Who is the worst SHW in wrestling history?

Soul Reaper

Occasional Pre-Show
There has been many big men come and go so in your opinion who is the worst big man in history?

I'm going to say someone who hasn't wrestled in many years but is supossed to make a comeback in the NWA. This person has wrestled under many names this person's name is Sid Vicious. This guy was terrible in the ring. I was happy when he got injured back in WCW. Why out of all people did HBK have to drop his WWF title to Sid. For some reason he was popular maybe. Of course I would rather watch him wrestle then Khali I wanted to say someone who wasn't wrestling.
Worst big man ever? Hands down Nathan Jones. What a big waste of air this guy was in WWE. Talk about being uncoordinated. I feel embarrassed for the Undertaker for having been linked to this guy (you know as Jones's trainer). The Colossus of Bager Row (spl?) turned out to be a colossus eye soar to watch.
That's not too tough a question in my mind. I've seen some truly horrific super-heavyweights, and hands down my vote would be for El Gigante. I know a lotta' folks say he was one of the nicest guys in the business, and very genuine. I'm sure he was. But he was hard to watch.

He was an impressive sight, to be sure. 7'6", and over 400lbs....you couldn't miss the guy if he was on the card, but other than watching him walk to the ring his 'performance' left quite a bit to be desired. They would put him in a lot of six man tag matches during his WCW run because he needed guys like Sting and Barry Windham to do all the work while he stood by for a hot tag, a few chops, a tag out and his job was done.
There has been many big men come and go so in your opinion who is the worst big man in history?

I'm going to say someone who hasn't wrestled in many years but is supossed to make a comeback in the NWA. This person has wrestled under many names this person's name is Sid Vicious. This guy was terrible in the ring. I was happy when he got injured back in WCW. Why out of all people did HBK have to drop his WWF title to Sid. For some reason he was popular maybe. Of course I would rather watch him wrestle then Khali I wanted to say someone who wasn't wrestling.
Wow. Incredible.

Sid Vicious was a very believable bad-ass, who was always just short of snapping and killing everyone (probably because it was who he was in real life). He was very charismatic, knew how to work a crowd, and was entertaining in the ring. He was over in every promotion he ever worked in. How can you possibly call him bad, much less the worst?

That's not too tough a question in my mind. I've seen some truly horrific super-heavyweights, and hands down my vote would be for El Gigante. I know a lotta' folks say he was one of the nicest guys in the business, and very genuine. I'm sure he was. But he was hard to watch.
Him or Kurrgan. Talk about a waste of wrestling humanity.

Also have to throw in Bastion Booger, and Tugboat/Typhoon/Shockmaster.
I think jones could have been good, he was just so green it was ridiculous. he had a good enough mix of power and martial arts, but he wasnt really in it. Kurgan was more of a waste than Sid who i can't believe you suggested. sly made all the points needed to show this.
Sid was a badass in real life, he tried to kill Arn Anderson with scissors at the hotel one night. Nathan Jones sucked, but I'm with El Gigante and Khali in a tie.
What was the name of that super fat guy who broke the ring on the first TNA show. I don't think he gets to be the worst, because none of us have had to watch him over the years. He is legendarily bad, though.

Sid Vicious was okay in the ring and just rotten on the mic, but I wouldn't say that he was the worst SHW. He has been part of a lot of unintentional comedy. El Gigante or Khali are probably better choices for the worst. Oh, and how about WCW's Yeti. Now that is some serious wrestlecrap.
Vader. Hands down. Absolutely laborious.

(juuuust kiiidiiiiing :) )

Yea id have to agree probably El gigante. this assuming im not an absolute moron, and you guys ARE talking about the dude who wrestled Taker at WM 9?? Funny enough though, watching that match as a child, I totally bought it, and the character. Watching it later in life, I guess he WAS rather immobile, and a terrible seller. But I mean really, he isnt too far off Kahli. I think its hard to rate guys that size. They are supposed to be sub human, unstoppable monsters. How else are they supposed to preform???
This one very easily goes to El Gigante. He was an impressive sight, no doubt. But man was he horrible in the ring. His selling ability was practically non-existent, his offense was weak and pretty horrible, and he was just flat out bad. He'd get blown up in less than 5 minutes in the ring. You can tell someone is bad when even The Undertaker can't pull a good match out of him.
Vader. Hands down. Absolutely laborious.

