Who is the most popular ever, Hogan, Austin or The Rock?

Who Is Most Popular

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • The Rock

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WWF Champion
There seems to be a few threads comparing any combination of these 3 legends, and it seems that many peoples opinions are based on simply who their favourite wrestler is.

Therefore I was interested to see simply who the most popular is, not who sold most merchandise, PPV's etc, simply who your favourite was and why?

To start the ball rolling, my favourite was The Rock. When Hogan and Austin became megastars, they didn't really have 'competition' to be the top dog. When The Rock suddenly burst onto the scene he was competing against Austin. In the space of a year, The Rock went from being hated in The Nation and having 20,000 fans chanting 'Rocky Sucks' & 'Die Rocky Die' to having the same fans singing along with his catchphrases and chanting his name simply by him requesting it.

I will not doubt that Hogan and Austin are not popular and people may point to WM17 and WM18 where The Rock was outcheered. However WM17 was in Texas and WM18 The Rock had become a little stale, The Rock was at his best in the summer of 1999 (watch DVD's, Videos or go on You Tube or Daily Motion to find out what I mean).

Therefore my choice is The Rock.
It`s a tough choice. For me it`s Stone Cold specially because he stood up in the period 97-start of 98..a very delicate period for WWF.

As for the rock; WM 17 and 18 are not the only time fans turned on him. They turned on him Summerslam 02 (not literally but could feel it) vs. Brock and I can remember him getting booed vs.Y2J in their first feud. But he was VERY popular..no doubt here. He was able to stand up while Austin and Taker were out.

As for Hogan..well he is Hogan. I don`t like really like him. My choice is Austin but in reality...Hogan is arguable the most popular of those 3. Well his career is much longer to start with; maybe if Austin stayed...
I'm a little biased here.

I absolutely despise Hulk Hogan. I know he did a lot for wrestling, but I could never stand him.

When I ask who is "most popular" it has to be Austin. Why? People still like him. Hogan has too many problems, when he did his reality show it showed a little of the side no one wanted to see. And when The Rock left, a lot of fans felt like he turned his back on them. While Austin still comes back from time to time for the fans. Austin just got hurt. There is no way of knowing if he'd still be wrestling had he not been injured, but the point his, Austin is still loved by the majority of the fans.
So I didn't watch wrestling much in the 80's given that I was born 85, I undersrtand the hogan buzz of that time but I got completely caught up in rock and austin buzz, rock always made me laugh, austin brought an intensity, it was like ying and yang, because of the exlplosive nature of austins entrance, finisher, sudden appearance and unpredictability I have 2 go with austin, rock is awesome tho and in years 2 come I'll look bak fondly on his promos and catchphrases and sheer charisma.
My personal favourite is the Rock, he only got booed against lesnar as everyone knew he was leaving and was angry, and against hogan people were full of the novelty of hogan being back in the wwe. The rocks heel persona at times was even better than him being a face and his funniest moments were in his last fued with austin and against goldberg. It seemed whenver he was a heel people were aching to cheer him. If he hadn't of left wrestling after only 5 years full time and was still there know i have no doubt he'd go down as the best ever.

However Austin is the most popular ever he is the biggest star of all time in buyrates and accomplished his highest success despite having about 70% of the mobility he had before summerslam 97, he didn't have rock's charisma but all round entertainment was amazing.

If hogan was startin his career now he would be booed out of the building as his ringwork is there with the great khali and people would hate his crowd ass kissing antics.
I can't give it to Rock as he has completely left which has hurt him a bit, but also because Hogan just flat out outpopped him at WM 18 when the Rock was in his prime and Hogan was an old man. Austin got huge pops and is the only person really in Hogan's league, but I think you can only compare people to what they did in their era. Wrestling in the 80s was very different from wrestling in the Attitude Era. To say Hogan dominated the 80s is an understatement. The closest person to him was Randy Savage and even he with all of his greatness was miles behind him. Austin and Rock were very competitive for that top spot with Rock passing him at tiems. Based on that, I have to give it to Hogan.
Well since the Original Poster contradicts himself, first by asking who the most popular wrestler of the three is, then asking who is your favourite, possibly of the three, it is hard to understand what he wants.

