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Who is the one fighter you cannot stand?


Warrior Forever
We've all got them, it could be someone who won a BS decision over your favorite fighter or someone who you think is just a plain jerk. Tell us who it is and why they take the spot as your least favorite fighter.

Mine has to go to the one and only: Josh Neer

The epitome of a cocky douchebag, I have had a negative opinion of Neer since his fight with Mac Danzig back in 2009. Throughout the fight he mocked Danzig(one of the chillest dudes in the world) calling him names and if I remember correctly flipping him off. On top of that the guy hit a cop car while intoxicated and then then ran, not exactly the kind of guy I want representing MMA. Fortunatly he's long gone from the UFC since Gleison Tibau threw a beating on him back at UFC 104. But if I could erase a fighter from the history books of MMA it would probably be Neer.

Honorable mentions: Nick Lentz, Dan Hardy, Kimbo Slice, Anderson Silva, Alex Caceres
Jon Fitch, without a doubt.

That man represents everything I hate about today's wrestler in MMA. The guy doesn't fight... he takes someone down and lays on them for 15 minutes. That is all he does, and it's just not entertaining to watch.

However, I would be able to live with that if he were a nice, humble guy. He used to be that way and I didn't have much of a problem with him. Lately though he's become extremely smug and arrogant, and it completely rubs me the wrong way. I also hate how before every fight he promises to finish his opponent, and come fight time... not once does he look to pass guard or lay down some serious ground and pound. It happens every single fight.

Moreover, he's overrated as fuck. People like to say no one can stop him with his style, but the fact is that's unproven because his fight resume isn't that impressive. His biggest win is Thiago Alves, a guy who fell pray to wrestlers plenty of times. If Fitch would stop ducking quality opponents for the "I deserve atitle shot" excuse, then maybe we could see how dominant he really is with that style.
Michael "The Cunt" Bisping. I have hated this guy ever since his run on TUF. He is just a pompous, loud mouth, ass hole. The problem is that I will watch any fight he has just because I want to see him get fucked up. His fight with Hendo was a thing of beauty just because of how Hendo knocked his ass out. I guess I should give him a little credit for pissing me off so much that I will watch his fights. He also knows how to talk up a feud and a fight like no other. Rest assured I will be watching this next season of TUF, as well as his fight with Mayhem.

Honorable mentions go to War Machine, Kalib Starnes, and Anderson Silva.
There are many fighters I really can't stand and I always hope they lose in brutal fashion each fight they enter. Some people pretty high on my hate list are Anderson Silva, Rashad Evans, sometimes BJ Penn, and Frank Mir. I root against them every fight no matter who there fighting. But lately this guy has made my number 1 hated fighter:


At first when I first saw Jones fight Andre Gusmao a couple years back I was the first to jump on his bandwagon and I instantly became a fan of Bones. His Bonnar fight made me even more of a fan. It's hard not to like his fight style by the way the throws his crazy shots and slick throws and I wouldnt had been surprised when he became champ. After his fight with Vera he came off as too cocky and arrogant and I slowly began to dislike him. After his destruction of Shogun I hated him, ahaha I don't know if it was the Pride fanboy in me or what. But he also seems to be a very fake person and I don't buy into his church-boy stopping bad guys act. To me he is coming off as another Rashad Evans. Also his recent news of not signing replica belts for fans and his shit talking towards Rashad really makes me not stand him even more. So coming up with his fight with Rampage, I really hope Jackson shuts him up and I feel Jones is even taking him lightly.
Fedor. I HATE Fedor. I respect what he has done for the sport, but I got so sick of hearing about him constantly and hearing about his greatness, I finally just couldn't deal with it anymore. He's a great fighter, or was, no question, but I hate him for reasons totally different than that.

Another guy has to be Anderson Silva. He just rubs me the wrong way, but I've hated him ever since the Demian Maia fight. That was such a disgusting display, easily one of the most unsportsmanlike things I've ever seen.
Fedor. I HATE Fedor. I respect what he has done for the sport, but I got so sick of hearing about him constantly and hearing about his greatness, I finally just couldn't deal with it anymore. He's a great fighter, or was, no question, but I hate him for reasons totally different than that.

