Who is the one person that TNA can not afford to lose?

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Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
Just like the WWE has John Cena who they cannot afford to lose because he is the face of the company, who is the one wrestler that TNA cannot afford to lose?

I would have to say AJ Styles. He has been with TNA since the beginning, and is one of the most creative wrestlers I've watched to date. He is also still very young, and may not even be in his prime yet.
I agree 100% that AJ is the one guy TNA could never get rid of. Really, when you hear the words TNA or X Division you think of AJ Styles. On top of that I can't say enough about this guys ability in the ring, its guys like AJ that make TNA different from the WWE and he is really the face of TNA (some would argue Jarrett but I have to go with AJ).
I don't think there is ONE guy that makes that big of a difference in TNA right now.

Sure, guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Robert Roode and James Storm have been there since the beginning, but I don't think it would matter if any of them left.

It doesn't seem like merchandise sales depend on one individual superstar and I'm pretty confident TNA sells more tickets based on guys like Angle, Foley, Jarrett and Sting - wrestling fans want to see the legends, not because they're better.

With an up and coming organization, it really is a team effort and every person is responsible for making the product successful. None of the younger guys are known well enough for it make a serious difference.
You could make an argument for Kurt Angle because he's the bigger name, has a longer track record than Styles, and brings notoriety to TNA, but it's AJ Styles. AJ styles has been there from the start, and will be the future of TNA. Almost every other major name in TNA will be recognized and remebered for what they did in WCW or WWE.
AJ Styles. He is TNA's biggest asset regardless of how many titles he's held recently or who is in the main event on Impact every week. AJ is TNA. He is highly regarded as one of the best performers of this decade and he is deserving of this praise. Styles gets in done in the ring. Period. He can use any given type of wrestling, whether it be technical, high flying or hardcore, and be successful at it.

Aside from Styles' ability in the ring, he is the perfect guy to use as the face of TNA i nthe media. He's good looking, a family man with good morals, clean cut and presents himself well. What better characteristics can you look for when looking for someone to represent a company in the public eye.

AJ has been loyal to TNA since it's inception and TNA would suffer without him.
I think ZT is right. I don't think TNA depends on one guy to sell their product. Their product is pretty much their quality of matches. I think the most suprising departure would probably be Styles because he is probably as close to being Mr. TNA as anybody they have. I think everyone is already assuming Angle is going to either retire soon or go back to WWE so I don't think Angle would be as devestating because I think TNA already got out of Angle what they needed which was credibility for their brand.
I would also have to say AJ Styles. IMO, he is the total package. He has the look, obviously one of the best wrestlers to step foot into a ring, and has the mic skills. He may or may not have the top merchandise sales in TNA, but like Louie Lips stated, he may not be in his prime yet.

Guys like Nash, Steiner, Angle, and Sting are going to have to leave TNA sooner or later and when they do, AJ Styles will be right there!
Yea, but no one outside of TNA's diehard fans know who AJ Styles is. Therefore, if he left it wouldn't hurt the promotion. I really don't think TNA has any one person who is the promotion. In the 80's WWF had Hulk and Piper, in the late 80's and early 90's WCW had Sting and Flair, in the late 90's the WWF had The Rock and Austin and WCW had Hulk, Sting and Goldberg. Unfortunately, TNA doesn't have that. Sure they have great wrestlers and legends, but no one looks at TNA and say's "Yea, that Styles guy is the whole promotion- he's their franchise player."
*AJ STYLES* : first triple crown champ, always been phenomenal, x division belt, tag gold (if i remember rite), heavyweight gold, legends gold, countless house shows, with TNA since the beginning, TNA is a much AJ as AJ is TNA. if styles was brought into the WWE he would get lost in the shuffle- look at christian instant meaningless champ and his TNA successes were instantly forgotten. if AJ went to ROH he would still shine but at this time in his career that would be an odd move.!

