Who is Your Least Favourite TNA Personality and Why?

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
I just did this thread with WWE and it went over well, other than the fact that I listed the word "hate" in the title. So now I am going to try the same with Impact wrestling/TNA.... Who is your least favourite personality?

I am going to go with Hernandez. He has the look , but he is bland in the ring and even worse on the mic.

Honorable Mentions: Eric Young, Robbie E, Crimson
Garret Bischoff. He's just like Shane McMahon, David Flair, and Erik Watts. Green as an army truck yet he gets a bye into high profile matches just because his daddy runs the show.
Garret Bischoff. He's just like Shane McMahon, David Flair, and Erik Watts. Green as an army truck yet he gets a bye into high profile matches just because his daddy runs the show.

Gotta echo this.

While I normally don't care for threads like these, Garrett makes my blood boil because the fact is, he's not even that bad of a wrestler, but because of his last name he's being given high profile status without having cut his teeth the way men should in this industry.
My pick has to go to Jeff Hardy.

You can tell me he can still go, and he's entertaining, and he has name value and you wouldn't be wrong. I just can't stand that this guy gets chance after chance and never has to pay for his actions. He screws up, takes time off, stays clean for a while, screws up, rinse and repeat. He never gets bumped down the card or forced to go to rehab...

As far as skill wise, I'd have to go with Mark Haskins. He's the poor mans John Morrison and will one day make what happened to Jesse Sorensen look like a knee scrape.
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I'm going to go with the popular vote: Garret Bischoff
I don't really mind the family heritage getting you some shine in the business (worked for Orton, Cody, Rock and many others, so I can't complain), but if they're going to be booking you in some high profile matches, the least you could do is know how to wrestle a damn match.
Garret Bischoff

the only storyline that he been in is with Gunner who by the way is the biggest joke of all time. I will agreed that Garett isn't any better and that the only reason he around is because of Eric and Hogan. atleast he's in a storyline with a guy whos as a big joke as he is.

also shane o' mac was actually enjoyable.
El Anarchia (sp.?)

Talks like a poor mans Eddie Guerrero. Every second word is 'homes' or 'esse'. Watching that backstage segment last week with the Trivia questions to keep Mexican Americas car was beyond annoying....
I'm a TNA fan, but this is one topic with a lot of choices to pick from unfortunately. Having said that, I'm going to name more than one...because each merits inclusion as much as the next.

Garrett Bischoff-Regardless of whether or not he truly wants to be a pro wrestler, this kid simply has no place taking up as much time on TV, being a focal point in the company's weekly booking. If he really wants to have a career, he belongs in OVW training, not on TV reminding us all that his father has too much stroke behind the scenes.

Mike Tenay-There was a time when Tenay was truly one of the most intelligent voices in all of pro wrestling commentary. Now, his technical knowledge has been replaced by a desire to use insider terms, and his play by play only interjects itself in between trying to cover for much of Taz's incoherent attempts to call the action himself.

Hulk Hogan-Does anyone really buy that he's sold on TNA? Does anyone really buy he thinks they are the future? He's said himself he isn't even sure what his role in TNA is. If you don't have a clearly defined role, you probably should be elsewhere. It's simply his time to go away.

Last but not least, RVD. When was the last time he put on a compelling match? Every match he has had in TNA could be interchangeable. He's no longer a dynamic, innovative talent. With guys like Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles in TNA, RVD simply looks like what he is, a holdover from Extreme and Attitude Era, that no longer has the kind of passion he once had.
Anarquia - He is absolutely terrible. I'm sick of hearing holmes, essay, and what ever other generic mexican line he spits out. He can't wrestle, he can't talk, and he doesn't have the look. Which brings me to...

Garret Bichoff - Terrible.

