Who Is Your Favorite Knockout?

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Everybody Has A Price!
For a long time now, people have been talking about how TNA has a great knockouts division. Some people have even claimed that TNA had the best women’s division in all of the United States. They have a wide variety of knockouts. They have some that are beautiful and good wrestlers. Then they also have beautiful ones that aren’t as talented as others but can still be entertaining. Lastly, they have the not so beautiful ones but are still great wrestlers. So we have all kinds of women in the Knockouts division, but who is your favorite? Which one is the one you’re always entertained by? There has to be one that you will always enjoy watching no matter what because they are great in your opinion. So the question is: Who is your favorite TNA knockout?

My favorite knockout has been Awesome Kong since she made her TNA debut. She has had some great matches with the likes of Gail Kim and others. She always entertains me and I find her to be a great wrestler. She is on the big side but I find her to be pretty agile and pretty good for her size. She in my opinion is the female Vader. I see a lot of similarities between both of them. For one they are both great wrestlers for their size and are very talented. They are also both very agile for their sizes. Lastly, Vader was a dominant monster heel and I see the same thing in Awesome Kong. Those are just some of the similarities I see and there are some other ones. So Awesome Kong is my favorite TNA knockout, so who is yours?
i know she's new to TNA but i'd say tara. i think she was very underutalized in the wwe and im glad she finally gets a chance to showcase her moves. widows peak is the best womens finisher ever. also velvet sky. definatelly the hottest knockout
I loved Tara in WWE, but haven't seen much TNA since her debut, but every time i watch TNA i watch it because of Awesome Kong and how she does remind me of Vader like SavageTaker said in his post...:)
First off WWE Divas>TNA knockouts
Second off, The Beautiful People all the way. While Kong is awesome no other female wrestler has gotten more praise, notice, and coverage the Velvet & Angelina. They make me feel that there is hope in womens wrestling :) Plus Angelina is pretty decent in the ring, and their promo's are no worse then the other knockouts. Plus their style>the rest.

I also like Christy Heme too, and feel like she has great potential, but her injury might have stopped any hope of her becoming more than just a "diva search" winner. Taylor Wilde is also cute as a button and great in the ring.
I like Awesome Kong. It's good to see someone like her utilized properly, and she definitely is a female Vader minus a mask.

I enjoy actually seeing a stable in a women's division, so I like TBP for sure, and they are pretty good to look at too.

As far as talent wise, Alissa Flash has a future, hopefully they won't just keep changing her gimmick, they need to just leave her be for a while.
you don't have to ask me,you can tell by yourself,ALISSA FLASH BABY:D

alissa flash is the future legend of the TNA knockouts,she's smoking HOT and her wrestling skills are amazing.I've followed cheerleader melissa(alissa flash)ever since I saw shimmer volume 1,her match with mischif blew me away and i've been a fan of hers ever since
I'd have to say that i am in LUST with Velvet Sky. Just cant seen to get enough of her ring entrance. I really like the beautiful people because, they're constantly stirring the pot, and getting themselves into matches. Maybe the best female heel duo i've ever known of.
I don't normally watch TNA, but this is one question that I can answer. Although, I cannot pick just one, as I like a lot of them. Some I love because they are beautiful and others I love because I know that they are very solid wrestlers.

I LOVE Angelina Love. She is a 2-time and current Knockouts Champion. She was able to dethrone Awesome Kong and she was also able to defeat Tara who had quite a big of momentum upon her debut. That itself cements a huge legacy for her, and the fact that she was able to defeat both of them for her two title reigns tell you a lot about her. I think she is so hot and I think she has such an amazing body!

I think Taylor Wilde is so cute! I couldn't even tell you. I love her! I'm not sure exactly how good of a wrestler she is, but I hear she's pretty good.

I was a fan of Tara in the WWE, so I am still a fan. I think she was very underutilized in WWE, and I'm glad to hear that she is being treated better on TNA. She is a very great worker and could have gone far in the WWE, but it's good that TNA picked her up and is using her better.
My personal favorite is The Awesome Kong. When it comes to the combination of both strength and athletics, she's got it all. Heck, I've only ever seen one other female wrestler that has anything similar to what she's got naturally, and that's Chyna. However, it's my opinion that she's underused in terms of speaking roles (just like, frankly, any other female wrestlers, but it's not as bad in TNA as it is in the WWE. At least the females get some decent storylines in TNA where as they barely get anything in the WWE. But I digress.)

Anyways, I've seen only one extended bit where she did a verbal promo (I believe it was vs. Daphney) but she's frankly quite good with her words if allowed to use them. Even so, at this point, she's quite entertaining allowing her actions to speak for themselves. I'm curious as to what she'd be like as a face, but right now I'm content to see her as a female monster heel.
Angelina Love is my favorite knockout. The current TNA Knockout Champion, the leader of The Beautiful People. She has a great aura about her. Oodles charisma, is very beautiful, has a great body, and so many other things. She provides tons of entertainment for me every episode of Impact. She is the best womens wrestler in the world and thats why she is my favorite Knockout.
I use to love the combo of Roxxi and ODB. Then Roxxi left and ODB got a pile of shit poured on her named the Deeder so I had to pick someone else. It has been difficult because all of the Knockouts are so good. I'd have to say the ones that really impressed me were Alissa Flash and Serita. Those two are both great in the ring. I couldn't choose between them but I am going to say both of them for me.
well, my penis's favorite knockout is velvet sky for obvious reasons haha

but the best/ my favorite would have to be Angelina Love. She is on top of her game right now. She is hilarious and cuts amazing promos. She is also amazing in the ring, with a body to kill. She is the total package and thats why she knockouts champ.

I'm going to leave looks out of this, because it really has no bearing on who the better performer or talker is.

Without watching a lot of TNA lately, I'd have to say either Tara or Kong. Tara is a great worker, and should've been used better in WWE for the duration of her time there, rather than for a few weeks at a time.

Kong is simply the best women's wrestler out there right now. She's worked with everyone, and has proven to be a company woman, by stepping aside, and letting other Knockouts share in the spotlight. She can step in with the title at a moment's notice, and no one would have a second thought. She can put anyone as well, and it's worked for women like Taylor Wilde and Gail Kim.
Velvet Sky.

I think she's incredibly sexy/gorgeous, first of all, but I really dig the Beautiful People and how they carry themselves. Velvet has this charisma about her that is undeniable. Also, on the mic, there aren't many ladies currently in the business who can touch her. And as far as her in-ring abilities go... well, she's nothing great, but definitely above average for woman's standards, if you get what I'm saying.
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