But the most popular of the three has to be Hulk Hogan. Hogan is probably the only wrestler my mother in law could even think about if I asked her to name a wrestler. He is a pop culture idol and could easily outpop every other man in wrestling, every time he came out onto that stage.

Austin would be the second biggest in popularity, and the rock might not even be in the top three.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say The Rock. My friends who don't even follow wrestling at all know who The Rock is. Why? Quite simply his cross-over appeal. IF we're discussing who is the most popular amongst wrestling fans or discussing who is just overall the most popular individual, The Rock fits both criteria.

I mean it's been quite a few years now since he's retired an fans still talk about, quote him, and use him a standard for top wreslters in the WWE. But I guess the same could be said with Hogan and Austin. Not to mention his moive career, to which it's success could be debated, has made him known to another audience which doesn't watch wrestling.

All in all all three of these men have their own traits that make them popular and have left their own legacy, who's the most popular depends mostly on fan opinion, because it could be said they're all equally popular.
If you want the most popular it has to be Austin seeing as he has outsold any other wrestler in merchandise.

But if your asking who is my favourite out of the three, by a slight margin I would say the Rock, But in fact I think all 3 were boring and stale.

Hogan- Seeing has I grew up in the 80's, I was a huge Hogan fan until about 1989-98 when he just got boring and always forced his way into the championship picture (The Bret Hart-Yokozuna match comes to mind)

Austin- Austin was ok when he first came out with the Austin 3:16 personality, but once again he got to boring and repetitive. Come out stun someone, drink some beer, Stun someone drink some beer, over and over and over again.

Rock-The reason I picked the Rock as my favourite is at least his Promo's were funny and usually original. But in the ring his moves were very cartoonish and very predicatable. C'mon every one insults Cena because he has a 6 move set, I think the Rock only had a 3 move set.
I would have to say Hogan is the most popular. I think Hogan paved the way for wrestlers like Austin and The Rock. Hogan definately put professional wrestling on the map and I don't know where wrestling would be if Hogan never existed. I personally can't stand Hogan, but I have to give him props on being the most popular wrestler ever. As for who I liked the best myself, I would have to say Austin and The Rock are a tie in my book, especially during the attitude era. They both had great promos and awesome abilities, but eventually both of them got boring to me.
Who is the most popular as of right now? That's gotta be The Rock. Millions of people fondly remember him from his wrestling career and millions more love him for his movie career. The guy is popular.

Taking non-wrestling related endevours out of the equation makes the answer Hogan, most Rocky marks would still cheer Hogan over him, me being one of the few exceptions. Most Austin marks would cheer Hogan over Austin as well (why d'ya think the fabled match has never happened?) so yeah it is Hogan. Even in his negative media publicity stint he is still the most popular person wrestling has produced.

The most popular figure of all time taking everything into the equation is probably Hogan as well for pretty much the reason's I stated above.

So the answer is in my opinion Hulk Hogan.
This one is a rather tough decision. When I started watching it when I was a young kid, I would have easily said Hulk Hogan..he was the one that got me watching. And I think Hogan is definitely the most popular wrestler there ever was and probably ever will be. He transcended the sport and along with Vince and Wrestlemania brought wrestling into the spotlight that it's in today. With his movies and plethora of media appearances, Hogan become an icon in the 80s to compete with some of the top of the decade such as Arnold and Sylvester. Because of what he did, and how he did it I don't think any wrestler will ever be as well known or as popular as he was and still is...you can ask a nonfan and they'll probably know who Hulk Hogan is and maybe even the Rock, but not necessarily Austin.

