who is this generations abdullah the butcher?

$Mr. 100%

Abdullah the butcher was always bought n as a part timer by a heel 2 terrorize and/or destroy da organization top face yet always put over said face. He never won a title he was just a dangerous evil mercenary. Who can do what he did now 4 wwe or even tna. Hmmm....
Brock Lesnar-he has all da attitude handler(Paul heyman) and da skill 2 boot. He most definitely could b that monster not interested n belts but more concerned w/destroying any top face and can do more than punch/chop/fork or foreign object 2throat.
Batista-he has da heelish qualities as well as da monster(or animal)n him 2 make that foray n his career. Heyman or even jeb coulter as his handler would enhance that character of Dave immensely.james Mitchell would work n that role 2 if batista wanted 2 give tna a try part time.
Big show or Mark Henry would b decent choices if they wanted 2 go that way and extend their career and enhance said careers imo.
Do u think that angle would work n 2days wrestling? And if so who would play da part like Abdullah did?
About as close to Abby as I have seen were Abyss, Kevin Steen, the Wyatt's, and Necro Butcher and you can throw in Homicide and Eddie Kingston as well that is as close to getting a modern day Abdullah as you are going to get (although I'd put the Wyatt's and Outlaw Inc. Homicide and Kingston more in terms as being the modern day equivalent of the Sheepherders) especially in todays pc WWE environment.
In a world where all superstars are only worried about themselves there will be no one like Abdullah. Closest thing to it is 3MB... They will put any team over
In a world where all superstars are only worried about themselves there will be no one like Abdullah. Closest thing to it is 3MB... They will put any team over

Abdullah was only ever worried about himself as a performer that's why he was such a nomadic wrestler. He went places that made him the most money notably Puerto Rico and Japan. Even then in Puerto Rico he worked for both major groups on the island. Probably the most loyal he was to one promotion was All Japan.

Abdullah in my opinion was part of a very select breed he wasn't a great worker quite obviously. However, he knew how to get himself over, the only person you could really compare him to in work style is The Original Sheik. The only person you could really compare him to in how he managed himself was Bruiser Brody.

The independent stars of today are vastly different animals from the independent stars of the territory days. None of them would have close to the kind of reputation with casual fans the way Abdullah had with casual fans right across the world in his pomp.
Those comparisons are absolutely terrible. And your grammar too. There isn't a single active performer that comes close to the kind of star Abdullah The Butcher was.

Much like Bruiser Brody and Stan Hansen, he was (and still is) the kind of guy that will take his gimmick to the grave. Not Batista, or Lesnar or Henry are in the same category.
Abdullah the butcher was always bought n as a part timer by a heel 2 terrorize and/or destroy da organization top face yet always put over said face. He never won a title he was just a dangerous evil mercenary. Who can do what he did now 4 wwe or even tna. Hmmm....
Brock Lesnar-he has all da attitude handler(Paul heyman) and da skill 2 boot. He most definitely could b that monster not interested n belts but more concerned w/destroying any top face and can do more than punch/chop/fork or foreign object 2throat.
Batista-he has da heelish qualities as well as da monster(or animal)n him 2 make that foray n his career. Heyman or even jeb coulter as his handler would enhance that character of Dave immensely.james Mitchell would work n that role 2 if batista wanted 2 give tna a try part time.
Big show or Mark Henry would b decent choices if they wanted 2 go that way and extend their career and enhance said careers imo.
Do u think that angle would work n 2days wrestling? And if so who would play da part like Abdullah did?

Abby won plenty of titles. Quite a few in the WWC, and I think he had the Stampede North American title about a half dozen times. That's in addition to plenty of others including the Sheik's version of the United States title.

You're absolutely right though, that for the most part, he was the mercenary brought in to terrorize a territories top face, and would always end up putting over that face. Unlike a guy like Brody... Abby was a mercenary who didn't mind doing the job. But because he was a mercenary, he did protect himself by making pinfalls against him rare (he'd lose mostly by DQ as you can imagine), and in reality, in the end the results of his matches rarely mattered. He was always a draw because of the spectacle of them and his reputation as a blood thirsty animal always preceded him.

I don't know how well someone with a gimmick like Abby's could work in todays climate though. For one, the blood thirsty animal part wouldn't work... because the business has changed and there isn't a desire for it anymore among the majority of promoters (or workers - how many of the guys coming up today do you honestly think know how to blade themselves?) Secondly, part of what made Abby work was the fact that there were territories everywhere he could go to, so he didn't have to spend too long in any one place. You don't have that anymore (which is why good monster heels never seem to last anymore... the monster loses his mystique once the top baby takes him out, but without anywhere new for them to go, they stick around and become Khali)

Honestly, the closest probably is Lesner. He's dominant, but shows just enough fear for his stronger opponents (like Abby would when you could get him to run away) to put them over. He's a guy who's job it is to make his opponents look better without losing his own mystique, and by taking months off between programs, he manages to do that. That formula is probably the best one for keeping a monster heel a monster these days, and at the end of the day, that's exactly what Abby was.
If you're looking at this from the perspective of "rent-a-beast" then there really isn't a modern equivalent at present as anyone who has a "monster" look who can draw is signed up with a company. They don't trade back and forth as they once did so there is no Abbie or Brody type in that sense.

Guys like Brock, Batista, Rock, Jericho, RVD are all plying their part time wares for Vince cos they know it's best gig there is... there is no real competition with TNA or Japan for guys like them but all can show up in WWE make an impact for several months, then go till their next window but they ain't gonna show up in TNA as it's "beneath them" now.

As someone already said, Abbie was a selfish guy, as was Brody... they took the dollar over doing the right thing, looked after themselves first and even if it's dressed up as "for their family" it wasn't always the right thing. Brody died because of it in the most horrific way imaginable, bleeding to death on a dirty shower floor miles from home... cos he wanted the dollar... He could have been in WWE feuding with Hogan, making less per week but more on PPV... not seeing his family as often but he would have seen them again, rather than bleeding to death on that floor.

Even the Butcher didn't last that long in WCW, he couldn't take the less over longer equals more... It's the old adage, "What did Chuck Berry say before he said 1..2..3..4.. every night?".... Pay me my money...in cash... there wasn't guaranteed money like today so they made sure they got everything there and then... at detriment to building an actual career or legacy.

Guys now see the bigger picture in a way Abdullah didn't in terms of money and looking after their health, so we never see another one...

Wasn't really one in the last generation... The closest was Jeff Jarrett who thought nothing of crossing between WWE and WCW each time his deal was up, whoever offered most at that time... but even he got misrepresented when he left Vince.

He didn't hold Vince up as such, Vince's cock up (or JR's) led to him being a champ out of contract... he offered to leave the belt and not work that night... but as JR/Vince low balled him and changed his deal once to a very low amount, he got that back...after all they were asking him to lose to a woman... but he did it... Would a Brody or Abbie have done that? or just walked/no-showed?
Lesnar as far as a monster who you legitimately believe would kill you.

Necro Butcher as far as a guy who you come to see just to see what crazy ass shit he does.

Bray Wyatt as far as a guy who does the crazy character best.

You can kind of tell where the lineage comes from based on who they liked and who likes them. Mick Foley was a huge Butcher fan and also loves Wyatt's work.

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