Who needed to leave raw in the trade but didn't

golden miz

In my opinion TBK or HBK needed to leave raw to somewhere else where they could use there tallents since they are buried on raw. I think that this trade was only to move people to and from ecw since no other major name (excluding creatives whipping boy Matt Hardy) was moved. What do you all think about who should of moved to raw in this trade and who needed to leave to find someplace where there talent could be appreciated. And PS Goldust moving was great cause that means hornswaggle will likely get released, just saying.
I agree 100% with HBK being traded. But how is he being burried? He has been consistantly having main event matches at Wrestlemania and putting over talent. But he really needs a fresh start the man has been on RAW for like 12 years I think we need some fresh air for Shawn.
TBK is being totally wasted on Raw. His match on Superstars was the first I've seen of him in weeks. I think he might be the most underused wrestler on Raw, and would do much better in a less crowded place. If he was sent to ECW, he could start to build his character more, and if he ended up doing this successfully, he could be put into the ECW title picture, and eventually brought up to a bigger show. I believe this to be the best case scenario for him.
Carlito. There's no room for him to move up the card on Raw, and IMO ECW would be a perfect home for him. Seeing as how it's basically a developmental league, he could go there to get some more heat and get some momentum while improving in-ring. On ECW, there's room for him to be a big star, possibly going for title shots on PPV. As it is on Raw, he'll be lucky to be in a dark match at SummerSlam.
HHH or Cena. Been there done that. Get rid of one of them on Raw. I'd say move Cena. Smackdown MADE Cena. Put him back there, have him turn heel or at least put him in a feud we haven't seen 10,000,000,000,000 times. It would also free up his spot for a mid carder perhaps.

On the other hand. HHH needs to go also. He doesn't sell his injuries, he fails to put stars over and he is clearly in it all for himself. Move him to SD!
I think Beth Phoenix could have moved and started a feud with Natalya and SD!. They both pride themselves on their wrestling abilties that could haven actually ended being a divas feud worth watching.
Chavo and Festus should have left too. What are they contributing to Raw? I actually didn't realize Chavo was on Raw until I checked WWE.com.
TBK to ECW would have done wonders for him. I actually think MVP should go back to Smackdown. There are too many major names on Raw at the moment and he is getting lost in the mix despite a good first night when he stood up against Orton. And looking at last weeks Raw he was in a glorified squash match agaisnt HHH who was wrestling with a storyline major leg injury, even though he hit a few moves.

On Smackdown at the moment, if CM Punk goes full on heel, it is starting to leave a bit of a face void (especially if Hardy leaves soon too), which MVP could fill now with his new main event-ish status. This is only on the basis that he gets some of his old swagger back because IMO he is starting to seem a little stale already.

On the other hand maybe the fact he was one of the four in that tournament may be a bright spark for the near future and so my move to Smackdown not needed, but only time will tell.
Jaimie Noble: i realy think noble is awsome to watch and he should be on smackdown and could team with jimmy wang yang (who i also belive is awsome to watch) and have a entertaining cruserweight tag team. who cares if they lose every match at least they would be better then 6 diva tag matches.

The Brian Kendrick: to ECW wasnt this guy at one stage in the elimination chamber match for a world title? and also in the top 3 contenders for the title on smackdown? this guy could defenently of benifited from going to ECW and having good matches and possibly being ECW champion. Chavo was ECW champ so why not TBK?

P.S What is Vcred? and why is mine red and so low? can some plz explain cheers (Y)
I agree there are too many main eventers on Raw. HBK or Cena need to go on Smackdown to add to the main event. Probably Cena doesn't need to go since he has feuded with almost every main eventer on Smackdown except the Undertaker. Evan Bourne was fine on ECW IMO but he should of been sent to Smackdown. TBK could of benefited to from either ECW or Smackdown since he is rarely used on Raw.
I was kinda hoping that Chavo would be moved. On ECW, he has already been a champion, so it wouldn't be a stretch to think he could be a contender again. I actually think he and Christian could put on some damn good matches. Now Smackdown would be great. Tons of possibilities for programs. But instead he will be stuck on Raw. Jobbing to undercareers night after night, if he even does anything at all.
Triple-H to ECW. Yeah, that's just wishful thinking that he were to do something really stupid to get on the bad side of daddy's little girl (nothing makes a father madder than upsetting his daughter(s)), and VInce were to send him there to job to get back at him for hurting Stephanie.

