Who Leaves League of Nations a Bigger Star


Your Mother's Favorite Wrestler
I know it's far too early. Consider this akin to preseason predictions for sports. But with that in mind, who, of its current incarnation, do you believe will leave LON a bigger star? Who gets the biggest rub having worked in a potentially dominant faction?

Your Choices (based on what was reported, New Day is not a permanent part of this group. Also, nobody knows about Kevin Owens. Either exclude him or make a case for why he should be a choice in this thread/part of LON)

Sheamus- Current WWE champion. Assumed Leader of the LON. Clearly, he is positioned best here and SHOULD be the odds on favorite

Wade/Bad News/King Barret- Former leader of Nexus. Current KOTR (for whatever that is worth). Was teamed with Sheamus for a few matches prior to the cash in

Rusev- Former US champion. Was paired back up with Lana and then thrown immediately into this group

Alberto Del Rio- Former World Heavyweight and WWE champion. Returned to WWE and immediately beat John Cena for US championship. Currently paired with Zeb Coulter and feuding with Jack Swagger
Eh, well, as the OP said, it's too early to really tell. There are so many factors to consider ranging from how the booking goes for each wrestler involved, how long the faction is intended to stay around, if anyone will be thrown out of the LON and replaced with another foreign wrestler, if WWE intends to have the group be a force in the main event, upper mid-card & tag team scenes or if they're mostly just there as backing for Sheamus, etc.

Off the top of my head, I think Del Rio will ultimately come out in a generally better spot and be the bigger star because WWE is simply paying him too much money to waste him. I like Del Rio but, personally, I'm not of the opinion that he's worth the $1,450,000 downside guarantee that he's getting over the course of the year; remember, that's the LEAST amount he'll be paid between mid October 2015 to the same time in 2016. However, that's neither here nor there but, at any rate, I don't see him going further down the ladder once it's all said & done because they were willing to shell out some big money for him.

Rusev's future is kinda sorta up in the air because his fiancé Lana is getting heat for revealing her engagement to Rusev via social media, prompting WWE to scrap a storyline right smack in the middle of things, and saying on social media that Paige was a bully to her in NXT even though numerous talent have come forward and called Lana out for lying about it. I see Rusev as potentially being in a role similar to the Big Show in that he'll primarily be in the mid to upper mid-card picture with occasional forays into the main event picture, maybe with a run as WWE Champion at some point. As of right now, I wouldn't mind seeing Barrett & Rusev function as a tag team within the LON.

Speaking of Barrett, I see Barrett as being strictly mid-card material and I think it's unfortunate because he could go much higher. Barrett's entertaining inside the ring, has a good look, is comfortable on the mic and has a genuinely good personality. Unfortunately, the Intercontinental Championship, or rather Vince's booking choices of him as IC champ, was a noose around the neck of his career and I can't think of anyone in the last 20 years that's gotten less out of being Intercontinental Champion than Wade Barrett. I'd like to see him giving a main event run as a face, or some sort of tough guy tweener, at some point; stranger things have happened so it's not impossible, but unlikely.

Sheamus is sort of a wild card because prior to the summer, I think most everyone had agreed that his time as a main eventer was well past and that it just wasn't gonna happen again. Depending upon how his current run as WWE World Heavyweight Champion goes, how long his run as champion lasts and how it ultimately ends, he may find himself in a near permanent upper mid-card to main event level spot.
I'd like to say Barrett but since his return from injury and winning king of the ring his booking has been terrible. They put a nostalgia title on him and then turned him in to a jobber. He always got so much more heat being Bad News Barrett, if they turned him back to that it would work so much better, especially as it would also work if he left the group and feuded with them.
Barret and Russev.

Russev can finally do something Real, and not be a Russian Heel or a fight over a woman guy, and can actually play with the big boys.

Barret can move away from comedy, since he's been stuck with BNB or King Barrett since the Nexus angle was done and CM Punk/Cena buried them all.

I think ADR could be made more relevant, but he's been world champion and has his own story going, so I think he'll come out about the same.

Sheamus is obviously on a push, but I think when the League does break off, it will be after he's fallen a bit.
Barret and Russev.

Russev can finally do something Real, and not be a Russian Heel or a fight over a woman guy, and can actually play with the big boys.

Barret can move away from comedy, since he's been stuck with BNB or King Barrett since the Nexus angle was done and CM Punk/Cena buried them all.