(juuuust kiiidiiiiing :) )

Toe that line gently, you're still breaking in your new mod-muscles! :)

I am happy to see someone taking the reigns with my precious SHW's, this is a great thread to start. Rep the guy who started it, I know I am!

Someone mentioned Bastion Booger. You have to remember two facts about Booger-

1. He lost his debut match in the WWE
2. TO VIRGIL! Ouch.

Pro Wrestling has seen more failed SHW's than any other kind of star. Many of them are just jobbers who can take a fair bump and are brought in to put over smaller guys - and I get that. The problem exists when fans begin to see SHW's as overweight lazy wastes of roster spaces BECAUSE of the Boogers of the world.

Somebody mentioned Typhoon, and that is just egregiously wrong. Maybe "Tugboat" wasn't a great character, though he was over with the young fans and got "the rub" from Hogan. But as Typhoon, he had a successful and decent run at Tag Team stardom with Earthquake as the formidable Natural Disasters, and during that time had a great rivalry with Money Inc. and even the Beverley Brothers and Nasty Boys. Don't dismiss Typhoon as a poor SHW.

Many of the really bad one's didn't hang around to give us much of a sample. Mantaur is a perfect example of that.

I think ECW's Amish Roadkill deserves to be on the shit list. I never understood what was special about him. Enlighten me - was he really there just to enhance his smaller run-in-buddy?

El Gigante is a fantastic choice. He was basically on loan to the WWE from Mexico to put over The Undertaker, since Taker was running out of feuds post-Kamala and they didn't want to put the title on him.

Also, as Jake and I have lamented many times before, One Man Gang was awesome just because he was such shit.

Harley Race's tag team "The Collosal Kongs," whom I have referenced in countless Sting posts, were terrible as well. Just two EXTREMELY heavy, slow, useless workers who only had credibility because they came out with Harley Race.
i think khali is the worst. he is atrocious on the mic is a hopeless wrestler and would have to be the worst guy to work with, most of the big guys today can move, like big daddy V, kane and the bigshow. Khali cant do anything but punch chop and squeeze. even HBK couldnt make him look good in his match last year and HBK can make anyone look good
i think khali is the worst. he is atrocious on the mic

In what respect? because you don't understand him? Yeah all those Japanese, Spanish, German wrestlers etc are terrible on the mic as well.

is a hopeless wrestler and would have to be the worst guy to work with,

He's easy to work with. How many times has he left his feel since 2006? Less thatn most is my guess.

most of the big guys today can move, like big daddy V, kane and the bigshow.

Yeah because Kane & Big Show are the definition of speed.

Khali cant do anything but punch chop and squeeze.

What do you want him to do?

even HBK couldnt make him look good in his match last year and HBK can make anyone look good

Except Ric Flair.
am i the only one who is going to say mark henry? really i mean hes been in the wwe for 10 years and the only thing he has ever done that is remotely entertaining is getting made fun of by dx. i know whenever mizark comes on screen its time for me to visit the bathroom and see if i can lay a bigger bomb in the toilet then he does in the ring. maybe its just me but i see absolutely no purpose for THE STRONGEST MAN ON THE PLANET. when they announced he would fight taker at wm a few years back, i was like wtf? really? yet he continues to work while vader was made to look like a bitch in the wwf. vince mcmahon creative genius my ass.