Back to the real world..........

Shawn Michaels to Smackdown would be my top choice.
Well there are a few names I would've liked to see moved around, I think MVP to ECW would have been good, especially considering ECW pretty much dumped all their ME talent except Christian and Dreamer, Creative seems lost with what to do with MVP right now, it seems like they want to push him to the ME on RAW but can't because of the Trips/Orton feud, a move to ECW could give him a shot at a "major" title, plus him feuding with Christian could be good too

other than that, I would've either traded Edge or Taker to Raw for Triple H, Triple H needs to get as far away from Orton right now as possible, they suck together, and guys like Edge and Taker have been stuck on SD! forever, moving one of them would be a nice change of pace IMO, we all now Edge and Cena are capable of having great matches together, as well as we all know Edge is capable of having great matches with the likes of Orton, & HBK as well, and Taker/Cena would be huge, also Taker is great at putting younger talent over, which is something that guys like Bourne, Swagger, Kofi, Miz, and Legacy could all benefit from
There are a lot of guys who are getting underused on raw..for one I think tbk is being underused like every1 else I think he should go to smackdown because there are some guys on that show who share the same style of wrestling.and first off I would like to say the big show needs to just hang up the boots but if he does keep goin he needs to leave raw and proaly go to ecw it would help him get over again asa heel and would help ecw at the same time cause they are in need of a.big name.one more guy who maybe should hav left is the miz because he could either go 2 ecw and compete for a world title or go 2 sd and fued with mysterio....but he still can probaly get some things done on raw for a while,heshould probaly fued with kofi....
Tbk carlito primo and chavo should of went to ecw.. They could develop characters and then be pushed right before headin to midcard or main event for sd or raw... That would help them very well... I think ecw would help carlito the most putting him back to where he once was
In my opinion TBK or HBK needed to leave raw to somewhere else where they could use there tallents since they are buried on raw.

HBK buried on Raw? He just got done with a magnificient feud against the Undertaker. How that's burying HBK, it's beyond me.

I think that this trade was only to move people to and from ecw since no other major name (excluding creatives whipping boy Matt Hardy) was moved

Well. Swagger got moved up to Raw so that he can fuck himself up some main-event faces. I'm waiting for a Cena/Swagger feud that will blow everyone's socks off. It'll be awesome in my TV.

The trade was to make room on ECW for the new Talent Initiative stars, get Smackdown some mid-card players, and move Swagger to Raw. That's about it.

What do you all think about who should of moved to raw in this trade and who needed to leave to find someplace where there talent could be appreciated. And PS Goldust moving was great cause that means hornswaggle will likely get released, just saying.

Honestly? The Swagger move was probably the best they could have done at the moment. And Benjamin to ECW was great, because I dont' have to watch his no talent hippity hoppity ass at all now. ECW only has Christian and Dreamer on it now, and I can do without them on a weekly basis.