Another guy has to be Anderson Silva. He just rubs me the wrong way, but I've hated him ever since the Demian Maia fight. That was such a disgusting display, easily one of the most unsportsmanlike things I've ever seen.

I agree with you on Silva but hating Fedor because hes talked about constantly, In that case hate the fans then, not the fighter, they're the ones bringing the hype to the hypetrain.

There are many fighters I really can't stand and I always hope they lose in brutal fashion each fight they enter. Some people pretty high on my hate list are Anderson Silva, Rashad Evans, sometimes BJ Penn, and Frank Mir. I root against them every fight no matter who there fighting. But lately this guy has made my number 1 hated fighter:


At first when I first saw Jones fight Andre Gusmao a couple years back I was the first to jump on his bandwagon and I instantly became a fan of Bones. His Bonnar fight made me even more of a fan. It's hard not to like his fight style by the way the throws his crazy shots and slick throws and I wouldnt had been surprised when he became champ. After his fight with Vera he came off as too cocky and arrogant and I slowly began to dislike him. After his destruction of Shogun I hated him, ahaha I don't know if it was the Pride fanboy in me or what. But he also seems to be a very fake person and I don't buy into his church-boy stopping bad guys act. To me he is coming off as another Rashad Evans. Also his recent news of not signing replica belts for fans and his shit talking towards Rashad really makes me not stand him even more. So coming up with his fight with Rampage, I really hope Jackson shuts him up and I feel Jones is even taking him lightly.

Well, I do say Jones may be getting a bit cocky, but the trashtalking towards Rashad is a double-sided thing, Rashad has taken this thing with Jones to another level and I do think that may be why Jones is becoming cocky as of lately, and trying to be a churchboy to save face.
and trying to be a churchboy to save face.

Yea, that's why he's been a "churchboy," to save his image. Not like he's been religious his entire life due to his father being a Preacher and he has the name of a book from the bible tatooed on his chest. He's doing it to protect his image. Guy goes way far with it in that case.

I can't stand a lot of fighters. Fitch is one because he is pretty much everything wrong with MMA today and people overrate him by saying he can beat every WW not named GSP. That gets quite annoying. I also hate Sean Mccorkle(Sp?) because he is a self proclaimed comedian all of the sudden and his posts on the UG are painful. I hate Matt Hughes as a person, but respect the hell out of him as a fighter. I dislike each of these men quite strongly, but there is one guy who surpasses them all.

It only happened recently when everybody started hyping him up as the best Heavyweight in the world, Josh Barnett. Since Overeem and Fedor are gone, people have been hyping the fuck out of this guy. They say he's going to steam through everybody in the GP and would destroy Cain if they somehow fought one day. Don't get me wrong, he has the potential to do these things, but he has a long road to it butI highly doubt he'll destroy everybody in the GP and I have Cain beating him quite easily, but he's a good fighter who is fun to watch and is incredibly charismatic. That said, he's a known cheater who was busted three times. That really pisses me off because I want to like him for his fighting skills and charisma but then I remember this happening. Add on the three failed drug tests to the over-hyping and I cannot stand him.
Jon Fitch, hands down. The guy feels that he is deserving of a title shot because he grapple-fucked 2 guys, one who got a fluke KO over Koscheck (Paulo Thiago), and another who's hype train derailed as soon as he ducked into Mike Swick's punches (Ben Saunders). Also, he went to a draw against a bloated up lightweight, in a fight that he started to finally show some aggression in the third round, after really showing nothing in the first two. Then, he complains about how he didn't get his rematch with Penn because the UFC decided to give a guy who's more than deserving of the shot in Carlos Condit, a guy who also said that if his teammate had the belt, he would fight him for it if that's what it took to get a shot at the belt. So, yeah, Jon Fitch is right up there when it comes to fighters I can't stand.
Matt Hughes. The guy's personality just bugs me. When he coached TUF 2, he just came off as such a douche bag and that pretty much just killed it for me. I think he puts on good fights for the most part and I enjoy watching him fight, but I celebrate when he loses. My main issues are with his personality, not his fighting, though.
Michael Bisping - As stated above, a loud mouth, cocky, overrated douchebag.