yea how the hell is he still in the wwe and big men like matt morgan are not. mark henry seems to get hurt every six months, he cant work, has no charisma, and cant talk to save his life. but yet somehow he is still in the wwe. for the record i think the wwe gave up on morgan to soon. they rushed him in to quickly and was still very green
I want to say Khali, I really do...but, that stupid Punjabi prison match against Batista didn't totally suck, it only mostly sucked...so, I have to throw my vote in for El Gigante. Not only couldn't he wrestle, but they made him wear a flesh colored bodysuit with painted muscles on it, with patches of fur...Truly, a low point in professional wrestling. Runners up might be Mo and Mabel of Men on a Mission. He stunk as Mabel, and he stinks as Viscera. Automatic channel change.
For me, it's the One Man Gang/Akeem. While Akeem is one of the funniest gimmicks of all time, I don't ever really recall him winning a match, other than via countout at Wrestlemania 4. He was just a big fat guy that used a splash. For the most part, no one who uses that is worth much. He was a jobber to the stars, and that's about it. He just wasn't really worth much other than intimidation. To me, the worst.
well i just read someone who say big daddy v, i really think that for a 500 pound man he has a respectable speed, he uses samoan drop, belly to belly suplex, rollyng kick!!! i think is kinda cool when he steps in the ring, of course he needs a real manger to talk for him (what a shit was matt striker, a teacher? for real?)

My choice would it be khali, just because i only saw giant gonzales on the match with the undertaker( what a waste of air time, if taker cant made you look good, noone can). he is 7+ feet tall that give him a looks of absolute power, but his gimmick of been the slowest wrestler it makes him fucking boring, any guy can throw him 10 punches before he even finish the first one, and his first finisher was a chop, listen to me people...a chop!!!!!!!!!! and he can take the mic (cant he speak? because on the adam sandler movie, way before of his wwe debut he couldnt)

another big fucking waste is for me one of the most overrated superstars on wrestling history, and i know that this is gonna piss off some people....HULK HOGAN!!!! maybe he got skills with the audience (even when comment guys tell that he suck in his begining) but every match i saw from him i feel asleep, he was to slow, his finisher was an atomic leg drop (why is atomic? he only sits in the air? sabu did has an atomic leg drop with the steel chair) im not saying he was the worst, but he really was overrated

P.D: and there another reason to hogan sucks, he took the title from the deadman only 8 days after!!! lets keep it real, between the two of them, taker has more skill while doing a punch than hogan in the entire match

Taker rules!!!!!!!!!:undertaker 2:
Khali is the worst big man in history. All he does is stand around and does nothing. Anybody could do that. All of his matches were boring not atlrast one since he been in the wwe was good. So Khali is the worst.
Well My pick is well over the weight restrictions even the Super Heavyweights should have in place. I am talking about 1,600 pounds of bulk. I am of course talking about "THE MCGUIRE TWINS"

I myself was never unfortanate enough to see this freak show of a match, but from what Ive seen of them, Im glad that someone makes wrestlers like Khali look like Bret Hart in the ring. You thought that The Big Show was huge, check these two out


If you have ever seen the clip show of these two, you would feel sorry to be in the ring with them. They are my choices for the worst SHW ever
I think ECW's Amish Roadkill deserves to be on the shit list. I never understood what was special about him. Enlighten me - was he really there just to enhance his smaller run-in-buddy?

Whoa, wait. Okay while I understand you're perhaps the biggest Vader fan on the board.. but if you're going to say Amish Roadkill needs to be on the shit list, then why isn't Vader on that same list?

Outside of World Heavyweight Championships, which Roadkill never properly had the same pushes Vader received, how are they any different? I'm eagerly awaiting your detailed explanation of why Vader is a great Super Heavyweight.

Now, as far as Roadkill goes. He isn't your stereo-typical "big man." He was the "Mike Awesome" of big men, as far as that could be said. (minus the sad ending)

Roadkill did his far share of cruiserweight-isque moves, including his most notably famous splash from the middle of the top ropes. Lets not forget that if you watch T.N.A.'s Abyss, hes roughly copying everything Roadkill ever did. (Infact, while its said that they're two different people.. and even proven to be two different people.. sometimes I wonder. :lmao:)

Now, in closing I don't believe Roadkill would've ever been as big as Vader. And in NO WAY do I see Vader as bad. I loved Vader. However I am defending Roadkill from your slander as a negative in the world of SHWs, because he deserves more credit than he got. And the only reason he may be viewed negatively, isn't his fault, but more the creative people who pushed him into a Tag Team.. with a guy that wasn't anything special.

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