I think ADR could be made more relevant, but he's been world champion and has his own story going, so I think he'll come out about the same.

Sheamus is obviously on a push, but I think when the League does break off, it will be after he's fallen a bit.

It would also be really cool is Rusev ( eventually ) became the leader of LON by ousting Sheamus down the road. Rusev has been advancing on the mic bit by bit over the last few months and taking on a leadership role would escalate his character.
Probably none. I just can't shake the feeling that this entire Sheamus title reign and storyline is just filler until Mania season. Hopefully I'm wrong, as you have 4 solid wrestlers in there that they could probably do quite a bit with.
Who knows. This entire storyline feels so...random that I don't think anyone is really benefiting from it. Maybe Sheamus? I say that only because he's showing a little bit more personality. No one else has had the opportunity to stand out (yet).

What made the Wyatts and Shield so successful was that each had something different to bring to the table, in terms of presentation, promo or in-ring ability and how they reflect off each-other. Rowan (now Braun) was the monster, Harper was more of a in-ring performer and Bray was the talker. Their styles complimented each-other. With the Shield, Ambrose was more of a character, Rollins was a high flyer and Reigns was a powerhouse. They had a good dynamic.

Del Rio, Barrett, Rusev and Sheamus are all good in the ring, but most of them use similar brawling styles and all of them are stellar on the mic. None of them really need each-other, or even have chemistry together. I personally think the League of Nations will fall apart as soon as Sheamus is out of the title picture. Maybe even as soon as he drops the belt at TLC (which I presume will happen).
I would want it to be Wade Barrett getting back to Bad News Barrett and he is a main event level talent but is never pushed rightly..... Second would be Rusev.... He is awesome in wrestling and should be WWE WHC in couple of years..... But unfortunately most likely it will be either Alberto Del Rio or Sheamus....
I'm thinking none of them will. They will all leave as they entered 4 upper midcard wrestler's, and the status quo will remain the same.

Del Rio just returned to the WWE and immediately won the US Title. I know he's a former WHC holder, but I can't see him leap frogging over Reigns and possibly Owens to get it again.

Sheamus, what do I say about him. He was given this title and as far as I'm concerned he's a placeholder champion, until they decide to put it on Reigns. I can't see him going into Mania still holding the title, so I think he'll drop it to Reigns at either TLC or the Rumble.

Barrett should be much higher than he is, but obviously someone in charge doesn't think so. He is good in the ring, and gold on the mic, and instead of giving him that stupid KOTR, which meant nothing, he should have been going for one of the midcard titles. The only way I can see him moving up, is if Reigns or Ambrose go down with an injury.

Rusev I had high hopes for, but that terrible storyline with Ziggler has just zapped all him momentum. He was seen as an unstoppable beast and now he's having fun in the sun with Summer Rae and Lana. Total opposite to what they built him up to be. Yes it does show a different side to his character, but not one many fans wanted to see.

So all that being said. I think this stable was put together in another attempt to not only give them something to do, but also to help out Reigns. To make him look strong. As soon as he wins the title, this group will disband and they will go their separate ways. It would be nice to see them stay together, but unless creative can come up with a way to keep them riveting, I just don't see it happening.
The problem with the LoN is that you have three injury prone wrestlers, and one guy being given the keys to the WWE vault in VKMs office. Barrett is never going to get a real chance. He will stay in the mid-card until he leaves WWE. When he got a belt, he either a) got hurt, or b) got booked like crap. Rusev could and SHOULD be a monster that should be at least licking the ice cream cone of the Main Event. His problem is a) he got hurt twice within a span of six months, and b) he has the next Mrs. Bagwell blowing up storylines with idiotic and untimely tweets. Now, I do NOT buy the BS that Lana sent those pics. Rusev was in them as well. I would not be surprised if it was RUSEV that sent those pictures to kill a storyline that he was personally uncomfortable with. Then, you have Sheamus. He has a) gotten seriously hurt, and b) had the stupidest look I have ever seen. But, since he is tight with Trips, he got the cash in.

That leaves us with ADR. His downside is over $1.4 MILLION. That is if he does absolutely SQUAT. His paycheck gets bigger every appearance he makes. But, no way in hell does VKM let ADR stay home to collect. It would cause a revolution amongst shareholders. Sheamus is just a placeholder for ADR. They are going to push ADR to Mars just to get a foothold in the Latino market. It is that lucrative for WWE. Sheamus will NOT, in the grander scheme of things, bring in the money that crowds will bring. That is why Sheamus will end up being little more than a placeholder as he is packaged right now.