Mike Tenay - Wasn't sure if I could include him or not because the title clearly states "TNA Personality" and Tenay surely has none of that.
most people are saying garrett besides the fact hes being good this good because his daddy runs the show hes slighty improved in the ring but honestly gunners being carrying him for awhile but im going with anaquia cant fucking stand this guy! every other word is "homes" and "essay" and considering hes WHITE why is he in MEXICAN america? :shrug: plus he just flat out sucks all around.
Someone explain to me how Robbie E got employed by the supposed, second best wrestling promotion in North America? He was a decent wrestler on the independent circuit, I'd seen him before and even though his indy gimmick is similar to the Robbie E one, it isn't the Robbie E one, it was better. Robbie E is an attempt to take a pop culture trend in Jerseyshore and make it work within a wrestling ring. Zack Ryder, as much as I dislike seeing the guy on television, did the job perfectly, Robbie E went overboard and because of that his career is a sinking ship.

Sure, he had a reign with the "illustrious" TNA Television Champion but even look who he lost it to. Devon... Devon Dudley. Brother Devon. Reverend D-Von. Beat a young guy like Robbie E who should have a full head of steam as a young performer because Robbie, much like basically everyone else who has held the belt, sucked as Champion and wasn't being given airtime.

Robbie E is just a joke. Decent wrestler with a poor, overdone gimmick that didn't need to be done in the beginning. From the moment he started his feud with Jay Lethal to the moment he lost the title to Devon freakin' Dudley, he has sucked. And I don't say a professional wrestler flat out sucks, very often.
I agree with those saying Garrett but for me it has to be Eric Young. He is suppose to be comedy relief but I don't find him funny at all and I don't see much wrestling ability from him at all
I do not have any real issue with Garret Bischoff other than they are pushing him too fast. typical wrestling - someone in charge has a son so they get pushed even though they are not ready for it. he will get better in time but they should not have him an Angle Challenges and be spending so much time on his storyline. he should be a low feud with someone like Shannon Moore or someone so he can get ring time and get better.

person who i do not like right now - Eric Young. stupid gimmick(Knockout Tag Team Champ), annoying to watch, and how can you take the TV title seriously after he wore it for so long(hard to take the World Title seriously considering he wore the old version of it for so long). if he was to leave tv, i doubt i would even notice.
well alot of choices here so i gonna give it a stab

Anarquia (spelling on this one might help me out)=This guy just sucks!! He has no charisma every word is either Homes Essay and just to me he mumbles alot! That segment with the Repo dude was just god awful!! I literally wanted to poke my eyes out

Garret=Holy crap this guy is green as can be!! Why are they giving him a spot on the roster is beyond me! To me IMO hes taking away a spot that could go for someone else! Just terrible and he literally is the poor mans Shane McMahon!

Tenay=As someone said this is about TNA personality and obviously Tenay has none! That in itself should tell you everything you need to know! What the hell happened to this guy? He used to be the professor anything you wanted to know he would tell you! He was a walking encyclopedia. Now Hes damn there as bad as Tazz!! Tenay just relies on insider info while Tazz just mumbles and says let the pigeons loose. Then again just my OPINION
Garret Bischoff. He's just like Shane McMahon, David Flair, and Erik Watts. Green as an army truck yet he gets a bye into high profile matches just because his daddy runs the show.

Like many before me, I have to agree with you. I've tried giving Garret and TNA management the benefit of the doubt, but they keep involving him with guys like Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and World Champions FAR before he deserves to be. I will say, at least Shane McMahon has a BIGGER name, being a McMahon and ruling over WCW in the buy-out. He also, with the help of a LOT of gimmick matches, gave us some memorable moments and feuds. Garret is just plain forgettable, and I'm much rather see his segments and push go to somebody more deserving, like an Austin Aries who has spent time traveling and honing his craft. Hulk Hogan is another guy atop my list of least favorite TNA personalities - not because I don't respect the legacy of Hogan, but because he's just plain BAD nowadays.