But anyway, on to the real question. Looking back on it now, I would say it's out of the Rock and Austin as my favorite. These two were the posterboys during the biggest era in wrestling history and put on loads of great matches and storylines for several years. This is not to mention the great rivalry that the two had..one of the best in history. That being said, there is one thing that kind of sways my decision though it shouldn't..the Rock leaving. We all know how young he was when he left and how much more he could have done...in my mind he could have come very close to Hogan. But the most disappointing thing is that he has completely left the sport that really made him. I understand moving on to bigger and better things, and following your heart, but it would be nice to see him around occassionaly. Even if it was just for Mania every year that would be more than enough. Austin even only appears 2-3 times a year normally and though I'd like to see him more, that's plenty.

So because of this I would have to say Austin is my fav. He was really the ultimate rebel and the guy that would kick his boss' ass all the time like everyone wants to. He may not have been the best role model for kids, but damn was Stone Cold entertaining to watch night in and night out...never gets old for me and I completely mark out every time he comes back.
Wow, what a question. I love how many different people favour different people, rather than everyone ending up agreeing. If I look at it in terms of reactions, it is definitly Stone Cold. For me personally, I think Hogan, he is the only one of the three who gives me goosebumps when he comes out, now anyway. I watched Wrestlemania 21 the other day, when Hogan comes out to save Eugene from Muhammad Hassan and Davari. What a moment. I don't understand some of the personal decisions he makes, but he is most definitly my favourte of the three.
I was at Wrestlemania 23 when Austin refereed Battle Of The Billionaires, now admittadly it was Wrestlemania, so that was exciting (obviously) but when Austin came out, people erputed. Ok yeah, I know he has done a lot for the WWE but he is the one of these three that the fans still see on a semi - regular basis, perhaps twice a year. Personally I have become fed up with Austin's constant returns and him just saying "Can of Woop Ass" and "Because Stone Cold Said So." He is constantly returning and doing the same thing over and over, enforcer, referee or a cameo, to be honest it is getting old. I respect Austin so much, as I do Hogan and The Rock, but he doesn't do anything different, which is what some people love about him, evidently, but I'd like to see something different. There is an oppotunity for Austin to do that at Mania this year, which is why I would have so much respect for both Austin and Hogan if they were to give us fans the match we all want. Plus Austin is immortal, perhaps more than Hogan, "What" is something we hear at least one person every week on any WWE show shout, minimum.
Live events are also very telling as to what wrestlers overall popularity is like. Tshirts, signs. You can't goto an event without seeing a Ausin 3:16 t-shirt, or one of the hundreds of tshirts Austin brings in when he comes back. Its only occassional you see a Hogan shirt. Plus you can always see a "Bob 3:16" sign or something like that.

My personal choice: Hogan.
Choice of the typical modern WWE audience: Austin.

(I know it won't but I can hope)
As for the Rock, I don't like him. Unfourtuntly I have the mark's view that he just sold out to Hollywood, enough said.
Since the thread says who "is" the most popular, i'll think of right now...

If all three guy were to make a suprise appearance, I'd think Rocky would get the biggest pop.
Hogan has been through alot of crap the last couple of years, some of which has made him look really bad. And of course, the celebrity wrestling show. So among fans, he's out of the running for most popular at the moment.

So it's really between austin and rock.
They both did great things for the business in the past, and fans have fond memories of both. In terms of wrestling, they were about even. But when it came to mic skills, well you gotta give it to Rock.
So if they were to return and give a 2 minute promo, followed by a match, I'd say more people would be into The Rock, simply cause he is the master of promos. He can make you laugh out loud or leave you speechless. Don't get me wrong, Austin was great on the mic too. But he's no Rock.
I gotta give this one to the Rock. He is the only one that became uber popular both in the wrestling industry and out of the wrestling industry. Every movie Hogan starred in was absolute crap and couldn't pull in half the money that movies starring the Rock have pulled in (even though the rock's been is some pretty bad movies himself), and unlike Hogan and Stone Cold, he'll never need to go back to wrestling because he's popular enough that he doesn't need to.
It's a rather easy question to be honest. Simply more people watched wrestling when Hogan was wrestling. In fact you could argue that more people watched because of Hogan.

