to jump into the main event scene after Starcade 1997. He was getting just as much if not more heat than the NWO and having excellent matches. WWE just tried to bury the guy to the point where he was just a complete nothing. TNA turned him face which was for the most part because of their smarky crown hating Jarret so much so they would cheer Raven.

My last guy is Finlay. He put on great matches all across the globe and none of the american promotions have ever even thought about having him be the guy. WCW was dominated by the NWO so he was stuck in the midcard having excellent matches with the likes of Benoit, Regal, and Booker T. While WWE had him as a serious tough guy character for a while until Hornswoggle came along and then he was relegated to a comedy character. Now he is rarely seen on television unless he is a lumberjack or in a big brawl or something.
I was always, and still am, a huge fan of Goldust. it's sad he never got a world title shot. I think the Goldust gimmick was one of genius. It's really sad because after the Brian Pillman feud over Marlena I think that could have catapulted them both to Main Event Status.
For me the answer's simple: Arn Anderson.

Arn Anderson is one of the greatest wrestlers of the past 40 years to have never been a World Champion. Not only that but Anderson was never even remotely considered for the top spot and I think that's a shame. Anderson had the ability on the mic and he had the ability inside the ring. It was obvious to anyone that's ever really watched the guy.

While I do think Arn Anderson had a great career generally speaking, I do think it's something of a shame that he'll always be seen, more or less, as playing second fiddle to Ric Flair than anything else. Anderson was great as his role in the Four Horsemen and all, but he had what it took to be a huge star in his own right without the Horsemen and should have been at least in the upper mid-card range by the time it was all said and done.
I'm going to say Lex Luger in the WWE. I just don't get why after WWE pushed him to the moon with the Lex Express and gave him so much media attention that he never beat Yokozuna for the world title. Lex Luger was positioned perfectly as the new American hero and WWE just never pressed the button on him. They really dropped the ball on him.

Christian in WWE- I think we all know about this. After such a successful run in TNA and being able to have the ball, we all know the way Christian has been used after his time in WWECW has been a crime!

Really, there are tons of guys I can list. After Vince bought out all the companies, he had tons of talents that they dropped the ball on! It's a shame!
I feel like mark henry was left out of the big push, he had several close calls but nothing that'd let him stay in the ME scene long enough....I also thought d'lo brown should've got a bigger push.
There are many guys I could list but the main one is Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. You are right he could have some good feuds in 2002 because he was still in shape. I would have liked to see him wrestle Kurt Angle really badly. I also think he could have had some good matches with Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Triple H, The Rock, and later that year Brock Lesnar.

Another guy is Shelton Benjamin. Now that guy can wrestle. He was the most athletic competitor in WWE at the time but he needed improving on his mic skills. The guy should have been in the Main Event because I would have liked to see some more matches with him and HBK. He could hold his own in the main event but WWE didn't push him.

Elijah Burke. He can wrestle and he has very good mic skills. He is a bit overated but still very good. WWE didn't use him right and put him with a serious gimmick when he should have had more of a laid back one so he could let loose and be himself. That is where TNA came in and did the right thing that WWE didn't do.

Lastly I have to say Robert Roode. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge Beer Money fan but I think if he had the proper push four years ago he could have became something great. He had a really good gimmick but TNA didn't run with it. He had the Million Dollar Man gimmick but TNA should have went more in depth. Roode has the mic skills and in ring ability to be a top heel.
Personally I have three personal faves ... I may be biased because I prefer midcard matches over mainevent matches... Also to the previous posters I absolutely agree with all of your options... However here are my 3

3) Tito Santana... He was my fave in the 80s and he was a great great wrestler, however he was fed to the main eventers on a consistent basis, putting up a good match but never prevailing

2) 2 Cold Scorpio .... The most talented wrestler I have ever seen, unfortunately because of his size, the NWO, and horrible gimmick in WWE (Flash Funk) he never stood a chance

1) William Regal .... Ok fine he was WWECW champ, but what does that seriously mean? This guy is the best technical wrestler of our generation, great on the mic, can draw great heat...Why not a champ?
The "Million Dollar Man", Ted DiBiase.