To give a less obvious answer, I think I'm going to have to go with Angelina Love. She's a mediocre wrestling talent, but that's not really why I have a problem with her. As a Knockout, I expect TNA's women to live up the expectations of the rest of their division. I do not find Angelina attractive in ANY way. She wears entirely too much make-up and it's OBVIOUS. All of her sex appeal is in photoshop and post-production for stills, and she's entirely too skinny to the point that it makes me uncomfortable. If you're not going to be drop-dead gorgeous in wrestling, you better be a DAMN good wrestler. Angelina is neither, and I'm really not sure why they kept her around after the Beautiful People.
Garrett Bischoff!

Good.. fuckin god what a waste of air time. At 1st, I didn't think to much of it. But shit, if anybody in TNA need's to go down to OVW. It's this guy!

As Bill Demott would say.. HE IS AS GREEN AS GOOSE SHIT!

Just.. awful.
No business being in the main event against Kurt Angle, couldnt draw flies if he was covered in shit.

I bet you can't tell im not a Garrett Bischoff fan.
If have say Bichoff family. This guy tryes do hard to get a crowd reaction and all you hear is echos. And when he attempts to wrestle it turns out to be the worst with his insanly bad karate kicks. It seems like he works so hard to be in spotlight like he was in nWo but he sucks. Oh and don't forget his son which is terrible too I might add. I don't understand why he gets so much TV time. I have to go wit those two guys they STINK.
I have to go with Robbie E. Just think the guy lack charisma and talent. Everytime he was on TV I'd read a mag or look and see what else is on. There might be potential, but the Jersey gimmick weared thin from the time he came in with it.

In the case of Garret Bischoff, I find him boring as well. I get that they want to keep Bischoff and the rest of Immortal relevant, but this is the wrong way to go. Garret is no where near ready to be in a feud with someone like Kurt Angle. And it seems no matter what, he's right back to facing Gunner in some capacity. This is no way to advance Gunner, who's still green himself in a way. Still I'd rather watch Garret than Robbie E.
Were do i begin. I have several guys that i'm not a fan of in TNA but for the sake of this thread i'm going to name only my top 5.

1. Hulk Hogan: My big problem with Hogan right now for me is that, he just doesn't look the same without the big arena crowd. He the same Hulk Hogan he always was but now i'm sad, everytime i see him on TV because i look so desperate to make money. Plus he's not really relevent in 2011.

2.Eric Bischoff: This is Mostly because his character isn'T cutting edge anymore. I don't even know why he's still an on air talent. I might be good backstage but in front of the camera, he just doesn'T work anymore.

3.Tazz: The big problem with Tazz is that i'm just not sure if he still cared about the product. all as color commentator, he seem like he's would rather put his lame joke over then what going on in the ring and he just doesn'T have chemistry with Tenay.

4. Garrett Bischoff: Great kid but shouldn't be in the position he is right now. If they would let him train for a year in OVW and let him comes back then, he would be a really good wrestler but right now, he'S just another David Flair.

5. Mickie James: My big problem with Mickie is not that she's not a good wrestler, it's mostly that she seem like she really doesn'T care anymore. Every match she'S in it's always the same match, she cuts the weirdest promos and she just doesn't have the spark she had in WWE.

Honorable mention for Mr Anderson: I didn'T put him in my top 5 mostly because he's barely on TV anymore, which is a good thing because his character as become so stail that i would change the channel everytime i saw him. But since he'S not on tv on a regular basis anymore, i don'T mind it as much.
Without a doubt Crimson I just have not connected with him and neither has the majority of the people that watch TNA and the same goes for Garret Bischoff.

And I agree with the post above about Mickie James. :disappointed:
Eric Young

I fail to see why this guy is still employed. I know he is there for comedy value, which would be fine if he was actually at all funny. He isn't. He sucks. From his idiotic days as Super Eric, to the boring "Don't Fire Eric" shit, the bully victim of Bobby Roode to the pointless storyline he is in now as one half of the KNOCKOUTS tag team champions, everything he has done annoys me. He has a grating voice, and I hate his beard.