Austin and Rock though are without a doubt huge huge stars and whatever Marks may tell you otherwise are bigger on there own than Undertaker, Hart,and HBK combined in terms of popularity.

However no-one can even compete to Hogan on it, although I awknowledge that nowadays among wrestling fans his support is slowly diminishing due to it been a different generation, and due to his absense from wrestling TV.
This is a tough one... and it depends completly on the point of view you want to have...

It could be "Wrestler inside the wrestling world"
or "Wrestler outside the wrestling world"
or "most popular personality (meaning non-wrestling related opinion, just most popular)"
or just "most popular overall of all times among wrestling + non-wrestling fans"

The first one is HOGAN... easily... you can hate him and say he is crap... but for sure a lot of current wrestling fans were 5 or 6 years old (or weren't even born yet) when Hogan was on his prime and all of them were cheering and marking out for Hogan... Anyways almost any wrestling fan can tell you who Hogan is and what he did while active, his poor move set, his catchphrases, his role in Rocky III, his WCW stint, his heel turn, been Hollywood Hogan, etc... but some of those fans don't remember who "the ring master" or "Flex Cavana" are, anyways Rock and Austin are huge (and Austin bigger than Rock)... but not as big as Hogan was on his prime...

Now outside the Wrestling world, I have to say it depends on the time, as I said, Hogan was huge in the 80's he was a cartoon!!! But currently I have to say The Rock.... eerrrr... Dwayne Johnson... He's had a great year on movies... But again, he was famous as Dwayne Johnson, he is popular outside the wrestling world for being a movie star, not a wrestler turned into a movie star... And as far as I know, this is how he wants to be recognized... and he has some fans from wrestling world who still think he will be back someday to wrestle again because all of his "love for the business"

Answering the third one, the most popular CURRENTLY is The Rock and I already explained why

And the last one should be also HOGAN... he is by far the most recognizable (hence popular) wrestler of all times... outside and inside the wrestling world... most people doesn't know that Dawyne Johnson was a popular wrestler... maybe people know he was a wrestler... but that's it... that fact does not increase his popularity with non-wrestling fans...

And as much as I'm an Austin mark, I don't think he has reached the levels of these two outside the wrestling fans...
hmmm this is the toughest question in quite some time.

I have to go Stone Cold. He was everyone's idol. I know grown adults who loved Austin and would do anything to be him. Hogan appealed to kids and teenagers, but I think it's unlogical to say that Hogan was idolized by non-children.

Austin made everyone love him. Austin was part of the best storyline ever and capitalized on it in a way that nobody else could, past, present, or future.

Stone Cold's character was inventive and new, and he ushered in the new "attitude era of the WWF/WWE." When Austin became popular, things began to take shape. Rivalries became deep and semi-realistic. His promos left you wondering as a kid, "is this real?" Austin did more for the company than anyone else did, IMO. He may have not lasted long, but he is the standard for today. There will be other guys like "The Rock." I don't think we will ever see another Stone Cold, as hard as Vince and the creative team tries to re-create him.
If you want to know the most popular wrestler of the three then hands down its HULK HOGAN. this guy has been an ICON in entertainment for decades and considering the fact that if all three of them ever returned HOGAN would out pop all of them.

Personally I don't like hogan but you can't count out the fact that he's been using the same gimmiick almost his whole career and people STILL love it. Hogan is the most popular and most respected of theose three hands down.
Yup tough choice, id ya so who's done the most for the business i'd have to say Hogan. However he's the least entertainment value of the three.

But onto that, as soon as A Real American hits the speakers everyone from every era would know who it was. He without a doubt would have to be the most well known character in wrestling history.

The Rock and Austin were like Jessie Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon or JR and and The King. They were awesome because they played off each other and Jelled so well and since they were in the same generation it made for the most dynamic and entertaining era in history.. The Biggest Ego vs The Toughest SOB. what better combination coulda ya want

Now to a previous post that said everyone still loves Austin and that The Rock turned his back on wrestling, while that is true, may i remind you that Austin walked out on the WWE 3 times. Do you remember that bit?