A.J Styles is a good choice for this as he'S been the one guys that has been associated with TNA but i got to say that Jeff Jarrett is a far more important asset to TNA then Aj is simply because, he's part owner of TNA. If Jarrett didn't use is money to start the company there wouldn't be any TNA right now. If Jarrett decide to leave the company as a wrestler and as a owner, i don'T think that TNA would recover from that. A.J has been the face of TNA since the start but Jarrett was the guy that put him there to begin with and Without Jarrett, there would be a A.J. Styles or a Samoa Joe on t.v every week. So if there is one person that TNA can afford to lose it's Jeff JArrett.
As of right now, I believe the “Holy Trinity” of TNA, in this order are, A. J. Styles, Kurt Angle, and Samoa Joe.

A. J. Styles is basically The Rock of TNA. He’s the current face of the company and if TNA were to do a logo like the NBA’s, a silhouette of Styles doing that crazy @$$ flip would be it.

Kurt Angle is the outside star of TNA, much like how Hulk Hogan was the outside star of WCW. In my opinion, Kurt was the reason why TNA became international. The name value Kurt brings to the table makes TNA a serious competitor in the Sports Entertainment industry.

Samoa Joe is the basically the Stone Cold Steve Austin of TNA. Yes, he hasn’t been the Samoa Joe we know from the X-Division, but give him more time and I’m sure he’ll find his mark.

These three have to be the most important Talent on the roster, but the rest of the roster isn’t exactly ECW / Superstars material either. TNA has a lot of depth in their “bench”. It may also have to do with TNA only having one show and not having to spilt the team into 3 parts.

I would also like to mention the most important person in TNA, Jeff Jarrett. If A. J. is the Rock, Kurt is Hulk, and Joe is Steve, then Double J has to be a combination of Vince and Triple H.
I would have to say AJ but for different reasons than most, he iMO is in the same position Chris Jericho was in in wcw young talented wrestler that has the ability to be a star if used correctly. When jericho left wcw and came to wwe and his star rose it proved how and why wcw was dying becuz they weren't creating star and they had ppl there (jericho etc) that had the potential. so if they ever lose AJ to wwe and he becomes as big as we think he can its gonna look really bad on tna who had him and couldn't get him to the superstar level.
AJ. hes an original. i do not give a crap about the wwe has-beens like angle, booker and foley. The day TNA pushes all the originals to back of the line is the day i quit watching TNA
Yea, but no one outside of TNA's diehard fans know who AJ Styles is. Therefore, if he left it wouldn't hurt the promotion.

Wtf is this? This is obviously the post of a man who hates TNA. Anyone who has watch TNA once knows who AJ Styles is. AJ Styles is a great name in professional wrestling. Unless he retired, it would hurt TNA incredibly if he left. He's one of the main faces of TNA, along with Kurt Angle, Sting, Samoa Joe, and (to me) Team 3D. And for all the people who say "Aj cant be the face! hes not in evry main eventz!", he doesn't need to be. That's a WWE fan's mistake. (WWE: where the same handful of people always need the championship shots and nothing is a surprise.)

I know AJ is an obvious choice, but for good reason. You know why? He's AJ Styles.
TNA with out a shadow of a doubt can not afford to lose AJ Styles. He is by far one of the most talented lightweights in all of Professional Wrestling today. He has shown he can take it to large men like Samoa Joe and yet battle it out with fellow lightweights such as Alex Shelly or Chris Sabin, and put on an amazing performance in either encounter. If he was to leave, TNA might not feel the impact at first but eventually the smaller guys would fall away just like in the WWE when they lost their cruiser weight division and TNA would fall apart.
I honestly don't think it matters cuz whoever leaves will sign with the WWE n get outshone by the guys like cena,orton,edge,etc...but if I had 2oo choose it'll have 2oo be kurt angle....cuz kurt basically put tna on the map n he's the only reason I watch the show
That's actually a really good question. There are quite a few answers to this because the top stars of TNA all bring something different to the table.

AJ Styles- This is obviously TNA's goldenboy. Pound for pound, I truly believe that AJ is the best wrestler in professional wrestling. Period. Angle is a close second because he still puts on a hell of a show despite all his neck problems and his body falling apart. So I do believe AJ is the answer to who they can't afford to lose ever.