Here's a request TNA.... "PLEASE FIRE ERIC"
I think most everyone is taking the easy way out to an extent here.

Obviously Garrett and and Anarquia are pure garbage and don't deserve to be employed by a wrestling company the size of TNA.

Hogan and the announce team are easy targets as well(although I actually think that Taz and Tenay do an okay job, they just need a third person in the booth).

Eric Young and Robbie E are merely victims of gimmicks that are too ridiculous. Robbie E is young(but still kind of green and I think people tend to overstate his current wrestling abilities) and has personality and potential. And EY, whether you like the comedy schtick or not, is an absolutely elite talent between the ropes, the guy is one of the best in-ring performers on the planet. Seriously scale back the comedy gimmick(have him"snap back out of it"), and then put him in a feud with a guy like Aries, give them time to work, and match of the year candidates will follow.

Instead of piling on the green talent, I'm gonna go with someone that will not be the popular choice... Please FIRE MATT MORGAN.

Now, I know this is a pipe dream and will never happen, but it would be one of the best things for the company.

Morgan is the prototype of a professional wrestler who is in the business because he's a pretty good athlete with a great look. Im not disputing that Morgan has the "look". He's huge, he's a traditionally "good looking kid", and he is in great physical condition. The problem is that is where it stops.

To say that Morgan wrestles like a generic big man, is an egregious insult to generic big men. The guy is shit in the ring. He doesn't have the excuse of a guy like Crimson who suffers from inexperience, his excuse is that he just sucks. Maybe he could get away with his style back "up north" where most of the talent(especially the "bigs") are only required to execute 3-4 signature moves linked together by stale striking, but in TNA that just doesn't cut it. His inability to to keep up in matches against better workers is painfully obvious. Hell even during his last main event run he was getting outworked by a sluggish shell of Jeff Hardy, and a slightly above average wrestler in Anderson. If Bobby Roode had to wrestle a main event against Morgan he wouldn't be able to walk for a month after due to carrying a 300-pounder for twenty minutes on his back.

Also, aside from his attrociuos in-ring work, he is mind-numbingly boring with the stick. His promo's drone on, they sound too scripted, his emotion(when there is any) feels forced. And did I mention that its incredibly boring? Everyone time Morgan cuts a promo I have to fight the overwhelming urge to fast forward or change the channel, or else I want to Kurt Cobain myself.

The guy has had plenty of time and opportunity in the business to progress past being a boring big man with a great look, he simply hasn't done it. I can't believe that there are people here who would seriously want to see this guy hold the title, they must not care at all about the actual in-ring product. Morgan offers nothing but a look and that's just not good enough anymore, please get him off of Impact.
I understand where Papa Pillman is coming from about Robbie E but lets face it that guy..is the absolute worst guy on the roster in my eyes. Seriously his gimmick the whole club shore guy is a waste of time and the TV title that he had was a waste. he should of been in the X Divison and should of merged the title(i know that part should of gone in the Creative thread) but Robbie E he is one of those guys if he went missing no body would notice much i do understand that he is green as a leaf in the spring seriously when he talks he annoying, when he's music plays he's annoying, his actions in the ring are ANNOYING!...TNA has OVW for guy like him. TNA could of brought in Jimmy Jacobs and Rudy Switchblade but thats just my thoughts on it.
Anarquia, and Eric Young are running neck and neck for me. Like an above poster said I am tired of hearing essa, and homes all the time. He comes off as a very poor man's version of Eddie.
As far as Eric Young goes, he has never entertained me. His goofiness does nothing for me, and I couldn't take him seriously as the leader of World Elite. His program now with ODB almost literally makes me sick, and I can't wait for it to end.
Two least favourites are:

1)Eric Young:His crazy gimmick is getting stale and boring!Marrying ODB?Knockouts Tag Champ?I thought Russo was out!

2)Garett Bicshoff:A poor man's excuse for a wrestler!Has a body like a stick,average wrestling skills and passable mic skills!I hate his greasy hair!

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