All 3 of them were awesome personality's in there era but all 3 have showed darker sides of themselves that noone expected, and eventually became boring

surviveability/contribution to the sport/best known icon - Hogan hands down
Charisma/Wrestling entertainment - The Rock/Austin tie in my book
Music - Austin
Mic Work/Comedy - The Rock

My favourite would be The Rock purely for his mic skills and catch phrases, but all things come to an end and everyone gets boring at some point.

And if all 3 were to offer a return match at the fans request i'd want to see The Rock over the other 2.
My personal favorite of the 3 was The Rock. I loved Hogan as a kid and throughout his NWO days but around 98 when The Rock started breaking away from the Nation he became my favorite wrestler outside of Bret Hart of course but by that time he was basically just a part time guy.

But as fas as who was the most popular it has to go to Hogan. This guy transcended wrestling, hell the guy had his own cartoon and was on the cover of Sports Illustrated. In the 80s he was as close to a rockstar as a wrestler could be. Just another little tidbit he was the number 1 most requested celebrity for the make a wish foundation as well in the 80s.

I know that The Rock is a movie star now but neither him or Austin were as big of celebrity outside the world of wrestling than Hogan. The Rock maybe now but at the time he actually wrestled he wasnt, hell even now you see Hogan in all the gossip magazines like People, Star, US and all of those. Yes I know most of it is negative but the fact is that he is still in them and it shows how big of star he is to this day. I doubt any other wrestler would garner that much attention over negative press.

With all that said I would go Hogan 1, and its a toss up between The Rock and Austin. Austin sold more merchandise and spear headed the Attitude era but when Austin was on the sidelines with an injury in late 99 through mid 00 and The Rock was the main guy Raw's ratings were at their highest. I also believe during that time The Rock actually hosted Saturday Night Live which is a pretty impressive feat for a wrestler, so maybe at one point he was just as popular as Austin.
Although Steve Austin is my favorite all time, I have to say the most popular is Hogan.

Rock and Austin during their eras may have been more individually popular than Hogan was during his time but through 3 decades of wrestling Hogan is still known by pretty much everyone. Where Austin and Rock gained popularity from the late 90's on. Hogan has been from the 80's and still is popular.

Hogan is my pick.
Although Stone Cold is my favorite out of this list. I will say the most popular is Hulk Hogan.

Hogan has been wrestling for at least 3 or 4 decades now & Hogan is still known by almost every wrestling fan out there. Rock & Austin gained popularity during the Attitude era & were more individually popular than Hogan was during his time. Rock has had more success outside of the wrestling world but to the non wrestling fans people won't really remember The Rock for his wrestling like they would for Hulk Hogan.
My personal favourite is the Rock he had great charisma and was very good on the mic this things helped hide his repetitive and sometimes crazy move set. I think leaving the wwe made the fans turn on him.

Steve Austin possibly the most famous wrestler of the last 13 years in my opinion is tied with hogan in terms of popularity with the wwe/f fans but in terms of popularity universally the rock is the most famous because of all the things he has done outside the ring.

Popularity with wwe fans

1.Steve Austin
2.Hulk Hogan
3.The Rock

Popularity outside wrestling

1.The Rock
2.Steve Austin
3.Hulk Hogam
It's really not even close on this one because with all due respect to The Rock and Austin, Hogan was basically the Michael Jordan of wrestling. I am a fan of all 3 but without Hogan, wrestling's history would have been significantly different. I grew up through all of them as wrestling basically exploded right in front of my eyes during the 80's and then the late 90's and politics aside, Hogan was the major dude during those times.

