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Who needs the win more, Jack Swagger or Bo Dallas?


Occasional Pre-Show
This has been a fairly entertaining rivalry, in my POV anyways. Swagger has been constantly losing, and Bo Dallas has been sticking it in his face. The question is here, who really needs the win more? I believe Swagger needs the win after losing to Rusev several times and taking a loss to Cesaro. Bo Dallas can just be an annoying heel, he doesn't need a real loss, but who do you think needs this win?
Swagger. He just has more upside than Dallas.

I find the way they've booked Swagger since SummerSlam to be off. They really protected him in defeat in that match. Almost like he wasn't just going to be fodder for Rusev.
Are we really having this debate?
Bo Dallas clearly needs the win. He's new, he's fresh. He hasn't proven much yet.
Swagger has proven he doesn't care about a push in the past. He's been around for years now.
Give Bo the win. He's more deserving anyway.
Swagger. Bo Dallas has done absolutely nothing to impress me since his debut. No in-ring talent, no promo talent, no charizma. Nothing. He's just so... Plain.
They both do. They clearly have something planned for Swagger, or else they wouldn't have made him lose the way he did the Rusev at SummerSlam (or the RAW where the ref called the match off). But Bo is a relatively new fella that can't just simply lose and have that be it.

I think they should have 3 matches. Have Bo win the first one, but not cleanly. This prompts Swagger to demand a rematch. They rematch, and both go all out. Make it a really close match, with Swagger winning just barely (not by making Bo tap, but by a lucky shot or something).

Then comes match 3. By this time, they should have a grip on who's really getting over, and that should determine the winner of the final match. If Swagger remains over as an All-American baby-face, let him beat Bo with a legit tap-out this time, and send him back up to actually defeat Rusev (depending on how he's going at this point). However, if it seems evident that Swagger's heat is fading, then have Bo convincingly beat him, rub it in his face in typical Bo fashion, and send Bo off to higher places. Maybe even send Bo at Rusev, with him basically going "haha Swagger you let down your fellow Americans, but I'll make it right for them".

That's my two-cents.
I BOlieve that Swagger needs it more. He's been established longer and was going thru a pretty long patch of meaningless activity before the Real Americans and now singles run with Zeb. No has plenty of time to be buried in a meaningless mid card role so there's really no reason for him to come out of it just yet. Swagger is somewhat hot right now, I think they need to see where that can get him.
Swags needs it more at this point than Bo does... Swagger while exactly hasn't been getting his ass kicked by Rusev he has lost every match they have had.. Im not sure why the WWE had Swagger lose to Rusev on a continuous basis.. Bo Dallas doesnt need this win as nearly as jack does.. Jack needs it to feed his already shaken confidence..

Jack is going to be even more shaken when Zeb returns and turns on him.. Come on we all see it coming
Swagger easily. For the most part Bo doesn't really benefit from beating Swagger, after he's done with Swagger Bo's just going to move on to annoy someone else. On the other hand Swagger needs a win to stay relevant after constant losses to Rusev. Also Swagger's more useful now as a popular mid-carder that gets good reactions instead of yet another jobber that puts over everyone like Kofi.
Swagger definitely needs the win more in this angle. He and Zeb have shown potential as faces, far more than I expected them to when the turn initially began. In order to establish himself as face he will need a win and coming off losses against Rusev, losing to Bo here would not do Swagger any favors. Bo is new enough that the loss will not damage him as much as it would Swagger. Bo could lose, then get right back up and provide another annoying promo about how he "Bo-Lieves that he will be alright". Swagger gets the win that he needs, and then they both move on to their next feud.
I don't think it really matters which one wins his matches, or who needs the next one more. Imo, both men are firmly entrenched in the mid-card....and it isn't important who wins what.

The rumor mill recently said that Bo Dallas' star is fading, as Vince McMahon has lost interest in what he's been doing. My feeling is that they stuck with the gimmick long enough to measure it fully. Then, surprisingly, Bo won his last match, using the same old BO-lieve nonsense. Who knows what Vince's nose knows?

Similarly, it seems the company can't decide whether to make Jack Swagger a main event player, although his successes and failures are spread over a much longer period of time than Bo's. Yes, Creative has made Jack look good in his feud against Rusev, but he's still lost every damn match. I would wager other 2nd-tier employees sit in the back, waiting for a chance and wondering why Swagger keeps getting them over & over.

With those statistics in the bank, does it really matter which guy needs a win more?

Life on the mid-card.
They did such a good job with the quick turn and build of swagger. . I think he does need it if they want him to keep getting over, and I like the Bo Dallas addition here. . It did kind of need to happen to keep swagger relevant. . I mean we are talking about them. And I do Bolieve.. some one in this thread doesn't like him because of a lack of charisma (and Jack does??) Jack had the perfect opportunity to pop the croud after kicking Bo's ass.. with a perfectly timed WE THE PEOPLE at the top of the ramp, but leave it to Jack to screw that up. BOTH are equal. But I believe in our eyes Bo Dallas is fine losing matches for a while to tougher competition but his shtick has got him over sooner than Jack did even with a championship reign and had been around enough that this is his chance. . And in our eyes a loss to two rookies would look terrible. . Unforgivable? Well I'm afraid I've got some bad news
I am really torn on this and it depends on how over Swagger is as a face and how hated Bo is as a heel in the time to end their feud - which is in my opinion is Over The Limit {or whatever the nameubl of the PPV that will come after HIAC is}.

That's how it should go:
Match 1 {NOC} - Double DQ / No Contest - nothing happens and the expectations are built up {like they did with Rollins vs Ambrose}.

Match 2 {HIAC} - Dallas wins in a cheap way with Zeb turning on Swagger allowing Bo to win with a distraction.

Match 3 {Over The Limit} - Submission match - Swagger wins.
No Holds Barred match - Dallas wins.

The stipulation change is because if you want Swagger to continue with the patriot gimmick after this feud he CANNOT TAP OUT to Dallas.

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