How does a man with perhaps the greatest heel gimmick of all time not win a world title? I know, at times, he put himself into a manager/investor style role, but I cant imagine how they couldnt have come up with a storyline where he bought his way into the World Title picture, and paid off a referee in said title match. He didn't just have a great gimmick, he was a fantastic wrestler as well, and should have won at least one world title.
Chris Masters
Chavo Guerrero
The Vampire guy in ECW

Stop...Think before you speak. Chris Masters is horrible on the mic and really needs acting lessons. MVP has an attitude problem (and he is black and in the WWE, they will never push him). Chavo is gonna get his eventually (his feuds with Matt Hardy really made me take him seriously) if he lays off the roids. Vampire guy???? You aren't a true fan.

While I do agree that MVP may be ok with a decent push his 'ballin' routine is getting old.

IMO the one wrestler without that "Push" whould have to be......Wrath! Enough said. Hahahahaha
Christian. That guy was totally awesome. He gave the WWE their first-ever TLC match, he was in many big matches and after the TLC triple threat, I thought he and Edge were going to become multiple-time World champs but only Edge did it. His run with the ECW title was also cool. He should have won the title after being drafted to SmackDown! but I don't know why Vince doesn't like him. Man, he deserves the title.
I'm surprised no one said this yet: Owen Hart

He was a great heel in the 90's, constantly putting on classic matches in both singles and tag team competition. He was almost as good as bret in the ring and arguably better on the stick (I think he was leagues ahead of Bret) than his older brother.

For anyone that says his push was only cause of his brother's push, look at him in 1998 when he was part of the nation and feuding with Stone Cold Austin. this man should've been wrestling as himself in the main event of Over the Edge 1999, instead of falling to his death as a superhero....
I agree with those who mentioned Christian. He is a former TNA World Champion, but why has he not gotten as big of a push in WWE? The rumors of Vince not liking him can't be true as he was the longest running ECW Champion during the time WWE's ECW was around. He has had a few pushes here and there, but he does deserve a huge push once he comes back and feud with Edge or Kane, perhaps winning his first WWE world title that way. It probably won't happen but the man deserves it after all the years of work he has put in. Even if he doesn't win a world title, he does deserve "that big push" and get to main event Wrestlemania one day or something. Come on, you know you'd love to see him and Edge go at it at the biggest one of them all. I sure would!
My next guy is Raven. The only company that realized what an excellent heel they had with this guy was ECW. WCW had him in the upper mid card dominating but he had the perfect opportunity to jump into the main event scene after Starcade 1997. He was getting just as much if not more heat than the NWO and having excellent matches. WWE just tried to bury the guy to the point where he was just a complete nothing. TNA turned him face which was for the most part because of their smarky crown hating Jarret so much so they would cheer Raven.

Totally agree on Raven, he deserved much more than he got. BUT, he did have bad drug problem and a terrible attitude at one point. He said so himself, and that probably had something to do with him not getting the BIG push in WCW. In WWE though, he was clean and they just dropped the ball big time with him. Totally wasted his talent, but he was still over with the crowd, which shows something.

I am going for Raven too, but also Sean O'Haire. There was a guy who could have been special. Great look, awesome physique and size and excellent in the ring.

O'Haire had it all, and had just been given an awesome "devils advocate" gimmick with Piper as his manager and suddenly the WWE just dropped him. I cannot understand this, as it was one of the best things the company had done in absolutely ages. With O'Haire, they lost out on a guy who was destined to be an Intercontinental Champion at least, probably world title too with all the stars that the WWE lost in the following few years.

I am surprised he as never turned up in TNA, but I read somewhere he went to MMA, then went off the rails a bit and went to jail. I may be wrong though....I would love to see Sean O'Haire back in the 'E

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