If you add everything together, the only logical person to come out of the LoN, if you pick the one that will be the one they try to build another revenue stream around, the money should be on ADR.
There is only one man that will become a bigger star thanks to the League of Nations, and that man is Roman Reigns. The sole objective of this group is to block Roman Reigns and his friends' path and keep Sheamus as the World champion... and if Reigns is the next champion after Sheamus, this group will disband soon after as a fallout of their failure. Even if the next champion is someone other than Reigns, I just don't see this gang of singles stars doing anything significant... We already have a dominant heel stable (The Wyatt Family), we also have heel tag team champions (The New Day), and both clans are going strong at the moment, i.e. unlikely to be overcome by a face team. So these four will remain as The Authority's henchmen for as long as Sheamus is the World champion and they have The Authority's blessings, after which, they will go their separate ways- all leading back to the mid card. But again, it's too early and maybe I'm guessing wrong.
Sheamus is already better for being with the League. When it splits, I see him returning to his upper-midcard slot and staying there. That's technically a downgrade, so he's not my pick. He's also the champion already, so he's peaked. That's it.

Barrett could potentially breakout and do something big when this is all said and done, perhaps with a face turn or as the heel who implodes the group. However, his stay in the group is likely going to suck for him. He's not a champion, so he'll be the guy who takes any falls when the League starts accumulating losses. That makes him the weak link. He'll either fall flat or rebound big from there.

Rusev is in a similar situation to Barrett, but has been at higher peaks more recently, so he probably has a better chance at returning there. With his current gimmick, I don't see him becoming a big deal, but let's say the group splits because of some shenanigans with Lana, and Rusev turns babyface in her defense. That could get him over pretty well and establish them as a solid power couple. It's unlikely, but that's the chance I'd give Rusev.

Alberto Del Rio is the most likely candidate, especially since his character can only go up from here. The MexAmerica angle is crap, and it looks like it will be ditched. Del Rio is also the guy in the group who can challenge Sheamus in terms of credentials. When the group splits, I don't see him being the cause or the fall guy. He'll probably just turn his back and walk away, because that's in his character, and he'll be better for it. Realistically, I don't know that Del Rio will be WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but I'd give him a better shot than the other three.
Most likely Sheamus. This is a group similar to the Horsemen in the sense that all members have one goal; to protect their leader and the WWEWHC. That's it. And who did the Horsemen really benefit? Predominantly Ric Flair. Without them, there's no chance he's a 16 time World Champion today. The difference is the Horsemen were always booked spectacularly, and although the faction may have revolved around Flair, it also led to a strong career for Arn Anderson, jump-started Luger's push to the top, exposed the people to Benoit, etc. I don't see the LON being booked nearly as well. Most likely you'll have a couple members coming out worse than when they started, after all the losing they'll probably be doing for Sheamus in the next few months. I guess it all really depends on if WWE decides to use ADR, Barrett, and Rusev as fodder for Reigns and others, or if they'll book the whole faction as dominant. If they go with the latter, a few of them have the chance to move up.

I think the second most likely of this group to leave in a better position is Rusev. Right off the bat Sheamus is promoting him as his "right-hand man" (which I expected to be Barrett), which most likely signals he'll be booked a tad stronger than ADR and Barrett throughout the LON's run. He was also the one to take out Reigns, so I see him sticking around the upper-mid to main event level for a while, while Barrett and ADR work the mid-card. If they book Rusev strong enough and if he does well enough to make people forget about the whole Lana debacle, he'll come out of this group in a better position.
As far as emerging a bigger star in relation to the other three, I guess I'd say Wade Barrett might benefit the most......but only because there's not much benefit for the others.

Alberto Del Rio already has the big contract and a minor title. He's been pushed since he returned to WWE so I don't know that LON will do much for him.

Sheamus is already world champion. One would think he'd be too busy defending that to devote much time to a team, so I don't really see him coming out of this any bigger than he is now.

Rusev doesn't belong in any team. He's the very definition of a lone wolf. All he needs is Lana to augment his role as a weapon of destruction and being in a team sublimates what makes him unique.