Sting, Angle, Nash, Foley- these guys give TNA the heavy "star power" and veteren talent that each company needs. These guys help the younger stars (we hope) build their characters, inprove their ring skills, and just become an all around better performer. Thse guys are good to have around and depending on what they give to the company backstage, they could be very easy or very difficult to replace. It's possible to move on without these guys, but since they do more as they get older behind the scenes, it's really hard to say. It would be tough without these guys helping to lead the way a little. An argument could probably also be made for Angle alone. The only thing working against Angle is his age and if he goes back to the WWE, he will get his money he wants, the limited Taker/HBK-like schedule that he wants, and the star power he deserves. I didn't start watching TNA until Angle showed up and once Angle leaves, I might not watch it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

Cheap answer... Jarrett. Obviously they can't lose Jarrett because TNA is Jeff Jarrett. TNA is his baby and you can't go on very easily without your ring leader.

Samoa Joe- TNA's other kinda sorta goldenboy. Joe and AJ are the stars that TNA has built from the ground up. Yes I know about ROH... but you don't get built through ROH and come straight into a bigger company in a parallel position. Joe didn't come into TNA as a star. CM Punk didn't come into the WWE as a star. Chris Harris certainly didn't come into WWE as a good mid-card guy. So again... Joe along with AJ are the future of TNA. They've been built through the years for TNA by TNA and are huge assets to the company.
Kurt Angle is a former world champion in WWE and was in the main event for his last Wrestlemania, so I would have to say him
AJ Styles? Are you serious? You gotta be joking right? Nobody outside the 1% of wrestling fans known as the IWC can give to craps about AJ Styles. Lets be hinest people watch TNA to see the "Legends" and familar faces from the glory days of wrestling not their franchise player.

If the MEM were to leave TNA right now their ratings would plummet and TNA would be a newer version of WSX. Come to your senses people. the MEM is TNA not AJ Styles!!!
the one wrestler tna cannot loose is Aj Styles ... he the most athletic wrestler they have and one that has been 100 % with them frm the begining
Right now TNA can NOT afford to lose Kurt Angle. For the last, what I'm going to say feels like, three years, the main event scene has revolved around Angle. His is still their best worker on the mic and he is really their only known star who can draw ratings and still put on a watchable match. Over the years Kurt Angle has really become the face of the company. If TNA slowly began to drop him down on the card while elevating people like AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Beer Money, Eric Young, Abyss, and so on, I'm sure they could eventually lose Angle without much of an impact. (Pun intended.) However, right now, losing Kurt Angle would be the equivalent of WWE losing John Cena.
Eh, probably Dixie Carter, who as the president and bank roller of the train wreck called TNA, is damn important to it's long term future. I think without her gullibility and critical financial investments TNA would have be even more troubled than it already is.

In terms of active wrestler, as you specified in the OP, I honestly don't think they have anyone that would make or break the company.
I'd say AJ Styles, but that horse has been beaten to death. How about Consequences Creed?

Look, I know he isn't a top star right now. But, he is the future of TNA, whether you want to admit it or not. He has the right look to succeed anywhere, and can wrestle any style, against any opponent. This man gave Booker T a run for his money shortly after Booker arrived, and was being pushed to the moon.

If TNA lets him go, he'll go to WWE. They may strap him with a bad gimmick, and a bad name (not that it gets worse than what he has), but he'll be loved by the fans, and will end up with a title run of some sort. TNA needs to keep him, and let him build his career, before he gets the money and the fame somewhere else. He's obviously a fan favorite, and could be the guy that carries them past AJ's eventual downfall.

Yes, it will happen. They all have one. No wrestler stays on top for his entire career. Some try, but never do it.
I think right now it's AJ Styles he is the epitome of TNA highflying, risk taking, entertaining, unique, and very different from WWE. Then again he could be replaced with Samoa Joe. So TNA doesn't rely on anyone soley neither does WWE John Cena is just the biggest name same with AJ Styles they could be replaced but they probably won't anytime soon. TNA without AJ would be worse, but not horrible it would just mean some other X-division cruiserweight could get a major push and be champ.
Kurt Angle. Everyone expects him to leave when his contract expires. He was a major reason they ended up being mainstream. Spike TV even helped out with his salary! His matches are still the best of the night. A.J. Styles is a close second. He represents everything that WWE is not. I would have said Samoa Joe before TNA put this stupid gimmick on him.
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