John Fitch - King of lay and pray but constantly bitching about not getting a title shot.

Frank Mir - Another cocky, "know it all" that just has that smug look on his face that you would like to see get smashed in. Thanks Brock!

Brendan Schaub - Another cocky douchebag who has only beaten "has beens' and thought he was one fight away from a title shot.

Tim Kennedy - Another guy who bitches every time he loses a fight and makes excuses. Also kisses ass always talking about the military.
Tim Kennedy - Another guy who bitches every time he loses a fight and makes excuses. Also kisses ass always talking about the military.

Yeah I hate those assholes who risk their lives fighting for their country and keeping everyone including you safe. I just can't stand it when fighters dedicate their fights to the military, it's so stupid and pointless and they don't deserve to be thanked at all. And Tim Kennedy is the worst being one of those soldiers who risked his life for you and then when he fights he talks about his brothers still fighting for freedom, god what a jerk........:rolleyes:
The Cunt Bisping-Just a douche bag complete lack of respect for anyone!! Overrated
GSP-yah yah i said it when everyone on the fucking planet loves you there is just something too good to be true!! He lays on his opponents for 25 minutes doesnt try to finish anyone and has a glass jaw
Nick and Nate Diaz-Geez need i say more!! Complete assholes douchebags and no respect for anyone!! Nick blew a million dollar fight with GSP because he doesnt like people! WTF suck it up Nick GSP would have wrecked you anyway!!
Warmachine-ahhh what hasnt been said about him!! What a tool but whenever he gets arrested again its entertaining to hear him talk yah know!! Hes got little man syndrome!! Goes out and wants to die in the phillipines in a bar during a knife fight!! Its true he did say that
Yeah I hate those assholes who risk their lives fighting for their country and keeping everyone including you safe. I just can't stand it when fighters dedicate their fights to the military, it's so stupid and pointless and they don't deserve to be thanked at all. And Tim Kennedy is the worst being one of those soldiers who risked his life for you and then when he fights he talks about his brothers still fighting for freedom, god what a jerk........:rolleyes:

No, Im the jerk because I listed other reasons why I don't like him. Just because he served this country I automatically need to love him as a "fighter". I guess I need to put him and the rest of the military on a pedastal even though I never asked them to go overseas. Im a jerk because I like Brian Stann, even though he never kisses ass like Kennedy, but dont care for Kennedy and his constant whining. This isn't the place to start talking about our government and going to war and all that so Im not even going to start. Besides, then you would really roll your eyes, like women do.

Please bring Kennedy to the UFC so he can get smashed by REAL Middleweights........:lol:
You can like whoever you want for whatever reason you want, it's just nice respect members of our military. What you portray as "kissing ass" is nothing but a man showing support for something he cares about, those soldiers that he is thinking about and thanking are like brothers to him and he's doing what a good brother does, support them. If you don't like his whining or you don't like him because he makes excuses then more power to ya, but because rip on the guy because he shows his love for his brothers.

I never said anything about him being good enough to take on the UFC's Middleweights, but i'll humor you. Kennedy may not have the skills to be one of the top dogs in the division but I think that with more training he could improve and be a threat, however the fact that he and Brian Stann are training partners might dissaude him from fighting in the UFC and I believe for now he has a good home in Strikeforce and should stay there while the promotion is still running. But Tim Kennedy right now could find some success in the UFC's Middleweight division, I'd see him beating guys like Dan Miller, Ed Herman, Alan Belcher but he'd have a difficult time with the likes of Sonnen, Stann, Munoz or Silva.
GSP Rocks. I do like watching a fight get finished but GSP takes no chances which keeps giving him the win. It's called strategy. Mr. Pedigree1 may need to rethink why he even watches the fights. GSP is Champ so whatever you say about him doesn't matter because he has clearly made you look like the douch
Diaz is just a complete douche bag. I want to see him fight GSP, I just hope if they do fight. there would be 2 title fights that night so we'd have another one after GSP knocks him out in round 1.
Gray Maynard - I don't really care about how good his fight was with Frankie Edgar, his behaviour after he knocked himself out against Rob Emerson just made me not like this guy at all. Can't stand the guy, not one bit.

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