Wade Barrett is the one who could very well use the notoriety of a gang that gets a lot of air time to boost his own stock. His KOTR gimmick is played out and the only way he can stand out among his teammates is with his voice. If Wade can manage to become the main spokesman for the group, he might do himself a world of good by the time they break up.
If you twisted my arm and I had to make a choice it would be the reigning and defending current United States Champion Albertoooooooooooo Delllllllllllll Riiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooo!

This group is a vehicle for Roman Reigns to get over. So with that theory everyone else will either job or look like a schmuck when in the ring with him. I mean he beat the whole League by himself. I know it was by count out but a win is a win is a win. Barrett will play the old New Age Outlaw role and take every form of spear and super punch that Roman throws. Sheamus will play the role of coward champ that ultimately lays down. Rusev is already dead in the water. Miz TV, Cole interview and the fact he will be fueding with Ryback speaks volumes. Eventually he will take a backseat to Lana . AGAIN. I feel sorry for

With creatives hard on to reclaim the Hispanic audience mixed with the fact he has to remain somewhat strong so he can job to Super Cena has to stay somewhat relevant and strong. And plus ADR is getting paid too much money to get beat up every week. He will take a few lumps but not at the rate that these other guys will beat getting their asses handed to them. Unlike the rest of these guys ADR has a world wide fan base. He came back to the WWE for the $ not for the glory. He already has a boat load already but you can never have too much money. In essence..... He can walk away again and still be totally fine. So he can literally tell creative that he isn't going to do certain things. Cue Wade Barrett - super punch. Cue Rusev- spear. And acetone is happy.

Call these guys the Dungeon of Doom. Most of these guys are going to be dead after this. I don't like this at all. Why do you care about getting on TV if all you do is look like a schmuck. Have some self respect. I'm sorry indies and NJPW are actually paying REAL money. I would rather be an indie God than a WWE star that gets TV only to be discarded eventually when they don't want you anymore. Where's the glory in being the next Curtis Axel, Zack Ryder, Damian Sandow, etc. I'm a wrestling fan. Not a WWE fan. I watch all wrestling. I would rather be JoMo and put on 5 star matches with Ricochet rather than be Roman Reigns bitch. That why I pray that Steen stays clear of all this crap and ADR shows some spine and let the repo Billy Gunn (Barrett) and Road Dogg (Rusev) do their jobs.
Now, I do NOT buy the BS that Lana sent those pics. Rusev was in them as well. I would not be surprised if it was RUSEV that sent those pictures to kill a storyline that he was personally uncomfortable with.

If this is true, we can probably all agree that Rusev is the most heroic babyface in the company.

I have a side topic, if anyone is interested. Who do you think should be in a 4-man team involving Sheamus? Would would be a compelling guild?

Part of me thinks that the Wyatts should join Sheamus, where Sheamus would just have to stand around and look proud, as Bray would be his 'apostle'. It would annoy a lot of people for putting the Wyatts beneath him, but...sorry, in my eyes, the Wyatts lost all of their potential Main Event credibility at Survivor Series.

But as for a random group of people...It might be interesting if you had a stable of heel Champions- Sheamus, Owens, Del Rio, New Day, maybe even Charlotte now that she's joining the dark side.
No one. In order for you to leave bigger, you need to be elevated in some way and how are they going to do that when this is the top faction in the company right now? The plan is for Sheamus to lose to Reigns - Sheamus has been there for years now, losing to Reigns is not going to help him any. Barrett - wwe has done this before where they push him, then stop, then push, then stop. Is it really going to change? Rusev has lost a lot of his momentum because of the last few months. And Del Rio is champ - he isn't going to take the title away from Sheamus so he has nothing to really gain. They are the top guys in the top storyline that doesn't have Cena, Lesnar, Rollings or anyone major that they have been pushing for the past year - this is as good as it gets. How long are Cena and Del Rio going to fight over the US title and does it matter? Del Rio still took the belt from Cena. Are they going to let Owens lose the title to Rusev or Barrett? In the end, i dont think anyone comes out any better - maybe not any worse but no better.
legit out of the 4 i just wish they this stable like collapse within it's self. But Honestly i'm gonna 2 wild cards into this faction due current events and past history eithier in company or outside company (ifc remembers,fans remember,so wwe knows)

first Sheamus: WWE Champion,Honestly wont be holding it to Mania because well uh Roman. With his look he will be a heel no face turns for the foreseeable future and will be the thorn to regins after brock leaves for his mania break so he'll be a upper card main event guy.