If I have to pick someone and say "They shoulda moved him"....hmmm...The Brian Kendrick to wherever Jackson is at. Why? So that I don't have to listen to people saying HBK is his mystery partner anymore. He can go to Smackdown, team up with Zeke again, and be a happy little tag team family. Better than showing up on Raw, searching for a teammate, then doing all of nothing.
bourne and swagger should've went to smackdown!
i just think raw destroys other shows talent(other than smackdowns)
i think maybe christian go to raw
kendrick and big show should've went to ECW. to me, they've both went stale since being drafted.
to me, that coulda got some talent thats wasting, moved.

cena should've been moved. to me, he could be to smackdown, what hogan was for wcw.
i think him moving to smackdown would even the two shows..
i don't think he would run smackdown so long like he did raw. there is WAY to much talent for someone to run smackdown.

also, i beleive legacy needs a diva. they should've moved a diva to raw then get her to be with either dibiase or rhodes(HA). i just think that would help them alot

so to really answer your question, i would say TBK, big show and cena should've moved
I think the moving Triple H to ECW would of been a fantastic, then he could of buried incoming new talent before they got a chance to see the light of day in the WWE. Rather than after they had been established and had some major feuds and storylines and were ready for a main event push, that way no one would know who they were, or care due to Triple H squashing them right out the gate.

This would of also helped ECW from a ratings perspective, because Triple H has so many fans that are willing to eat miles and miles of his shit, so a move to ECW could of actually worked because they would of tuned in week after week to watch him. ECW could start pulling solid 2.0 cable ratings and higher thanks to Triple H.
I think the moving Triple H to ECW would of been a fantastic, then he could of buried incoming new talent before they got a chance to see the light of day in the WWE. Rather than after they had been established and had some major feuds and storylines and were ready for a main event push, that way no one would know who they were, or care due to Triple H squashing them right out the gate.

This would of also helped ECW from a ratings perspective, because Triple H has so many fans that are willing to eat miles and miles of his shit, so a move to ECW could of actually worked because they would of tuned in week after week to watch him. ECW could start pulling solid 2.0 cable ratings and higher thanks to Triple H.

I hope this wasn't serious because if it was, then you need to get your head examined. Triple H will never go to a second tier show and perform. Simple as that. He might BOOK that show, but wrestle? Don't think so.

As far as who should have been moved? Moving The Brian Kendrick to ECW would have been logical. He's being buried on Raw because creative can't find anything for him to do. Other than that, the moves that were made were necessary. Although I don't know about moving Evan Bourne to Raw. That might not work out as good as some may think.
I thought the biggest mistake was not sending The Brian Kendrick to ECW. ECW is lacking good heels at the moment and this would've been the perfect moment to FINALLY use Kendrick correctly and give the man the push he fucking deserves. Him and Zeke would've owned ECW together. They really dropped the ball on that one.

Also, The Miz going to Smackdown wouldn't have been so bad. He could've gone claiming to be 7-2 against Cena on Raw, and start feuds against guys like John Morrison and Rey Msyterio to going his elevation to being a future main event star.
I do agree that Cena needs to be on Smackdown, and I also say that he should be a heel as well.

I still stick with putting Shawn Michaels on there (with Taker, Rey, Edge, Hardy, Morrison, etc..), but it's kind of a toss-up. I guess put both of them on SD and then (as J.R. would say) business would be about to pick up.
I think the moving Triple H to ECW would of been a fantastic, then he could of buried incoming new talent before they got a chance to see the light of day in the WWE. Rather than after they had been established and had some major feuds and storylines and were ready for a main event push, that way no one would know who they were, or care due to Triple H squashing them right out the gate.

This would of also helped ECW from a ratings perspective, because Triple H has so many fans that are willing to eat miles and miles of his shit, so a move to ECW could of actually worked because they would of tuned in week after week to watch him. ECW could start pulling solid 2.0 cable ratings and higher thanks to Triple H.