(1) For those of you who may not remember, Hogan basically took the WWF from high school gyms to selling out arenas across the country. You couldn't find one single wrestler (other than haters) who didn't hope they were on a card with Hogan because they knew they stood to benefit

(2) Hogan took wrestling mainstream (i.e. MTV, NBC, Wrestlemania, Rocky III, etc.) The man headlined the first 3 Wrestlemania's and was the single greatest and most popular icon ever. His pop has gone on for years for almost 30 years, not 3-4 years or 5-8 years, 30 years! Yes there will be some that get tired of seeing him but look at the fact that years after his hey dey the man still out-popped The Rock at Wrestlemania and if he'd won that match the place would've exploded

(3) Hogan didn't just do it as a face, he revolutionized the business both as a face and as a heel with the NWO. No two single eras in their prime did more for wrestling than Hogan's 80's run through the WWF and the NWO's (The real NWO's) run in the 90's. Austin's run in WWF is right there but that was big time in response to the NWO stuff and had WCW not screwed up with Sting or Brett Hart as poorly as they did and the sale of the product that brought in absolutely incompetent wrestling people, WCW would have been around.

(3) It's much harder to pave the way than it is to follow once the road has been built. Hogan did all of that and while there were some big time guys along the way (Piper, Savage, etc.) Hogan was the deal. He did movies, cartoons, late night TV shows, etc. before anyone ever thought they could.

You gotta give credit where credit is due, the only problem with Hogan besides the other issues personally now is he's just gotten older and that's what happens to everyone. Austin's pop was maybe 1/3 of Hogan's in terms of the number of years and if Hogan came back tomorrow the place would go crazy. Why do you think Austin won't come back (save the injury stuff) because he knows that if he wanted to do right by the business then he'd have to put Hogan over and it kills him to admit that.

Personal stuff aside, Hogan's biggest mistakes in his career is he really should've made it very difficult to beat him towards the end. Beating Hogan should've been huge and for those who don't agree, the man paid his dues to get what he got, he came up the real way and earned it. I can't tell you how frustrating it was for fans to watch Verne Gagne continue to put Bockwinkel over in the 80's in the AWA and step on Hogan but he got what he should've when Hogan left for the WWF. Hogan paid his dues and when he took the belt he ran with it and was the single most popular and charismatic wrestler ever.

(4) He put over the Ultimate Warrior and the Warrior dropped the ball. When you consider true pop in the history of wrestling, with the exception of the Ultimate Warrior in his prime (sad but true), the Rock, and Austin, name one other wrestler who Hogan should've put over. There really isn't one. HHH, Shawn Michaels, Savage, Bret Hart, Sting, Flair, etc. were all quality guys but none with perhaps the exception of Michaels in his prime had the real juice and charisma to carry the torch so to speak and carry it for years until another came. Hogan knew it because all of those guys were coming up while he was doing his thing with the exception of Flair. The only problem Michaels had is that he's always been a spoiled brat in the ring. His lack of class when he had to put Hogan over at SummerSlam and how he dealt with it afterwards is exactly the reason why he was never the guy. It was always about him and not the fans or wrestling and before you jump on Hogan remember than he's the one that did pass the torch and gave up all his juice and all his pop for the good of wrestling when he put over the Ultimate Warrior only to have the Warrior completely drop the ball and cause wrestling to go into a tail spin for years until the NWO hit and Hogan made the turn followed by the Austin/McMahon angle which together saved wrestling across the board. Hogan had built his juice/pop for years and gave it all up while still in his prime to the Warrior. You can only do that once and I don't blame him for being political for years after that, wouldn't you? In reality, he really did it twice and both times got burned because the Warrior dropped the ball and then the Rock left wrestling. I named 3 guys who should've had a chance and he put 2 of them over and both left the business so what was the point of him losing to them. Hogan gave his life to the business and did what he could to both protect the brand and his character/pop, which was important. If guys across the board defeated him then what did it say about the business as a whole? He let more guys beat him than he should've anyways (Goldberg, HHH, Taker, the UFC guy (why name him), etc.) Yes Taker is great but he can never be the face of wrestling (i.e. kids, moms, grandmas, NBC, etc.) but he could've been the greatest heel ever.

Last but not least, who's the only wrestler ever to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated?

Popularity between the 3
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Steve Austin
3. The Rock (only behind Austin because he left the business because he's really the only one who could've done it like Hogan for years because he was young and had major charisma and the

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