Barrett: look he has been given everything to get him over but he can. Sorry but he is British Christian he can be a IC 8 time champ hell he can be the guy to bring the european title back and defend it like Ted DiBiase did the Million Dollar belt but he is the guy that would fued with my 2 wildcard(more on that later)

Rusev: Lana will ruin you, he was credible but he's getting closer to being the joke of the group legit 4th on the totem poll

ADR:we can all say ADR looks to be doing this for himself, Like he looks like the guy in the group that wants to break out and be on own, He will clash witht he group but still be the heel enforcer. Though i do see him dropping that belt to Jack Swagger who it seems like WWE remembered they have in the back and these 2 have woked together so i can see good 4 star matches out of them

now my wild cards

Kevin Owens: Oh Owens your fan fair is that of D Bryan and CM Punk when he came to WWE that combinded with him being able to play the a dick is oh soo good but here's the thing...WWE needs to dig up that CM Punk file and look back that that Stable he was in Not Nexus, Not SES but the New Breed yes that old stable on the WWE version on ECW have Owens play the role like punk did and eventually turn on the heels to become a face. You can then have have Barrett take the IC title off Owens beat him up and you can have owens be the fighter he is take down each member 1 by 1 till he gets to sheamus (who by then shouldnt have the title or if he still does Owens can beat Sheamus and Owens will be champion 2 years or 3 years to the day he stepped foot in WWE)

Finn Balor: Now put you pitch forks down and here me out Sheamus has been mentioning Finn alot more and Finn had got called up to our with the Main Roster so his time is coming let him debut with LON be the guy that beats Owens for the IC be the mid card stud and pusdo second leader let him and barrett fight to be the number 2 guys and Sheamus's tru best friend *Storyline* have Finn win but the next night he tells the LON why be number 2 like them when he can be number 1 and Harking back to his NJPW days he'll say" You know In Japan i learned a thing or 2 about groups, Gangs and CLUBS..and you know yours isn't fitting out right so i'm gonna make my own..Finn leaves LON makes the "Bullet Club" in WWE With Dash and Dawson as the Tag Team and parallel to Karl Anderson And DOC Gallows who will fight Rusev and Barrett and Kevin Owens/Joe/ or Hideo as the Enforcer to fight ADR and lastly Finn vs Sheamus it would be a great fued of 2 stables and you can the Club be tweeners who only look out for themsleves for a 9 months.
I am hoping BNB will succeed out this group the most. However, I feel Bad News Barrett would've been the guy but I feel he has lost his momentum due to his injury riddled past. I think he definitely could be a great mouthpiece for this group if given the opportunity to. I guess ADR would be the safer pick but I'm hoping that BNB will stay healthy enough so that we can all finally see his full potential.
I know it's far too early. Consider this akin to preseason predictions for sports. But with that in mind, who, of its current incarnation, do you believe will leave LON a bigger star? Who gets the biggest rub having worked in a potentially dominant faction?

Your Choices (based on what was reported, New Day is not a permanent part of this group. Also, nobody knows about Kevin Owens. Either exclude him or make a case for why he should be a choice in this thread/part of LON)

Sheamus- Current WWE champion. Assumed Leader of the LON. Clearly, he is positioned best here and SHOULD be the odds on favorite

Wade/Bad News/King Barret- Former leader of Nexus. Current KOTR (for whatever that is worth). Was teamed with Sheamus for a few matches prior to the cash in

Rusev- Former US champion. Was paired back up with Lana and then thrown immediately into this group

Alberto Del Rio- Former World Heavyweight and WWE champion. Returned to WWE and immediately beat John Cena for US championship. Currently paired with Zeb Coulter and feuding with Jack Swagger

Barrett makes the most sense. His BNB gimmick was getting over, may could even crossover to mainstream. However, I think ADR will be it, I think he's Vince's handpicked guy to be his big Latino star.
I am hoping Rusev gets back to being the unstoppable brute. Del Rio will be better in that he won't have to talk so much, Barrett and Sheamus being much better on the mic will probably dominate the talking.

Does this mean no Zeb anymore though? He wasn't at ringside for the match on Raw.
Maybe Del Rio given his impending break-up with Zeb. However, the LoN and the other groups made(the Family and Team ECW) seem more like temporary groups with no real upside that have been put together for a single storyline more than anything.

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