best post ever, lol. We all can wish can't we. In a way im sick of seeing HHH who hasn't cleanly been away from the title in years, and when he was it was booked to overshadow the title which was the first major hit to the titles that made them less valuable. I would love HHH on ECW then I could watch Raw and Smackdown comfy without seeing his ugly repulsive going to the bathroom to throw up face. Overall I would try to buy a majority share in the WWE (if i had millions lying around) just to fire HHH because honestly I think he is ECW quality and the most over rated guy in history, He was on billy guns level where he should of stayed before he got with steph, just saying hes nothing.
Boo hoo, Triple H sucks, he's so mean because he buries all the new talent! Shut up people. Triple H shouldn't have moved, it wouldn't makie sense to waste a huge guy switching brands on an un-adsvertised roster change up, not to mention he just got to Raw like 3 months ago, not to mention that there are plenty of other guys (Taker, Cena, Edge, Michaels) who also don't job much, Trips just gets all the heat because he has company connections. Some people will always be at the top of the card, rarely jobbing, and that guy is Triple H right now. He was being groomed as a main eventer before marrying Steph anyways, he earned his spot and people need to shut up about politics. Sorry for being off topic.
Earlier I said send Cripple-H to ECW. I've changed my mind. I say send him to that senior citizen's nursing home they had Emmitt Smith living in in that 'Just for Men' commercial....... FAR away from a wrestling ring and the creative team.
Boo hoo, Triple H sucks, he's so mean because he buries all the new talent! Shut up people. Triple H shouldn't have moved, it wouldn't makie sense to waste a huge guy switching brands on an un-adsvertised roster change up, not to mention he just got to Raw like 3 months ago, not to mention that there are plenty of other guys (Taker, Cena, Edge, Michaels) who also don't job much, Trips just gets all the heat because he has company connections. Some people will always be at the top of the card, rarely jobbing, and that guy is Triple H right now. He was being groomed as a main eventer before marrying Steph anyways, he earned his spot and people need to shut up about politics. Sorry for being off topic.

You wouldn't be saying that if you were a talent that never got pushed because of the owner's son-in-law.when you lose money because of one person it's hard to not take that personal.and besides that the fans are sick of seeing him with the world title every 3 months.he's trying so hard to be Ric Flair.but Flair earned his title reigns the hard way.
I can't say I hate Triple H, and yes his feuds with Orton are staler then the bread on my counter, but we all know these feuds he does is to either 1) make Orton look like a true heel. or 2) Eclipse Ric Flairs championship record which in my mind will never be as credible as Flairs because he was Champion in NWA, WCW, and WWF where Triple H's (he's on what 13 now?) happened in the WWF/WWE and I think maybe 2-3 of them were actually done before him and Stephanie were married, but 99% of them were when they were dating.

Ok but enough of that this is not a lets bash Triple H thread... There are a lot of guys who could've benefited from a move, and right now I want to point out the genius they have initiated with the Tag title situation because you just allowed 2 main eventers to randomly show up on Raw and they will probably go against, Orton or Triple H or Cena or whoever for the title if they keep the belts, and this is something they can do with almost anyone to give them credibility (Miz and Morrison did this as champions and it was brilliant being on 3 shows)

Honestly the guys I wish would've moved was
Primo to ECW - because his brother is already an important mid carder when done right and Primo even though seems more athletic than his brother will always be overshadowed because Carlito was established first.
R-Truth to ECW - This guy has alot of potential and TNA knew what to do with Ron Killings, so your telling me you couldn't make him the Mid-card champion of the world? Hell you put the belt on Jeff Hardy who has a similar style with the only difference is skin color, face paint and the moon walk splits versus that little emo dance Jeff Hardy does.
Did you know there are 19 superstars on ECW? 2 of which are commentators, 1 is a GM and 3 are Divas which only 1 can wrestle well?
Kung Fu Naki and Jimmy Wang Yang to ECW - Pretty much cause they serve no purpose on Smackdown.
Edge to Raw - I just want to see if Triple H would put over Edge
Cena to Smackdown - honestly the problem isn't that I don't like Cena on Raw, but I'm tired of seeing the 9 minutes of Air time they give this guy just be he gets beat up, comes back and does his 5 signature moves and then celebrates a win. Come on either give this guy a 15 minute match with someone or put him on a show where you give him TV time to do more then the 5 moves everyone bitches about all I'm saying...

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